Dispelling The Canadian Wolf Myth

Today, in honor of National Wolf Awareness Week, I’m reposting an article I wrote back in April of this year. It busts the oft-repeated myth that wolves reintroduced to the US in 95 from Canada, are a larger more aggressive wolf then previously roamed the Northern Rockies. It’s a common mantra spread by the anti-wolf crowd and is not grounded in fact. But hey why bother with pesky facts? They just get in the way of demonizing wolves.


April 12, 2010

If I had a dollar every time I heard the derogatory term “Non-Native Canadian wolf”, I’d be rich.

The myth goes something like this. Wolves reintroduced to Yellowstone and Central Idaho in 1995 were a larger, non-native, more aggressive wolf then the wolves who roamed the Northern Rockies before the Western extermination. This kind of thinking and rhetoric is what fuels wolf hatred in the first place. When nasty rumors and stories get started they develop legs. Pretty soon people are repeating it as if it’s fact. My advice would be to do a little research on the history of wolves and their morphology, instead of repeating rumors and innuendo. But this myth has nothing to do with the search for truth, it’s all about demonizing wolves. Please make it your business to shed light on these fairy tales. The wolves will thank you.

I wonder how many people who make these claims have ever seen a wild wolf? I’ve been lucky to view wild wolves. One of my Malamutes, who passed away several years ago, was bigger and weighed more than any wolf I’ve ever encountered. He was 180 lbs full-grown. He was so tall he could actually eat food right off the kitchen counter. But unlike the wolf his body was stockier. Wolves have long legs, big feet and large heads, their bodies are also longer than dogs. This gives them the appearance of being bigger then they actually are. Wolves in the Northern Rockies weigh on average between 80-110 lbs. Wolves also weigh more when their bellies are full. That’s because after a kill wolves gorge on a meal because they may not eat again for several days. It’s feast or famine for the wolf. Remember, only one in ten wolf hunts is successful. They expend a great deal of energy during the hunt and very often have nothing to show for it.

Did you know 31% of the wolves killed in Montana’s hunt were under a year of age (juveniles) and weighed an average of 62 lbs.  31% were yearlings and weighed about 80 lbs. 62% of wolves killed in Montana’s wolf hunt in 2009 were a year old or under a year of age, in other words, PUPPIES! Shocked? Only 38% of wolves killed in Montana’s hunt were adults, weighing an average 97 lbs. The largest wolf weighed 117 lbs. Again way smaller than my Malamute. The average weight of wolves killed in the Idaho hunt was under a 100 lbs.

There is strong evidence the two subspecies of wolves that roamed the Rocky Mountains north and south of the Canadian border, for tens of thousands of years,  Canis Lupus Occidentalis (The Mackenzie Valley wolf) and Canis Lupus Irremotus (Northern Rocky Mountain wolf) bred with each other and mixed their genes. Some believe the Mackenzie Valley wolves bred the Northern Rocky Mountain wolf out of existence, instead of the government eliminating them.

It’s a specious argument, not grounded in science, to state Canis Lupus Occidentalis is a non-native wolf from Canada that was foisted upon the Northern Rockies region. In fact wolves know no boundaries and regularly cross back and forth between Canada and the US. There is no doubt sub-species exchanged DNA, making it almost impossible to tell how much of one subspecies is contained in another.

The whole idea of numbers of wolf subspecies is debated in the scientific world, ranging from 24 to just 5. The one thing we do know is wolves from different subspecies mate and share their DNA. The truth is, wolves are wolves, with slight variations in height, weight or fur color.

Think how silly the notion is when you consider humans created the boundaries between Canada and the US. To wolves it’s all the same landscape. They do what wolves do, breed, form packs and when they’re old enough strike out on their own, looking for new territory and a mate. It’s really that simple. Wolf thy name is wanderlust.

Wolves have large territories and travel great distances to establish a place for themselves. Does anyone truly believe wolves didn’t freely cross borders before they were exterminated in the West? Invisible lines created by humans have no meaning for wolves. They go as they please, truly free yet horribly persecuted, never knowing why.

Wolves are great wanderers and can travel an average of 25 miles per day while hunting. One Scandinavian wolf, pursued by hunters, traveled 125 miles in 24 hours. Wolves have runners bodies, lean and sleek. David Mech, the wolf biologist once stated “Wolves are fed by their feet.” Covering ground, exploring, seeking new territory, is bound to the wolves’ soul.  One only has to read the tale of wolf 314f, just a year and a half old, who traveled from her home in Montana to a lonely hillside called No Name Ridge in Colorado, where she was found dead under suspicious circumstances. She logged a thousand miles on her GPS collar during her amazing journey. Wolves are great adventurers and travelers.

Do wolf haters think there is some imaginary line at the border between Canada and the US that wolves didn’t dare cross? How ridiculous is that?

Long before the reintroduction, wolves made their way back to the US in the 1970’s and 80’s, dispersing from Canada to Glacier National Park,  They formed the Camas, Wigwam and Magic packs and these packs were not small, some numbering from twenty to thirty wolves. Does this sound like an animal who’s afraid to cross an invisible line they’ve been navigating for thousands of years, long before Canada and the United States were even a thought?

It follows that sub-species of wolves will mix their genes and basically become a combination of both. The myth that wolves reintroduced from Canada are somehow enormous super wolves who never set foot on American soil before reintroduction, is ludicrous. If you don’t believe me listen to experts on the subject, who have worked with wolves for years and understand their morphology.

Carter Niermeyer Interview (Outdoor Idaho) Spring 2009 (Carter Niermeyer was the Idaho Wolf Recovery Coordinator for USFWS from 2000 to 2006)

Q.There are those who say we brought the wrong wolves into Idaho in 1995 and 1996, that they’re bigger wolves than the ones that were here.

CN: I have to support the science again, and specialists in morphology and genetics on wolves indicate that the wolf that was brought down from Canada is the same wolf that lived here previously. And I did some research into books on early wolves that were captured in the Northern Rockies, even as far south as Colorado during the days that wolves were being hunted down in the 1930s; and the body weights were very much the same.

So I feel that this wolf that was brought from Canada is the same species and genetics as the wolves that lived here once upon a time. I think people have to remember that the northern Rockies — we call it the northern Rockies in Idaho and Montana, but actually we’re a southern extension of the northern Rockies out of Canada — and all of those wolves in Canada have the potential and the ability to disperse. I believe what happened over the last 50-60 years is that individual wolves have come from Canada following the Rocky Mountain chain and ended up periodically in places like Montana and Idaho.

Or Mike Jimenez (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist and Wyoming wolf recovery coordinator)

Jimenez disputed claims that the wolves reintroduced from Canada in the mid-1990s are a larger, more aggressive breed than had historically lived in Wyoming.

While scientists once divided wolves into 24 subspecies, he said more recent DNA evidence shows five subspecies in North America. Further, given the fact that wolves tend to disburse hundreds of miles, he said wolves from Canada likely interbred with Wyoming wolves and vice versa before they were exterminated from the region.

“The idea that those Canadian wolves are different … the argument gets weak,” he said. “Where they transition from one subspecies to the next is totally up for grabs.”

People cling to anti-wolf myths because wolves have become scapegoats for anti-government feelings. Many anti-wolfers believe reintroducing wolves was forced on them even though bringing wolves home to the Northern Rockies was not a rogue scheme dreamed up by a few government biologists. It was supported by many Americans. In fact a poll taken in 1990 found two-thirds of Montanans supported bringing wolves back to the state. Even so, it was a huge battle that waged for decades because the same, small, vocal minority that opposes wolves today were against them then, IE: ranchers, hunters and outfitters.

The feds finally compromised and classified wolves as a non-essential experimental population, which meant they could be shot and killed for agribusiness.

The little known fact is Wildlife Services has been killing wolves for years, along with the wolf hunts in 2009/2010. Still without ESA protection wolves would NEVER have been able to make any kind of comeback. It’s been their saving grace and now sadly they are at the mercy of their enemies once again.

What’s behind the giant Canadian wolf myth that’s passed off as truth? I believe it’s fear of competition. Many hunters don’t want to share the woods or compete with wolves. They liked it when wolves were gone and elk were complacent, standing around all day, munching down aspen trees, never allowing them to get any taller than a few feet. Apparently hunters like lazy, slow elk, ones that are easier to kill.  Since the return of the wolf, elk are no longer complacent, their old nemesis is back and they know it.  I think Carter Niermeyer hit the nail on the head when he said:

“Hunters look at the wolf from many angles and perspectives, too, and I have to emphasize that I’m a hunter. Certainly wolves compete, but I don’t think they’re any excuse for not being a successful hunter. There’s tremendous numbers of game animals available to sportsman and with a little effort and sleuth, you still have great potential to collect a wild animal from hunting. I don’t know what the excuse was before wolves, but it has become the main excuse now for unsuccessful hunters. I mean, there are just so many other issues involved in why hunters are not successful, but the wolf is a lame excuse.”

It’s necessary to spread untruths about wolves to further the agenda of getting rid of them or make excuses for why a particular hunter wasn’t able to “get his elk” during hunting season. I’ve reported over and over that the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation trumpeted in the their Spring 2009 press release that elk numbers were up 44% nationally since 1984, when the organization was founded. They stated the elk herds in Montana, Colorado and Utah  increased between 50-70 percent.  The Montana’s elk population stood at 150,000 and Idaho at 105,000.  I guess that wasn’t good news to everyone, since it doesn’t fit in with the “wolf is decimating all the elk” argument. Hunters whine that elk numbers may be up in the state but down in some areas. Ummmmmm that’s how nature works. And I hate to break it to the elk hunters but it’s not all about them. Wolf advocates opinions are being ignored. We’ve had to watch in horror as wolves were removed from the Endangered Species List and hunted almost immediately.

This was unforgiveable behavior by the states and certainly didn’t earn any points with wolf supporters about their intent to “manage” wolves fairly.  It’s not a secret there’s a conflict of interest when it comes to state game agencies “managing/killing” predators.  They want to please their customers, the hunters, who demand more game. The saddest part of this story is wolves were brought back only to be used for target practice fifteen years later.

Carter  Niermeyer states:

It’s a little late now, but I wish that when the states assume management of wolves that there could have been some kind of a moratorium where the states took the responsibility and didn’t jump right into a wolf harvest, or a wolf culling, or whatever you want to call it. It would’ve been nice, I think, to establish some credibility with wolf advocates and conservationists, environmentalists and people who appreciate wolves for other values. And just sort of get a handle on things and get a feel for managing the wolf. Because there’s this perception that suddenly we’re going from a listed animal to a hunted animal and I think a lot of the public is having a struggle with coming along with that.

The other thing I wish could happen, too, is there’d be more dialogue between the broad term wolf advocates and the Fish and Game Department and talk about these issues more openly, because the conservation groups have been a close ally in getting wolf recovery moving forward and actually being partners, and now there seems to be this falling out and a relationship that’s deteriorating.

Wolf advocates are rightly upset to see wolves hunted at all, especially freshly off the Endangered Species List.

I wonder how hunters would feel if over 40% of the elk herd was killed in one season. What would they think of a seven month-long elk hunt like the state of Idaho imposed on wolves?

Are Canadians laughing at us when they hear the Canadian super-wolf myth? Does this mean Canadians are superior hunters, who seem to have no trouble bagging game with their Canadian monster wolves roaming the countryside?

The truth is wolves living in the Northern Rockies today are the same wolves that were here before they were exterminated. It’s not about how tall wolves are or how much they weigh or the color of their fur. This myth is grounded in hatred of a species just as it was when they were exterminated the first time around.

Hunters by their very nature are in the business of killing and not all hunters can shoot straight or are ethical. There are people who hunt out of their rigs, while drinking.  Gut shot deer roam the forest during hunting season, leaving blood trails until they finally collapse and die. I’ve seen deer with arrows sticking out of them, barely able to stand.

If anyone has seen Predator Derby pictures of bloody dead coyotes, or dead wolves displayed by their killers with no respect, smiling like they just won the lottery, understand it’s not the wolf that’s the deadliest predator. Wolves kill to survive. The cruelest predator of all is man. No giant wolf myth can compete with that.

HOWL for speaking the truth about wolves.

Pass it on!

“May we all never be judged by anything so harshly or hold to as strict a life or unremitting of borders as the ones we try to place on and around wolves”…Rick Bass 1992

Photo Courtesy Bozeman Daily Chronicle

Posted in: Wolf myths, gray wolf/canis lupus, Wolf Wars

Tags: wolf subspecies, wolf myths, wolves in the crossfire, wolf intolerance, demonizing wolves

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35 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Are Canadians laughing?
    Well some Canadians do believe that their resident wolves are indeed large cruel savage machines of death. No surprises which group/s among the population claim this. Then again it makes great fuel for the ego, wouldn’t you agree?


    • Yes well John there are wolf haters on both sides of the border but the material point is those wolves are one in the same and all this talk about super wolves has been debunked over and over. I thought I would just get it off my chest and be done with it. Can you believe I’m still up at three in the morning rewriting this post? Oh passionn, sweet passion.



  2. I have heard wolf haters say this soo many times I am all ready sick of it. Wolves made the eco-system there re-establish itself. The aspens grew, and with these came the songbirds and the trouts. The pronghorns got well, too. Of course, ranchers with their lazy animal husbandry practices and hunters that wan’t to see elk standing completely still 10 minutes after they came to the area, just can’t stand it even if it is ridiculous. So they start getting excuses to start wolf hunts, even if this are denied by many REAL scientists and wolf biologists.
    Just ridiculous.


    • Hi Loua,
      They will say anything to demonize wolves. It’s so crazy. Deer kill more people then wolves. The Canadian wolf myth has it’s roots in the anti-government sentiment. They think the government forced the wolves on them when in reality the majority of Montanans supported wolves coming home to the state. It’s always about them.

      We have to keep speaking out and telling the truth about wolves.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  3. Great piece Nabeki! It’s like these wolfhaters have to hold onto this non native much larger canadian wolf theory because they have nothing else to hold onto to support their cause and hatred for the wolves. The wolves live a short enough life as it is, but should hunters take away their already short lives? OF COURSE NOT. I also am sicking of hearing they need to be managed. Why won’t these dirtbags just come out and say they are killing wolves, not managing them? Have you ever seen a show called a man among wolves? This comes from Jon Rachael, wolf expert from Idaho fish and game regarding the weights of these super sized canadian wolves.

    According to Rachael, the average weight of the 188 wolves killed in Idaho between Sept. 1 and March 31 was under 100 pounds, helping dispel the rumors that Idaho had extraordinarily large wolves.



    • Jon,
      Thanks for the update on Idaho’s wolf weights and glad you liked the post. . I’ll have to change the Idaho weight numbers. For some reason doing my research I thought I saw the higher number but now I remember this article. I actually wish he had said more on the Canadian wolf myth instead of just saying it’s silly but at least biologists are speaking out.

      I was seriously so sick of hearing about the large Canadian non-native wolves that I had to write about it. Some of the comments I get, which go right to spam, complain about this constantly. I’ll be doing more on wolf myths in the near future.

      If you or any of my readers have suggestions about wolf topics you want me to cover please let me know.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Rumors of 150-pound wolves abound in the Idaho Panhandle, but most of the wolves taken by hunters are much smaller.

        Adult females averaged 86 pounds, according to Idaho Department of Fish and Game officials, who also included the weights of wolves struck by vehicles in the survey. For adult males, 101 pounds was the average.

        The exception was a 130-pound adult male killed in Boundary County that was weighed after its stomach had been removed.

        It’s not surprising that wolf weights get exaggerated, said Jim Hayden, Fish and Game’s regional wildlife manager in Coeur d’Alene.

        “They look huge,” he said. “They’ve got long legs, big heads and lots of fur.”

        Wolves have 2- to 4-inch-long guard hairs around their necks, reinforcing the impression of a bulky body, said Jason Husseman, a Fish and Game wolf biologist in Salmon, Idaho. People see wolves, compare them to their dogs, and estimate that the wolves weigh 150 pounds.

        “It’s a human tendency to overestimate. You see the same thing with bear sightings,” Husseman said.

        In actuality, wolves have the lean, rangy build of distance runners – an adaption that helps them chase down prey, he said.

        Some opponents of wolf reintroduction claim that the Canadian gray wolves released in Yellowstone National Park and central Idaho in the mid-1990s are a larger, more aggressive subspecies than native wolves, which were extinct by the 1930s. Biologists say there’s little or no evidence to back up that assertion.

        “I’m curious that they throw out those numbers – that the Canadian wolves are 50 to 100 pounds bigger than the native Idaho wolves,” Husseman said. “I don’t know where those numbers come from.”

        Hayden said the most authoritative research on wolf subspecies comes from a former U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service zoologist, Ronald Nowak, who studied 580 historic skulls of full-grown male wolves. Nowak concluded that North America had five subspecies of gray wolves. Two subspecies had historic ranges in Idaho – the Rocky Mountain wolf and the Great Plains wolf.

        The Rocky Mountain subspecies outweighed the Great Plains wolf by about 20 pounds, Hayden said. But their ranges overlapped in the Idaho Panhandle, according to Nowak’s research.

        “Realistically, there’s no difference between the subspecies. They interbreed,” Hayden said.

        In addition, “we’ve got wolves that are walking here from Canada,” he said. “They’re the same species that would have been here in the past.”



      • Thanks for the article Jon. The Mackenzie Valley wolves surely bred with The Northern Rocky Mountain wolf and the Great Plains wolf. Also the Mackenzies roamed the Northern Rockies as well. It’s silly to think wolves wouldn’t cross an invisible border.



  4. I am not as concerned with the present hunt as I am about future plans for the wolves.
    I attended a IDFG news conference celebrating the success of this years hunt,and heard the IDFG state that they want to start reducing Idaho’s wolf population from the present 850 to 519 starting with next years hunting season.
    When I asked if the 519 was a biologically arrived number or a politically driven number, I got an angry, evasive answer from the IDFG director.


    • Hi Larry,
      I completely agree, I’m VERY WORRIED about 2010. We’re all sitting here in a holding pattern waiting for Judge Molloy to rule. I do believe he will rule to relist the wolves but I hope it’s not a narrow ruling based on Wyoming. He has to address genetic connectivity between the three sub-populations. Yellowstone wolves are on a virtual island. They will become inbred if they can’t exchange their DNA with outside wolves. Yet do they dare step one toe out of the park?

      I do believe we will win this round but either way it will be appealed to the Ninth Circuit. The battle will rage on but as long as there is no hunt this coming year that will be a help. I am seriously worried about IDFG, if the hunts are stopped….they will use Wildlife Services to kill wolves. We have to be vigilant and keep tabs of what’s going on.

      Thank you for attending the IDFG news conference, I’m sure it was sickening to watch them gloat on their “success”. We need wolf advocates present whenever they hold press conferences or meetings.

      Personally I think Idaho is aiming at a number much lower then 519. This is a war on wolves.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,

      PS. I read something incredibly sad about the remaining Druid female. She has very bad mange and they found her eating snow. Why are they letting her die? They could easily treat the mange. This is very disturbing to me. They can’t use the excuse they want to let nature take it’s course. They pester those wolves to death, collaring, following their every move. I wish somone would save this animal, she is very special. Appparently there’s a female called female06 that’s pregnant with pups that carry Druid blood. But still they could help this wolf and instead they are standing by and letting her die.


  5. I see this so many times…

    I don’t even bother arguing this with people anymore they just go completely off subject and start with the name calling and whatnot,which usually signals the discussion is over and anything you say will be responded with insults. I’d have a better chance of making a hole in a wall by just screaming at it then getting through to some of these people.


    • I hear ya Arctos.
      You can’t believe the comments I get from haters about this issue. It’s repeated over and over again. Well look at the weights of the wolves killed in the hunts. Averages in both states below a hundred pounds. But OTOH they were killing mostly puppies, in Montana at least. I have a six month old Malamute that weighs over sixty lbs, so I’m guessing many of the juveniles (puppies) they killed were close to that age or younger. Who kills puppies?

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  6. Awesome post!
    I am pushing for more support of the NPS and of course the Paw act…we must also flood Ken Salazar on this.
    Thanks for a very informative article.


    • Thanks crystalwolf,
      I felt it needed to be said and written about. It probably won’t effect the haters but I hope it clears things up for people that may have heard these rumors and didn’t know what to believe. “A lie is halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on”…..Mark Twain.

      PAWS is so important because it closes the aerial gunning loophole that these wolf killers use to hunt wolves and bears from airplanes. It’s the so barbaric to think we are still doing that.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  7. Look at this:

    Click to access ElkPopulationsUS2000.pdf

    Looks like the elk population has actually INCREASED after the reintroduction of the Gray Wolf. And they are the top elk research society in the country.




    • Hi Agnes,
      It is discouraging but also positive. Wolf advocates are working hard to dispel myths and shine light on issues that demonize wolves. Education is power.



  9. Nabeki, Thanks for setting the record straight and shedding some light on this often ambiguous subject. Come on Molloy!


    • Welocme Marc…I get so tired of hearing that.



  10. Out of all of the anti-wolf myths, this is the one that annoys me the most! Just because the wolves come from Canada doesn’t mean they’re not native! As to how these people even think that animals recognize political boundries is beyond me! And even if the reintroduced wolf is not the original subspecies, the original subspecies, the Northern Rocky Mountain Gray Wolf (Canis lupus irremotus) is extinct – wiped out by ranchers and hunters (not by Canis lupus occidentalis, as is claimed by the anti-wolf people). The subspecies used for reintroduction, the Canadian Gray Wolf (Canis lupus occidentalis) is similar enough to the original subspecies, and the ranges of the two subspecies did meet, and as such they probably bred with each other. Plus, wasn’t it Canis lupus occidentalis that was recolonizing Northern Montana even before the reintroduction? And then, of course, the original wolf and the reintroduced wolf could very well have been the same wolf, and not different subspecies.

    And speaking of subspecies, how many subspecies of wolves are there in North America? Some resources I read say there are 24, while others say that there are only 5, and I don’t know which one I should accept and which one is more scientifically accurate.


    • NoonvaleWolf…Whenever I hear the anti wolf crowd speak the only think I hear is blah, blah, blah. It’s the same old, same old rhetoric.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  11. I wish that the only thing I heard when the Anti-Wolf people speak is “blah, blah, blah,” but unfortunately my ears always interpet the words they say. How can you ignore them so easily?

    And how many wolf subspecies are there in North America? Sorry if I already asked, but I really want to know. Are there 24 or just 5 subspecies? Which classification is more scientifically accurate?


  12. I moved to Idaho in 2010 after retiring from my work in Pa.
    I moved here, primarily, to be near the wilderness…to be in wolf country.I live in a small town 70 miles east of Lewiston called Kamiah, and and the sentiment in the region is definitely anti-wolf. I am considered an outsider with no true understanding of the wolf ‘problem’. You are assailed by roadside signs denegrading the animal. One depicts a painting of a snarling wolf and the words…..Idaho’s Numer One Poacher. People around here consider the elk herds as their and resent the competition posed by these ‘overly large, overly aggressive Canadian wolves’ . A wolf free Idaho is what they want and are in the process of getting.
    I write articles in the local paper in defense of the wolf but am met with hostility. I can’t boycot the state. I live here. Even young cubs (pups) are being shot out here in the state sanctioned hunt and on the 14th or 15th of November trapping will also be permitted. “Keep your dogs under leash control” the papers read. ‘You don’t want your dog to step into a wolf trap’ The articles then go on to say that if your dog does get caught in a leg-hold trap, to throw a blanket over your dogs head when and if you can release the leg-hold trap as your dog will be in great pain and may try to bite you. They also suggest you carry wire cutters should your dog blunder into a neck snare, as the more he pulls to get free the tighter the snare becomes.
    It isn’t pretty out here. Makes one feel powerless.


  13. Thank you so much for writing this. I feel so much sorrow for these poor animals. I find it hard to believe that these people forget what wolves are—man’s best friend, just a few billion years of domestication away. I get so frustrated when people don’t understand that these animals aren’t the villains depicted in Disney movies.
    Anyway, anything that gets the word out there is worthwhile, so thank you.


  14. Can i assume this picture is a fake? From everything i have read they do not grow this large.



    • The picture has been everywhere. That wolf has been killed in about every place wolves roam. Wolf haters are very good at posing these kinds of pictures. First they use a very short hunter with no scale except him and the wolf. They hold the wolves up so they hang down and puff up their pelts to make them look bigger. Wolves average 80 to 110 lbs. Few a little bigger and some a little smaller. I had a Malamute that weighed 180 lbs., bigger then the biggest wolf on record. The size of wolves is greatly over-blown. Wolves have big heads, long legs, a long body and big feet. In Winter they grow thick coats, all of this makes them look bigger than they really are.

      The anti-wolf crowd continually tries to make wolves look bigger and spend time posing them in different positions as I explained.
      From the Idaho Mountain Express:
      “A prominent hunting picture that turned out to be falsely identified surfaced in early November and depicted a hunter holding up a wolf that reportedly weighed 230 pounds and had been shot in Sun Valley.

      According to Todd Grimm, spokesman for Idaho Wildlife Services, the picture has been circulating since 2009 and was likely taken in Alberta. The wolf, Grimm said, likely weighed only 135 pounds.”
      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  15. Giant Super Wolves are anti-wolves really that stupid? I’d say If I had a nickel for every time I heard this I’d be richer than Rockefeller! Even if these wolves did exist I would most likely be dead because I go out on long sometimes even multi-day hikes in the Alaskan wilderness.

    Bumper sticker- Wolf hunting: Just say “no”


  16. […] **Special thanks to “Howling for Justice” for providing this information!  https://howlingforjustice.wordpress.com/2010/04/12/dispeling-the-canadian-wolf-myth/ […]


    • You’re very welcome!



  17. How many wolves have you seen in the wild? I keep hoping I will see one, but they seem pretty cautious of humans!


  18. Here in Boise it is the people passing along these lies work for the BLM. Completely sick and wrong.


  19. Excellent article some hunters in our area believe it’s really sporting to sit in a tree stand and put a salt lick on the ground and wait for the deer to aimlessly walk underneath the tree stand and then kill it true hunters know how to track an animal and to be stealthy there’s always an excuse to kill something for some people. Or maybe they really are afraid of the big bad Wolf my FedEx guy is from Guyana and he explained that to get a drink of water where he lived that there were many dangerous snakes and that he just took it in stride’s too bad we couldn’t .


  20. So true. People need to see this. These lies must be stopped.


  21. Well this is 2015 and they are at it again killing the wolf,they are saying they the wolf is nothing but a killing machine and kill for no resin, this is happening in Montana. Again the wolf will be killed off if there isn’t a stop put to this’ I saw what they did when they brought them back to Yellowstone


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