Torturing An Alligator For Two Hours…This Is Hunting?

This is the ugly face of trophy hunting, torturing a 60-75 year old alligator to death. This “petite woman” should be charged with animal cruelty.

There is outrage over the way she killed a very old alligator that should have been allowed to live out it’s life in peace. To kill the poor reptile she used:

“…baited fishing lines, followed by harpoons, a muzzle snare, shots from a .22-caliber weapon and, ultimately, a knife jab to the spinal cord.”

“This woman should be in jail, not on TV,” was among the tamer comments posted beneath a story on

“They tortured that alligator for hours. That’s just plain sick,” a reader chimed in.

Please take the time to write to South Carolina’s Governor and protest this disgusting act of cruelty.

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford:


Monday, September 20, 2010 10:53am PDT

Petite woman who bagged monster alligator defends trophy hunt

By: Pete Thomas,


Photo: Courtesy of Outdoor on Grind TV

Posted in: Howling for Justice

Tags: Animal cruelty, alligator torture, evils of trophy hunting, callous behavior

Published in: on September 21, 2010 at 3:21 pm  Comments (39)  

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39 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. OMG, this is beyond disgusting. What a little b**ch!! I’d like to hang her up for two hours. Will contact the State of South Carolina!


    • Yes, she is another one of those people who “just loves wildlife so much she like to kill them”.


      • They love them to death SCWG.



    • SCWG…isn’t this just horrifying? That poor animal suffered a cold, cruel death just so she could get some cheap thrill taking his life. After living for almost 75 years he was baited into her trap. Sick and twisted. I won’t be spending my tourist dollars in SC anytime soon.



      • Trust me Nabeki, you won’t be missing anything. Other than the city of Charleston, there is not much to see.


  2. What an apalling example of a woman,and to stand there alongside the animal she has murdered I think is abhorrent. To have reached such an age, that alligator should have been left alone, not tortured for hours until its death released it from the agonies inflicted on it by this appology for a woman, she should be extremely ashamed of herself, what a Bi…


    • Hi Pauline,
      Her actions are so egregious, I think she should be arrested for animal cruelty.



  3. There’s that sick twisted smile again…


    • I know John. What’s with that smile? Can you imagine killing something and then smiling like a cheshire cat? What are they smiling about?



      • This woman must think she’s god because she was able to kill a alligator. Just about anyone is capable of doing this. Gotra love these idiots who think they are god or are superior just because they can kill big wild animals with their big guns,


      • There’s nothing to be proud over, hunting is about getting food. Do predators gloat as human hunters do?


  4. Disturbing! The only thing that helps me deal with such self centered ignorance is I firmly believe in Karma. I realize that this does not lessen the pain and suffering that this poor creature endured. But it helps me deal with the pain. I have been doing the wildlife advocacy thing for a while. Seen more pictures and videos of bad stuff then I would wish on my enemy. You would think that you would get use to it. Not me! I find it just as painful today as when I started! The only good thing is that it stiffens my resolve to make a difference!


    • I agree Marc. Karma is the only way I can get past the incredible cruelty we as animal advocates face every single day. We have successes to be sure, but for every success there are so many more battles. It is knowing people like you, Nabeki, and Jerry Black are out there that gives me courage. We are not alone. And we are united in our cause.


  5. I saw this story a few days ago and it sickened me. The alligator was shot 8 times and the woman bragged about stabbing the alligator in the spine or something like that. What a vile woman.


  6. Without the need to be feed everyone who kill an animal is twisted i hate them all. This sick woman must be in jail there is no other option. It is sad….


    • People like this need psychiatric help.


      • Yep, these people are also the same ones that claim they are helping wildlife by killing it.


      • These people have a poster child, the scumbag poacher from Juneau, Alaska. This guy is a known poacher, and everyone in that community knew Romeo was just like a dog. These uneducated hunters hate it when people personalize animals and give them names, because it takes away from the objectification that they use when they kill these animals. He was in essence robbbing people of the joy that they felt when they were close to this wild animal. I’ll bet this guy is short, uneducated like most hunters. These people are coward pussies


  7. The town that this woman lives in is full of gangs. If someone leveled the whole town to start over that would be a start. This woman is hoping this publicity will help her to find a job! What some people will do is beyond me. If you watch that swamp people show on history channel we are talking three and four generations of people with no education whatsoever- this is all they know how to do! Shocking!People that promote these shows on TV need some fresh new ideas, instead of showing some unclean smelly hillbillies living off the natural resources


    • William, I happen to catch that show on tv a few weeks ago and I was disgusted. I hate it when those southern rednecks who are missing 5 teeth claim killing is their heritage. Find another so called heritage that doesn’t involve killing wildlife. I could tell those people weren’t educated. No one would hire a man that is missing most of the teeth in his mouth. The main guy on that show swamp people, the dad, could you understand what the hell he was saying because I sure as hell couldn’t! Those people are killing wildlife so they can make a buck. Scum they are.


      • Jon, you are so right. I grew up in the South and there are people living in the Carolinas and in Virgina and West Virgina that I cannot understand a word they say. They are ignorant, uneducated, uninformed people. And they are proud of it.


    • William, just out of curiosity do you remember the town? I didn’t watch the video, I didn’t have to; the look on her face was enough.


      • I believe the town is called Fitchburg, Mass. I’ve been through it, it’s an old mill town, your average shithole.


  8. Just curious, has anyone caught that show on wild channel called lion ranger with kevin Richardson? It’s an amazing show and you all should check it out. His relationships that he has with his lions and hyenas is just amazing and unbelievable.


    • I haven’t seen the show, but I have seen a clip somewhere online. He is amazing and has to be a very special person to build the relationship he does with animals. That is why I love them so much I think, they know when you are insincere and pretending. And let’s face it there are a lot of humans out there like that – and worse.


    • Jon i remember seeing that show just once and my God. When i was little child my parents and some owners of dogs talk to me about how easily the dogs or animals can smell the fear or the love inside on people. How easily can trust you or being reject you. This man not only gain they trust but lions and hyenas or even pumas seeing inside him the reasons that make him be close to them. He want to help them he want to save them from hunters or people who pay a lot of money just to shoot and kill a lion and that is disgusting i hate them. It is a privilege to live and play with them Kevin shows to all the people the bonds the trust that we all have with nature with all the animals but most of people have lost it with they actions many years ago and still this tragedy continues people hunt and kill for fun…


      • I want to share with you a dialog from my favorite movie. I dialog that shows the trust the bonds between people and animals it is sad that exist only on movies
        Here it is.

        I see you brother and thank you. Your spirit goes with Eywa your body stays behind to become part of the people.

        From Avatar…


  9. What a sick, evil Woman. Look at that smirky smile, it has evil written all over it.

    Why can’t people just leave these poor creatures alone? That Alligator was old, and had been through many things in its lifetime to stay alive. Now, it thought it was invinsible, it wanted to live its life knowing that it was finally safe. This creature shall never have that feeling, because of one, stupid, evil, disgusting, gross, horrible, horrific Woman!

    I will certainly contact Mark about this!

    ~ Zarago ~


    • Zarago…she has that typical disturbing smile of trophy hunters lording over their kills. Disturbing.



  10. Very Nabeki, I’d like you to know that I have contacted Mark.

    ~ Zarago ~


    • So glad you did Zarago, I hope he gets lots of emails. That was cruelty plain and simple. The animal did not deserve that torture. More reasons to despise trophy hunting.



  11. I haven’t got a reply from him, I don’t think I will either, I am sure he gets lots of emails.

    It makes me weep when I see a picture of a dead Wolf, or even a painting of a Wolf hunt. It makes me so very sad, and still, I get the same affect with Alligators and Crocodiles it seems!

    ~ Zarago ~


    • Same with me Zarago. I’m doing a post this week on the cruelty that’s been practiced and still being practiced against wolves. Wolves are extremly shy animals, they don’t put up much of a fight with people. They are afraid of humans with very good reason.



  12. Take a look at this. This guy plays with the crocodile he rescued the way some people play with dolphins.

    I wonder how the alligator hunts would be perceived if more people knew that a crocodilian could be that friendly and intelligent. Then again, old perceptions die hard; if you look at the comments left underneath the article, many viewers assume that it’s only a matter of time before the croc eats him. Makes me wonder why some people can’t just accept a good thing when they see it.


    • CaptainSakonna…I was pretty stunned to see the big croc playing in the water with his friend. But it goes to show what random acts of kindness can reap. He saved the croc when he was cruelly shot twenty years ago and the croc never forgot it. I think there’s a deep bond between them no matter what the doubters might say.



  13. Thats a wonderful video CaptainSakonna. I saw something else like that. It was a really old Crocodile that was friends with Steve Irwin (who is now dead). He could sit on the back of this massive creature and the Crocodile wouldn’t even flinch!

    ~ Zarago ~


  14. The woman is quite clearly deranged and psychotic. There should be no tolerance for bloodthirsty rednecks such as her in a supposedly civilized society.

    I also see that she pulled out the old “I love and respect wildlife, that’s why I kill them for recreation” bit. Don’t you just love these people?

    And I also love some of those comments on that article… ignorant white trash hunters and hunting sympathisers trying to defend this beastly woman’s actions and thinking that they actually have intelligent arguments!

    These type of people, this woman and her sympathisers, are delusional, dangerous, and downright evil, and they are why I despise the human species.


    • Hi Environmentalist….I share your outrage over this disgusting display. Unfortunately for this alligator it lived it’s long life only to run into this fool. What she did is disgraceful. And here she is showing off her “prize”. I can’t stand trophy hunting.



  15. The producers of the History Channel profit big money for their promotion and production of torturing and senseless killing of innocent wild animal and should be held accountable. I’m disgusted!


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