Contact The Infamous 81 Senators Who Voted To Delist Wolves In The Northern Rockies » epic fail

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13 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. You are a disgraceful bunch of idiots. The wolves need protection not politics. Politicians like yourselves are sickening!


    • Totally agree Alice.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  2. Great picture but not sure what you guys are talking about.
    Sam is out, Peace !!!!!


    • Samuel…it has to do with the wolf delisting rider. 81 US Senators voted to delist wolves via budget rider. I used that picture as my response to their actions. EPIC FAIL!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  3. Oh your like protecting grey wolves
    Sam is out, Peace !!!!!


  4. Do you guys ever reply to these things
    Sam is out, Peace !!!!!


  5. Is this an american website cuz i’m in Britain and it’s ten past five, but your post comment says it ten


    • Yes it’s American Samuel..not sure about the time issues. I usually post really late into the night. Maybe the time is not synced properly.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  6. OMG Fail Man — Wat is the point??


  7. Stupid…


  8. I laughed at this pic for the first time in my life laughing i mean
    I have never laughed before
    Then again i am a emo


  9. To all those against saving wolves: politicians, or just losers in general, why is it so important to slaughter what God created. God did not create wolves for your demonic pleasure. Do you even believe in God? Obviously not or I wouldn’t be writing this. Wolves do not harm man, so why must you harm them? Is it because they are afraid of you, and that puts you on some kind of power trip? Do you delight in knowing they are afraid and they suffer great pain from your ‘gut’ shots, snaring, leg hold traps, being torn apart by your dogs, or by poisoning their pups. You are not even close to being human, just vile, disgusting, pieces of human dung, who will suffer a horrendous afterlife.


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