Letter to President Obama regarding Wolves and the Endangered Species Act

By Rhonda Lanier · Wednesday

May 25, 2011

 Dear President Obama,

 This is a very hard letter to write. I hope it is as equally hard for you to read. I have been getting a lot of mail from you lately, asking for my help in your reelection efforts and how much you need my help in order to win a second term. This is not surprising after all the support I gave to your campaign in 2008.

 It is interesting President Obama. I have been writing to you for the last two years saying that I needed your help. No, not for me personally; you see I am very lucky in that I have a good job and good health, for which I am very, very grateful. That part of my life is just fine.

 What I have been begging and pleading for your help for over two years is to stop the slaughter of our wildlife by the very governmental agencies who are supposed to protect them (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services and the Bureau of Land Management springs to mind). As a very concerned citizen and wildlife and environmental advocate I have called the White House, and sent you emails and faxes many, many times. I never heard from you. I never even heard you respond to the issues and concerns I contacted you about. You see President Obama, wolves are one of my passions in life.

 Yes, that’s right wolves. Wolves have been in the news a lot lately. Ever since you allowed Ken Salazar and Senators Baucus and Tester to cut a backroom deal to delist Wolves from protection under the Endangered Species Act. As you are well aware, this is the very first time an endangered species was removed from protection in this manner.

On March 30, 2011 1,293 Scientists with Expertise in Biological Systems wrote to the entire Senate “to urge them to vote against any legislation that would undercut the best available science as the basis for adding or removing any particular species from the protection of the Endangered Species Act. Allowing Congress to remove or add protections for particular species would set a dangerous precedent, as the fate of every species on the endangered species list (or any candidate for that list) would then be subject to political interference.”

 Mr. President this was not just a bunch of “wolf lovers” who “just don’t have the same understanding of the wolf problem that we have” according to Max Baucus in an AP press release dated April 14, 2011. This was from almost 1,300 scientists with the expertise and education qualified to make such decisions.

 Your administration allowed this cowardly backroom deal to remain attached as a rider in a must pass spending bill in order to support Jon Tester’s bid to hold on to his seat in Montana. Was one Democratic seat worth this? The words of Section 1713 are seared into the minds of every wolf advocate in this country:

 “SEC. 1713. Before the end of the 60-day period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall reissue the final rule published on April 2, 2009 (74 Fed. Reg. 15123 et seq.) without regard to any other provision of statute or regulation that applies to issuance of such rule. Such reissuance (including this section) shall not be subject to judicial review and shall not abrogate or otherwise have any effect on the order and judgment issued by the United States District Court for the District of Wyoming in Case Numbers 09–CV–118J and 09–CV–138J on November 18, 2010.”

 You allowed this Mr. President, after promising on the campaign trail in the 2008 election that you were going to bring back science based politics to the White House. Sir, you and your administration now have the dubious distinction of delisting wolves not once, but twice. The Republican Party was responsible for creating the Endangered Species Act, and now the Democratic Party has severely crippled and gutted the ESA for all endangered species. I simply do not see how this is something that you could be proud of.

 I have of course written to Senators Boxer and Feinstein, as they are my representatives. I have also written to Sheldon Whitehouse, John Kerry, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tom Udall, Mark Udall and Chuck Schumer, as they had the reputation of standing up for our wildlife and our environment, asking them to please be the one to draft an Amendment to reinstate the Wolf’s protection under the Endangered Species Act. So far, no one has stepped up to the plate. I would urge you in the strongest manner possible President Obama to get together with these and other Democratic leaders in the Senate and  put forth a plan to restore wolves protection under the Endangered Species Act, and to make right what has so wrongfully been done here.

Until this is done Mr. President, you will not have my support or my vote.

 This issue is not going to just fade away as I am sure you all hoped it would. On May 5, 2011, a lawsuit was filed by three conservation groups challenging the delisting rider, stating in their complaint that it “violates the U.S. Constitution because it specifically repeals a judicial decision. While Congress has the right to make and amend laws, the wolf delisting rider (Section 1713 of the budget law, PL 112-10) does not amend the Endangered Species Act — it circumvents the judicial process by ordering the reinstatement of the 2009 rule that delisted wolves.”

 There are approximately 72 million wildlife advocates Mr. President, most of whom vote. I and thousands of wolf advocates are committed to make sure this is a hot topic in the 2012 Election. Sir, we are waiting for someone to take the leadership in this so that we can all move forward and correct the sell out of the Gray Wolf, the Endangered Species Act and what we once thought the Democratic Party stood for.  As you know 2012 is just around the corner.

 Yours truly

 Rhonda Lanier

Published in: on May 27, 2011 at 4:45 am  Comments (57)  

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57 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. A magnificent letter! The best of luck to you and the wonderful wolves.


  2. dansk. ulven er et godt økostym ,og den skal forstås, og ikke mere jages og skydes af smilende jæger, og farmene har kvajet sig, og giver hermed ulven skylden, dette skal laves om på,og aldrig mere bruge sigte mod det smukke ulvedyr, da natyren klare sig selv, uden menneskers ego-ego indblandning,hilsen ulven ven, vibeke hansen, danmark


  3. AMEN SISTA!!!


  4. W0W – what a fantastic letter. May I use it ??? I would love to send it myself to President Obama.


  5. A wonderfully articulate letter to Obama.Thank you,Rhonda.


  6. EXCELLENT! I think we should all sign this!! Imagine, I had an actual campaign office for Obama in 2008 – I donated the whole office space and utilities and food and worked my butt off knocking on doors and making phone calls…..NEVER AGAIN! I think there is a ‘ghost government’ who makes all the decisions and this government is BIG OIL, THE GUN LOBBY-NRA, THE AGRI-INDUSTRY, AND BIG PHARMA!


  7. Sr. Presidente Obama :
    Usted , tiene la obligación moral de proteger a todos los animales . Todos los seres humanos tenemos esa obligación .

    You, have a moral obligation to protect all animals. All human beings have that obligation.


  8. This was a well worded and passionate letter that I truly hope gets to the Presidents attention….I am absolutely in accordance with all that you have written as I know many others are as well. Our voices were ignored and it is past time for our government to stop ignoring the will of the people of this country and stop the political pandering that has been and is still going on.


  9. Thanks Nabeki for posting this. As you know a lot of my information came from this very blog.

    And yes am ramses, that is what I am hoping people will do. Copy and paste, personalize it if you want to but the most important thing is that President Obama understands he will not have the vote of wolf and wildlife advocates until this cowardly sell out of wolves is made right. We out number the hunters and ranchers, it is just that for so long our voice has not been heard. We have to change that. As Nabeki pointed out not too long ago. Yes, we can be mad as hell at Ken Salzar, but in the end of the day, President Obama appointed Salazar to gain the vote of the cattle ranchers and the hunters, throwing wildlife and wolf advocates under the bus as well as the Wolf. We are his constituents, not hunters and ranchers.

    And Linda Camac has the same idea as I did. I have now sent this letter in a postage paid return envelope from Obama’s campaign twice. So you can rest assured that as soon as these campaign workers realize, uh oh we are losing campaign dollars because of Section 1713 and Jon Tester, it will then come to the President’s attention.

    Please share this with everyone you know and ask them to contact President Obama today. WE CAN TURN THIS AROUND IN 2012 BUT IT WILL TAKE ALL OF US. NOT JUST A FEW.

    Thanks you all. Rhonda


    • Rhonda, would it also be alright if I posted it in my blog on my page and asked everyone to personalize, copy, paste and share? I wanted to also give you proper credit for your brilliance.


      • Please do that! I posted it on my Notes Page and a few people either clicked “like” or said “great letter” but that is not why I posted it. I want people to feel free to use it. And as Linda Camac said, when you get a letter asking for a donation to Obama’s 2012 campaign. Just print it out and return it in their postage paid envelope! We are going to have our wolves returned to federal protection. The ranchers and hunters ARE NOT going to get away with this!!


      • What is the name of your blog? Would love to add it to my list of those I am following.


      • Rhonda, DONE!!! I understand that you did not do it for self glorification, that’s what is utterly precious. There are not many in this world that still do all the right things, for all the right reasons. And your selfless gift not only glows with truth, it is also an inspirational expression of courage and devotion.

        Along with Nabeki’s link to this blog, I have also provided your directive to get people to your “little cause page”.



      • Rhonda, here is the link to my little page, on My Space. I am hoping to expand on it, and create other sites throughout the internet. It is important to get our message out in as many ways as possible. I have already added it to Nabeki’s “Coalition Formed Between Pro Wolf Groups” As I said, I am not an organization, only one voice…but if my little page in ANY way can assist the wolves, then I am grateful.



      • Rhonda, beautiful letter and lament, that has got to be one of the best myspace pages I’ve seen dedicated to wolves.


    • You’re very welcome Rhonda. ‘m happy to do it. You did an excellent job in a very understandable, yet passionate manner. Onward Warriors.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  10. Rhonda, Very well said and well put!!! I am right there with you. I vote. I am just a poor single Mother but I DO VOTE and IO tell you if nothing is done about this travesty I will not be voting for Obama again. I am a Wolf Lover and I am proud of it!!! Maybe we could also include in this letter how Idaho, the state I live in, is planning on slaughtering it’s Wolves in the most horrible ways you could possibly think of! Trapping, poisoning, bullets, arrows, netting, snarling!!!! This is pure torture… And Idaho gets off on it. Not only am I not supporting my home state any longer I am rallying others to do the same. I will do the same for the Obama administration if they do not do something about this soon!!!! If this slaughter is allowed to go on I will no longer support anything this country and our government needs.


    • Angela I think it would be a great idea to personalize my letter to President Obama with the detail on what is happening in Idaho. As you can see, it was a long letter and there was only so much detail I could include. I intend to write again very soon. Blogs, Facebook and MySpace are great tools for us but it is contacting elected officials that make the difference. They are politicians and all Obama or any of the others care about is holding on their elected position.


  11. Rhonda, absolutely stunning, deliriously wonderful!! Thank you for your voice. Your letter is a powerful force that can only be embraced with the utmost respect and admiration, its truths are undeniable. I’m so glad that you have given your permission for us to use this to share. It was the very first thing I read this morning and felt as Linda. Your letter needs to be sent out into world venues in every way possible. Petition form to the White House… fax, email, snail mail. Maybe even have it printed into flyers and handed out wherever President Obama is campaigning.

    In reference to Linda’s comment about a “ghost government” you are most correct, and their act is wearing thin. I have been leafing through “The Bond” to see if there is any relevance pertaining to the wolf’s crises. Please excuse any violation of the prime directive. Chapter 7,” Cruelty And Its Defenders,” has a swath of approximately 17 pages that highlights the antics of our “friends” in the NRA…which should actually be an abbreviation for: No Rationale Assigned, and how they have “hijacked the system.”


    • I loved it! No Rational Assigned will how I will refer to the NRA from now on. They are probably the most powerful lobby in D.C. You just mention “NRA” and every politician starts shaking in their boots! Yeah, well Jon Tester and Mike Simpson and Section 1713 put them over the line.


      • I did sign up for MySpace as I am not currently on it. And I think you are being modest about your “little page”. It’s very well done! LOL, between FB and the blogs I follow, it takes a lot of time. Hopefully, I can spend the Monday holiday working and trying to get caught up. I have my little 80 year old mother for the weekend. She has dementia, so that is always a bit of a challenge!


      • Rhonda, thank you for your kind words. The Wolf is also my heart and soul…I could offer them nothing less than all that is within me to give. I can only hope that is good enough. I always think that there is something more that I could do, he deserves so much better than the past and present. You and I are kindred spirits. I live with my mother and I am her caregiver since my father passed away 3 years ago. I would love to have your email so that we can connect. My gravatar will provide you with my generic, although if you do not hear from me, Nabeki has it, she is a sweetheart and will see that you get it.

        Also, is it alright if I also turned this letter into a petition designating President Obama as the recipient? This will give an added extra punch to its message. We need to bombard him with truth at every opportunity, shake up his world and rattle his conscience. Give him serious pause to reconsider his reasoning behind the betrayal. Smiles!

        Just discovered that we have new occupants beneath our shed this spring…baby bunnies….this is becoming a trend. I am ecstatic!


  12. i hope he cries >.>


  13. It made me cry, cry because I know that these much loved wolves are going to be destroyed. it makes me wonder why they brought them back in the first place. because we all know in Yellow stone that the wolf population was eliminated in the
    past and we all know the reason they were brought back because there was no predator for the buffalos and elk and deers, so they over bred and because there was to many they eat up all the grass, and leaves on the trees and they were bare so there for if they did not bring the wolves back the poor buffalo and others would have starved to death. I seen a documentary about it.


    • Valerie, everything you say is true. Aldo Leopold recognized long ago when he wrote “Thinking Like A Mountain”, which is a tribute to wolves and the effect they have on the ecosystem. A sort of early ode to trophic cascades.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  14. Wonderful wonderful letter.


  15. Wonderful letter. It is heartbreaking to see what is happening to the wolf, a Magnificent National Treasure. There a so many of us who are opposed to the delisting and the brutal, indiscriminate killing of wolves. We need to be more organized and create strength in numbers.


  16. Great work here !!!!


  17. Nabeki, have you heard anything from our friend Jackson Root? His stunning poster would be a magnificent backdrop at the march in Washington, as well as all other rallies to be held across country. If we need to raise any money to get this masterpiece into mass production, we need to start …yesterday! I will gladly donate anything I can to this cause. I don’t want to overwhelm him, but his talents are a strong visual for the wolf. It is extremely important people see this, it will also give Jackson the recognition he deserves.


    • Heck…pull out all the stops….make this poster into banners and wave them at every politicians campaign stop!!! Especially President Obama’s.

      For the Wolves…For the Wild Ones!!!!


      • I received Jackson’s poster yesterday. It is truly a work of art in that it makes a valid, truthful statement of wolves and elk. I had intended on putting in my home but have decided to hang it my office as it will give me an opportunity to educate people on the real issues on elk and wolves!


      • Rhonda it sounds wonderful.

        Here is Jackson’s website address if anyone would like to purchase the poster.

        Jackson Root

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • I had an idea to buy several of his posters and share them with my local grocery stores. If they hung them up behind the customer service desk, that would be a great way to not only spread the word but also display Jackson’s awesome talent. If anyone is interested in buying one I will also be certain they have any information available to do so.

        But I’m having trouble ordering it on his site. so today I sent Jackson an email, then received an automated one in response, he will be out of the country until June 8th.


  18. Brilliant!!!
    Well put and well said.
    Let’s hope the President will have the wisdom
    to seriously take heed to your letter.
    If I was President, I would sign an executive order
    of outlawing the hunting and killing of wolves!
    Sure, it would ruffle the feathers of all those
    dumb redneck ranchers and hunters..
    But in my strong faith in Great Spirit,
    I would REFUSE to cave in to a mere
    handful of wild-west yahoos and their gun lobbyists.
    And as far as I’m concerned, all those stupid wolf-hating redneck country-bumpkins can find themselves a time portal, leave the year 2011 A.D.,
    and go back to the 19th Century where they belong.
    In addition to writing letters and signing petitions,
    I would also recommend indefinite worldwide boycotts of the wolf-hating states and their main industries, including Idaho’s potatoes and Montana’s cattle/beef industry, along with the tourism industries of these places, and invest money in pro-wolf states.


  19. All who feel both the ESA and wolves in particular have been sold out should write similar letters to the President, but also to their senators. They did not better and they had the opportunity to hold against this action.


  20. Dear Rhonda
    Wonderful powerful letter.
    I want to help and do everything for our wolves.
    Could you tell me how i can help. I live in the UK.
    English is my second language so i can’t communicate but can’t play with words the way i would love and need to.
    Anyway, i’m here to do anything possible and impossible.


  21. Excellent Letter Rhonda! After what Obama has done to the wolves, the other horrible things he has done, and his failure to keep his promises he made to voters in 2008, ensures that he will never have my support or my vote ever again!


  22. Wonderful letter, Rhonda! Absolutely brilliantly written. Can I post this as a note on my Facebook page? I am also going to print out copies, since you said we could use it, and post them in my office! I’m sure I can find other places to post it also. Thanks again for giving your permission for the public to use your letter.


  23. Odds are this bill wouldn’t get passed because most humans are too simple minded to understand the simplicity of the things that are extremely simple to understand if you don’t have fear or an extremely simple brain,but i do hope that this bill gets passed because i love all living things and would do anything to ensure the survival of the “simple-minded” animals even if i have to reduce the human population to 300,000 so that everything can live peacefully…and no i don’t hate all humans just the ones that don’t deserve to live.


  24. My dearest Rhonda, thank you SO MUCH for being such a powerful, honest voice for the precious wolves. You are a great presence on this earth and a true hero in my eyes. I will always support any of your efforts with heart and soul!

    My dearest Sis Nabeki, as always, I am with you all the way and although my time on the web is limited at the moment, due to my nightly performances with my different bands, I am always continuing my campaigns for the protection of the wolves in every way possible.

    Sending you both my love and affection and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. May all the wolves of the world be delivered from any harm and suffering and may they be free to roam the earth forever!



    • Dear Louise,

      Thank you for taking the time to stop by, even though I know you’re terribly busy with your musical. I love hearing about your travels, it’s a beautiful production.

      I’m very hopeful the lawsuit brought by Alliance for the Wild Rockies, Friends of the Clearwater and WildEarth Guardians, challenging the constitutionality of the wolf delisting rider, will succeed in Judge Molloy granting an injunction. This would stop the fast approaching wolf hunts. Great news! Friends of Animals, a wonderful supporter of animal rights has petitioned the court to join the lawsuit. This is wolves only hope to protect them from the brutal hunts.

      Yes, Rhonda is a wonderful person and a staunch supporter of wolves. She is tireless in her quest to help them. We’re glad to have her fighting for wolves.

      Thank you Louise for all you do for wolves, dear sister.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  25. Right on 🙂


  26. Stop


  27. Well Said Dear Nabeki you speak the truth that all of us want to scream out loud… The truth that is time soon or later heard by any president any politic any responsible for this situation…


  28. I couldn’t wait to let you all know about this piece in a pretty well known e-paper I get. I am excited because this will help the wolves.

    Another Death Nail for Democracy Kills 1700 Endangered Wolves:
    Obama side steps the courts: kills 1700 wolves.For the sake of just two congressional votes, president Obama was willing to allow the slaughter of a species. For the first time ever review by the courts has been mandated away.



    • That was so powerful and SO sad ramses. This paragraph is heartbreaking:

      “Coming summers will be quiet at night from now on in Idaho and Montana. The beautiful howl of the wolf will again be absent from these natural surroundings. In that silence perhaps one may take pause to ponder; As went the wolf, so went democracy.”

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  29. Yes Nabeki – very sad. My partners mom lives in Montana (hence – family from MT)
    She really likes Tester, so I sent her that article up above to have her read it & I put in the e-mail I sent – this is one huge reason why I do NOT like the bastard.
    I truly considered NOT going to MT, but I’m torn …….
    hope you are well … 😉 off to work I go yuck” grateful I have a work – hate my job”


    • ramses….Yes Tester is a real piece of work.. I can understand why you’re torn about going to Montana. I think many people have changed their travel plans over the wolf delisting.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  30. I have been fighting for the rights of the wolf, the grandfather of our dogs…the grandfather of YOUR dogs too. They are not dangerous, they do not kill (unlike man) for the sport of it. If you see a partially eaten carcass, it has not been taken down by a wolf. A wolf will leave nothing but bones. What you are seeing are the remains from a pack of coyotes, pack of wild dogs, bears, etc. There are other predators out there..many of them..so when a farmer sees a partially eaten sheep, or cow, and cries “WOLF!”…he’s wrong.
    The wolves have a social order. The alpha male, and the alpha female. Then they have their aunts and uncles and cousins…and of course, the pups. The parents go out for the food for the family. The aunts, uncles, cousins baby sit. The wolf mates for life. Too bad mankind doesn’t take some lessons from the wolves.
    Never in history has a non rabid wolf ever attacked man unless cornered, or defending his family. Sounds almost human…except for the part that man attacks for raping, robbing, murdering, etc.
    My best friend was a timber wolf. I saved his life…and he had the opportunity to save mine.
    Yes, my vote, my friends, and anyone I can talk to will be voting for the man that reinstates the Endgangered Species Act and immediately puts the wolf back on that list…permanently.

    Most Sincerely
    Anne DiNucci


  31. Hi there just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The words in your article seem to
    be running off the screen in Opera. I’m not sure if this is a formatting issue or something to do with internet browser compatibility but I figured I’d post to let you know.
    The layout look great though! Hope you get
    the issue fixed soon. Thanks


    • Suzanna…Hope that helps..I re-sized the image, I think it was too big.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  32. It’s actually a nice and useful piece of info. I am glad that you just shared this useful information with us. Please keep us informed like this. Thank you for sharing.


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    Letter to President Obama regarding Wolves and the Endangered Species Act | Howling For Justice


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    There wass a hermit crab ihside andd itt pincxhed herr ear.
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    hhad tto telkl someone!


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