What Good Are Wolves? by Norm Bishop

This excellent article, by Norm Bishop, appeared in New West last January.

What Good Are Wolves?

A growing body of scientific research shows wolves are key to the ecosystems of the Northern Rockies. Here’s a condensed version compiled by a long-time wolf advocate.

By Norman A. Bishop, Guest Writer, 1-04-11

In 1869, General Phil Sheridan said, “The only good Indians I ever saw were dead.” Others said, “The only good wolf is a dead wolf.”

Barry Lopez wrote of an American Pogrom, not only of Native Americans and wolves, but of the bison on which both depended. Between 1850 and 1890, 75 million bison were killed, mostly for their hides; perhaps 1 million or 2 million wolves.

“Before about 1878, cattlemen were more worried about Indians killing their cattle than they were about wolves. As the land filled up with other ranchers, as water rights became an issue, and as the Indians were removed to reservations, however, the wolf became, as related in Barry Lopez’s book, “Of Wolves and Men,” ‘an object of pathological hatred.’” Lopez continues: “The motive for wiping out wolves (as opposed to controlling them) proceeded from misunderstanding, from illusions of what constituted sport, from strident attachment to private property, from ignorance and irrational hatred.”

Read more: http://www.newwest.net/topic/article/what_good_are_wolves/C41/L41/

Photo: Courtesy All About Wolves

Posted in: gray wolf, biodiversity

Tags: gray wolf, apex predator, biodiversity

Published in: on June 25, 2011 at 1:08 pm  Comments (15)  
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15 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I would like to ask this question instead. What good are humans? – destructing mother earth and the beatyful nature and enviroment!!????

    All this egoism and focussing on “ME, me, me, me, me……..” is discusting! Take care of the wolf – as well as all animals – and remember – they are the reason we have our dogs! – today! So show them our respect!


    • Johnny….I wish you were in charge of the USFWS.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


    • That’s exactly what I thought when I read the title of this post–what good are humans?


      • I Agree Johnny i totally agree with you!!


  2. I agree Johnny –


  3. Me,too,Johnny,I agree.


  4. Thank You Nabeki, Whitney, Ramses and Rita 🙂

    What really turns me on, about these Macho bastards is, that they proberly say, that they believe in god. I don`give s… for that, because the only person in our universe, that decides who have to leave and when is god! – Not them macho ….. ppfffttttttt. How and when can these men decide, that they have the right to kill this beautyful animal?????? THEY CAN`T! Only god can that! So they can shoot them selves and let that beautyful animal live – for our children in the future to come!

    Best regards friends

    Johnny from Denmark, Scandinavia.


    • Thank you Johnny. BTW your English is wonderful.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  5. I love it that we have folks from all around the world on these wolf blogs. That my friends ….. is very cool.


    • Yes ramses, I totally agree. It is very cool!! Wolf advocates are united around the world.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  6. Mother Nature put all these wonderful, beautiful, creations here for a reason. The Native American and the wolf ran as one, with respect. They hunted for food, for shelter, for clothing, not a trophy on a wall. They took out the old, the weak,the sick, and yes sometimes the unattended young, to make the herd strong to survive. These stupid stupid people only see a profit, not the big picture. We must at all cost preserve mother natures chain of nature, or, the only way future children will see all her magnificent beauty is in a picture book.


    • I so agree sandra.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  7. While it is unanimously agreed that wolves are beautiful creatures, such a thing does not really matter. What matters is the keystone importance of the wolf as an apex predator, that without the presence of the species biodiversity would sharply diminish.


    • So agree John, very well said.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  8. Why would God create something that is not important?

    All of his creation has a purpose!


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