Priscilla Feral Speaks Out For Wolves On CNN!!

Priscilla Feral, President, Friends of Animals appeared on Issues With Jane-Velez Mitchell, Friday, August 12th. For once we heard the truth spoken on national television about the absolutely atrocious situation wolves are facing in the Northern Rockies.

Unless the US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals grants an Emergency Stay to stop the hunts, wolves will face the tortures of the damned, starting August 30, 2011 when the Idaho hunts begin.

Priscilla slams the Obama administration for appointing a rancher to head the Interior. She speaks about the upcoming hunts in Idaho and Montana AND the awful  unregulated killing of wolves proposed by Wyoming. If Wyoming has their way haters could kill wolves in the most horrendous ways.

Friends of Animals is calling for a boycott of all the wolf states.  Economic boycotts are one of the ways we can push back against this brutality. All three states are  dependent on tourism and losing tourist dollars could make a difference.

The nightmare started with Obama’s appointment of Ken Salazar to head the  Interior. Obama has the distinction of being the only President to delist wolves twice and he hasn’t even served a full term. With the Presidents blessing  Western politicians were able to insert a wolf delisting rider into a must-pass budget bill, which stripped  gray wolves of their ESA protections. This never would have passed as a stand alone bill, the only way the anti-wolf lobby could accomplish the dirty deed was by sneaking into an appropriations bill, without the knowledge of most Americans. Every Democrat Senator voted yes, except three, even though many of them professed to support the ESA and wolves.  Senators like Boxer, Feinstein, Kerry, the Udall’s all voted to delist the gray wolf.   We can’t blame the Republicans this time. Our Democrat President signed the budget bill into law with the wolf delisting rider intact. Now wolves are facing extirpation AGAIN,  if the wolf states have their way.  And why is the USFWS going along with Wyoming’s “shoot-on-sight” policy, when they fought it in court before? It is vile and will damage Wyoming’s reputation. Who will want to visit a state where the iconic wolf is treated with such brutality?

If we don’t speak out now, if we don’t protest these terrible policies, wolves could disappear once again from the Western US.




Governor Butch Otter

Office of the Governor
State Capitol
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720

Phone: (208) 334-2100
Fax: (208) 334-3454




Governor Matt Mead

By Mail:
State Capitol, 200 West 24th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0010

By Phone or Fax:
307.777.7434 (phone)
307.632.3909 (fax)




Governor Brian D. Schweitzer

Office of the Governor
Montana State Capitol Bldg.
P.O. Box 200801
Helena MT 59620-0801
(406) 444-3111, FAX (406) 444-5529




Video: Courtesy YouTube Sub4SubNewsToday’s Channel

Photo: Courtesy First People

Posted in: Wolf Wars

Tags:  wolf wars,  Friends of Animals, Priscilla Feral, HLN/CNN, Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell, wolves under fire, Ken Salazar

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13 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. […] Priscilla Feral Speaks Out For Wolves On CNN!! ( Share this:EmailFacebookRedditDiggTwitterStumbleUponPrint & PDFLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. […]


  2. THANK YOU for all your great inspiring work to save wolves! There will be a Howling Across North America to Save Wolves rally soon in Toronto at the US Consulate.


    • Wonderful wolfaction. I’m posting it on Howl Across America in the discussions section where all the rallies are listed.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  3. What happened with the wolf rally in Washington, DC? I’ve been anxiously waiting to find out how many people turned out.


  4. Now we just need to get more wolf rallies going!


  5. Wolf educational tables in Philadelphia next week – two days! Educational tables very effective in parts of town where there is a lot of foot traffic! Can be done economically too with desk top publishing, brochures, flyers – letting everyone know the basics – the chronology of what happened to our wolves protection/ why/ when/ who/ where/ what we can do about it…..Also printing out my petition with almost 4,000 signatures on it now!


  6. ROAR>>>>>HOWLS>>>>>CHARGE!!!!!! I am so proud of everyone out there doing whatever you can do to tell them we are not going to let them get away with this!!!! Individually, it may appear we have little influence or can not possibly make enough of a difference. Yet,cumulatively, we WILL produce results. I am looking for anyway to inflict pressures and unknowingly happened upon a little leverage when I read the wrapper of my favorite bread. DUH…how simple….I love Earth Grains bread because it supports sustainability, yet it also supports eco grains from farms in IDAHO. ARGH. I am calling them in Wisconsin tomorrow to tell them I love their product, and also support sustainability, but I do not and will not…in ANY way shape OR form support the blood lust that is Idaho….the wolf slaughter state!

    I offer this information in the event anyone else out there buys this product and feels as I do. Maybe we can keep track of particular products we discover that brings any revenue to Idaho, Montana, or Wyoming and share it here. We will then be able to compile a list of exact products to boycott Let them help us put the pressure on these slaughter states.

    Does anyone know the official count for the wolf rally in DC and Linda…can you please get my email from Nabeki….I am in PA also and have been trying to reach you.



    • Brea….all good ideas. And Friends of Animals is calling for a travel boycott to the wolf states. People will need to change their plans if they’re planning on visiting Yellowstone. Just that one action could put a lot of pressure on Wyoming and Montana.

      The DC rally was small but the signs were great and the advocates spirited. It was just too short of notice for people..the permits were approved just one week before the date, so most people had no idea if it was going to happen or not. But DC is not the only rally that is being planned. There are many. Please visit Howl Across America. In the discussion section the rallies are listed that are being organized. Anyone willing to organize a rally should post it there so advocates can connect with each other.

      For the wolves, For Limpy,



    please repost to any social network you may have. we need to make others aware of the situation.



    “In 1994, gun owners turned out in record numbers to send a message to the Clinton Administration that the gun bans and the anti-gun laws they had pursued were unacceptable. And in 2000, Vice President Al Gore lost because his position on guns was unacceptable to voters in states that had been reliable for his party for decades.”

    2. Extinction of a single species within an eco system inevitably results in degradation of the entire eco system

    “…The predator cull in the Kaibab Plateau in Arizona in the early 20th century, where 9,724 predators were killed over a 32 year period, resulted in a formerly healthy population of deer being decimated by disease and the habitat seriously degraded.

    3. Wyoming’s shoot on sight policy constitutes an act of dominionism. Enabling a hunting population inevitably leads to an increase in family abuse and the commission of homicides and other violent crimes in society.The office of the president has therefore decided in favor of increased opportunity to act sadistically, not merely towards animals, but towards families, specifically, hunters and gun owners against children and wives. Violence in the family is linked to both hunting with or without firearms, as well as to the possession of firearms. Michigan State Studies demonstrate dominionism, a characteristic behavior noted in the profile of hunters, is associated with wife and child abuse; to gun ownership; and specifically to hunting. .

    Click to access ViolenceAnimalHumanCoOccurrence.pdf

    4. In Selective Battering of the Family Pet: Pamela Carlisle-Frank, Ph.D. Joshua M. Frank, Ph.D. Lindsey Nielsen Adams, 1995 cited in Flynn, 2002) one reads, “Some authors have suggested that the attitudes and behaviors of those who engage in companion animal abuse may be similar to those who hunt. Agnew (1998) has argued that animal abusers–including hunters–have a more dominionistic attitude toward animals believing they are distinct from and superior to animals and that they have been granted divine dominion over animals to use as they please.”
    Michigan Stats Confirm Hunting, Child Abuse Link
    Reprinted from ANIMAL PEOPLE, October 1995

    5. Merritt Clifton, reporter, editor, columnist, and foreign correspondent since 1968, specializing in animal and habitat-related coverage since 1978, has teamed with Kim Bartlett to provide information service to the humane community since 1986. Clifton was a founding member of the Society of Environmental Journalists and is a four-time winner of national awards for investigative reporting. He reports.
    Findings of Michigan State studies…

    “LANSING Michigan children are nearly three times as likely to be neglected and are twice as likely to be physically abused or sexually assaulted if they live in a county with either an above average or above median rate of hunting participation.”
    “Michigan sells two times more hunting licenses per capita as upstate New York, a closely comparable region, but has seven times the rate of successfully prosecuted child abuse and twice as high a rate of sexual assault on children.”

    More and more, batterers who hunt are being recognized and documented. Constituents who hunt will form in large part a demographic of chauvinist individuals inclined to abuse generally, of wives and children as the Michigan State statistics confirms.
    Michigan Stats confirm a link between hunting and child abuse.
    In brief, Michigan sells 16,430 licences per 100,000 Michigan residents. There are 235.2 identified victims of child abuse per 100,000 Michigan residents but just 30.2 victims per 100,000 residents in upstate New York. Data supports the hypothesis that both hunting and child abuse reflect the degree to which a social characteristic called dominionism prevails.

    6. Men Who Murder Their Families: What the Research Tells Us
    Campbell, Anna D. Wolf Chair and professor at John Hopkins University School of Nursing, discussed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Violent Death Reporting System. Of the 408 homicide-suicide cases, most perpetrators were men (91 percent) and most used a gun (88 percent).
    A 12-city study that Campbell conducted of these cases found that intimate-partner violence had previously occurred in 70 percent of them. Interestingly, only 25 percent of prior domestic violence appeared in the arrest records, according to Campbell. Researchers uncovered much of the prior domestic violence through interviews with family and friends of the homicide victims. “Prior domestic violence is by far the number-one risk factor in these cases,” Campbell said.
    National Institute of Justice Journal No. 266, June 2010

    NCJ 230412 about the Author, Bernie Auchter is a senior social science analyst with the Violence and Victimization Research Division at NIJ.

    NCJRS Abstract – National Criminal Justice Reference Service

    7. Adams, author of, Why Do They Kill? Men Who Murder Their Intimate Partners offered his perspective based on years of research and experience working with domestic violence cases. His comments focused mostly on guns and jealousy in these violent crimes. When we consider prevention, guns are essentially the “low-hanging fruit,” he suggested. He cited research, similar to Campbell’s data, showing that 92 percent of murder-suicides involved a gun in a sample of 591 cases.
    • Adams compared high rates of intimate-partner homicide in the United States with the considerably lower rates in other wealthy countries.
    • He noted that America has the most permissive gun laws of any industrialized nation. He made a similar comparison among U.S. states that have restrictive versus permissive gun laws and lower versus higher homicide and suicide rates.
    • Three reasons guns are used frequently is that they are more efficient than other weapons, can be used impulsively, and can be used to terrorize and threaten.

    These are pressing concerns for the people of Wyoming as they are for your Canadian neighbors.

    Connecticut Journal of International Law Vol. 4:487
    “The significant feature of this substantial body of international legislation, however, is that the protection which it extends to animals is accorded to them as representatives of a species. it is not based upon the notion that animals are individual living creatures worthy of respect and consideration in their own right. the vast amount of cruelty and unnecessary suffering inflicted upon common or domestic animals ex hypothesi falls outside its scope. yet it might be argued, is equally a matter which demands international regulation.”

    Require you government to restore the wolves status to protected species, however that may be done.
    For the wolves, peace.
    C. Morgan McNeil

    Better means for treating livestock predation by coyotes exist.

    Click to access PredationV4_2.pdf$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex888


    • C. Morgan….thank you very much for quoting those studies, very informative and pertinent to the situation wolves are facing in the Northern Rockies. I do believe dominionism is responsible for the scapegoating and persecution of wolves. AND the links to other types of violence against the perpetrators families seems to bolster the argument that there is a lack of empathy or basically a “chip missing” which allows sport hunters to kill animals without mercy. Bloodsport is very disturbing and one has to conclude that killing something for the sake of killing has to be linked to dominionism. believing they are superior to animals and therefore have the right to use and abuse them. Very unsettling information to ponder.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones.


  9. Priscilla…what about coming out here to Montana and interviewing with local news media???? Or representatives for Friends of Animals. I live here in Montana and it is terrible what is going to happen.
    Anita Krajna in Canada and I are brainstorming ideas to get more media attention on the problem…

    Any ideas…please respond


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