A Little Cuteness….

Published in: on October 22, 2011 at 1:00 am  Comments (19)  

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19 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. A little? More like way too much. My head might a-splode from it.


    • ROFL captainsakonna, I should have posted a stronger cuteness warning..

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  2. wonderful Thank you


  3. How cute…but how sad why the wolves were howling. Sounds like an old record I had narrated by Robert Redford. I think it was called, “The Language and Music of the Wolf”. When I couldn’t sleep, I put this record on. I’d feel safe, warm and comfortable and fall asleep after only a couple of minutes.


  4. I agree….the ‘cuteness degree’ should be upped considerably….thank you for sharing!


  5. Awww, so cute, I think wolves are magnicifent creatures and need to be protected from those that want to do them harm


  6. I have the same record. A keeper.


  7. Awwww it just completely melted my heart.Soooo precious!!!!!!!


  8. It makes me so sad that today is the first day of rifle hunting for wolves in Montana. There are out of state plates all over the Bitterroot Valley and the drivers are wearing hunting camouflage clothing so it’s really obvious why they are here. It is sunny here, so you can be sure that they are already up into the mountains. More bad news! The predicted weather forecast is for light snow in the valleys on Tuesday and that will drive the animals out of the high mountain areas and make it easier to kill them.
    Wish that there was more that we could do to end this slaughter!
    Toni A. Stark
    Truth About Wolves


    • I know Toni…I was dreading this day, now we’ll see Montana hunt numbers go up. I’m still holding out hope the Ninth Circuit will end this slaughter when they convene on November 8th. The politicians who were responsible for this need to be booted out of office but that’s not going to stop the hunts. We have to continue to protest and speak out Our only hope it to pressure these states governments t through the loss of tourism dollars. A year long boycott of Yellowstone would do the trick, it would certainly get their attention, wolves bring 35 million to the GYA every year.

      It’s a sad day.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Yes they should ALL be voted out of office. But, who goes in after them may not mean they will be better. The grass is NOT always greener on the other side of the fence. I had given money to Obama, Boxer, Franken, Sanders, & a few others in the the past. I will NOT give them anything in the future for what they did to the wolves. But my point is – WHO will be in the seat after the others get voted out? Republicons are just as bad – if not WORSE. We need progressives in the those Reresentative & Senate seats, just my humble opinion.

        Thanks for the wonderful videos Nabeki, I’m sorry I missed you @ the protest last week. I was really looking forward to meeting you.


  9. The Ravalli County Commissioners have a plan to kill additional wolves as they explained on KPAX TV in Missoula, Montana on Thursday.
    Did you receive a copy of my response letter? It was sent to your “no reply” address? I did get an answer from the Commissioners Office and the letter was sent to each of the 5 commissioners.


    • Toni…I did not get a copy? Could you send it again?

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  10. That is what it is all about. Pure innocence! These are noble, majectic, and precious creatures!


  11. EEEeeeeekkkk omg xD
    simply adorable, i didnt think pomeranians could respond to a wolf howl like that, i guess it cuz they were bred from sled dogs ^.^


  12. dansk. da vores syrene hylede klokken 12 i denmark, for 20 år siden, hylede alle forskellige mix hunde, klokken 12, onsdag, jeg var altid ude på dette tidspunkt, det var sjovt at høre på, onsdag kaldte jeg ulvetiden klokken 12.


  13. We have had so much tragedy with our wolves being killde that this agives me a chance to feel some happiness for a moment


  14. Was so cute and sweet omg wonderful video thanks for posting. Thanks so much…


    • Vasileios…I love that video too…lol.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


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