Howling For Justice Will Go Dark To Protest SOPA and PIPA…

Howling For Justice will go dark today, January 18, 2012, between 8am EST and 8pm EST, to protest  two very dangerous bill before Congress, SOPA and PIPA,  that seek to censor the Internet.

Published in: on January 18, 2012 at 2:10 am  Comments (11)  

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11 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Be prepared to change the UnitedStates into ChinaStates II if this bill go’s through.


  2. is already black.


  3. Somebody! Get rid of Obama. (Impeach comes to mind. What a novel idea!) Also, toss this Congress out with it’s communistic, socialistic govenmental plans. We need a complete overhaul. This is America, and we intend to keep it America. If they don’t like it we will gladly give this body of idiots free passes on a slow boat to China. (That boat with the hole in the bottom!)


    • Anne I so agree but who do we vote for? I may end up staying home if Gingrich gets the nomination. I’m an Independent and I don’t see anyone in the field of Republicans I would feel comfortable voting for. I’m certainly not voting for another four years of Obama…what to do?

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Obama was a MUCH better choice then McCain and his Wolf killing buddy….so what do you suggest?


      • Jennifer…Well Obama appointed a rancher to the Interior and now they’re killing not much difference in the end. Of course I’d rather have my nails pulled out with a pair of pliers then vote for Palin or anyone associated with her. Sadly we have no choices…four more years of Obama and his sad record on wildlife or a Republican who will probably have the same policies.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • A write-in? Don’t ask me who … I don’t have ANY political heroes right now … but there must be someone out there who’d make a decent President.


      • Yes captain sakonna but whoever that person is they won’t be running in 2012. I’d vote for Hillary but she’s not going to challenge Obama…so I have no ideas.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  4. Nabeki,
    here is a petition to protest The Grey movie:


    • Nancy,

      So glad to see WildEarth Guardians speaking out against this terrible movie. I put the link on “The Grey” post.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  5. So theyre gonna try and abolish our causes, howling for justice and the forgotten grace? They can try but if they censor my site ill hunt them down and beat them into the dust that is their home. No one, and i mean NO ONE! can silence our voices. We are repeating the wolves songs that we have heard in our hearts and the government cant stop us.


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