Wolf Advocates Pleas To IDFG Commissioners “Fall On Stony Ground”…

Wolf advocates made a brave trek to Boise on Wednesday to remind the IDFG commissioners there were other people residing in the Gem state  besides hunters and ranchers.  With firm resolve they stood their ground,  stressing that wolves  play an integral role in ecosystem health, that wolves didn’t deserve the treatment they’re gettingYet the words of passionate wolf advocates who attended the meeting and spoke out for wolves,  ”fell on stony ground.”


ID Fish and Game Commission Gets an Earful but Increase Wolf Hunting and Trapping Anyway

by  on MARCH 23, 2012


 It’s time for new tactics.  We aren’t going to talk our way out of this!
Photo: Courtesy Boise Wolf  Protest
Posted in:  Wolf Wars, Idaho Wolves
Tags: animal abuse, trapping cruelty, deafening silence from media,  speak out
© 2009-2012  Howling For Justice

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45 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. it’s my understanding that wolves are our national heritage as part of our ecosystem and culture spiritually and socially,as part of our birthright, we’ve even invested ourselves financially, emotionally, and physically as caring human beings putting our welfare on the lines and as taxpayers funding programs to preserve this heritage and protect them until previously as an endangered species. it is an affront to us, socially, fiscally, spiritually as humans even, but legal action may be pursued as a legitimate avenue whereby we can address our grievances, as Dr. Catherine Feher-Elston points out, as our voices are clearly being ignored, and as you point out we need fresh tactics, i don’t know where or how to begin but i think this falls within the purview of a righteous class-action lawsuit for the american people somehow, if we can get the ball rolling with litigation somehow let’s go viral with this and hit em where it hurts. I’m not sure if i’m in the ball park here, heck i’m not even sure i’m on the right planet, as i’m not totally informed but, if anyone out there can take anything from this, hit it out of the park and run with it all the way home


    • Tony in a way it’s almost liberating that the cards are all out on the table. I never had much faith in the lawsuit and I think it just gave us false hope for too long. The 2011 wolf delisting rider that Obama signed and the Democrats all supported was a serious blow we’ve never really recovered from. Now we have to work on organizing in real time, not just on Facebook. Groups need to be formed. Wolf advocates should reach out to other animal advocates and join forces. We need a summit to bring people together and brainstorm. This fight is far from over and in fact suing under the Public Trust Doctrine sounds very inviting…a class action lawsuit looks really good to me right about now.

      There are horrible trapping pictures out there of a wolf caught in a trap and not dead. The disgusting trapper took his picture, smiling like a cheshire cat with the poor wolf in the background, still alive with blood all over the snow. The next photo is of the dead wolf. So basically he killed him in between shots. Those were the most disturbing pictures I think I’ve ever witnessed and it made my resolve even stronger that we have to fight with everything we have to stop this wanton, sociopathic behavior against our wolves and wildlife. These people have had control for far too long. They have killed our wildlife with impunity, their own private little chamber of horrors. Well I have news for them, the wildlife is America’s wildlife, not a few trappers and hunters. WE WILL find a way to stop this madness!!

      Public trust doctrine can rescue wildlife from politics, scientists argue

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • right i couldn’t agree with you more,
        the trust doctrinetoo- certain natural resources, including wildlife, have no owners and therefore belong to all citizens-
        and then there’s intergenerational equity, our legacy to those who come after us, we deserve a say in what happens to our wildlife, it’s not right,
        sorry about the rant i feel kind of dumb blurting out in armchair activist fashion without really knowing the details, i just get angry when i hear of these things and frustrated when feeling impotent to do anything about it other than sign petitions and watch them get ignored.
        i want to believe people would care and more could be done if more people knew about this though i think the general apathy exists because we feel impotent to change things sometime so its easier for us to ignore whats going on i’m starting to rant again sorry

        thank you for what you are doing


      • If anyone wants to read about the horrific pictures Nabeki mentioned above, I did a post abut it on the Wisconsin Wildlife Ethic site. Just click my name and it should take you there.


      • The title of my post is “To Some, This Brutality is “Recreation”


  2. Nabeki…sorry about the above rant…I know peoples heart are in the right place…we just need to be a little more diligent about where we use our energy….Fish and Game is not an ally….look who they represent>>?


  3. Someone with some inside might have a lead for FOIA angle on the financial backing of IDFG commissioners and other anti-wolf bills in general. The anti-wolf bill in the state of OR was pushed by an A.L.E.C. chairman: Rep Whisnant. ( R ). He’s a mindless pawn of ALEC. More or less: ALEC is running the government since Citizens United. This is
    not ‘conspiracy’ it’s in the track record and you can follow these
    corporate insiders by state on the alecexposed website. Petitions are
    nice. ALEC is not.


  4. These morons aren’t going to listen. They think they are above GOD. The only way that I think that we have a chance of saving the wolf is to BOMBARD Obama with phone calls, emails, and letters. No one can be too lazy. Take a few minutes and at least do one of these things or all three. I have written and emailed, but I am only one person. We all have to do this. Thousands of us. Once again, here are the addresses to reach Obama


    CALL the President
    Phone Numbers
    Comments: 202-456-1111

    Comments: 202-456-6213

    WRITE a letter to the President
    Here are a few simple things you can do to make sure your message gets to the White House as quickly as possible.

    1. If possible, email us! This is the fastest way to get your message to President Obama.

    2. If you write a letter, please consider typing it on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper. If you hand-write your letter, please consider using pen and writing as neatly as possible.

    3. Please include your return address on your letter as well as your envelope. If you have an email address, please consider including that as well.

    4. And finally, be sure to include the full address of the White House to make sure you message gets to us as quickly and directly as possible:

    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20500

    We’ve tried every other way, but now I think that all that time should have been aimed at the real culprit, the one who took our wolf off the Endangered List because of politics. Now, it’s time to call him on his dishonest, evil, money greedy ways. It’s like starting from the beginning, but all those who have so diligently signed petitions, spoken up for the wolf in all forms, we all now have to ban togther and bite off the head of the snake.

    Anne DiNucci


    • Thank you, Anne. This is just what we need to do.

      Also, please go to WildEarth Guardians at:


      There is an action alert to oppose a bill that would strengthen and extend grazing rights on public land. Sorry I could not post the actual link but you can cut and past to your browser.


      • OK, well it did post as a link to the WildEarth Guardians website for an action alert to oppose a bill that would extend grazing rights on public land. But now my comment is awaiting moderation. Anyway, just go to the WEG site and click on Recent Actions.


  5. The only hope is an immediate stay for a constitutional challenge for failing in representational government!


  6. “Wolf advocates made a brave trek to Boise on Wednesday to remind the IDFG commissioners there were other people residing in the Gem state besides hunters and ranchers.”

    You’d never know there were any other inhabitants of the Western states, would you. Montana is somewhat better than Idaho, and Lord only knows what Wyoming will do. I’d love to come to a protest. I’m so disappointed that Congress set this in motion – I wonder how they sleep at night knowing they allowed this kind of cruelty to be called wolf management. But obviously they don’t care at all.


    • If I had a way of attending that meeting,
      I would warn those bureaucratic birdbrains
      that if they refuse to listen to us and stop
      appeasing the greedy animal-abusing special interests,
      that I would no longer recognize Idaho as part of the U.S.,
      and thus, personally “annul” their status as the 43rd state,
      re-classifying Idaho as a hostile enemy confederate state.
      What Idaho has done is start a new Civil War.


  7. Follow the money here too. Big groups are probably backing the wolf hunting bills. Many members of the public just do not care enough to stand up for the wolves, and it takes numbers to make up for money. I also note that diverse animal-abusing groups are starting to unite against any movement to help animals, such as big agriculture standing up for puppy mills and horse slaughter. They are presenting a united front to fight against almost all organizations who oppose animal abuse issues.


  8. This is my letter to Pres. Obama. It’s. being mailed today, plus I will be emailing him: March 24, 2012

    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20500

    Addressing President Obama;
    RE: America’s Icon, the wolf, and God’s dog.

    As an American, as many, many Americans feel, the wolf has been a political bulls-eye for blood money. It has been scientifically proven that they are not a threat, nor are they the main culprits that take livestock. We have many predators out there.
    “Coyotes were responsible for 60.5% of all deaths, with the next largest being domestic dogs at 13.3%.[7] Other North American predators of sheep included cougars (5.7%), bobcats (4.9%), eagles (2.8%), bears (3.8%), and foxes (1.9%).[7] Wolves, ravens, vultures, and other animals together made up the remaining 7.1% of deaths.[7]”
    If you can find a carcass with meat on it, it’s not the wolf. They eat everything but the bone. They waste nothing. Only 1 out of every 14 attempts to run down food to feed their family is successful. They do not kill for the ‘fun’ of it, like man, they kill only to survive. When in packs they take down the sick and elderly in large herds of buffalo, deer, elk, moose, bison, which makes the herd stronger. They keep the herds moving so the grasslands are not over grazed. They grass has a chance to recover as do trees, where birds build their homes and raise their families. The wolf plays a huge part in our Eco system. They are extremely important.
    They are not an aggressive animal unless rabid, cornered or protecting their young, as you would do if your children were being threatened. They mate for life.
    I speak for thousands of Americans, we ask you as our President that our votes elected and why you are in the White House to grant our one request: Please reinstate the wolf on the Endangered Species List, permanently.
    Thank you for your time.
    Anne DiNucci


    • Dear Anne,

      It is a beautiful letter which would move even somebody with a heart of stone. Sadly, our president is not going to care. In the event that he sees it, he will invoke the official statement according to which “the wolf has fully recovered and it is up to the states to manage it now”! This is what even the national wolf authority, David Mech, believes, not to mention Salazar and the like. And the killing will go on… I am sorry I am so pessimistic, but the bad news about the wolves does not seem to stop these days.


    • Very good letter, Anne. Coyotes wouldn’t be as much of a problem if there were more wolves to keep them in check. People need to get their guns and traps and poisons away from America’s wildlife and let them maintain their own balance. Humans should clean up their own environmental messes. That is the place to put the money and energy and enthusiasm, not into buying guns and traps and safari expeditions etc. ad nauseum but that ilk just doesn’t see it. How do you make a blind man see?


      • What theoe stupid redneck retards ought to do,
        is build themselves a time portal, leave the year 2012 A.D.,
        and go back to the primitive 19th century where they belong!


  9. Ahh…I just ran across a site on Facebook. “The White House”. Here we can have a say…many says:



  10. Ok…I posted two long posts..and they disappeared. On had vital info in it, where and how to contact the Pres. on this issue, and the other one was the letter I wrote this morning to the Pres. giving some ideas. Both posts are no longer here.


  11. Then I think we should go a step further by annulling
    Idaho from statehood until our wolves are protected again
    and Idaho’s hostilities towards our wolves and like-minded
    advocates alike, are done away with forever!!

    We’ll still maintain contact with our like-minded
    allies who live and work for our wolves there.

    In addition to the indefinite boycotts and other economic sanctions,
    I think we should implement an embargo of products
    entering and leaving Idaho.

    And as mentioned before, we should also impose political
    sanctions against Idaho by suspending or revoking
    not only their representations in Congress,
    but also suspend or revoke Idaho’s status as the
    43rd state of the U.S., and deem it as a hostile confederate state.


  12. I am sickened and disqusted!! whatever action we can do (as long as I can afford it money wise) I’M IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  13. I have a feeling that the IDFG only listens to hunters and trappers, and no one else (Of course, they get their money from hunting and trapping licenses, so who cares about what biologists, wildlife watchers, and wildlife advocates have to say, right?).

    And I thought that the Idaho Wolf Season coundn’t get any worse than it already is, but guess that I was wrong. I don’t know if this is true, but I heard that in the Idaho Panhandle, the Wolf Hunting Season starts on July 1st on private lands; so basically its year-round wolf hunting in Idaho…


  14. How does one have these commissioners removed from their positions and replaced wtih people who have a saner more balanced viewpoint? Start recall petitions? This might be the only real next step since they are not listening… start a petition to have the whole board and every member on it removed from their position and paycheck…


    • I would go a step further in removing Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming from statehood because of their hostilities
      towards our wolves, wildlife advocates, and those who
      refuse to conform to rednecks’ barbaric traditions!!!


  15. this is very sad i can not help the tears it coming from my eyes soul and heart!!!!!!!!!!! its too paimful for me!!!!!!!!! i just can not imagine the suffering for them!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!! i wish i could shange this but i know i can not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just pray for all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  16. If by some miracle, several thousand people contact our illustrious (tongue in cheek) leader by any and all means possible insisting that he puts the wolf back on the Endangered List, and I mean thousands, I do believe the wolf stands a chance. He’s supposed to be a Harvard grad and if he does his math, he’ll find that we count more than his blood money, farmers and hunters.Expressing our feelings online makes us feel better, but unfortunately it does nothing for the wolf. We have to put those feelings to work. I sat here today writing a letter to Obama through tears, but I did it and mailed it. I also filled out the form through more tears, but got the darn thing sent. We ALL have to put our emotions on paper or online and send them to the president, the one who removed our beautiful wolf from safety.


  17. Again, go to WildEarth Guardians website and click on Current Actions to oppose a bill that would strengthen and extend grazing right to ranchers on public land. We have to stop this harmful and meaningless practice.


  18. Sincerely and kindly written: letters and petitions will not move the president nor representatives – or the killing would be over. Safari Club and big oil
    are out for wolves ( why ? they don’t drive?)

    Public Trust Doctrine Lawsuit
    if this could be funded by all wolf orgs and Humane Society, Env. Defense Fund, Sierra club, ACLU, more??

    2 ALEC ( corporate funded representatives and corporate execs inside the government agencies )

    Social Media sites
    post horrible pics on twitter every day… with MT, IDGF,
    and WY contacts to call, fB to post, in rotation…

    FOIA of all licensed trappers and tag purshases- out their addresses on pastebin, with link from this site? and then people can write them personally.

    BOYCOTT BEEF AND SHEEP PRODUCTS IN GENERAL esp: ID. ( Idaho’s groundwater and rivers in the SE are contaminated with selenium ( google it ) and Monsanto is projecting a 100% plant of GMO sugar beets ( more dioxin anyone? )

    Trying to shame the lapdogs of the corporations will not work. They don’t care and ignorant backwoods rednecks who love to torture animals don’t care either. There are many LEGAL ways to get tough –
    appealling to their higher self is a waste of time.


    • I could not agree more regarding letters and petitions: they are not going to save the wolves! Boycotts might help, but on a larger scale than myself not buying beef or Idaho potatoes… If we could convince supermarkets chains not to buy from these states any more, it would be a different situation. Would supermarkets be willing to do it? Probably not. It would cut into their profits.


  19. Here is the trappers blog. Read it to understand the mindset.
    http://bit.ly/GYcDUI .


  20. By all means it’s no more a peaceful solution than the hunters and trappers killing wolves with abandon, yet as in VietNam, Iraq, Afghanistan, it’s very effective when the hunters become the hunted. The same Creator that gave these people the breath of life also provided that very same breath of life to the members of the animal kingdom. When a few hunting sons, fathers, husbands don’t make it home from the “Killing Fields” I strongly suspect that the slaughter of wolves, bison, wild mustangs, wild burros, and other wildlife would slow down too!!




  22. Now, lets think before we do something hasty. If we pull the gun out on someone we’ll be no better than anti-wolf. Surely we don’t want to stoop to their level! I know a few ways that we might be able to change it, but it will take the cooperation of every pro-wolfer on the face of the earth. Anyone with me?


    • You bet! All ideas for effective action needed.


    • Please let us know what might be able to save the wolves! We are with you!


    • Specify.


  23. We CAN and SHOULD FOIA the feds. They HAVE TO RESPOND. I KNOW THIS AS A FACT. If we want dollars lost, dedicated or whatever to doing this madness we can find out. Some federal agencies have a form on their home pages that are click and fill forms. They may charge if it’s too voluminous, but we can get some info. I would be willing to pitch in $20 to help get what we need.


  24. Hi
    I’m an avid Wolf proponent and I’ve got some wolf hater trying to tell me how bad wolf predation has effected the livestock industry in Wyoming and Idaho. I was just wondering if anyone had the actual numbers of both confirmed wolf kills on domestic livestock totals for each year and the losses due to neglect and exposure for each year.

    I can’t find the data myself and ( not that it will make much difference ) asked to provide sources for my statement that wolf losses total don’t add up to a single years worth of losses due to neglect and exposure,. But I’m sure I’ve seen the data before, I just cant find it



    • Dan livestock depredation is a red herring. Wolves kill so few livestock it’s barely a blip on the radar. The ranching industry uses it to demonize wolves. Oregon lost 51,200 cows to non predation in 2010 and about 20 cows to wolves in 1 1/2 years. Here’s the depredation numbers for Wyoming from 2003 to 2012. The ranchers get a lot of mileage out of this non issue.

      Gray Wolf Recovery Status Report
      From: Mike Jimenez, NRM Wolf Management & Science Coordinator, Jackson, WY
      Subject: Status of Gray Wolf Management in Wyoming and the NRM – March 16, 2012


      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  25. I think what has been upsetting me as much as Officials not listening to Wolf Supporters, is that those who could and need to speak up, speak out …are not. We see many, many people saying how much they love wolves but very few are writing, emailing, calling those who are making these decisions to hunt wolves. It is just like any protest, and support system, the more people use their voices to express their outrage the better a positive response we will get. It is in ALL our hands to make a difference, to bring a change, to save and protect all the wolves we can. So PLEASE make sure you are not just talking the talk, but also walking the walk!


  26. AMEN , Judith !! You hit the Nail on the Head ! That is our # 1 problem ! There are all these people saying how much they love wolves and carry on and on – but they don’t do a Damn thing !! Sorrry , I don’t mean to offend anyone , but that is the basis of so much of my own frustration ! There are so many Petitions and News Articles about Wolves on Care2 – many of them my own – and they won’t have 25 signatures !! It is absolutely disgusting and I am so fed up with the situation I could scream and I do – but it doesn’t get people off their butts to do what is needed to Save Our Beloved Wolves !!
    It has been said on here before how the Wolf Advocates need to band together and form a Coalition – similar to the Cattle Industry. I hate to use them as an example – but one need to join forces with all Wolf Advocate groups and stand together – and use the Election – with Obama – letting him kno whowmuch Solidarity we have and we can and will use that power to see that he doesn’t get elelected – unless he reinstates the wolves back on the Endangered Species list ! If we band with all the Environmental groups – I don’t see why this would not be a major influence !!
    What do we have to lose at this point ?! The wolves need help bad ! And I am so sick of hearing aabout and seeing how much pain , torture and suffering they are going through !! IT NEEDS TO STOP NOW !!!!!!


    • In other words…
      ~Action Speaks Louder Than Words~


  27. I have given up on talking to the greedy & blood-thirsty. They have no conscience, so there’s nothing anyone can say to persuade them that inflicting pain & death is wrong. I am running for Utah state Representative, to try to rachet human cruelty down a notch from depraved insanity, (the level it’s at.) If you know anyone in District 19 – Bountiful, Utah – have them email me. Let’s find out if there are enough people with consciences left in this world to put power into the hands of someone other than the greedy & bloodthirsty.


  28. Why is it everyonej’s opinion counts but the friends of the wolves? Makes me very upset.


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