Idaho Hell Hole For Wolves….

Apparently having a wolf hunt seven months of the year and up to ten months in parts of the state (Lolo and Selway) isn’t good enough for Idaho, now the Gem state has made life even more miserable for wolves, if that’s  possible.  According to new rules there will be a wolf hunt somewhere in the state all year-long.

2012 Gray Wolf Hunting and Trapping Seasons
and General Rules

Panhandle  (1, 2, 3, 4, 4A, 5, 6, 7, 9) 

Aug 30 – Mar 31 – 5 wolf hunting tags may be used

July 1 – Mar 31 – 5 wolf hunting tags may be used.  Private land only.

Read the gory details and grit your teeth. It’s death by a thousand cuts. The state is slowly strangling the life out of wolves. Drip, drip, drip, wolf blood flows, families are torn apart, puppies die. This is what passes as responsible wolf management.

Are you watching this USFWS? Do you still think Idaho is doing a peachy job of caring for wolves? You should hang your heads in shame for putting your stamp of approval on this. Everyone who had a hand in turning wolves over to this state, is responsible for the slaughter of innocents.

This is why we have to work harder than ever to stop this madness!! They are thumbing their noses at every wolf advocate and wildlife watcher that care about these animals. Our opinions mean nothing to them.


Idaho to make wolf hunting year round

By On July 3, 2012 · 2 Comments · In Idaho Wolves, Politics, Wolves

State to always have at least one area open to wolf hunting-

New rules! Idaho has decided in effect to always have at least one place in the state open to wolf hunting on a rotating basis.  This is in addition to the general wolf hunt that goes for about half a year. Wolf hunting began July 1 this year on private land in northern Idaho.  The general wolf hunt will begin Aug. 30 and go until March 31. However, some units will remain open until June 30. Then on July 1, 2013 private land in northern Idaho will again open.

Under the new rules, there is no limit on how many wolves can be killed in total except in 5 wolf hunting units.



Top photo: Wikimedia Commons

Middle Photo: thumbnail

Posted in: Wolf Wars

Tags: wolf slaughter, year round wolf hunt, Idaho. death by a thousand cuts

Published in: on July 3, 2012 at 2:40 pm  Comments (58)  
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58 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hardly a surprise for this wolf-hating, gun-loving state of good old boys and hack politicians. The stupidity and meanness of it all is beyond comprehension.


  2. Wow, they just pull these rules out of …. nowhere, don’t they? Well, here’s to a plague of biting flies and mosquitoes on them for hunting in July! 😉


  3. Idaho! Sociopath capital of the world! BOYCOTT ALL THINGS IDAHO!!!


    • I will never step foot there, nor purchase anything from that state. I know it is hurting some good people also, but I doubt they wouldn’t understand and agree. I hate this madness. What a bunch of blood thirsty disgusting people to make such rules!


    • I AGREE 100%


  4. estoy deacurdo con janet aque vamos a llegar sin el lo adios eco sistema


  5. Here is the future. A state with farmed elk and deer hunts. The more elk and deer, the more money. That means no wolves. Besides the game managers, Idaho has become plagued another narrow-minded species, the white supremacist.


    • Amen!


      • DITTO!!!


    • That’s nothing new for Idaho. It’s been a haven for skinhead morons for many years. They have well armed shanty encampments there, that the media has photographed with telephoto lenses. Why “normal” tourists bother go to Idaho is a long standing mystery to me. And my favorite old wisecrack from the WASHINGTON (DC) POST is, “Some of the new junior senators are so lacking in manners, they act like they just got off the last bus from Boise” So, you see, this Idaho stuff used to be a long-standing joke… which their wolf killing spree has turned from funny to deadly serious!

      But along with Jim’s insight to the future of Idaho, we must also envision great suffering, from a high level of toxicity from two sources: fracking (which many residents seem to want) and BSE, also known as Mad Cow Disease, which experts say is already in the elk population and starting to spread to cattle.

      Do you suppose it’s true that what goes around, comes around?


  6. They have no hearts or souls…..They care not about what the people of the United States want nor do they care about the world in which we live or the wildlife who are a part of what makes things here work. They will not be happy until it is all gone….The wolves, the elk, the tigers, bears and lions…..They are cowards and I will never set foot in that state or buy anything that comes from their “BLOOD SOAKED STATE”…….


  7. When it comes to America’s wildlife, Idaho joins Alaska as a state of mentally ill, satanic death cultists. Both states provide the most compelling case for a complete and permanent national ban on wildlife trapping and on the killing of wolves and all other native predators. And other native wildlife must be allowed to roam free and unmolested including America’s magnificent bison. Montana and Wyoming and Maine and other perverted wildlife slaughtering states seem determined to join these two satanic death cult states in a national Hall of Shame. A humane and wildlife-loving majority is growing by the day and is fighting these devils until we completely shut down their monstrous crimes against our fellow living beings, our innocent and precious wild neighbors who deserve life and freedom, as much as all living beings across the country and the world.


  8. Well, I lost all respect for Idaho. What is wrong with the people there?


  9. We must not lose sight of how this was allowed to happen. I have lost all respect for this country lately. Even George Bush wasn’t able to do this. I am not voting this November.


    • No! Not Voting is dumbassed! That’s how all the teapots got voted in! Vote and Change! You have to voice your opinion and WATCH who you vote for. DiFi is my Senator and I’ve already voted against her b/c of her stand on wolves. But I will vote and if I HAVE to vote for her, I’m going to tell her why she almost got ONE less Vote…b/c of wolves…


  10. The person responsible for Idaho’s jihad on wolves is Governor Butch Otter. He appoints the IDFG Commissioners who decide the seasons, the rules. Otter is clueless when it comes to caring about wildlife or wild places, but he’s a Republican in the reddest state & will easily get reelected. Those are the facts. His Democratic challengers and the Idaho Democratic party haven’t been great on wolves, either.

    The only way I see that things are going to change for wolves or any predator in Idaho, is when the cruelty and eradication gets enough publicity that it starts to hurt the state economically. When enough people shun the state, refuse to buy Idaho potatoes, call and make reservations to visit and then call back and cancel and say why, and anything else you can think of to get the message across.

    Probably 40% of Idahoans despise Butcher Otter but what does that matter – we’re a minority. Otter and his henchman are getting revenge against anyone who speaks for wolves. What will stop this madness – I’m not sure. They are evil, sadistic, heartless bastards.


  11. Unfortunately, you’re correct about the state of Idaho. The legislature is dominated by ranchers and farmers who cling to caveman philosophy, who are stuck in some age long gone, and who vote to protect and further entrench their agricultural interests. I call it “old think,” and its core values are exploitation, human dominance, fend for yourself. They lovingly embrace and promote a wholesale war on wildlife, with every species subject to their wrath. Animals are objects and/or enemies to them — a nuisance, an inconvenience, or a source of making a buck.

    It is not, of course, limited to Idaho. Rural states like Idaho are afflicted with ignorance. I’ve often wondered if the lack of compassion and the utter heartlessness are a result of the ignorance or simply an unthinking, unfeeling way of life passed from parent to offspring. Perhaps it’s a result of both.

    I applaud everyone’s determination to boycott Idaho. It has so many beautiful places and many public lands that belong to all of us. I wish everyone could enjoy them, but I believe even more that anyone with a conscience should treat Idahoans who engage in blood sports as the pariahs they are. So be very careful about supporting the local businesses. I recommend you bring your own supplies and spend as little here as possible. And don’t be silent if some stupid Idaho legislator or the impossibly stupid governor makes a provocative remark. Please, let them know!

    And as far as the Idaho Fish and Game Department goes, they’re hopeless. Their mission is to “manage” (manipulate, exterminate) wildlife so that there are plenty of wildlife to kill. They perpetuate and promote cruelty and exploitation. They deserve ongoing contempt from all of us.

    Thank you to everyone for caring. Let’s keep the pressure on and never give up.


    • Great comment, Pamela. I’ve lived in Idaho’s mountains for over three decades and stay because of the public lands. I boycott businesses who support wolf hunting or have employees that brag about their killings. I stopped buying fuel or groceries in the redneck/wolf hating county next door. I used to make a point of trying to support small businesses in rural areas, but when you walk into a convenience store and there’s photos of dead wolves with grinning idiots, it’s time to say your piece & walk out. Spread the word. A wolf hunter who works for a local business got in my face a few days ago. I told him where he could stick it. My company used to do a lot of trade there, but not for the past three years. I wish them the worst. Word gets around.


      • I went food shopping yesterday and got some potatoes. I made sure to see that they were not from Idaho. They were from California. Into my shopping bag they went. I am going to research and make a list of what Idaho produces (any help out there with what to avoid?) and BOYCOTT EVERYTHING THAT COMES FROM IDAHO!! As for this year’s journey to the Northern US Rockies… CANCELLED!


      • Resist, I love what you had to share. I like your style. Thanks, from LoneWolf25, roaming free deep in the wild where no human can find me and my friends.


      • I will do the boycott thing! I can’t fathom the “why” people turn out this way. It makes no sense. It will never change unless those of us that care make an impact. Excellent posts here everyone… I agree with Resist’s last comment (I wish them the worst). It’s hard to feel otherwise.


  12. New memos from Ken Salazar’s office seem to indicate that he is trying to get into heaven or at least seek redemption for his boss. If more of us wrote to ask for his intervention, do you think he could trump Otter?


    • Ken Salazar and Butch Otter are birds of a feather. I’m surprised Dan Ashe hasn’t organized a wolf hunt for them, maybe he’s working on it, trying to get the $11.75 fee waived. (Sarcasm)


  13. So what can we do?


  14. Dana- what goes around does come around. God will make man pay for what he has done. Mother Nature will not tolerate this. We’re in a serious drought and the corn is dying. Corn will be sky high. What will the livestock eat.? Colorado is on fire. Wash. DC. was almost blown away. Too bad it wasn’t.Most of the country is burning up. I have a feeling this is just the beginnig. I had an older Wyoming shepherd tell me that one day this country will starve. I guarantee you, only the rich will be hunting elk and deer because the hunting lands will be privatized.


  15. This might even wake up “Defenders of Wildlife” …..of course they’ll have to think of a way to make $$$ off this news.
    I can see it now….”DEFENDERS NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT….WE JUST FIGURED OUT THAT COMPROMISE AND COLLABORATION ISN’T WORKING”………………donate here and we’ll send you a stuffed wolf.


    • Jerry, you are so right. Defenders of Wildlife is pathetically ineffective. And their fundraising over the bodies of dead wolves is truly sickening. Of course, let’s be clear, the real bastards are Salazar and Obama and Harry Reid and Tester and Simpson and Otter and Schweitzer and the demonizers, abusers and actual killers of wolves, the criminal trappers and sport killers. May they all rot in hell.


      • Since nobody mentioned them yet, one group to consider as being very effective at enviromental causes (and winning) is The Center for Biological Diversity in Tucson, AZ. They are always working for the Mexican wolves that live in the Gila Wilderness area. Just a thought.


      • Snuwolf, yes, you are right to mention the Center for Biological Diversity. They appear to be a shining light and deserve support. Are there any folks out there who can share good information about them? The more I hear about the Center for Biological Diversity the more I like and appreciate them.


  16. Jerry, I’ve given them plenty. They claim they are working with ranchers to save wolf territory. What makes me mad is that none of them pool their resources and fight together. Earthjustice is another one. That’s the bank of lawyers that represents most of the environmental groups. I’ve already got on the HSUS’s case.


    • It’s important to remember that there are some ranchers who don’t mind predators and are choosing to live with them. I also have friends who hunt deer or elk for meat and who like wolves and would never harm one. As for DOW, does anyone know why they refuse to object to trapping and snaring of wildlife?


      • Resist…….I wish more members of DOW would confront them with that question. We wouldn’t even be talking about trapping wolves in Montana if DOW had, in any way, supported the initiative 2 years ago to ban trapping on public lands. They refused to urge their members to support or promote the initiative. The initiative failed to make the ballot….Footloose needed 24,000 signatures and got 23,000.
        There are “principled” conservation groups like Buffalo Field Campaign, Western Watersheds Project, Alliance for the Wild Rockies, Friends of the Clearwater, Predator Defense, and WildEarth Guardians. Then there are the “unprincipled”, capitulatory conservation groups like DOW, who want to protect the status quo so they can keep the money flowing to themselves.


      • Jerry, you are right again. The only thing Defenders seems to be doing is paying Jamie Rappaport alot of money to make sure her silver hair looks good. They do have a nice building and nice offices in DC and are probably are eating well in there. That’s what happens when you become a bureaucracy, you compromise away your ability to be bold, courageous and determined, like Buffalo Field Campaign and other lean and agile groups are.


      • Jerry, you are right again. The only thing Defenders seems to be doing is paying Jamie Rappaport alot of money to make sure her silver hair looks good. They do have a nice building and nice offices in DC and are probably eating well in there. That’s what happens when you become a bureaucracy, you compromise away your ability to be bold, courageous and determined, like Buffalo Field Campaign and other lean and agile groups are.


      • Resist….The Sierra Club recently came out AGAINST trapping. Hopefully, some of the other “conservation” groups will follow.


    • Bobette – actually there has been a lot of pooling of resources since wolves were reintroduced back in 95 and 96. After a while you learn where you fit, who you can trust, who shares your goals. Myself & others were bitterly disappointment when a few attorneys (not with Earthjustice) gave some bad advice and left Earthjustice & wolves hanging back in 2010. I’m not sure if Earthjustice is even working on the wolf issue anymore – does anyone know?


  17. State of Idaho: YOU’RE A DISGRACE!!!!!!


  18. And they sit there, read perhaps this comments and laugh – or ignore it, so what can you American people do to saver not only your wolves but your nature. What can you do against those small brained beings?



    Idaho fish and game and the commission are catering to the hunting minority. They have no clue as to how many wolves there are in Idaho and they are allowing these aggressive hunting seasons on wolves take place. It’s clear that and obvious to many that Idaho fish and game lied when they said they will manage wolves responsibly. If they keep allowing 300-400 wolves killed each year, and not having a clue to how many wolves there are, there is a very good chance that there will be less than 150 wolves in Idaho and they won’t even realize that, but they don’t care. It’s all about killing as many wolves as possible, so there will be more elk and deer for the hunters.


  20. Resist, I’m fuming over what Earthjustice did. Some where along the line in 2010 they claimed they were leaving the wolf cause.At the same time the Alliance for the Wild Rockies was suing either Montana or Idaho on the Constitutionality of the delisting. Earthjustice is not working on the wolf issue and by the way DOW is one of their clients. Everybody has an agenda. I give to most of the groups Jerry mentioned. I may have some of this wrong but I do remember it.


    • What I recall, is that the clients (except for 2 or 3) of Earthjustice asked Doug Honnald to drop the lawsuit. They had made a deal with the enemy. And then Simpson & Tester stabbed them in the back anyway with the delisting rider to the budget bill.


    • And I would add this, having been on various lawsuits, you enter into them with great caution & a good chance of winning & you are careful who you partner with. Also needed – determination to follow through when things get rough, nasty & even expensive.

      I have learned this from personal experience, being the one who got left hanging when the person who wanted the lawsuit to start with, jumped ship. I knuckled down, did what needed done, survived the stress, the hate mail, the death threats – and we won. This was on a gold mine near Salmon, Idaho, that was built in critical habitat for endangered fish. The favorite bumper sticker around town was: Environmentalists: Welcome to Salmon – we aint’ had a good hanging since 1890 (or something like that).


      • Thanks, Resist, for being one of the good ones, with courage and commitment that does not waiver. And to everyone who is in this to win freedom and protection for America’s wonderful wolves and other native wildlife: Courage, bold advocacy, unending love, knowledge and wisdom, fortitude and unity will ultimately win the day. But, yes, one determined human being can make a difference. LoneWolves matter and can accomplish great things. It does not all depend on the group. And in addition to standing up to and confronting our real enemies, we will also unfortunately have to stand up to supposed ‘friends’ who act like enemies. Know who your friends really are and keep fighting for the wolves, without compromise. And don’t be afraid to be a Lone Wolf. Everyone who is fighting for justice can make a difference. The thing is to never give up and always defend your pack.


      • Ha! Well, if that’s the case – they’ll have to shoot, shovel and shut me up too, because I don’t intend to stop advocating for wolves. I wonder if these people know just how lucky they are to live in such a naturally beautiful area and why are they hell-bent on destroying it?


      • I’m with you, Ida, my friend. We have the same kind of satanic death cultists where I live in northern New England, as well. They are a minority across the country but they are all the same, ignorant people, with no heart who like to torture and kill helpless animals. Each one of them is a pathetic loser. And for some f’ed up reason many of our federal and state wildlife laws support and coddle them. We are certainly going to change such devilish policy everywhere. We are already doing that and this positive change will accelerate with every passing year.


  21. Lonewolf25……YES!!! “Know who your friends really are and keep fighting for the wolves, WITHOUT COMPROMISE”


  22. This just makes me so sad – sad for all the wolves lost and the ones to come. Wish I saw an ending to all this HATE, but it will be a long time coming.


    • Shirley, we can be sad and heartbroken but not to the point of surrendering to hopeless despair. Our fight for the wolves and for justice is not hopeless. We can turn things around for them sooner than you may now believe. Sign the Protect America’s Wolves! petition (if the link doesnt work, Google it) at: 
      I am mobilizing a campaign for the wolves, with specific ACTIONS we can take, some of which we have already done. We have only just begun to fight and have already got the attention of influential members of Congress and others who are in a position to re-protect America’s wolves. Everyone, please take a moment to sign the petition AND leave a supportive comment. And never, ever give in to despair. The wolves are counting on us to be there for them and fight harder for them right now. And when the going is toughest for them, to keep the love in your heart and fight harder.


  23. has a petition going. She needs 440 signatures to get the 2,000. Please sign.


    • I did this. Killers (hunters) of wolves should get what they give. It sickens me. And I hate myself for feeling this way toward people but how can they hate an animal so much?


    Seems the dingoes in Australia are faced with many of the same issues……….Here’s a comment from one of their supporters:
    Nic is once again completely correct in what he is saying. Saving the Dingo is not a game, it is a reality that must be dealt with NOW. There are far too many arm chair conservationist groups who make a lot of noise but do nothing constructive. These “clubs” are little more than self effacing, self interest groups that are more interested in gaining self gratification and some kind of twisted fame as supposed Dingo warriors… Fact is they do nothing. Nic has been a generous, diligent and hard working lobbyist for the Dingo for many years and deserves to be listened to and taken seriously. Nic has far more credibility through his tireless work for the Dingo than most. Get off your arses and start to take this issue seriously and get behind Nic in this one very simple request. Inaction on this will only prove that these groups are next to useless producers of hot air.
    about an hour ago · Unlike · 1


  25. Yes, DO BOYCOTT IDAHO for the wolves and for your own health. Idaho is on the decline due to pollution from GMO sugar beet production ( almost 100% Monsanto product this year boasted the Idaho website! ) and is being destroyed by Simplot mining. Simplot has polluted the ground water of southeast Idaho. IDFG has documented mutant trout, stock kills, fish kills… Many intrinsic feedback systems are deeply toxic. If you search engine “Idaho’s two headed trout” you can find the reports but you may have to search deep- like many things in the US, these are not discussed. someone is making good cash off exploiting the land and water of Idaho and the brutes are worried about torturing wolves. ???

    One opportunity that presents to understand how state politics is working and perhaps turn a tide is to sponsor yourself or friend to be on federal land / state management citizen boards.

    I continue to search for ways to support abolishing trapping in the US.
    and to support saving the wolves, yet again. I appreciate reading the comments as I have limited funds and yet DO contribute to .orgs.
    Thanks to all who write and to N for the blog. Please continue to post
    petitions and actions.

    Ask for strength to act in awareness and not from hate like the wolf and animal abusers do. We must forgive them, but not FORGET what they do and NEVER accept it in any way their excuses for cruelty.


    • Good post…EXCEPT…BUT…NO, I will not “forgive” any wolf killer or abuser. That’s for the wolves to do or not. I despise every single one of the abusers/killers and wish each of them a painful and lingering death. For that moron Josh Bransford, may he be caught in a steel jaw trap by his face with no one to free him. And then may his remains be scavenged, picked clean. They are criminal thugs and cowards, each one, useless human garbage. Forgiveness is a complete waste of time for such heartless and sadistic criminals. If your ‘religion’ forgives such murderous, sick behavior, I’ll make sure to stay far away from it. Complete waste of compassion. Focus instead on protecting and healing the wolves.


  26. Which organizations are the best for donations? Center for Bio Diversity and who else? I don’t want to give where it does not count.


    • Tim, that is a good question, but it’s hard to answer as all the groups even the supposed “good” ones have been such miserable failures in keeping the wolves safe and protected. I found that I had to initiate and create my own wolf activism in light of the complete failure of groups I thought were up to the task, that instead tripped over themselves when push came to shove, for wolves. It’s very disheartening to rely on any of these groups at this time. Check out one of the things I’m doing by googling: Protect America’s Wolves!
      It’s an activist petition thru


      • I already did that… are you doing the petition? I don’t follow?


  27. They are not only destroying animal species like the wolves, they are destroying people ! ! !


  28. Instead of the wolves being bad predators, the ignorant and corrupt scoundrels of Idaho are nothing but blood-sucking predators ! ! !


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