Happy Independence Day ~ Remember The Wolves…


Photo: Courtesy Ann Sydow and Enapay (Wolf People)

Published in: on July 4, 2012 at 4:00 pm  Comments (30)  

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    • Happy 4th to you Norma. I wish we had more to celebrate but things will change, we will never give up!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


    • Happy 4th to you Norma. I wish we had more to celebrate but we things will change, we will never give up!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  2. I look at the pictures of wolves on the wall above my computer and wish they were all safe from wolf haters and hunters.


    • I wish they were too. I wish for all ani mals. wish there were no slaughterhouses. wish no animals had to suffer for the frivolity of man.


      • I absolutely agree: no hunting, no factory farms, no transport trucks, no slaughter houses, no fur farms, no animal research, no abandoned or abused pets.


  3. I love wolves and all our relations and I will fight for them and stand beside them and against the evil that this country has become until I die. Long live Liberty and the U.S.Constitution and damn those who are destroying them–enemies both foreign and domestic.


  4. Death to Tyranny.


  5. Thank you Nebeki and happy 4th to you!


    • Same to you Donna (:

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  6. happy july 4th wolves!!


  7. happy 4’th of July wolves!


  8. sadly there is no independence, justice, autonomy or equality for many… i’m not from america so do i wish you a happy independence day nabeki?


  9. Idaho, the land of adventure – for the people, not the wolves. Happy 4th of July – hopefully no wolves lost today.


  10. I don’t think a day goes by that I do not think of the Wolves and wish I could protect them AND all the animals from ALL the stupid, stupid violent people who would do them harm. As an aside I hate the 4th – only means more stupid people out shooting off fireworks even though against law and high fire danger, also means I have to barricade my self and German Shepherd who also hates the constant pop sounds.YUK!


    • I agree about the fireworks. Ever notice when there is a fire the only causalties mentioned are people and structures. What about the animals who are caught??? Guess they don’t count.


  11. Marcia, you’re not alone. Every wall in my bedroom
    is covered with wolves and for this past year in particular, I have a hard time sleeping. I wish we could end the killing of these magnifient animals.


    • Thank you so much. When it comes to animals, and especially in this part of the country (right next door to Idaho), it is easy to feel alone in the fight.


  12. Happy 4th July to you dear Nabeki and every one here.I love the noble and magnificent wolves❤May all of the cruel and inhumane hunters soon awake to love❤ and compassion ❤ Love and light from Denmark❤


    • Thank you Susan!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  13. Thank you for all you do Nabeki. I will never forget the wolves and other animals that are being abused, tortured, and hunted mercilessly for the thrill of man, and I will never stop fighting for them. I dream of a world where humans and animals live in mutual respect of each other and the earth. A pipe dream I know, but my dream nonetheless.


    • I’d say progress comes too slowly for most of the folks here. But the history of wolf eradication and re-introduction suggests to me that given a few more decades the general public will support more protections, not less. By the 1930’s, there were no wolves in the lower 48 states. Now at least theres a pack forming in Oregon and evidence for wolves being in California. Here’s hoping for full recovery!


  14. Hello friends.Thinking of you and of course all the beautiful wolves our nayion has lost over the last several years. The inly possible way to protect them is to re-list them Also the need for abolishing the practice of trapping thruought the country is a mus do.. We CAN accomplish that with enormous public support.Signing every petition you see on line,be it Defeders of wildlife,to a personal petition that someone has put up on their own. I have been on a letter writing E-mail,sending,phone calling mission every day.There desks must be starting to get a little overloaded by now,but they need to know that we mean buisness,and we are not going to go away. I have also appealed to First Lady Michelle Obama. She too has children that enjoy playing outside.I bet if they lived in Idaho (and we won’t go there yet) Sooo Pissed!!! they would think twice about letting the kids out with their dog to play. She may be a sympathetic person to help our cause in saving our Wolves,other non-targert animals that are caught. We can appeal to her human side and tell her the ‘UGLY TRHUH”, perhaps she may persuade her husband to do something abaout the atrocities that are being commited against our wildlife.She May be a great Ally if we approach her the right way.So be well all my howlers aroud the world,and let’s hope we can make it better for the wolves.athe first Lady does have her own web site.I suggest we approach this calmly and wisely,perhaps they will listen now>


  15. kelly- can you give me her website. I was thinking the same thing. I have e-mailed the Prez. asking him what his daughters would think.The problem is,who gets this first and what is done to messages before he even reads them,if ever.


    • This would be totally preposterous. Those in power are all in cahoots with each other and never stray from the party line. We all know what the “party line” is: the wolves have fully recovered, only 10 breeding pairs are necessary to ensure the survival of the species, state management is what they need right now and blah, blah, blah.
      Speaking of the silence of the media regarding the loss of 545 wolves in Idaho and Montana in one hunting season, did you read the piece of news about the electrocuted bald eagle? It has been on the news for a few days now over and over again. To sum it up, this is how fair our democratic media is: total silence over the massacre of 545 majestic wolves, extensive coverage on the death of 1 (one) ugly bird!


      • well You can’t help how you feel.I am sorry you cannot find it in your heart to try and save all majestic creatures big and small. That is horrible about the Eagle,So beautiful. Apparently you have no time io seek compassion for the wolves..I for one will try anything reasonable to help save the wolves and all the other wildlife that is at risk.You can’t change things if you are not willling to try. A lot of people are trying to help.So if your are not willing to try,don’t expect anything to change.People like you need to help speak out about how enraged you are and try to help replace the people in power to people in power that can change things. Sitting by and doing nothing doesn’t work. As far as the wolves go,I write letters every day ,e-mail people every day and spend a lot of time on the phone trying to make a difference and get someone to listen.I will not stop until we have new laws that protect the wildlife and see the wolves back on the EDL.State mgmt clearly does not work ,and I have been saying for months it is time to make tis a national issue. A lot of people don’t know what is really going on out there.I am trying to inform them.I don’t know where you live ,but you can start contacting your stae legislature and start writing letters to them, and other agencies like the Sec.of the interior Ken Salazar.You can help make a difference if you really care and want to help change things. So think about it and if you want to just sit and be on the sidelines that is fine.If you want to make a difference,start helping all of us who are working hard every day to make a difference….


  16. http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/first-lady-michelle-obama- Hope that helps.You can also try michelleobama.com and there are other site
    s she is connected with also.I hope all had a good holiday,Kelly


  17. In case anyone here didn’t get an email from them, the National Parks Conservation Association has a link on their webpage petitioning Wyoming to rethink their stance on allowing hunting of wolves in and around Yellowstone.


  18. Thank you for the info. I will be sure to try and contact them..there is also a prtition on thepoetitionsite to re-establish the buffer zone around Denali in case no one got that either. I think you can find it on Defenders of Wildlife also. Happy Howls to all, K




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