Will You? » Rainbow Warriors

Rainbow Warriors

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  1. Humans are not above nature they are part of nature, we can be the worst and the best part of nature..this is showing us as the worst part of nature. I was born and raised in Wisconsin but am not a Colorado native..the WIsconsin DNR has never gotten it right, it’s just a justification to collect a pay check every week. They can’t control the deer population without screwing up. It is proven that if nature is left to itself it takes care of itself. Survival of the fittest. Put man in the woods and let him fend for himself he wouldn’t last..we are not the fittest. So we even the odds with guns, traps, snares. As the Gypsy says, “We Borrow the Earth.”


    • I agree with everything you said Denice. Wolves do not need to be managed, they need to manage ungulates. The problem are the hunters who think the forests and wild-lands belong to them. They’ve exerted their influence over all of America’s wildlife for so long I think they are quite stunned we are fighting back. We’re not as ruthless as they are…so they have the upper hand right now. It reminds of something I heard last night when I was watching a show about medics in Afghanistan…they said we’re at a disadvantage because we play by the rules and the enemy doesn’t. It’s the same here. We have to learn to be tougher even in the face of adversity.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


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