Wolf Warrior Mato Woksape….

mato woksape boise weekly city desk_andrew crisp

Thank you Mato for your dedication and sacrifice for the wolves!

Open your eyes everyone and see what a true Wolf Warrior looks like.


Mato Woksape Fasts for Wolves at Idaho State Capitol

POSTED BY  ON THU, DEC 20, 2012 AT 1:28 PM

Sitting on the steps of the State Capitol today, Mato Woksape of Corvallis, Ore., is midway through his third day of prayer fasting in opposition to the hunting and trapping of gray wolves in the U.S., including Idaho.

“I’m performing the Sun Dance prayer, which was performed for the buffalo,” said Woksape.



gray wolf USFWS

 715 innocent wolves slaughtered in 3 1/2 months 


Top Photo: Boise Weekly City Desk_Andrew Crisp

Bottom photo: USFWS

Posted in: Wolf Warriors, Native Americans, Spiritual

Tags: Mato Woksape, Solstice Fast And Prayer, Wolf Warrior, over 700 wolves dead

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29 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Wonderful work, Thank you, sharing..


    • You are blessing the wolves and the world Mato from your prayer…I join you in my prayer …Thank you for your love and dedication..you are one in a billion! …I am so grateful for your love for the wolves they suffer, we suffer for them ..I just want it to stop..!
      thanks for your work on their behalf. May you and they be blessed with love and glory and this slaughter end NOW


  2. Yes, a true Wolf Warrior 😀


  3. So proud of you Mato!Wish I
    could be there with you,but I am in spirit!Your a true Wolf Warrior God Bless you.


  4. wonderful sacrifice for our brother wolves. Pilamaya Mato 🙂


  5. Mato…you are a ture Wolf Warrior! I am greatly saddened to see how many of our Sacred Wolves have been slautered! Dear God…i beg you on bended knees please spare our Sacred Wolves the ‘Spirits of the Holy Spirit’ this is why the dark humans want to dystroy them for they are of the light shinning brightly in a very darkened world without the ‘cries’ of the Wolves ‘Howling’ at the Moon, i am dead in heart to live in a time when the white man is pure evil once again. May this darkness pass before the ‘dawn’ of the holy ones to roam our Sacred Mother Earth once more to be free and forevermore. My prayer to the great one…..in heart and spirit….i beg..i cry..i bleed in heart and soul.


    • I feel the same way my heart is in anguish for what we do to these noble beings…the holidays are not happy anymore with our wolves dying.


  6. Truely a genuine wolf warrior and an example to us all.


  7. Thank you for walking the talk.we would do well to follow your example.


  8. Thank u for being there for the wolves, i so wish ppl would become human………


  9. “It takes courage to look at what’s happening to the animals but even more to do something about it.” ~Cynthia Carlson
    You are a true hero. Thank you.


  10. God Blesses you for your sacrifice for the Wolves.


    • This man is a hero. If only we could all be there, more wolves would finally be safe.


  11. Thank You, Mato. It is wonderful to read about such an extraordinary human being that will go to lengths to save a species. Wolves mean so much to me; I want them to be around forever, but so many people need to be educated for this to happen. Good luck in your endeavors for the wolf and I am forever grateful for you. Merry Christmas friend!!!!!!!


  12. Is there any way to send support to Mato. Is he okay and has a place to stay? I say that because we live on the south coast, about four hours from Salem. We are old and can’t join him but we can send support to whoever he is staying with. Wolf Warrior, the wolves need you. It is symbolic. I wish he was surrounded by people of power. The meaness and cruelty of this nation and some of its people is overpowering. He needs our prayers and our support. He is going to be made an object of ridicule when in fact he is a sacred spirit. Our love and power go out to him. Please contact him and tell him and ask him if he needs help.


    • Hi Nancy, Orion Cannon was fasting and praying in Salem, Mato was doing the same in Boise, Idaho. Both have places to stay. It is so nice of you to offer help and support though.<3 They should be finishing up about now i think . Around 5 pm pacific i heard, with special songs and prayer.


  13. As John Prine, the singer says: “Some humans ain’t human, some humans ain’t kind, you open up their hearts and this is what you find”. That can definitely be said about people who kill these beautiful animals. It breaks my heart. And wolf culls are going on in British Columbia, Canada, as well. IT MUST STOP!


  14. He is a true warrior for the cause and a true caretaker of mother earths animals,many congrats


  15. for invites to upcoming events add me to friends.


  16. Mato is really a hero.
    Wish that I could be there to fast with him.
    We need 1000 people fasting in all of the major American cities to have an effect and to stop this elimination of our wolves.
    Toni Stark
    Truth About Wolves


  17. Updates from Mato: Howl Across America update from Mato 12/20/12 afternoon of Day 3 : “I keep getting hyperthermia, so I’m going inside to rest. I’m going to stop by Fish and Game tonight and sing a song or two. I will be there around 7.”
    2 minutes ago · Like
    Howl Across America Day 3: Mato Woksape ” gotta go hit em with this wolf song one more time.”
    Mato Woksape ” we will try to get you a decent recording soon. there was a lot of wind in the first ones.”
    about a minute ago · Like
    Howl Across America Day 3: ” im headed back to oregon after the wolf song at fish and game. im finishing day 4 at home by the fireplace. thanks so much for the offer. and i will finish at sundown on the 21st. when i will sing a special song to close the ceremony at home in oregon.”


  18. It is very inspiring to see advocates like Mato Woksape take big actions like this to save our beloved wolves. I wish that we could all do the same; but as for me I’m stuck to letters and petitions due to time.


  19. Blessing Mato Thank You Wolf Warrior


  20. “The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crises maintain their neutrality.” Dante Alighieri, Italian author and poet (1265-1321) Take a side and fight the good fight.


  21. Thank you, Mato. You are a blessing to us all. We wanted to be there with you. Our wolf brothers are sufferrng terribly and our only solace is in your prayers and songs. Thank you, my friend. Thank you. Those of us who have never had wolf brothers are so poor. The lady in the cave who kept going to put wood on the fire indigenous people’s story will come to pass. When she would go to put wood ont he fire her wolf companion would undo the needlework she had completed. If she ever finishes her needlework the humans will come to an end. If we kill our brother wolves and they can’t teach us anymore, if they can’t be in this world with a viable population, well, we will finish our needlework and I believe we will come to an end. This is not a bad thing. We will move over and let other species become dominant. Maybe we will devolve back into small mammals. It is all a circle. Mato ended on the solstice. Very fitting. He could teach us a lot. Thank you, everyone, for being here and caring. It is so good to share thots with you all. Have a peaceful day. Hope you get some sun.


  22. My prayers join yours wolf warrior I would be there with you but I’m from another country but I am a wolf in my soul and you are a good person god bless you and hugs


  23. This makes me just cry…one guy out there…please to all the wolf advoctes, keep the wolves in your prayers this holiday season!


  24. I’m So proud of Mato and I’m so lucky to be able to call him my friend. This will be our year, people will open thier eyes to lies & greed and stand up for the wolf.


  25. Mato is a wonderful human being. Think of the spirit of Mato versus those who torture and kill beautiful and innocent wolves. Mato walks with Jesus and all the truly great people throughout history. He and his cause, our cause, of respecting, defending and protecting wolves should be praised and celebrated in every loving home across the country.


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