Exposing the Big Game

Action Alert from the HSUS

It’s devastating to watch. In just one year, wolves have taken one brutal hit after another.

First, wolves were stripped of their federal protections under the Endangered Species Act. Then, state by state, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, Wisconsin, and Wyoming all opened fire on these majestic animals. Now, Michigan may be just months away from joining in the bloodletting.

Keep Michigan Wolves Protected is a coalition racing to collect 225,000 signatures by March 27 to put a referendum on the 2014 ballot. If the signatures are collected, we will automatically stop the Michigan wolf hunts through November 2014, an effort that would save as many as 500 wolf lives from pointless trophy hunting.

But we’re running out of time.

There is just more than one week left, and we haven’t reached our goal of 225,000 signatures. Can you help us put more people on the ground…

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Published in: on March 18, 2013 at 11:43 pm  Comments (18)  

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18 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Break my heart, Wolves are amazing creatures, is horrible the torture this poor animals have to endure. Shame on the cruel, heartless, barbaric,brutal hunters only a sick human kill animals for fun, sport or trophy, shame on the heartless, cruel, greedy governments that allow the massacre of wolves. Very sad.


  2. Wolves are probably the world’s noblest, most honorable creature. If man were more like them, it would be a better world. They are vital to maintaining balance in their natural environment. The U.S. Congress is guilty of perpetrating and sanctioning horrific ecological and ethical injustice directed at wolves. They are highly intelligent, native, and vital natural predators that belong on the land.


  3. It is Cruel and Wrong to Slaughter Any animal for that matter let a lone the Beautiful Wolves that were once Endangered. Please Put a STOP to the Slaughter of these Wolves.


  4. Robert sent his letter, I sent mine too:
    Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 12:55 PM
    Subject: Stop destroying innocent wolf pups, all wolves and all innocent life

    > To the heartless and sadistic wolf killers at DOI:
    > Not only do you have to satisfy your barbaric, primitive killer’s instincts > by slaughtering defenseless wolves, as true cowards,
    > but even their innocent pups, in the utmost inhumane manner…
    > How can you, you must have descended from hell together with satan to be > able to do his evil work.
    > You’re doomed!
    > The whole world is watching and condemning you for these outrageous cruel > acts which people worldwide detest and loathe!
    > You’re a shame for the human race, for humanity and for civilization!

    Anneke Andries, the Netherlands


  5. sent to feedback@ios.doi.gov


  6. This country is the most kill happy nation on the planet! WHY innooocent & helpless animals are being murdered just because of what they are is a crime in itself. HOW do you people sleep at night knowing that you have killed innocent animals including little ones for no reason what so ever. Wolves DO NOT pose a threat. LEARN ABOUT THEM & KNOW THEM.


    • It would have gained much if organizations like theBLM and the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service would be sent to hell. They want to control nature and kill what they don`t understand.

      They are not organizations who preserve wildlife, quite the contrary they are wildlife-killing-organizations and they are responsible for the death of many wild animals.

      We don`t need a management of killing wildlife but we need a management that preserves wildlife and that educates people about the importance of wildlife and the relationships in nature.

      I want to live in a world where wolves, buffalos, bears, mustangs, coyotes, donkeys, cougars and the many other wild animals and the wilderness they need to survive, can thrive. This is the real beauty of the world!

      America should be proud of its very special wildlife and learn to respect it.




  8. Thank you for sending the letter…this is the worst slaughter I have seen in America and I am so sad to be an American right now when we thought we had elected an enlightened humane president, turned out not to be this person at all! Romney might have had more humane leanings given his wife is a horse woman so at least she knows animals….It is a very sad time in our nation for our wildlife and we are daily trying everything we know how to stop this madness…My heart is permanently wounded for these wolves and I will go to my grave working on their behalf. They are an intelligent native species that we are killing and we did the same to our native peoples that were on these lands. We are killing our lands and the caretakers of our earth in sheer and utter ignorance and stupidity. My only salvation is people like you who keep the word alive and we will eventually prevail, I hope. Please tell all you friends what America is doing and that Obama is not the man we thought him to be..he protects Gay people and now I wish they would stand up for our persecuted WILDLIFE ..Rachel Maddow, any media, where are you on this pressing issue?…and why are we not discussing in our media the corruption in our Wildlife Services program that is currently run by ranchers, ag organizations and big oil…? Can we at least discuss and ‘out’ these archaic draconian policies driving the extinction of a keystone predator, our iconic American WOLF…! Our voices need to be heard for those dying in agonizing pain, for what?
    P O L I T I C S…..?
    speak out now!
    HOWL loud and stop this senseless slaughter.


    • This wolf massacre is caused by merciless, fat hunters killing hungry, skinny wolves thinking they are eating to much deer. HELLO ALL STUPID HUNTERS LOOK AT YOURSELF!!! YOU HUNTERS ARE THE KILLERS IF DEER NOT WOLVES!!! Hunters, you are well fed and you do not have to blame hungry, defenseless wolves for the deers disappearance! SAVE THE WOLVES! If there weren’t any hunters and if we did not destroy natural habitats, then all nature would be balanced and perfectly fine until trophy hunting was invented! ANY HUNTER READING THIS, YOU BETTER DROP THAT STUPID GUN AND GET A LIFE!


  9. For the sadistic wolf killers at DOI:

    The whole world is watching and condemning you for these outrageous cruel !!!

    People like you are a shame for the human race. Shame on you!!!

    Marian Giesbers
    the Netherlands


  10. Reblogged this on Carinas space and commented:
    Action Alert from the HSUS


  11. It’s just sickening! Why can’t state governments & the federal government listen to the majority that don’t want this happening? I guess I know why…..GREED & SADISTIC BEHAVIOR


  12. This is so sad we write the states, we write the president ,we sign every petition and they out right ignore us all they care about is keeping their rich fat creepy buddies happy I for one refuse to go down without a fight we can and will win and beat these sadistic killers


  13. Well here we are, Basicly same comments that are on every Blogg.
    Until People rise and unite together,we need to get loud very very
    loud. Not sure how California went, But at least somebody DID something.When I say “we” I mean the people that follow HFJ,and the things Nabeki reports on. and Wolf Lovers.
    I would love to start a Howling for Justice In Colorado Springs. It can’t
    happen until this fall, I’ll be having a serious Surgery, in April.But once
    I’m all healed I will get things rolling unless someone does before I get better.
    I need to walk with the help of a cain. I keep the wolf death toll in big numbers on my cain. And yes I sob while doing it.
    We were boycotting Alaska in 2004, but NO ONE was heard.
    We need to get serious and start getting organized.
    Start small with meetings in your house, Set up 3 adults as leaders.
    Then set up simple rules. Have someone check to see if your always
    LEGAL. Then get out there and HOWL!!!!! If you need any help e-mail me. chwolflovin@gmail.com.

    Howl with your friends, Christy


    • Sarah Palin is responsible for the wolf deaths in Alaska


  14. someone had posted before about contacting the first lady as she and her kids are dog lovers and they might be instrumental in helping us….just got her email from In Defense of Animals.


  15. These states need to learn to manage wolves and other wildlife without killing them all the time! I hope that this petition is successful, and/or that Michigan decides to not have a wolf hunt!


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