Sorry, But Wolf Slaughter Is Not American by James William Gibson


October 28, 2013

“Fed Up in Wyoming” reads the caption under this stunning photograph posted on a hunter’s Facebook page (reproduced here under Fair Use). The photo is yet more evidence that, two years after political reactionaries led a successful campaign in the House of Representatives and then the Senate to remove the North Rocky Mountain gray wolf from the endangered species list, the slaughter of wolves continues to escalate as wolf hunters fall deeper in their paranoid fantasy that the wolf represents a liberal conspiracy against rural communities.

The Facebook page  that originally posted the image belongs to two Wyoming hunting outfitters, Colby and Codi Gines. The Gines run CG Wilderness Adventures, headquartered in a highly remote part of Wyoming’s Bridger Teton National Forest, bordering on the southeast section of Yellowstone National Park.  “Wyoming is God’s country, and we invite you to come see it for yourself,” says the Gines’ website.

Their invitation evidently does not extend to wolves. Driven extinct in most of the continental US in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the wolf returned to the American landscape in 1995, when the US  Fish and Wildlife Service reintroduced 66 wolves captured in the Canadian Rockies to Central Idaho and Yellowstone National Park. Conservationists saw as the return of the wolf as a crowning accomplishment to renew the wilderness, and millions of Americans came to celebrate the wolf’s comeback. But by 2009 a virulent opposition movement opposed to the wolf had formed. Made up of hunters and outfitters, ranchers, and far-right groups, these forces coalesced around a cultural mythology in which  wolves became demons — disease ridden, dangerous foreign invaders  — who served as icons of the hated federal government. (Read Cry Wolf, our in-depth report on this issue.)

With the Klan-like hoods and the ostentatious display of the American flag, the photo is a glimpse into the mentality of those behind the anti-wolf campaign. There is, apparently, a cohort of people who view the destruction of wild nature as something to be celebrated, something quintessentially America. They are play acting at both patriotism and rebellion. And, in their play-acting, they reveal a great deal about the paranoid fantasies that have gripped some people in the age of Obama.

The Facebook comments following the photo are especially revealing. Among those who LIKE this page is Sportsmen Against Wolves, a group whose “About” statement is, “Sportsmen against illegally introduced Canadian Gray Wolves.”  Here’s one wolf-killing friend, J. Weeks, commenting on the photo: “Kill all federally funded terrorists. ” To some, the reintroduction of wolves represents Washington’s treason against civilization itself: “Yet another brilliant bleeding heart program…reestablish the bloodthirsty critter that every civilization form the dawn of time has tried to eliminate,” says Johnny W.  To Sarah H., the wolf killing is just self-defense: “I imagine they don’t want any wolfies to come after them or their families!” Then Haines complained that only one had been killed — there “should be a pile of them tho!”

The white hoods, with their echoes of Jim Crow-era terrorism, were actually celebrated by some commenters.  “Redneck KKK” wrote Austin T. One fan, Julia G., argued that the wolf hunters should be more brazen, posting,  “Next time they go full REGALIA.”

For their part, the Gines prefer to call the hoods the sign of “Vigilantes,” a way of “Trying to make a statement!…Frontier Justice! Wyoming hunters are fed up!” John  P. concurred, “Yeehaw…looks like modern day Wyoming rangers taking care of business!!!!!”

Some commenters suggested that the wolf hunters wore hoods to protect themselves from government persecution. One supporter of masked men posted, “I fully understand the masks…Keep on killing guys.”

It would seem that wolf hunting is the wildlife version of George Zimmerman’s vigilantism – self appointed keepers of order waging a battle against an imaginary enemy.

Or maybe it’s worse, and the wolf hunters with their KKK masks are more like shades of Timothy McVeigh. The cammo gear, the rifles – it’s as if the wolf hunters were  fighting a guerrilla war against Washington. As if they were worried that at any moment a US Fish and Wildlife Service black helicopter would swoop down and a SWAT team emerge, assault rifles blazing.

But it’s a phony rebellion against a phantom menace. The wolves aren’t actually any danger to people or much of a threat to ranchers’  livestock. And the US government permits them to be killed. There’s no real transgression here requiring a mask. It’s all theater meant to self-impress.

In April, 2011, the House and Senate sponsored a “rider” on a federal budget bill that removed gray wolves in the Northern Rockies from the protection of the Endangered Species Act. Here’s the very long story in short: Democratic Senator Jon Tester faced a rough challenge in the 2012 Montana election, and sacrificing wolves as expendable was deemed politically expedient to win the race. Wolf hunts renewed in Idaho and Montana that fall. Legal challenges by environmental groups against the delisting failed.

Wyoming took until 2012 to win full federal approval for a plan to declare the lands near Yellowstone a “trophy zone” with wolf quotas. In most of the state, wolves can be killed year round without limits.  The Gines’ hunting operation is in “Wolf Hunt Area 3.” In late October they reported killing two wolves, filling its quota of three wolves. Whether the wolf in this photo is one of the three legally killed is not known.

The Northern Rockies have become an unsupervised playpen for reactionaries to act out warrior fantasies against demonic wolves, coastal elites, and idiotic environmentalists — the members of these latter two categories being “two-legged” wolves. The sheer extremity of the hatred shown to wolves, and the bizarre juxtaposition of the KKK-like hoods and American flag, plainly expose this movement for what it is: A scapegoating of the wolves by men and women who have succumbed to their own rage against imagined enemies. And while the failure of federal, state and local political leaders to denounce the anti-wolf movement illuminates their moral failure, history offers encouraging instances of public indignation creating change from below.

Read the rest of the article @ Earth Island Journal:


Photo: Earth Island Journal

Posted in: Wolf Wars

Tags: James William Gibson, Earth Island Journal, wolf hate, wolf persecution, Wyoming disgrace, Northern Rockies

Published in: on October 28, 2013 at 11:00 am  Comments (83)  

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83 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Reblogged this on ANIMAL POST.


    • Unfortunately, the American Flag has been used in many atrocious acts by this country. Flying the Earth Flag (if one needs to fly something) would be much more appropriate. The American Flag is a symbol of on-going war, genocide, colonialism, with most countries in the world hating what is stands for. These animal killers proudly fly this symbol, and I want nothing to do with it.


  2. This photo saddens me and makes me very ashamed to be part of the same human race as those masked, paranoid, ignorant bloodthirsty killers. Their use of the American flag enrages me. It is unfortunate that the power games played by our polititians has allowed people such as these to take out their fear and hatred on the innocent wolf. This is an animal that only kills to survive. Unlike the human race. Quick to kill what it does not understand. The only species ever to hunt another to extinction. Who are we to condemn the wolf for killing? The only species that has a thriving industry dedicated to killing animals for fun. For the thrill of ending a life. I pray every day for the killing to stop.


  3. Thank you for your insightful piece, James Gibson.


  4. photograph just confirms the theory that hunters suffer from penis deficiency syndrome. the only hard thing they can hold is a rifle.


  5. I should be proud to be an American, but these twisted freaks make me want to burn my flag!!!


    • Well said Nancy. My sentiments exactly. That wolf represents the black man, the Jew, basically anyone who isn’t WHITE! If these yahoos had their way, they’d kill us!


      • You nailed it Girl.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


    • addendum: the wolf represents anyone who isn’t white, Christian or just like these yahoos!


  6. For over three decades I’ve lived in the Northern Rockies and the hatred, disrespect and stupidity toward wildlife, especially predators, is at an all time high. The politicians who run Montana, Wyoming and Idaho are big part of the problem. Rep Simpson (R-ID) and Tester (D-MT) and many others have no use at all for wolves. Simpson has (or had) a full wolf mount in his office in D.C. Someone said he used to beat on it for fun. Who knows if this is true. The voters who support Simpson, Tester and the ghouls holding office in Wyoming, go out and kill and then put on white sheets and laugh about it – holding a dead wolf. It’s sickening. Living in the Northern Rockies has become sickening. Most of the big so-called conservation groups in these states have turned their backs on predators because it’s too messy, or their big funders don’t want to deal with the fact that wolves are being eradicated again. Thank you Bill Gibson for speaking up, thank you Howling for Justice.


    • WOW…Resist…you said it all. There is nothing left to say. It’s all out war against the wolves here.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  7. I don’t understand why they are fed up.
    I’m fed up with all the bull shit that has been going on in this country, especially when it comes to hunting, trapping, snaring, bow hunting, I’m sick of it. I’m sick of ranchers always whining about this or that. It seems that hunters get their way ALL of the time.
    Thanks for the good article.


    • Sandy…I’m as fed up as you are. This is so far out in left field that it’s turning into a nightmare. Who would ever have imagined four years ago this is where we’d be? Something has to happen to stop this…it can’t continue.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • How about an open season on wolf and coyote hunters? No license required.


      • I really don’t think it is about race or religion, etc. It’s just about government, and those who don’t want it. Our present Administration is too weak to stand up to them, or maybe doesn’t care about environmental and wildlife matters. It’s a subject that has never been mentioned. It’s a green administration alright; green meaning inexperienced. The President is way out of his depth in just about every matter. Even George Bush was no worse, and that says something.


      • Ida, I think they’ve transferred their self loathing and hatred for environmentalists onto the wolf. It’s scapegoating, transference whatever we want to call it. It happened before and now it’s happening again.

        I will never give up on the wolves and I believe that picture, which they thought was such a great idea, will be something they’ll regret. Will it stir the masses? Will this finally be the catalyst to break this story wide open? I hope so. We need the American people involved, calling Congress demanding these animals be protected. We should be calling the Capital as a form of protest. Make it a daily ritual. One thing politicians worry about is losing elections and there is one coming very soon. We have leverage and should use it, especially calling the Dems that let this all happen and voted to take away the wolves protections.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Actually, with a democratic president we assumed he would be a green president but he has turned out to be anything but! Don’t forget when we had the BP spill and MSNBC had a daily count of the days it took Obama to respond to the spill it was like 72? days…regarding keystone pipeline and fracking which are no brainers for a democrat he is still vascillating and it is terribly disturbing. Apparently, he was not schooled in basic primary environmental principles. He clearly doesn’t have the bandwidth to address these issues when he makes appointees like Jewell, Salazar and Dan Ashe who incidentally, has a blog out saying wolves are recovered and doesn’t attach a lick of science to his statements. They are running our environmental policies from climate change to clean water to wildlife “management” and we we all pay , because he didn’t do his homework and keep his promises. This is the horrendous price for his incompetent stewardship. We need to invite him to a forum that he can get some first hand knowledge on fracking, tar sands and wildlife and why they are all connected and why it all matters so much to the future of this planet and his kids too…It is a huge issue and the emperor has no clothes on here and he needs to called out for his lack of science and info ! .


      • I’ve been saying the same thing for the last 4 1/2 years. Obama has no clothes. It took him four months in office to delist wolves and appoint a rancher to the Interior. I don’t think it’s so much that he’s ignorant of the environment or wildlife issues, I just don’t think he cares. It’s so low on his priorities that it doesn’t even register. Yet for the last 4 1/2 years the big greens have supported him because they think he is the lesser of the two evils. Well he’s not. He’s a career politician who has been the biggest disappointment as a president then anyone I can name in my lifetime. The sad reality is there’s no real difference between the parties. Harry Reid, a Democrat, led the charge on the budget wolf rider, he’s also allowing the roundup of our wild horses, Nevada has the largest wild horse population. I’m sorry to say this rebecca but Obama and the rest of the sell out Dems don’t care. They will only listen if their re-election is threatened, that’s all they care about, staying in power. There’s an election coming up, let’s start calling now, let’s make it a campaign to keep the heat on the people who allowed this debacle to happen. Flood the capital switchboard every single day until election day. Let’s do it!!

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Nabeki Let’s come up with a brief script and quick use phone numbers for ease of use ! To call the White House. ? Call him on this he is naked !!!

        Sent from my iPhone



      • Let’s get an easy but hard hitting script to call the president on this disaster he has created for our beautiful wolves

        List numbers and best words to say top order of day !
        Call the White House … Interior takes the call and I can hear the paper being thrown in waste paper basket !
        Let’s do this !


      • Rebecca….I’ll work on it. I definitely think it should link to Bill Gibson’s excellent article that I posted. That pretty much says it all…as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.
        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Rebecca if you want to send me your ideas, contact me on Wolf Warriors (:

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  8. Perhaps these hunters should take their frustrations out on Mother Nature — after all, didn’t a blizzard kill a shit load of cattle recently? Where is their anger and rage at the environment for the freak storm. These a-holes are just looking to kill anything because they are pissed off that a black man is in office and we liberals are “destroying the moral fiber of this country!”


    • I don’t know why they are complaining. The Administration handed this to them on a silver platter. They ought to be grateful.


      • Ida…Yeah ranchers don’t hate the government when they get their subsidy checks or use Wildlife Services as their own personal wolf killing service. Obama is the best thing that’s happened to these people concerning wolves, he gave them everything they wanted…they should be worshiping him…Obama did what even George Bush couldn’t accomplish. They’re delusional.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Exactly!


  9. Can’t someone get this picture out there to the public through the media. I mean the national evening news for EVERYONE to see and hear about. Along with the responses to this picture it should really get some notice from many people. Most people are not aware that they are up to things like this. The hooded faces make it even worse. We all know what we are dealing with it is time that everyone take notice. This is about as un American as you can get.


    • your right it should be. I had to watch this county shoot 27 wolves in my back yard with no bite re for no reason. ive been fighting for them since 1990 , does any one listen. I even wrote a book, lil miss red riding hood loves wolves. to change up bringings, who in the hell listens. as soon as you mention wolf they close their ears and walk away/ WHAT DO WE DO. THE DUMB IDIOTS. I SAY WE ALL MAKE A PAINT PICTUER AND POST THIS HEADING, TO OBAMA. SAYN AFTER OURS WHAT WE INK OF IT, LET IT RUN WILD ON INNERNET. ID SAY SPOOKS DONT LIKE WOLVES , RIGHT OBAMA. IF SPOOKS FREAK OUT OVER DOGS, SATIN MUST BE IN WOLVES THATS ONLY IN FAIRY TALES AND LYERS!


  10. I cannot believe that our government has allowed this to happen and escalate like this. I will never vote Democratic again – I many never vote again depending on what kind of slim pickin’s are being offered in 2014 and 2016. I hope these losers stop fighting the Civil War someday.


    • There is no difference anymore between parties..they pick and choose what serves their purpose. Wolves were in the way, so they ran right over them. I’m still in shock over the Udalls voting yes on the wolf rider. And Boxer too. Unbelievable.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


    • I have already decided. I WILL NEVER VOTE AGAIN! I am done with our Government. Done with a D!


      • Not ever voting again ain’t gonna solve the problem, only perpetuate it!


      • I’m too disgusted. What other choice do I have?


  11. Oh where is the Redneck Wolf Lovin’ Brigade when you need them! Please, I beg you….


  12. The picture above should be on billboards for tourists to see entering Yellowstone


    • Yes. Enter at your own risk! 😉


      • Absolutely. America needs to wake up and realize our wolves are being decimated by a reborn version of the KKK. Jim got it right.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Exactly and when these assholes have decimated every non-human sentient being, they will turn their muzzles onto our pets. God help the dog or cat that should cross their path. And when they have finished killing all the neighborhood pets, they will turn their cross-hairs onto us.


  13. Reblogged this on " OUR WORLD".


  14. So very wrong in so many ways. The “great white hunters” are wearing hoods because they probably are scared someone might think they would look good stuffed and mounted. The wolf looks like it could be my sister’s old dog. I bet they beat their dogs if they own any.


  15. Hunters with an us-them worldview are demonizing wolves, dressing up like the KKK, holding an American flag, calling wolves terrorists and shooting them to death. Sounds like a bit of projection here with a touch of racism and xenophobia thrown in. It is not patriotic to kill wolves. Wolves are animals without moral qualities. They are part of nature like the sun, trees, and birds. Why Obama gave in to these folks by exempting wolves from the Endangered Species List in their killing zone I will never know. This stuff is hard for me to read about. Would it be possible to bring what is going on to the attention of FWS and President Obama so they see this is not about hunting for sport but about killing to express hate and serve an insane ideology that anthropomorphizes wolves into enemies of the USA.


    • Harvey….I’m sorry to say but Obama has been complicit in this since 2009, mere months after he took office he delisted wolves. He appointed a rancher to head the Interior and the rest is history. His reasoning had much to do with the two Democrat Senators and Governor in Montana…he was trying to appease the Red States. And it worked because the Democrats in Congress sold wolves out with the budget wolf rider Spring 2011 and Obama signed it into law. Harry Reid could have pulled the rider out of the bill but he wouldn’t do it. He pulled two other riders out of the bill…one to defund Planned Parenthood and the other to defund Obama Care. He allowed the Senate to vote up or down on both those riders and they were defeated but he left the wolf rider in place and the full Senate voted on the budget bill with the wolf rider tucked inside. They were too cowardly to vote up or down on the wolves separately so they did it the sneaky way. This is after NIWA, Howling for Justice, Wolf Warriors, Greenfire and other grass roots groups lobbied them continuously in 2010/2011…many made promises to us that they would protect the ESA and wolves but they turned around and betrayed them. It was sickening. I watched the vote on CSPAN and they were all back slapping each other, wolves were never mentioned. They got what they wanted, Tester re-elected and that’s when I lost complete faith in the Democrat party and Obama. And now his Interior department wants to put the final nail in the wolves coffin by removing all federal protections from them so they’ll be at the mercy of the states. You can’t get any colder than that.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  16. dude, you need to seek professional help. i’m done with you. good-bye.


  17. The best numbers at the White House to CALL..and…CALL…and..CALL insisting that the people’s wolves be resinstated on the Endangered List. (See below) We keep calling until they either put the wolf back on the protected list…or we drive them into a padded room. That will be the choice we give them.

    Writing our feelings and spouting off makes us feel like we are doing something to help the wolves, but I am afraid that the White House has never even looked at these strong opinions. We really need to CALL them, frequently, each and every one of us, every day until they cave. It has been known to work before on things of greater matter to the President. Worth a shot. The phone is OUR ammunition. Let’s use it!!!

    White House phone # 202 456-1111
    Secretary of Interior Sally Jewell phone # 202 208-3100


    • I will do this ! everyday!!!!just like a daily absolution.


      • Yes Rebecca!!

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


    • Thank you Anne!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  18. A friend of a friend who works in Jackson Hole said that wolves are now coming in to town and wandering around.( implying they are so many wolves they now come to town)…like they were bothering people? When i heard this i responded well their families have been killed and there is no one to train them, they would much rather live in family groups and hunt in the forests and be wolves, etc…The more I thought about the remarks this person had made i thought the wolves are now the refuges of the wolf wars….Another disenfranchised group, just like the Native Americans and the African American families taken into slavery and broken apart… Does anyone know anything about the townspeople being bothered by wolves in Jackson Hole? I would really like to know more about this situation that again fuels the fire for their continued persecution and extermination.




    • rebecca..I think that’s probably more propaganda, there are so few wolves in the state now. They only had about 350 or less before all the killing. I doubt there are enough wolves to form a pack in the state. If they are coming into town it’s as you said…their leaders have been killed and they have no clue what to do. Wolves are one of the most social animals on earth, right up there with humans. Not only is the killing devastating them but the loss of their families as well.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Yes, the are refugees of the”wolf wars ”
        So sad … And so wrong
        We are responsible as a species for this misery


    • I don’t buy it that wolves are wandering around Jackson Hole. We hear the same stories here in Idaho. A wolf by the school playground. A wolf dumpster digging off Main Street. Where are the photos? People like to say they have seen wolves and might even describe how they liked how the bushy tail turned up over the “wolf’s” back. Even the local paper published a photo saying it was three wolves and anyone who knew the difference between a coyote and a wolf, could see it was another wolf tale.


      • Resist…You’re spot on…Wolves in town is just a “fairytale from the fringe”.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  19. Heck, I am not even American and I can recognize what this represents..I can bet everything I have that at my young age I am far more educated than the idiotic rednecks portrayed up there..They say hope is the last thing that one loses…I certainly wish it was for me cause I have long lost it. I managed myself to come to an understanding of what is the true value of life. I was never raised in protecting it nor I was in destroying it..but somehow it just flourished in me..I knew that there was no way I could rightfully take any other creature’s life. But what use is that? What we see has gone far from simple “hunting” or “hatred” to a whole new more intricate level..its complexity is just beyond me, I used to think that people who hunted were mentally challenged or impaired..But this, man, I used to cry, an 18 high school senior just randomly getting depressed over such madness..but now, I do not even know what to do..cry, rage, depression? what does it matter? The abominations up there do not seem depressed at all, so my feelings, and, actions are rendered irrelevant at this point.. Petitions..letters..calls..emails….I sense that it is not only the innocent wolves’ life who is being wasted. I simply cannot find an explanation to this anymore..this looks like something metamorphosed from terrorism. I simply cannot come with an explanation to this.. surely there must we one that we do not know of yet..there must be..someone came up with the Schrödinger equation for quantum mechanics doesn’t it? Why can’t we solve this despicable crap? I better cut it here, cause no matter how deep I try to bury it, sentimentalism just manages to break out..I’m sorry my wolves, I have failed you..I’m sorry guys I wasn’t the person to save the day..I’d given up anything to be so..
    For the lost wolves….Au revoir. and thanks for this post,


    • I feel like you do a lot – but I will never give up until the day I die. I don’t know why this kind of thing is allowed to go on, and yet those who would and have never hurt a thing are called terrorists.


    • I hear you Daniel and I know how frustrated, sad, angry and disgusted you are, me too. You’ve expressed it very well…but we have to push on no matter what because if we stop those savages will keep ramping up the violence until not one wolf is left in the lower 48.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  20. Thank you for this article and for helping expose the killing spree on America’s Wolves. As seen by the comments, most of these wolf killers have their tales to tell. They will attempt to use the death of a few humans by wolves (which probably were strays from packs killed off) or live stock deaths, but leave out key factors to those killings. They will use the pregnant cows, poor calves ripped to shreds, as a way to evoke sympathy from those who should are for ungulates only, attempting again to make a predator look like some sort of evil killing machine. Sorry, but in the wild there are no grocery stores, farm markets or weapons around for a predator to use. They will take down their prey with what real carnivores where given to obtain food. They will not expend enormous amounts of energy to take down food and just waste it. There is no waste in wild, simply because humans have grown to be wasteful, a look at nature will show food is never wasted. They will also leave out the fact that the real reason they would like wolves gone is for their own selfish reasons. 1. So their livestock can graze on public lands (infecting big horn sheep & other susceptible ungulates) for free. 2. So they can resume the high numbers of tags for ungulates. Which of course provides tons of $ for so many in the killing business. Their arguments are so tiresome, boring and put if touch with reality that ONLY a person with little common sense could ever actually believe that wolves are horrible vicious creatures that must be destroyed. These killers also refuse to acknowledge that vegetation, waterways, and even several species of animals/birds have benefited greatly from allowing our Grey Wolves to return to where they belong. Make no mistake these are grey wolves, not some subspecies that was just thrown in to America. They were here, they belong here! For those still researching and learning about why wolves are very vital to our Eco systems, please do the research and avoid mythical stories with half truths and stories full of hate that have been passed on through generations.


    • Your welcome Kimber, Bill did an excellent job.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  21. Has anyone noticed that the wolf “killed” numbers are way up this year? We hear the Fish and Wildlife and DNR are giving out GPS coordinates to hunters…this is illegal, isn’t it ? Should state and federal agencies be involved in aiding hunters? I feel, if so, our govt is betraying the wildlife they are “managing’ and I am horrified. Is there any news on this?


    • It’s not illegal, at least here in Idaho, and since Wildlife (killing) Services also has the frequencies – their agents could be providing locations, too. Records obtained from Idaho Dept of Fish & Game has discussion of IDFG staff wanting to provide wolfers with pack locations, to encourage hunters to go where staff knows there are wolves.

      In several Idaho “zones”, the season goes through wolf denning and rearing months – the den locations are common knowledge among IDFG and WS. It will take a few more years, but the goal of eradicating wolves in Idaho down to the minimum number will happen. Even if Idaho had less than 150 wolves, would the Obama administration care? Would USFWS Dan Ashe care? No. When it comes to wolves, Ashe is like James Watt at Interior (look up Watt if you don’t know the history).

      The powers that run and rule Idaho, Montana and Wyoming do not want wolves and nothing is too horrendous or cruel to get the politicians attention or make them care. Once this is understood, then what is the plan – how can things be changed? Most people around here say it will take several generations. Only when the three wolf-killing states feel an economic backlash from their slaughter of wolves, might they take notice.

      Yet – the wolves in Yellowstone Park get shot if they step a foot outside the boundary and all people like the YNP wolf biologists can say is that wolf hunting builds tolerance. Bull. The more wolves that are killed, the more the blood thirst rages on. Read the anti-wolf blogs if you think killing wolves builds tolerance for wolves.


  22. As humans, the ignorant have sold us out for profits. The killers are suppressing the conservationists… somehow this MUST stop!


  23. I was at a convenience store in Stevensville, Montana today when a female hunter entered the store upset because her teenage son would not shoot at a deer along the road in a wooded area.
    The willingness and ability to kill an animal is used as a measure of a boy’s manhood and kids that don’t “measure up” are scorned and ostracized.
    How can we combat such ignorance that has been passed down from one generation to the next?
    There is a church in Stevensville attended by hunters called, “The Sportsmen’s Church” and members believe that they are ordained by God to kill all wildlife including all game animals and predators.
    The men wearing the masks with the dead wolf are part of the same “killing cult” that is spreading throughout the U.S.
    We can only hope that other teenagers will realize the importance of wildlife and think twice about randomly killing an animal.


    • Once the teenager is old enough to leave home, he probably won’t be back much. This happened to me. Grew up in a redneck, animal killing family. Went off to college and discovered a different world, where wildlife were treated as something other than targets.


  24. They wanted attention, they got it. However, like Robert Millage before them, it is not positive. This act was obviously planned. The people in this photograph wanted to do two things: to demonstrate their hatred and secondly was to scorn their opponents. To avoid the fallout from this, they covered their faces. Arguably prudent (no, I am not praising them), but unquestionably cowardly.
    After the delisting, before the hunts were started, hunting forums called for wolf hunters to keep quiet, not to publicise kill photos and not to brag about their killing of wolves (they just couldn’t help themselves could they?). And now because of the rider attached to that bill, they feel secure in being as obnoxiously cruel as they want to individuals so long as the species remains off of the ESA.

    Have these individuals ever heard the saying “Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves?”. Every shamelessly sadistic photograph, video and [long-winded] testimony condemns them. The sad thing is, how much more rope is the US government willing to give them?


    • Robert Millage has been a sort of hero in Idaho for having killed the first wolf in the 2009-10 hunt. He’s a realtor and has several websites where you can see him with all the wildlife he’s killed. Unfortunately, PBS in Idaho, likes to glorify Millage and feature his photos. You might think about that before you give your donations to public television in Idaho.


      • Resist,

        Thanks for pointing that out!

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


    • Excellent analysis John. I think their hubris may be their downfall.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  25. Reblogged this on Exposing the Big Game.


  26. Reblogged this on Sherlockian's Blog.


  27. Reblogged this on Wolf Is My Soul.


  28. When I first saw that photo I was so horrified that I was speechless…and, for the most part, I still am. It is just so horrible. That poor wolf. And all the symbolism that the hunters are displaying…I won’t even go into explaining that (it’s bad enough to think about)!


  29. I see the COWARD HUNTERS WEARING MASKS/LIE THE KKK. then they go home and beat up on their wives & kids. if there was a god , would this be happening? bruce in boston


  30. They are so proud of themselves. Why don’t they show their faces, the cowards!


    • People who make statements such as “wolf killing in not American” do not know their U.S. History: it is as “American” as slavery and prejudice was, and still is. The serial killing mentality toward wild life in this country was supported and encouraged by the government, with the aid of the U.S. military, after sending out their “scouts” to determine how much killing had to be accomplished to make the “wide open spaces” amenable to settlers (mainly ranchers). The Livestock Industry was the major player in this on-going slaughter–and still is today. The American flag is just a worn-out rag, and is used to justify the wars & environmental terrorism raging on this poor planet today,


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