Leaked Document: Scientists Ordered to Scrap Plan to Protect Wolverines

Exposing the Big Game


Despite Extinction Threat From Global Warming, Obama Administration Caves to
Pressure From States, Overrules Federal Scientists

WASHINGTON— According to a leaked memo obtained by the Center for Biological Diversity, scientists with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have been ordered to reverse their own conclusions and withdraw last year’s proposal to protect American wolverines under the Endangered Species Act.

Photo by Steve Kroschel, USFWS. Photos are available for media use.

Fewer than 300 wolverines remain in the lower 48 states, and global warming over the next 75 years is predicted to wipe out 63 percent of the snowy habitat they need to survive, government scientists have said. In fact changes due to climate warming are “threatening the species with extinction,” the Fish and Wildlife Service said in last year’s announcement of its protection proposal.

Now the memo — signed by Noreen Walsh, director of the Rocky Mountain Region of…

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Published in: on July 9, 2014 at 11:53 pm  Comments (16)  

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16 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. It is a shame to see the wolverines become extinct. We are losing so many species of animals every day.


  2. This is absolutely horrifying; in this day and age, with every conceivable method at our disposal to ensure a species does NOT go extinct, this ignorant woman supersedes viable scientific analysis with her ‘beliefs’ and consigns these animals to decimation rather than protection.

    It’s disgusting. I cannot understand the nearly universal mind set among a group of federal agencies that refuse to protect our natural resources, and dismiss valid science as inconsequential. We see it everywhere – in the mismanagement of wolves and all other apex predators, in the mismanagement of wild horses and burros and in allowing unbridled use and abuse of Public lands as if they were, instead, Public toilets.

    If ever we needed an apocalypse…just to level the field a little for wild life and wild lands.


  3. This is a disgrace!


  4. Reprehensible.


  5. Once again ,the arrogance and selfishness -as well as stupidity -of some members of the human race surfaces.Perhaps there is some cosmic justice which may ,if not flatten , hopefully Enlighten these ignorant ,egotistical people before they have decimated all wildlife.Til then, I,along with all those who care about the wild, will keep making my voice heard,doing what I can to make some small difference.


    • Well said Helen!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  6. Wait until you read about Idaho wanting to pass a law to extend the trap and snare checking time to 15 days in the Panhandle under that same old guise of ‘protecting the elk’! Not only do they want to kill off their wolves (and any wolverines or lynx or whatever gets in their way), but WA and OR’s too. Asshats. I hope the federal and state governments have enough balls to say enough is enough.


    Our Federal government can’t even make illegal the importing of exotic snakes because the American Reptile Keepers or some special interest group like the American Paddlers Assoc. (who knew their were so many special interest groups that need money?) would lose millions of dollars! They passed a half-a$$ed measure that outlawed the importation of some but not all. The other old fallback excuse ‘we’ll lose our livelihoods!’ So instead we spend millions of dollars trying to control them. Real smart!


    • Can they get anymore sadistic over there in the Idaho wolf killing fields? Every day there is news even more horrible than the day before. But whose fault is this really? It’s the Obama administration that turned the wolves over to the wolf hating states. He is the absolute worst President in my lifetime. I echo Joanne’s sentiments.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  7. Heads need to roll over this total disregard for science…
    The laws are here to protect not circumvent for political expediency..Obama seems very inept with no backbone to do the right thing here…BLM under his reign has turned into a shambles and a sham ..This is an embarrassment for his administration, and just shows where his real interests lie…
    Call him to the mat!


    • rebecca, Sadly Obama could care less about wildlife or wilderness. I don’t think he would recognize a wolf if it was standing in front of him. He is detached and useless as a leader. I cannot wait for the 2016 election. The thing that worries me is how much more damage he can do in 2 1/2 years.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  8. Obama is an absolute disgrace. I utterly loathe the man.


    • Ditto Joanne!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  9. obama sucks and so does his whole administration


    • LT8715, So my guess is you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, just parroting wolf hating talking points. Do you understand ecology, trophic cascades, the importance of predators or are you just interested in your own selfish needs, like a predator free landscape? Or maybe you’re not a hunter or a rancher and just hate wolves because all your friends do. I’ve lived in the Northern Rockies, IN WOLF COUNTRY, a very long time and I could count on two hands the number of times I’ve seen a wild wolf, except in Yellowstone. So stop with the dramatics, we’re all sick of hearing the lies that people like you spew about wolves.


  10. This is ridiculous! As a biology major student it angers me to see that politics are triumphing science over endangered species issues and wildlife management in general! The science supported listing the Wolverine under the Threatened Species Act; this protection should not be denied just because of some anti-ESA politicians and their Climate Change denalism!


  11. Its the USFWS that should go “extinct”.


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