Feeding Frenzy – “Hunters” Block Off Elk With Vehicles – Shoot Into Herd On State Land!!

Elk Massacre Montana

“A cow elk that a representative of the G-T Ranch said was shot in the face and wounded by hunters attempting to kill a bull in the herd on Friday, Nov. 7….Provided by G-T Ranch”

It really doesn’t get much uglier than this. “Hunters” block off a herd of elk with their vehicles and start shooting, creating a type of canned hunt. Hunting showed off its ugly underbelly in that field, it was a feeding frenzy. And yet wolves are demonized for hunting elk to live. These “hunters” couldn’t hold a candle to wolves when it comes to fair chase.  Oh yes, I forgot, hunting is such a noble “sport”. Tell that to the cow elk pictured above who “was shot in the face and wounded by hunters attempting to kill a bull in the herd”  And this was done on state land!!

Please send your comments to MFWP and let them know what you think of this disgusting display! Contact info below.


Wardens: Elk hunters near Helena were unethical


HELENA (AP) — Some of the dozens of hunters who converged on a large herd of elk on state land unethically blocked off the animals with their vehicles and opened fire even as the herd was on the run, game wardens said.

The incident involved a herd of about 500 elk near Canyon Ferry Reservoir east of Helena on Oct. 26, the second day of the general elk-hunting season.

The number of hunters grew as word about the elk herd spread. Some hunters used their vehicles to keep the elk in flat, open areas. Hunters also continued to shoot into the herd after the elk began running.

The hunters killed about 30 elk. They included an illegally abandoned spike elk and a bull elk seized by wardens.

“Unfortunately a situation like that brings out the worst in unethical hunter behavior,” Warden Sgt. Dave Loewen said. “That type of activity drains local game wardens babysitting elk and unethical hunters. I wouldn’t even consider it hunting.”

Three hunters in the area at the time were cited for failing to obtain landowner permission before hunting.

“We issued a whole lot of verbal warnings,” Warden Justin Feddes said. “It’s a drain with three of us up there all day long tying us all down.”

Local landowner and outfitter Kelly Flynn said he has seen hunters gang up on elk on the flats before.

“People seem to lose some of their common sense when there’s that many elk that close,” he said. “It’s difficult to watch, and I’ve talked to several people who did see it and said it was as ugly as it could possibly be.”



Citations issued, ethical concerns raised over White Gulch elk hunt

Elk Massacre 2

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44 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Wow, this is disgusting. Wolves are blamed for this kind of behavior when in reality it’s hunters. I can’t believe this is going on.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Cheyenne,

      This isn’t an isolated incident, there are YouTube videos showing this very behavior. It’s so hypocritical, since all we ever hear is how much hunters love elk and treat them with respect but in reality elk are just another target. Absolutely sickening. These so called hunters couldn’t hold a candle to wolves on fair chase.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,

      Liked by 1 person

      • They are using the radio collars that the Government put on them to track and kill the whole pack


    • Wolves are not banned anymore. They are now being killed again. They are hunting them out West right now with no limit on to how many are killed. The hunters are tracking and killing the whole packs from helicopters and military rifles. Contact you State Reps. Senators, Congressman, this has to stop Now!


  2. And Man states wolves are vicious killers!  And the hunters association states that only 10% of hunters are unethical!  (What?  Sounds like the 10% are only hunting in Montana?)  I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts these “boys” get off with a slap on their wrists.  Isn’t that the way it always is?  It’s the animals that lose through the greed and desires of Man.  These hunters should not be allowed to hunt ever again!!!  They are not “hunters”; they are slaughterers!! Jackie M.


    • I think the article said they gave out a bunch of verbal warning – that’s a slap on the wrist.


  3. Three citations issued huh? I’m sorry but ethical hunters better step up and report this crap and these people. If this doesn’t happen, I think that hunting should be shut down PERIOD. This is disgusting and this is what is happening way too often.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. would like to share on facebook – but can only find the link to “like”

    Liked by 1 person

  5. disgusting bunch of garbage and I would love to hunt these assholes ’til they drop – can you just imagine how much of this crap goes on out of sight?

    Liked by 2 people

    • As a Marine Vietnam Combat Veteran,I’d love to block those hunters in and gun them down!!!


  6. “Hunters”, “Sportsmen” ??
    Did the hunters just want the meat or did they just like the killing or did they just enjoy being out in the wilderness ? How many Elmer Fudd Nimrods does it take to kill an elk? Are they conservationists? Are they sportsmen? Was it fair chase? Was it stand your ground? Did they do it just so the elk would not have to suffer the winter or starve?



    “3 hunters cited after dozens shot into herd of elk”
    Two were hunters from great falls Check out this story on greatfallstribune.com:http://gftrib.com/1u7ICcE

    “Fair Chase

    “If the purpose of hunting is only to kill an
    animal, then the process is moot; we contain the
    technological ability to kill all animals.”
    –Allen Morris Jones
    The phrase “fair chase” has a very specific meaning in the hunting world. The Boone and Crockett Club defines it as “the ethical, sportsmanlike, and lawful pursuit and taking of any free-ranging wild, native North American big-game animal in a manner that does not give the hunter an improper advantage over such animals.” This means fair-chase hunters pursue their quarry on foot; hone their skills so they make quick, clean kills; and obey the law.”



  7. The more I read of these acts of cruelty the more I dislike the human race.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hunters are ugly inside! That lust to kill doesn’t make sense to people that have common sense.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. This is a nightmare . And with elk hunters trying to claim they are such honest hunters. That is just as bad as the people that shoot tame bear cubs that are sedated in a cage.
    Not sure what is going to happen now that there is no longer a wildlife / conservation advocate in politics that is holding off this tide of regression/ aggression .thx ernie

    Liked by 1 person

    • That sounds hellish, doesn’t it? That and our Dr. Mengele animal experiements, we’re an evil species that seems to need to kill and harm, and it’s easier with those who cannot speak or fight back.


      • And I don’t say that lightly – if we can do that to our own kind, animals who have no protection don’t stand a chance. But they do have a prayer.


  10. Should be stop all together


  11. Total scumbags. I despise hunters so much.


  12. Sharing this with Fish and Wildlife… I never want to see another Hug a Hunter advertisement.. never!!


  13. I plan to call FWS and te them I am sick of their ‘ hug a hunter’ ads and they better start educating respect for ALL wildlife.. including predators!! Anyone join me?


  14. This would not be happening if it was not for the inaction of the MT FW&P. They cave in to the Sportsmen’s Lobby Groups and look the the other way when slaughters like this happen. I am sure that cruel killing like this has been going on for years, but this group of hunters got caught. Montana FW&P has opened the door to outer state hunters and they come here in droves with their sharp-shooter rifles.
    I see this group every Fall in Stevensville, as they load their trucks up with supplies for hunting.
    If something does not change, there will be little wildlife left for our grandchildren to enjoy when they become adults.


  15. Reblogged this on Exposing the Big Game.


  16. The hunters are cowardly. I could say all kind of things to put them down, (impotent, can’t get it up, etc) so they shoot four leggeds to prove them selves to be masculine. Sorry all you guys that aren’ like thig.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Reblogged this on Mind Chatter and commented:
    Man is the most vile predator alive.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. A gun obviates “fair chase”, there is no fair chase with a gun.

    The large conservation.orgs are beholden to the larger culture, and generally must accept gun hunting, but YOU are not.

    State fish and wildlife agencies are corrupted by the presence on their ruling comissions of hunters, hunting outfitters, and others who profit or take pleasure in thrill killing. These agencies must be changed to reflect the actual opinions and makeup of citizens. This will require concerted effort over a long time, and a refusal to compromise.

    Federal government agencies generally have a mandate of developing agendas and programs and policies reflecting all citizens – thus their nature is compromise.
    The only weakness in their policymaking is that fact that hunters are “consumptive” users, reducing wildlife, and indulging in a pretense of “management.”
    This management has the consideration of responding to private domestic animal possessors, and thus management in general is intentional diminution of wild species.

    So, if you want to save the wolf, you must speak and act against
    hunting lobbies
    gun lobbies,
    ALL consumptive use, due to the fact that it consumes wildlife and wild laces, reduc ing native species and reducing human nonconsumptive capacity for enjoyment.
    “Game” /wildlife agencies in states must be twisted into agendas of NONconsumptive use, and the ethic of gun hunting (not to mention the worse trapping, where for pelts trapped animals are preferably stomped to death ribs crushed, to save the integrity of their skin and fur) must be attacked as the unfeeling sociopathic pastie it is.
    [my own opinions on actual subsistence hunting are not relevant here, but I hope you understand that the Montana hunters generally feel that they are doing this for subsistence – this is why they are acting like Inuit, killing whatever, as easily as they can with the tool called “gun.”

    These hunters do not differ from “sagebrush rebellion” type ranchers, who feel that because they WANT land on which to graze and “own” animals, it becomes theirs.
    this attitude of ownership and priority is at the root of their grip on government agencies, on their threats of violence toward those who disagree, and their fear and hatred of the native Gray Wolf, the Grizzly, and any predator, whether it diminishes the number of “their” domestic” (elk in this case) animals, in reality, as the mountain lion, or in terrified fantasy, as in the tiny coyote (I have lived in the West for 50 years, and no coyote, not even the mountain ones who look like small wolves furred similarly, have habits or skills of the wolf. Ranchers indulge in fiction, although those miscegenated domestic sheep, when not closely tended lamb out in country, and coyotes can easily take them).

    Until the wolf is completely safe from the guns, snares, and traps of humans, you have the choice of compromise and these will die (since I have met a few, and lived & traveled with one for a lifetime (his), I do not truck with any who believe that a single one should die at the hands of men. Your other choice can be to do what you dare to end these gun people on this continent. If they ever choose to share with the wolf, as the wolf courteously shares with men, then I will accept their presence – but not until.

    Canadian biologist John Theberge is the only biologist I am completely sure maintains the correct position. He has spoken before groups of both biologists and public, of his opinion that the Gray NOT be “managed” by humans in any way.
    Jay Mallonee may be of a similar opinion, but I do not know.
    While the most influential wolf biologist, L. David Mech, early on gave much thought and was of the opinion that human culture needs to accept the wolf, he is largely anthropocentric (witness his feeling that “problem” wolves should be lethally removed, his website which focuses on altruistic practice toward the massively overpopulated human, and his relatively recent work targeting pro-wolf individuals and groups – whether personally insulting an Ojibwe woman I know, or writing rather pseudoscientific opinions published. Although his wolf study has been excellent, he possesses these massive flaws in his ethical makeup, and those involved with scientific viewpoints should be strongly critical of anyone who places humans higher than other species of the Earth – that is anthropocentrism, an attitude not acceptable any longer on this planet).

    Many indigenous tribal nations of North America have both traditional and personal opinions, and naivete’ by wolf advocates is inappropriate. The Ojibwe/Chippewa, are the nation most respectful of the wolf, while the Inuit and relatives the least. Some like the Coleville tribal government in NE WA have hunting seasons on wolf, although some have given lip service to honor or respect for that kind.

    While we certainly should tolerate the existence and values of most humans, those who are motivated by hatred or psychopathic lethal “management” of wolves, presuming that the species is of less value than theirs, in my eyes should not have this attitude passed on in education, government, or to their own children.
    They have called wolves cockroaches – perhaps as the Ojibwe say, what happens to Wolf will happen to men.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. I am so sick of this! These people are still living in the Dark Ages. And if anyone thinks MTFWP is going to do anything serious about this, forget it. FWP is in bed with hunters and ranchers–good luck trying to penetrate that good ‘ol boy network. And did anyone else notice this exception? Un-friggin’ believable:

    “Use of a self-propelled vehicle to intentionally concentrate, drive, rally, stir up, or harass wildlife, except predators of this state,” is unlawful, according to the code.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joanne, how evil is this statement? “Use of a self-propelled vehicle to intentionally concentrate, drive, rally, stir up, or harass wildlife, “except predators of this state” So basically it’s alright to use self-propelled vehicles to intentionally concentrate, drive, rally, stir up or harass predators. How much more proof do we need that predators are persecuted?

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  20. Sadistic murderers and cowardly subhuman lowlifes. They’re nothing more than that.


    • Good answer Chasinglight2. Couldn’t have said it better although they are total scumbags in my eyes.


  21. let’s see they will get a slap on the wrist and go on their merry way killing again. and in reality these jerks should never be allowed to hunt again in any state..


  22. I wrote a letter to the Mouslian stating my outrage, I hope it is printed.


  23. is there away that I can share this article on fb?


    • Yes isjustlucky, go to Wolf Warriors on FB, the post is there and hit the share button (:

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  24. It is way past time for all hunting to be banned in the US, with exemptions only for those that can prove and show that they would starve without hunting. These people ARE NOT hunters! A hunter would have respect for wildlife, a hunter would actually get out of their trucks, and off their lazy butts and stop baiting animals, or using traps or whatever jerk off thing they use to make sure they KILL something. A real hunter actually gets out there and TRACKS what they are hunting, which calls for intelligence because you have to know the print of what you are hunting before you can track it. There guys could not track their own butts into the bathroom. I have nothing but contempt for hunters as now days there is NO reason to go kill anything. It is NOT a sport, but it is being made into a blood sport which is totally barbaric.


    • given that there was no fair chase here, these guys are basically welfare queens eating off the public trough by filling the fridge with OUR animals.


  25. Salt of the soil? More like scum of the Earth.
    This is what happens when you raise children to have no compassion and no regard for lives other than their own.




  26. Knowing how chronically underfunded and understaffed wildlife enforcement in the U.S. is, and having read how disgusted at least one warden was, I contacted MFWP encouraging efforts to prevent these hunting frenzies from happening. I received a quick response which I thought was worth sharing:
    Thanks for the note. I believe you are right- most people- hunters as well as non hunters- find this kind of situation appalling. The number of emails I have received regarding this incident back that up. The best thing that can come out of this is that we sort through how the circumstances developed to create the situation and then come up with some ways to keep this from occurring . Our wardens as well as biologists are doing just that.

    Michael Korn, Assistant Chief
    Law Enforcement Division
    Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks


  27. This is sickening; no animal deserves to be slaughtered like this! My heart goes out to those poor elk!

    Also, is anyone else highly disturbed by the fact that predators are excluded from the protections of Montana Code 87-6-405?


  28. Men are the top predators on our planet Earth. This game they call the “hunting game” should really be called the blood game. None of our Wildlife ask to be a part of this game to begin with and they are always at a disadvange in this game. These hunters lack complete EMPATHY and COMPASSION. They are not connected to these animals. So they don’t have any feelings towards them. I think they should be charged with ANIMAL CRUELTY! This is animal abuse, cruelty and inhumane treatment to these animals to say the least!

    Liked by 1 person

    • No one could put it better. We are all singing from the same hymn sheet but is it doing any good for the wolves and the rest of the worlds wild life?

      Liked by 1 person

  29. For all their blathering about hunting being a “sport,” these beserkers out for blood and killing show what hunting really is–human beings who just plain love destroying life, being in control, behaving as the bullies of the planet. They are ugly beyond description.


  30. A very close friend of mine has come to the conclusion that the devil has taken over the world, so now you know why these awful people love to destroy life on earth.


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