426 Wolves Wiped Out in 2014 and It’s Not Over…

Wolf Family fanpop

Update: November 21, 2014

443 wolves killed 2014


 November 18, 2014

blood drip 2

426 wolves have been wiped out since the beginning of 2014. Pups, alphas, whole packs, gone. The majority have been slaughtered in the ongoing  Idaho, Montana, Minnesota and Wisconsin wolf hunts. 17 wolves were killed in Wyoming’s “predator zone” before a federal judge recently relisted them. 3 wolves were killed in Washington state, even though they’re “protected” there. The Huckleberry Pack alpha female was shot by a WDFW sharpshooter from the air, the alpha female of the Teanaway Pack and a female wolf from the Smackout Pack, were both poached.  And I’m not even counting wolves killed by Wildlife Services this year or wolves killed in the 2014 part of the 2013/2014 hunts. That would push the total much higher.

The saddest part of all this are the hunts are far from over. Wildlife Services killings are not over.

This has to stop, we are traveling down that long, dark road of wolf eradication.

Please don’t give up on wolves, be their voice!  Speak out for them, they’re suffering, in the cold, in traps, shot, snared, torn from their families! We must work to end this nightmare! We are their only voice!

For the wolves, For the wild ones,

Nabekiblood drop

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29 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Blessings on the precious, innocent, Wolf Spirits

    Posting a link to our Facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/TheAnimalSpirits


  2. We need names and addresses of who did the killing. A FOIA request has to be answered. Then we need to sue them in Federal court. Justus Reid

    Justus W. Reid, Esq. Sent from my iPhone


  3. Some way, somehow, we must get the wolves reinstated on the Endangered Species list. Obama delisted them. With the change of parties in Washington, I pray that we have a new chance to undo the evils that Obama did. It can’t get any worse..so maybe, I pray, there will be somebody that will listen to what the people want and not to Obama and his blood money gang.


    • That is their only hope Anne, is to see them re-listed. It happened that quick in Wyoming, with the stroke of a federal judge’s pen. The problem with Montana and Idaho, is the wolf delisting rider took away the people’s ability to fight wolf hunting in the courts. There has to be another way around this. I keep saying this but we should be suing under the Public Trust Doctrine. All citizens in each state have a say on how wildlife is “managed”. The problem is the non hunting public has been shut out and the state fish and game agencies “manage” wildlife. That’s why wolves and other predators are being killed, to inflate ungulate numbers so these agency sell more tags. It’s all an ugly business and it’s the animals that are suffering.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  4. It is inappropriate, unethical and violation of the public trust mandate to be hunting wolves, killing predators (lions, wolves, bears, coyotes), and manipulating normal prey-predator relationships, established through millenniums of time to follow the unethical and mythological hunter myth of bolstering ungulate populations for hunters to kill. This amounts to game farming in the wilderness and is a violation of the trust put in state and federal wildlife agencies to protect the natural balance of wild places, which is basically to leave them alone and protect them from humans. Wildlife viewing is usually much more remunerative than wildlife killing. The American public pays for wilderness, wildlife, preserves and national parks much more than hunters and trappers. Nationally, hunters only represent 6% of the population and fishermen 15%. It may be higher in Alaska, as it is in a couple of western states, but not that much higher. Wolf viewing alone in Yellowstone brings in $35 million to the states surrounding Yellowstone. It is my understanding that the Denali wolf packs have already been diminished by hunters outside the park, indicating that there should be a buffer zone around Denali as there should be around Yellowstone, Glacier and other national parks, game preserves, and sanctuaries. We are losing wildlife to encroachment on a large scale. Hunting is a form of encroachment. People come to states that still have significant wilderness to see wilderness and the wildlife that should not be diminished by an unholy alliance between hunters, trappers, their fees and sports game targets and wildlife agencies. The role of wildlife agencies: wilderness.


  5. How much proof does USFWS need to prove that wolves should not be delisted? Wyoming had them classified as varmints in 80% of the state. Montana’s new rules allow ranchers to shoot any wolf they see as “threatening”, which means any wolf they see year around, on top of extended trapping and hunting seasons. Idaho was having wolf and coyote killing contests for cash and hired a hunter to kill a couple of packs arguing that it is in defense of elk herds, and proposes wolf baiting to kill more wolves for sportsmen and elk farming in the wilderness. Wisconsin is using dogs. MT-WY-ID-WI are obviously marginalizing this apex predator which is not good ecology for trophic cascade effects; yet hunters (sports killers) and ranchers and these state wildlife agencies have unhealthy effects on ecology. We are rapidly getting back to the 1800’s with wolf massacring states. Wolf management–they do not need general management, should not be by states. The states mentioned are too hostile, biased. colloquial in attitudes and controlled by historic hostile elements. They are promoting wolf hate myths despite contrary evidence: For instance, wolves do not kill too many elk and their impact on cattle is less than 0.002%. These states are run by rancher and hunter folklore, myths and lies and their ilk in the state wildlife agencies and legislatures, with so far the only exceptions being OR and WA and CA. OR and WA are the the model wolf management states, and the state of CA which has already enacted wolf protections anticipating their arrival. Wolf conservation states allow the killing of only chronic offenders, not general wolf killing, and require that nonlethal management be in place and tried. The throwback (1800’s) wolf massacre states are mismanaging wolves and like in WY should wolves should be relisted until there is a conservation plan in place that allows for more than a marginal population.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Roger,
      Thanks as always for your insight and relation of the ethical and scientific failures and politics involved in the attempt by white immigrant peoples to extinguish the native North American wolf.

      I just want to emphasize that the political is the so far final determinant:
      Western states, and the very hunting and cattle/sheep interests desire to have greater freedom from regulation in their use of federal public lands, greater freedom to kill, without such regulation.

      This appears to be a significant part of the core issue as they see it.

      They do not have an ethic of life for its own sake, but only one of utility, which amounts to death for profit.
      In Washington state right now, for instance, the argument is lke that of Northern California counties: sheepers and ranchers are in terrible fear of any loss, and promote the false idea that they will not be compensated, when in fact they would be. They associate the paperwork required with government control over the triggers of their guns – the extreme mental illness of solving problems through murder.

      Without a reverence of the lives they take (which they CANNOT develop, life being only for financial/social gain = cash), they will not change so long as they and their outlook remain on the earth.

      Because ranching and sheepherding are lucrative investments, many of the wealthy of the West invest, while seeking local and national political power.

      A great change from this money = power and multiple use federal land mandate/management is required.


  6. This is tragic! Whatever we don’t like or fear, we kill!


  7. Isn’t it just unbelievable? An entire WI pack (at least) has been wiped out and it gets very little attention. The WA wolf pack destruction get a little more media time. I think people see them just as individual wolves, not as packs, and of course the media isn’t helping, due to ignorance of biology or just plain defending all human (and bt extension all Democratic administration) activities.


    • or not as valuable pack members, I should say.


  8. You all must see the latest video provided by The Wolf Patrol – it’s a video of a trapped wolf being released. Beauty, indomitable spirit and dignity:

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you for sharing ida. Everyone can see that wolves can and do bark when they’re upset. How can anyone watch that and not think of their dog? How tone deaf does a person have to be?

      I found another one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_2n7E1Zzgk It’s in Michigan where wolf hunting is still illegal. It was set for a coyote but they caught a wolf. Doesn’t make them heroes but it was nice to see the wolf freed. They could have illegally shot the wolf and done the SSS dance. But they didn’t so I guess I’ll give them credit for that.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • You’re so right – you cannot help but see the fathers and mothers of our domestic dogs. So beautiful!


  9. Reblogged this on Exposing the Big Game.


  10. Reblogged this on Wolf Is My Soul.


  11. Reblogged this on hocuspocus13 and commented:
    jinxx xoxo


  12. So, sad.


  13. i cannot understand this killing of our greatest predators. I thought when the wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone, humans had finally realized how great these animals were and how much we needed them. What is this sudden desire to distroy them? We still need them. Those billboards are rediculous. Someone has been reading fairytales. There are no big bad wolves. They are more like humans in their societies. I pray that these crazy humans will stop before it is too late. I don’t want my grandchildren to grow up in a world without this beautiful animals.


  14. Reblogged this on "OUR WORLD".


  15. why isn’t there a tab to share this on facebook???????


  16. why isn’t there a link to share this on facebook??? this bloody masacare has got to stop…. sooooo sad 😦


    • Shelley, Every Howling for Justice post is on our sister site Wolf Warriors. Please visit https://www.facebook.com/WolfWarriors and you will find this post there to share. There are also share buttons at the bottom of each post.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  17. This Is Barack Obama’s Wildlife Legacy.


  18. Reblogged this on mondozeitgeist.


  19. What is behind this slaughter of the wolf? ….. There must be a valid reason, why for the past 12 months, there has been a concerted effort to eradicate established packs ….. Who/what stands to gain for the decimation of their homelands? …… Is there an oil pipeline planned? … Or fracking ? ….. I no longer trust the government they have proved how underhand and sly they are …….


  20. What should we expect from someone who ate dog meat.


  21. The big-money has spoken.

    What “they” want, “they” always get. The public be damned, as John Davison Rockefeller, Sr. once angrily bellowed.


  22. […] 426 Wolves Wiped Out in 2014 and It’s Not Over… […]


  23. It is incomprehensible the insensitivity observed by some of the state officials to manage wild life. Time after time we have written emails, letters, petitions,, etc, etc and hunters continue to terrorize America wilderness with an inept and less then educated approach to wild animals. Private interests dressed as militant groups
    wipe entire populations of wild life that belong to parks and public places.
    Our wild animals are an important part of our state parks. We need to see that no ranchers or hunters rent those lands for personal profit. We have spoken, we care for eagles, we care for wolves, we want bears, we love our wild horses. Please respect thousands of voices who cry for transparency on public lands We need to see public lands managed by caring, honest people who love the land and its creatures large and small. We don’t want any more sadistic individuals killing wolves.


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