Wisconsin Wolf Hunt Closed Today!

Wisconsin wolf hunt closes December 5 2014

December 5, 2014

Finally the torture is over for Wisconsin wolves. 154 wolves were killed in the hunt since October 15, that’s an average of  3 wolves per day, have all the deaths been counted yet? I don’t know.

The hounders didn’t get much chance to chase wolves with dogs to their deaths, thank god, but any wolf  suffering that fate is one too many or any wolf subjected to trapping, shooting, snaring, etc is one too many.

Sadly wolves are still being hunted in Idaho, Montana and Minnesota.

wolf warriors

Graph: Wisconsin DNR

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Wisconsin Wolves, Wolf Warriors

Tags: Wisconsin wolf hunt ends, 154 wolves dead, gray wolf persecution

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25 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. It is sad that any of these wolves had to die.


  2. Using the word “harvest” is such a misnomer when killing animals and could it be that individuals only mince words to hide that they enjoy the kill so much? When anyone uses the word, harvest, it is obvious they can’t outwardly admit to killing a living creature and try to conceal this horrific deed.


    • I also don’t like that word when it comes to a description for killing wolves…it should be called slaughter and torture of our wolves..not harvest like you would a potato or carrot.


  3. These wolves didn’t have to die. But we’re determined and we’re growing and we’re making a difference. Just this week, California became the first state in the nation to ban wildlife killing contests!


    • That is awesome!


  4. I called the Dept of N Resources in Wisconsin and their line was very busy today and all I got was the answering machine, name and number please. I didn’t hear from them yet, PERHAPS, this is a good way to hound-no pun them that we have a say too. KNOCK IT OFF, as I tell my feral cat!


  5. the number for the DNR in Wisconsin is 1-608-712-5984. thank you.


  6. Those who seek to control nature, will never understand it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think the statement above is so true about controlling nature, will never understand. Basically, control doesn’t work without respect, meaning, communication, etc. It is very difficult to work with people, the so called “hunters” and the strict science people have it all matter in fact as I see it. I saw a discussion with wolf experts in Washington F and W and others from the university. They have it all down on paper and the “hostility against the wolves” people are often reacting. Balance is necessary. I think many of these people want to do the best, yet different feelings of people are difficult to work with effectively. I don’t have the secret, except keep communicating and be honest, respectful, and have a meaning for the communication in working with the wolves.


  7. Shame this couldn`t have been stopped before it started. Wolves and other predators only weed out the sick and the old. Therefore making any type of herd stronger. And they only kill for food. There`s only one animal on the planet that kills for pleasure , not for food. And that animal is……man.


  8. The need to harvest themselves.


    • Humans go insane if they eat their own kind and it gives people the shakes after a bit; not that you’d be sane if you actually enjoyed eating your own kind… human meat actually tastes like sweetend pork and their burned flesh smells like it too (the stuff you find in books eh?). I guess leather items could be made from human skin as Edward Gein clearly demonstrated, but it looks really ugly.
      Oh yes while we’re on the subject of Gein, did you know he was good with children and reputedly an exceptional babysitter? No joke.


      • Please note: I did not mean to offend or troll.


      • john, you’re one of the most insightful posters on this blog, bringing up Gein shows how psychopaths mask themselves. He was able to get away with his awful deeds for years. They’re like human photocopies. Nothing inside but look normal on the outside.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  9. Other looks at wolf society have hinted, but this somewhat difficult statistical survey, shows that the more wolves killed, the more likely the survivors are to have to use cattle and sheep for food:
    “Effects of Wolf Mortality on Livestock Depredations”
    Robert B. Wielgus, Kaylie A. Peebles in PLOS One Published: December 03, 2014 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0113505

    Of course, beyond a certain point (25% of all wolves being killed in a single years, that response finally drops, which will, I suppose, be food for the cattlemen’s associations in the West.

    I’ve been working on contacting sanctuaries to give nonlethally removed Mexican Wolves a home, should the agencies involved diminish or abandon the killing in response to the tiny depredation done to those who use the land for profit, expecting that governments will subsidize them to use nature for their cash. No respnse so far, but it’s a weekend.

    Please go to http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=FWS-R2-ES-2013-0056-8790
    to register you preference for Alternative 3, while taking exception to the tiny goal of 300-325 wolves as declared “recovered!”

    Numerous population biology studies show CLEARLY that a minimum population goal should be from 4315 to a median number of 5700 and a safer Minimum Viable Population goal of 7000.
    If the Mexican Wolf cannot get habitat including the San Juan NF, Kaibab NF, and the full Cibolla and Coconino NFs, they will NOT survive the next 100 years! Much connecting terrain which has some value as critical habitat, is on BLM lands of NW New Mexico, and Northern Arizona.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. You closed minded people. Let wolves run free and let ranchers and hunters pay the price! You regulate deer, elk, and doves. So lets just let wolves do what they want, and everyone pays the price! Kill them all. There was a reason they were eradicated before. You city living people dont make a living on your livestock, or game animals so learn to keep your mouth shut on issues that don’t affect your well being!!!


    • Hey get a grip Mark, who’s closed minded here? You think wolves belong to you and your buddies? Ever heard of the Public Trust Doctrine, if not, look it up? The wolves are better at regulating deer and elk populations and much better hunters than humans. Wolves don’t use AR-15’s, compound bows, snares, traps and bait or look for the biggest and best, like human hunters do. Wolves are opportunistic hunters, they cull the weak, sick and old, not bull elk in their prime, who would stomp and kick them to death. Only human hunters do that. And by going after the biggest and the best humans are causing a type of reverse evolution. Here’s a little reading to enlighten you.

      “It’s Survival of the Weak and Scrawny”….

      Also wolves kill very few livestock, look up the statistics in the NASS. I bet you don’t even know what that is. Again Google is your friend, I won’t do your homework for you.

      And finally many wolf advocates reside in wolf country and live peacefully with wolves. As a matter of fact you have to actively look for wolves they are so reclusive. So stop pretending you understand wolf ecology or wolf advocates.

      Just go away and spread your hate somewhere else. You’re not welcome here.


    • Killing and torturing wildlife is not in the best interest of this country…it is devastating to our ecosystem. If you were smart you would read what Nabeki suggested. By the way…many of us here are not big city folk…I lived in the Minnesota woods miles from town for several years and I have always respected wolves and other wildlife. Nabeki is right…hunters go after the biggest and strongest prey…you are the ones that are leaving the sick and weak…wolves are the ones that make the herds and ecosystem strong…not hunters. The reason why the wolves were slaughtered and on the verge of extinction was because of ignorance and fear. By the way…no one tells me to keep my mouth shut…I will always open my mouth to defend wildlife…who was put on this earth for a purpose and not for man to persecute.


  11. Why are these poor creatures persecuted they are lovely things and don’t deserve this treatment


  12. Did you give Rod Conradson of Wolf Patrol any credit for this for being in the filed stopping and alerting DNR to the over kill and poaching happening?
    please look it up…wolfpatrol.org


    • rebecca, we are very aware of the good work Wolf Patrol is doing and are grateful to them for being out there for the wolves!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  13. Good for you Nabeki! Tell Mark the truth! His hate is not welcome and he has no clue what so ever…just ignorance and hate.


  14. BTW, I’m so glad the killing is over and hooray for California. I just decided to go there for Xmas and spend my tourist dollars on a sound minded wildlife state!


  15. I never received an email to confirm my account and I can’t sign in because it doesn’t recognize my account but I can’t recreate it because it says I’m already in the system. So I’m barred from being able to even “like” a comment.


    • Deborah, so sorry you’re having problems. I’ll have to write to WP to figure it out or you could sign up with another email and start over. Would that be easier? Let me know.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


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