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Thanks for reading!

For the wolves, For the wild ones,


Published on October 28, 2009 at 2:17 am  Comments (138)  

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138 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I appreciate what you are trying to do with this blog site. My ultimate dream is to work with the wolves to bring them back into their historical range. Ranchers and hunters are just going to have to learn to live with them…or move elsewhere. This is the home of the wolves…you are only an unwelcomed guest.


    • Hi Adam,
      Very well put!! This is the wolves home range. “The gray wolf was well established in North America by the time the first Native American and Inuit Peoples came across the Beringia, about eighteen thousand years ago.”

      Like you, I would like to see the wolf recovered in it’s entire home range, not just fragmented populations in a few states. I think pro wolf people like you, myself and so many others are finally standing up and speaking out. The wolves dying in the hunts may not have died in vain because this has been a wake up call. We can no longer be silent. The west does not belong to just ranchers, hunters and outfitters. It’s time for change, the wolf is here to stay.

      For the wild ones,


    • Nabeki
      I just wanted to thank you for everything you are trying to do to help the wolves. As to all of you negative minded people that care to use this site to post hate mail get a life. You need to do your research before you quickly jump to conclusion. The human race are far more fierce and deadly than any wolf will ever be. A 100 percent wolf is timid and afraid of humans. Whereas we kill everything that we don’t understand animals and people. We killed thousands of Indian tribes, killed thousands of other culture as well. Yes some people die but are they true wolves or cross breeds of wolves and dogs or even coyotes that is the question you need to ask yourself. But if you are going by the killing spree what about ourselves. Most of us had killed something in our lives and not for food. At least they are animals what are we?


      • You’re so welcome Joy, I do it out of love for wolves and because they are so persecuted. The haters have a “cause celeb” in the wolf and they are milking it for all it’s worth.

        Wolves are the least dangerous of all the large carnivores in North America. There is no documented wolf/human fatality in the lower forty eight in 100 years. Deer kill many people each year and cause millions is not billions of damage in car accidents. There are over 100 fatal hunting accidents each year in the US and Canada, bee stings kill many people. I’m going to do a post on this very soon.

        Wolves are demonized by some hunters because they dare to eat elk, which is their natural prey. They are demonized by ranchers because they want a predator free landscape. One day the tables will turn and the hunters and ranchers won’t have their way with out wildlife anymore. That’s the day we’re working towards.



    • jeg er glad for at ulven har fået mange venner, og at vi sammen kæmper for dens smukke ulv, da menneskene med farme har været for hurtige med at flytte derud, ligesom skoven bliver mindre, og mindre for dyrene, og de må søge ind til storbyen, for mad. dette er ikke retfærdighed over for vores smukke skabninger, vi alle skal jo omgås, det kan man kun med bjørne og ulve, når folk får sin viden om dyrene i skoven, uden brug af riffel. tak for gode brevsider.


    • Dear Nabeki and everyone else who is doing their utmost to protect and fight for these precious and noble animals😊

      Nabeki, thank you much for your informative and educational blog, which I read with deep interest😊

      All of us here admire and love the wolves. I just think that the slaughter and hunting has gone completely out of proportion. My heart and soul cries a million years every time I read of the exaggerating level of killing and attempting to extinct the wolves once and for all😥

      The excuses for doing this isn’t reliable at all. It doesn’t matter how much I try to understand the purposes, because it has no meaning.
      The methods the inhumane hunters use to hunt and kill our wolves are old fashioned, cruel and evil. The way they “exhibit” their “harvest” is hateful and disgusting, and I often wonder what the purpose is???
      To me it’s all about ideology. The wolves were and are The Native Americans spiritual guardians. It’s very tough to fight against an ideology.Look what happens in wars.People of ethnic groups are being extincted😥
      The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we’ll embrace for that day.
      We cannot change the past, we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. We can play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. We are in charge of our attitudes😊
      Educating people about the very importance of wild life in our ecosystem is neccesary and to some extent it makes people change their mind and develop their consciousness to a higher level of compassion and mindfulness😊

      I hope and pray that the wolves will live in peace and harmony. I love wolves and I do my utmost to help and protect them by donations, prayers etc.
      Thank you for all you are doing and God bless you❤❤❤
      Peace, love and light.

      Susan, Denmark


      • Susan,

        You are so right, we cannot reach into the hearts and minds of people who choose to hate an animal that has done them no harm. I imagine most who purport to hate wolves have never encountered a wild wolf. Wolves are incredibly illusive and for good reason. They don’t deserve what is happening to them but we must speak for them since they cannot. Even though things look very bleak at times that is the way life goes, it doesn’t mean we won’t win out, it’s just the ebb and flow of life. I believe there are more caring and kind people in this world then evil ones. We have to find a way to build a strong grass roots movement that’s willing to come out from behind the curtain and speak out for wolves. That is our goal, wolf advocates coming together and making noise. Nothing can happen without the backing of the American people and others around the world. The anti wolf crowd is well organized and has many groups supporting them with millions of dollars, so we have our work cut out for us but I believe we can prevail and persistence will get us there.

        Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement, they mean a lot.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


    • Totally! I agree with you. Wolves are the representatives of the wild. I found this website that’s designed especially for wolf lovers. It’s really cool.


  2. Terrific video, “Dances with Wolves.” I was listening to Loreena McKennet at work and there she is again…….almost enuf to make one believe in Synchronicity or Providence or Something…..

    Maybe if there are enough of us capable to appreciating the beauty of wolves and other creatures, maybe we don’t destroy them….or their world…..and ours.

    Support NRDC. Call. Write.

    Howl just in case anyone will hear us.

    Did I really think things would be different once Bush & Co. were gone? Yes. I did.

    Howl in disappoitment too.


    • Hi Carolyn,
      I absolutely love Dance of Wolves. It plays around in my head all day.

      I’m a supporter of NRDC, I hope their NYTimes Ad has opened a few eyes. Things aren’t going to change if we only rely on Western opinions. Most people back East have no idea wolves are being killed, it’s just not on their radar, so I’m hoping the NRDC push and Defender’s billboard in Times Square will energize people to start writing Salazar and the Obama Admin…letting them know they’re not happy about what’s going on in Montana and Idaho.

      I have to say this has been the most difficult time for me concerning wildlife issues. The hunts were something I always dreaded and now they’re here and it’s with a heavy heart that I start each day, as I’m sure you know.

      All we can do is advocate for wolves. I’m trying in my way with this blog to get the word out to people and maybe change a few hearts and minds. All my hopes rest with Judge Molloy now. I will be in Missoula for the hearings.

      For the wild ones,


      • Nabeki, Just a little update on the states you mentioned, that have problems with people teying to get these hunts started, although you probably already know, as your post was in 2009. But this is mainly for the ones who are un-aware. Senatop Orrin Hatch (R) Utah, and I believe Senator Rob Bishop (R) also of Utah , are also jumping on the band wagon to let these slaughters happen. I just want to take this time to urge anyone who reads this post, to call, e-mail, write, or whatever it takes to NOT go through with this insanity. Time is getting short. Please HELP in any way you can. Thanks Richard.


      • Thanks Richard. I’ll have to look at what I wrote in the “Please read before commenting…” I haven’t updated it in quite awhile.



      • FYI, here in the big bad east, nearly everyone is aware of the situation with regard to wolf slaughter. There are more designated wilderness areas here, and more legitimate sporting associations than westerners could imagine. Many of us who used to travel the entire country for riding, fishing, elk hunting vacations, have long since turned our backs on the Rocky Mountain states in protest to the barbaric stupid behavior of the people there. We boycott products and resorts as well as businesses from those areas. We buy only local grass fed meat and dairy products. I have heard half-joking suggestions that the states of Idaho and Montana should be razor wire fenced, and open season declared on humans there. As for organized rescue efforts, I would really like to see reports of anything that has been accomplished in the west, beyond talk. Talk is good, don’t misunderstand me. But in New Jersey and New York there are wolf rescue and rehabilitation centers that take in young wolves rescued from all over the country, raise them in very large wooded acreages without human contact, allow them to breed selectively, and release them into wilderness areas which I will not disclose, where they can thrive without interference from tourists, hunters, or cowboys. There is outreach to schools and civic associations, with a few trained “ambassador wolves” brought to interact with kids and adults. Westerners tend to travel less than we do, so I know it’s hard for you to imagine the eastern portion of the country (or the rest of planet earth for that matter) as anything but New York City. Incorrect. We have to fight the same battles you do, namely the moneyed interests that bribe the politicians who are running the country…into the ground. Presently we focus on Obama and Salazar, but I question whether the republicans are any better, or far worse.
        I notice you are able to toggle back and forth between the scientists and the general public, which is a rare good thing!. Alan Alda is presently doing a project trying to teach scientists to communicate with the public. Perhaps he could be of help to you. You are a powerful and eloquent voice, Nabeki. Let’s make it heard beyond the choir.


  3. I meant disappointment. Alas.


    • Don’t worry I had to correct a few mistakes in my own response. I actually said the Bush Admin instead of the Obama Admin. Maybe it’s because in terms of wolves, as you said, not much has changed.


  4. Nabeki I have a question.Is it true that earthjustice filed a suit last week in order to stop further wolf hunts?


    • Hii Rita,
      On October 26 Earthjustice filed a brief with the court in support of their lawsuit against Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Interior. It’s called plaintiff’s memorandum in support of motion for a summary judgment. So basically they’re asking Judge Molloy to strike down the delisting and restore wolves ESA protections.

      Here’s link to the brief, per Western Watersheds Project, who is one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit:

      Click to access 10-26-09nrm-wolves-_memo_support_sj.pdf


      • What happened with the lawsuit filed in October last year?


      • Hi Mu,
        The lawsuit was filed in June 09. Judge Molloy could decide to hear oral arguments on the litigation or rule without them. No fixed date when he’ll hand down a ruling. Wolf advocates are hoping he relists them.



  5. Thank You,Nabeki,very much.


    • Your welcome Rita!


  6. Nabeki,I just have to get this off my chest I’m so so tired of people using scare tactics when defending themselves when it comes to hunting wolves.I don’t know how many times I have read them stating a 150 pound wolf eating your pet dog and,of course,the pounds of the wolf keeps getting bigger and bigger.Further,they keep throwing this good one “they’re killing machines’At the present moment,man better look in the mirror and look more closely at himself,with all the killings going on around us lately.


    • Hi Rita,
      You should read some of the mail I get. I’ll post a few of them one of these days. It’s a very small minority, most people that come to this site are very supportive but there’s always that fringe group. One gem I received was “kill them all”.

      We’ve all heard the complaints about wolves from wolf haters. There are catchy slogans like, “Smoke a Pack A Day”, or “Save an Elk, Kill a Wolf”. Yet the wolf makes an honest living. They’re apex predators and it’s their job to hunt, that’s what they were born to do. They don’t carry high powered Remington’s, chase elk in ATV’s or shoot at prey from pickups.

      Who’s the deadliest predator on earth? Who has decimated many of our wildest places, put most of the world’s wild life in zoo’s or reserves, aerial guns animals from Super Cubs, clubs baby seals to death while their mothers sit helplessly by, raises animals for meat in cruel factory farms where pigs live their entire lives in gestation crates so small, they can’t turn around and must stand or collapse on cold concrete? I could go on and on. Who does all these things and then calls the wolf a “killing machine”. The hypocrisy of it is almost laughable if it wasn’t deadly serious. Human beings have a terrible record on abuse of animals.. Yes there are many, many good people that care about wildlife and animals in general but as stewards of this planet we haven’t done very well at all. So when you hear people make these ridiculous statements about wolves, just ask them who they think is the deadliest predator on earth?

      Thanks for bringing this up Rita, I’m going to write a piece about this very subject soon.

      Now we both had a chance to vent….lol.

      For the wild ones,


  7. Good news for the Mexican wolf!!!Bowing to the Center for Biological Diversity and allies,the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services agreed to cease the implementation of its”three strikes your out” policy.Now if we can only help the other wolves,it would be great.


    • Hi Rita,
      Yes this is a victory for the Mexican gray wolf and CFBD. There are approx. 52 Mexican gray wolves in Arizona and New Mexico, surrounded by a sea of cattle. The Gila National Forest , home of the Middle Fork Pack, is heavlily grazed. Both alphas in the pack have three legs due to traps.

      I’m going to write about this next week. The Adobe-Slash ranch is one of the biggest problems for the Mexican gray wolf. It’s owned by a Mexican businessman and one of his ranch hands was involved in wolf baiting, in 2007, to trigger the “three strikes rule”.

      This victory is big for the Mexican Gray Wolves. We can all howl for them and CFBD.

      For the wild ones,


  8. Thank You,Nabeki!Yes,we can certainly howl for them.


  9. From what I’ve seen the bias of this site, simply that it is pro-wolf, is nothing compared to anti-wolf sites such as Wolf Crossing that manipulates stories such as ‘wolf attacks dog being walked by children’ into ‘wolves attack children’.
    Rock on, Nabeki.


    • Hi John,
      Yep, I do make it clear this is a pro wolf site, so I’m not going to argue yahoo dogma concerning wolves…lol. But I try to report it the way it is, of course always adding my opinion but not trying to skew a story into something it’s not. BTW, I’ve read some of the stuff on that site… about spin!


  10. Great site Nabeki! Not a day goes by that I do not think about these beautiful animals and the wrongs humans are once again committing against them. The irrational hatred alone should be reason enough not to allow wolf hunts.
    Your reply to Rita is right on. Humans are the cruelest animal of all-not only to other animals but to other humans as well.


    • Hi Laura,
      Glad you like the site, I pour my heart and soul into it. I love the wolf as you do and can’t imagine the hatred that’s directed towards them. They are doing what god put them on this earth to do and everyone is better for their presence. It’s so ridiculous of people to ascribe human intentions to the wolf. They are predators and doing what predators do. Man OTOH kills for pleasure.

      There was a video released by Mercy for Animals yesterday to Fox news. It showed horrific abuse by workers on a pig factory farm in Pennsylvania. Are wolves in charge of those places?

      Thanks for reading and if there’s anything you’d like me to cover about wolves let me know. I’m always open to new ideas.

      For the wild ones,


  11. Nabeki,I just want to say,once again, thank you for this sight and I appreciate your time and effort,and for your love for the wolves. It takes one wolf to howl to gather its pack,so they can reunite and bond.We,too,have to stick together. This is for the Wild Ones.


    • Hi Rita
      You’re so welcome and thank you for all your support. This is is the place where wolf people can gather and talk openly of our love for wolves. We don’t have to argue about whether wolves should be hunted or persecuted or whether they eat all the elk or kill all the cattle. It’s a haven for me and I hope for you and others that feel passionate about saving our predators and wildlife. Yes, we’ve become a pack that has joined forces to advocate for wolves and be fearless about it!!


  12. Nabeki,I haven’t forgotten about you.I got your e-mail but I am having a problem sending things out right now. I plan to get in touch with all those agencies you posted about the derby and the extension of the wolf extension.Thank you. Sorry for the delay.My MS is acting up. For the wild ones. Rita


    • No worries Rita….hope everything will be up and running for you soon.


  13. Nabeki:
    My name is Marc Cooke and I live in Stevensville Montana w/ the wolves. Jerry B. is a friend and suggested I take a look at this webpage. All I can say is that its wonderful, factual and I appreciate your dedication and effort. If I can be of any help dont hesitate to contact me. M


    • Hi Marc,
      Nice to meet you. Jerry is an amazing person, I’m glad he pointed you here. If we all work together and speak loud enough maybe we can get this thing turned around for wolves. My hope is resting with Molloy right now, to get their protection back. At least they will have a reprieve from the next round of salvos. Ultimately we have to work to ban aerial hunting of wolves and other wildliife. Wildlife Services should be put out of business. They do so much harm to our wildlife.



  14. Nabeki,There is a good article on the Valdosta State University. I hope this is some more information to share,but we already know that the wolves were not ready to be taken off the endangered list.


    • Thanks so much Rita. I might use this to link in my next post which I’m working on. It speaks to why Fish and Game agencies should not be managing wolves.


  15. I am really happy I found this blog and am thankful for your work.

    Recently, there has been a wolf slaughter in Sweden, which ended up in overshooting the quota set by the government, and in killing 30% of alfa wolves from the quota, even those who were parents to puppies, dependalbe on them for survival of this extremly cold winter. Over 1200 hunters went out and slaughtered over 30 wolves, which is a sixth of the entire Swedish wolf pupulation, and all in just three days. Thousands of people are shocked by this brutality!
    There are only a bit over 200 wolves in the whole country, which is large and not highly populated!

    I have started a special edition of my blog, where I write articles, offer links to media, websites, groups and also petitions, to help save and protect wolves. Since I have an artwork studio, I have also dedicated one of my motives to saving wolves.
    I would like to invite you to visit my blog:

    I have linked to your blog and hope we can together hellp wolves globaly. In unity is power.

    Thanks so much for being here, I will keep recommending your blog and keep following all the news from your part of the world.

    Also, great news about the hope for Idaho wolves!


    • Hi Katerina,
      I’m sorry to hear about the Swedish hunt and the overshoot of the quota. I can’t understand why Sweden would target such a tiny wolf population? I’ve only seen pictures of Swedish wolves but they are beautiful. It’s hard to undestand the mindset that kills that beauty. If the wolves are experiencing inbreeding it’s because their gene pool has been reduced. The answer is not to kill them. I suspect they are using that as an excuse as you said.

      I visited your site and read Of Wolves and Men, great job and thank you for pointing out the myths about wolves, and the man that has 20+ sheep but protects them and has never had a wolf attack!

      Those are the stories that people never hear. One thing, in the Northern Rockies they use the collaring of wolves against them. Once they collar a few wolves in the pack, they can track them for “lethal control”. Sad but true.

      I would love to work with you to spread the word about the global persecution of wolves. Thank you for caring and reading my blog. I will provide a link to your blog as well.

      BTW, I love Huskies and Malamutes. I rescued a Malamute puppy about 12 years ago that had been injured by someone who thought he was a wolf. He was huge and very beautiful but the injury stayed with him his whole life. He was eight when he died and I still miss him.

      PS. Great pictures on your site. I love the puppies!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  16. Hi Nabeki,
    I wanted to inform you, that I have started a brand new blog for the wolves – The Wolf Howl:
    Thank you so much for your blog, you have inspired me in starting my own little mission, which I´ve always had in mind.

    Would it be possible to chat a bit more about the posibilities of working together in supporting the wolves globally? I have a few questions and ideas I´d like to discuss with you, and also would like to ask you for thoughts, advise, etc. regarding the blog I started.

    You have no idea what is going on in Sweden right now. Have you heared what happened over this weekend? Animal park in the south of the country shot an entire 12 wolf pack, including puppies from this summer litter, as two wolves found a way to escape out of the closing (remaind in the park, though) and it was a “threat” that the rest of the pack will try to run away too.
    It is a nightmare and my heart is bleeding and longing for justice too.

    Looking very much forward to hearing back from you.



    • Hi Katerina,
      I just heard of the wolf slaughter at the wildlife park from Twitter and posted it on my FB page. What is happening in Sweden that they would do such a thing?

      Escaped pack of wolves killed in Sweden
      Published: Jan. 10, 2010 at 1:05 PM

      HORBY, Sweden, Jan. 10 (UPI) — A spokesman for a wildlife park near Horby, Sweden, said a pack of wolves was shot and killed after escaping from their sanctuary.

      A Skane Wildlife Park spokesman said the wolves managed to tear down a sanctuary fence and escape, creating a dangerous situation during park visiting hours, the Swedish news agency TT reported Sunday.

      The spokesman said while members of the public were never at risk, the park was evacuated as a precaution.

      Foreman Johan Lindstrom voiced displeasure at having to kill the escaped wolves, but maintained the decision was likely the right thing to do given the situation.

      “This was unbelievably tragic and stressful,” Lindstrom said. “We think we dealt with this in the right way.”

      The exact number of wolves killed in the recent incident was not released. The Skane Wildlife Park contains more than 800 animals representing nearly 80 different species, TT reported.</strong>
      That was absolutely tragic. Wolf persecution is GLOBAL!!

      Great start on your wolf blog! I’d love to talk to you further about helping wolves. I’ll send send you an email so we can discuss all that’s happening.

      I was so glad to post the Lookout Packs howls, it gave me some hope just to hear them. I was amazed at the biologist being so enthralled upon hearing the pack. I wish we had that attitude here in Montana and Idaho. All we hear about is dead wolves.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  17. Hello, I wrote to Cabela’s today and thought you might like to see my letter, their reply, and my followup:

    Not a question, but a statement I hope you pass on to the higher-ups. I regret giving some of my hard-earned Christmas gift dollars to Cabela’s, now that I have learned that Cabela’s sponsored Sportsmen for Wildlife in their misguided wolf hunts in Idaho. Sound science shows that wolves were not ready to be de-listed as endangered species, partly because wolf pups are dying from a virus at an alarming rate. Wolves are essential to the health of ecosystems where they are found. Sportspeople should know that their sports can only continue with a scientific understanding of habitats, predator-prey interactions, population dynamics, etc. Cabela’s has a responsibility to set a good example and base all decisions about what constitutes “fair game” on science, not on politics, economics, or emotion. I will not give Cabela’s any more of my business until I hear that they have withdrawn support of wolf hunting.
    Carole J. Holomuzki

    Hello Carole,

    Thank you for contacting Cabela’s to express your concerns regarding wildlife management, including the hunting of predators.

    Cabela’s supports all legal hunting and fishing practices and stands beside the opinion of the state and federal wildlife agencies which rely on hunters and anglers to manage fish and wildlife populations. Predator hunting is an accepted and common method for managing game populations. We respect our customers’ right to engage in any legal method of outdoor recreation, particularly those designed to encourage active participation in the sporting heritage.

    We respect your opinion and hope you understand our position.

    I appreciate your prompt reply. I think you should know that as a former wildlife biologist and the daughter and wife of hunters, I am well aware of the necessity of hunting for managing game populations, and of the contribution that sportspeople and their dollars make to wildlife management. However, the overwhelming majority of wolf biologists do not think that wolves should have been de-listed. Their de-listing was not based on sound science, rather on political pressure from ranchers and other special interest groups. You stated “Cabela’s… stands beside the opinion of the state and federal wildlife agencies” yet the majority of wildlife biologists working for those agencies are opposed to wolf hunting at this time. It is a mistake that will lead to their re-listing. Just because something is legal does not make it sound management. I stand by my boycott of Cabela’s, and will encourage my many friends in the wildlife field to follow suite.
    Carole J. Holomuzki


    • Hi Carole,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to write to Cabela’s and also to share it on this blog. Cabela’s response was predictable. When the derbies were ongoing Cabela’s made a conscious decision to stick with SFW-Idaho while Nikon dropped out. They had the chance to walk away but I’m sure they thought most of their clients are hunters so why bother. I think they underestimated hunters and their families that believe predator derbies are unethical, along with other non hunting customers that find the derbies cruel and hateful. I hope they are now getting the message loud and clear.

      For the wolves, for the wild ones,


      • The [Cabela’s] reply sounds very generic, its like the ‘your call is important to us’ message when you’re on hold.


      • For some reason your comment reminded me of a song Tool did about calling the Los Angeles Dept of Motor Vehicles. It was hilarious. Here’s the link if you haven’t heard it. It’s funny but it also feels like driving a nail into your head. You’ll see….lol.

        Tool LAMC

        Lyrics LAMC


  18. I had NO IDEA about the predator derby….I am soooo glad I know this! I will never spent another cent in either of those “sportman’s” stores again! Thanks for bring this to my attention and I will let EVERYONE I know, know that this is happening. So sad that this happens in our “civil” society.


    • Hi Amy,
      Yes the predator derbies are very brutal and this year they included wolves. The pictures are grusome and the derbies don’t belong in the 21st Century. One good thing is we were instrumental in getting Nikon to pull out as a sponsor of the SFW-Idaho Predator Derby. So a small victory.

      Thanks for reading and caring about wolves and other predators that are so horribly persecuted.



  19. Nabeki,My husband found this site for me on You Tube.The piece is called,The Joy of Wolves,by Vangelis.Have you seen it? For the Wild ones.


    • Hi Rita,
      Yes, that is The Wolf Poet. They have done many, many wolf videos. I think I’ve posted some on the blog. They do a great job!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,




  21. Nabeki, Is it just me or what? What ever happened to newspaper reporting? With writers feeding off the views of some rancher and just making mountains out of mole hills,they might as just write for the tabloids.


    • I swear Rita if I read one more article about some rancher going broke because wolves killed 92 wolves last year in Montana out of a population of SIX MILLION COWS, I think I’ll scream. And the article always includes the death notice of a poor wolf pack that was gunned down for killing one or two cows. How does a rancher go broke in Montana when there are millions of cows AND they lose thousands of animals to weather and disease? The media is just using the wolf issue to attract readers and unfortunately they are posting nothing but negative non stories to do it. It’s like the National Inquirer of wolf news.



    • Thanks for the link Loua. I will definitely be signing that petition. What is Discovery thinking for godsakes? Her horrible wolf policies are still in effect in Alaska.



      • It is ridiculous that someone would make a show for a senseless killer like Sarah Palin, I can already imagine her saying “Hey, guys, let’s go to kill a few wolves!”


  22. Nebeki,I’m not good on the computer,but there was an article in the Missoulian in Feb.12,2010 by April Christofferson of Lolo.I found it on the blog part of the Defenders of Wildlife. It brought good points about how people think about wolves and how wrong they are about surplus killing and how they they think that wolves kill just for the fun of it,and we all know that it is not true. Thank you for your patience.


    • Thanks so much Rita! It’s a very good article in defense of wolves.

      Wolves don’t kill for fun, they kill for survival
      StoryDiscussionGuest column | Posted: Friday, February 12, 2010 7:51 am | (63) Comments

      Font Size:Default font sizeLarger font sizeShare63I was troubled by Matthew Brown’s characterization of wolves in a recent Missoulian article (“Gray wolves killed 1 stock animal per day in 2009, depleting compensation program,” Jan. 15). Stating that “wolves attract particular disdain because of their viciousness,” the article cites the fact that wolves don’t always eat every animal they kill as evidence of this vicious nature.

      To start with, viciousness is an exclusively human quality and term, and certainly not appropriate in this context. Wolves are predators. They kill to eat – and as stated by Dr. Nathan Varley, a wildlife biologist, in order to survive, “They best be darn good at it.”

      The truth is that animals brought down by wolves are generally well-consumed; however, wolves, like many other predators, sometimes kill more than they can eat in one sitting, if it is easy to do so. This adaptive behavior, called “surplus killing,” accomplishes two things: it hones predator skills and it leaves food for the wolf to return to, sometimes repeatedly, thereby providing a buffer against starvation and death.

      Biologists like Varley, who studies wolves in the Yellowstone ecosystem, have seen wolves return to an elk carcass three weeks after the kill. But wolves have honed another instinct in order to survive in the wild: fear of humans. Wolves may kill surplus animals, intending to return to feed again, but when livestock are involved (or elk, especially during hunting season) we humans often enter the picture, and without even realizing wolves are present, scare them away. When a wolf doesn’t return to consume surplus kills, people are quick to declare that the wolf killed for fun or sport. If allowed to do so in peace (i.e., no humans in the vicinity), predators would surely come back and eat livestock kills.

      Anyone who has observed a wolf take down an elk or a bison knows that the task is both energy-depleting and dangerous – anything but “fun.” The majority of hunts are unsuccessful, and more often than not, the wolves, too, take a beating, frequently ending up kicked in the head, or with broken ribs or legs. There have been instances in Yellowstone in which wolves have been killed trying to take down prey. “Having fun” has nothing to do with it. Again, wolves kill to survive, and unfortunately for everyone, their survival instincts don’t differentiate between livestock and wildlife.

      Why are these misperceptions important? Because public support is critical to the survival of the gray wolf, and as scientists have documented, the gray wolf is critical to a healthy ecosystem. Some of us cherish the wolf for its beauty and wildness, for what it symbolizes in today’s world. All of us should appreciate its contribution to a healthy ecosystem. Misconceptions and misinformation surrounding wolves have long distorted people’s perceptions and demonized this animal, often leading to poor management decisions – such as the decision to systematically eradicate the wolf from Yellowstone back in the 1920s.

      Discrediting this misinformation is crucial if we are to insure the future of the gray wolf. Avoiding inaccurate and inflammatory statements is also important in establishing and maintaining an atmosphere in which all interests can work together to resolve this volatile, hotly debated issue.

      April Christofferson of Lolo is an attorney and author of several novels set in the West. She writes natural history pieces for the Yellowstone Association.


      • Yes, also wolf haters never want to admit that wolves are unsuccessful in killing attempts most of the time. It takes quite a few attempts for wolves to actually kill an elk and I am certain it is not easy on the wolves. It is hard for them to hunt elk and that is why they fail most of the time when hunting elk.


      • Jon…I don’t think any of the haters have to worry about getting kicked in the head or ribs by a flying hoof when they want to eat breakfast. Wolves are the endurance champions of the animal world. Most of the people that hunt them with rifles and scopes couldn’t run around the block without getting winded.



  23. Nabeki,I have a question.What exactly is the 10j thing about.Is it the so called wildlikfe services gone mad with shouting /killing predators? I see it mentioned once in a while.Thank You. Rita


    • Hi Rita,
      The 10j rule is a curse. It was a bone thrown to ranchers to list the newly reintroduced wolves as a Non Essential, Experimental population that could be killed for agribusiness.

      “Experimental population areas would be established for the central Idaho and Yellowstone areas. In northern Idaho, north of I-90, wolves will retain full protection of the Endangered Species Act.” And wolves in Montana, who dispersed on their own from Canada would be fully protected.

      The small alliance of ranchers, outfitters and hunters, that are demonziing the wolf today, fought the reintroduction of wolves for years but the general public actually supported it. A poll done in Montana in the nineties showed a majority of Montanans supported wolf reintroduction. Of course the haters are trying to rewrite history now.

      Here’s everything you would want to know about the awful 10j rule that has gotten so many wolves killed for agribusiness.

      Click to access 10(j)%20QandA%20Fact%20Sheet%20FINAL.pdf

      It was rewritten in 2005 making it even more deadly.

      In 2005, FWS made revisions to the 10(j) rule and turned over much management authority to the
      states of Montana and Idaho via a Memorandum of Agreement that contained provisions allowing
      Idaho and Montana to use the newly revised 10(j) rule. The 2005 revised 10(j) Rule has some
      significant differences from the initial 10(j) Rule:

      • When dealing with wolf-livestock conflicts, wildlife managers no longer have to first exhaust
      reasonable non-lethal methods before resorting to killing wolves.

      • Wolves can be killed for having “unacceptable impacts” on wild ungulates like deer and elk if it
      can be shown that wolves are the primary cause of a wild ungulate population not meeting
      management objectives

      • The wolf does not need to be actually “in the act” of attacking livestock in order for a private
      citizen to kill a wolf. Instead, the standard has been lowered so that a citizen can kill a wolf if it
      is “attacking (actually biting, wounding or grasping) or in the act of chasing, molesting or
      harassing that would indicate to a reasonable person that such biting, wounding, grasping, or
      killing is likely to occur at any moment,” which is a much more vague standard that can be
      subject to many different interpretations.

      • The 2005 revised 10(j) Rule allows a citizen to kill a wolf on private land whether the attack or
      potential attack is on livestock or dogs, whereas previously it only applied to livestock.

      The rule was expanded to include not just private land, but public land as well so long as the
      livestock producer is grazing livestock there with a current federal land-use permit. And, on
      public land, this new lower standard for killing wolves applies whether the animal attacked was
      livestock, or a herding or guarding dog.

      *This change is especially egregious that wolves would be subjugated to cows and guard dogs on PUBLIC LAND. This land does not beling to ranchers. It belongs to the American people and wolves should rule there not cows. Ranchers are making the policies that are getting wolves killed. Hunters also because they are always whining about elk, as if they really care about elk. They only want to kill them and don’t want the wolf as competition. It’s a disgusting situation.



      • Thank you,Nabeki.Yes,it is a disgusting situation.


      • It is Rita but we are here to stand for wolves and try and change the system. Maybe we don’t have much power now but I’m in this for the long haul and won’t rest until wolves are protected and safe. Hopefully it will happen in our lifetimes. HOWLS!!

        For the wolves, For the wildones,


      • Nabeki, I posted this article on Ralph’s blog. You might have seen it already, but here is an article about the anti wolf rally that was recently held in Cody, WY.

        Also, here is an amazing audio interview with conservation biologist Michael Soule. Here is what he said about wolves in the audio interview,
        They have more of a right to hunt on the land than we do because we don’t have to, they have to to live. They have no choice.-Michael Soule, father of conservation biology talking about wolves

        The interesting thing about Michael Soule is that he is a hunter and he said in the audio interview that he doesn’t hunt predators and said that he doesn’t understand why some people hunt than went onto say it is mainly about ego. Listen to the interview when you get a chance because it’s real good.


      • Thanks for the links Jon…I did a post on the Cody wolf haters rally a couple months ago. I think they were making a big deal about Canadian wolves and tapeworms. These people are so pathetic. I love they all have their cowboy hats on….anyone can wear one, heck I have two. Doesn’t make me more western. I hate the fact those pictures get out and the world thinks everyone in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming are wolf haters, when that’s just not true.

        I loved the Soule audio, very enlightening. There is also an article on that site called Prodigal Dogs, Have gray wolves found a home in Colorado?



      • Yeah, if wolves are in Colorado, hopefully, they will do better. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t Colorado have much more elk than Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana nabeki? I am almost certain they do.


      • Jon…Colorado has a huge elk herd…292,000 as of 2009 (RMEF numbers). If they are in Colorado they landed in the right place because the manager of that ranch is pro wolf. He did research on trophic cascades and found out what a benefit wolves really are on the it was Christina Eisenburg, the wolf biologist from the North Fork of the Flathead, that discovered the wolf scat, the wolf tracks and the sightings, etc. This ranch is immense so the wolves could actually establish a home base there and never leave. There are many people I know in Colorado that would welcome wolves but I also know the elk hunters and ranchers will be lining up against them.



  24. Nabeki, did you see this picture from the Cody, WY anti wolf rally?

    Do you remember the story of the biologist from Alaska fish and game shooting 14 wolf pups in the head? God, these people are supposed to care for wildlife. What are your thoughts on the Wyoming wolf manangement plan allowing wolves to be shot on sight in 80% or more of the state? I know this plan is not in effect, but I am curious as to what your thoughts on it are.


    • Jon…I absolutely despise the Wyoming plan but if it wasn’t so heinous we probably wouldn’t be in court right now trying to save wolves. It’s because Wyoming is so intolerant that the USFWS cut them out of the delisting plan and prompted the lawsuit by the thirteen environemental groups. Wolves know no boundaries so you can’t have two states in and one state out. Further Judge Molloy is going to address the connectivity of the three sub populations in his opinion, I believe. Yellowstone is on an island…those wolves are getting very little if any fresh DNA because if they step outside the park they will more then likely be killed. Most of the border packs that could have offered Yellowstone wolves fresh genes, have been killed by Wildlife Services.

      I think the hunts further isolated wolves genetically, so many wolves have been killed yet nobody is doing studies to see what the effects of mass indiscriminate killing is having on them.

      The states have proven they can’t care for wolves, they just want to kill them for hunters and ranchers. Montana and Idaho both want to increase their hunting quotas for 2010. Idaho wants to start baiting, calling and trapping wolves, the very cruel policies that got them exterminated in the West the first time around. Montana wants a wolf archery season.

      I believe Judge Molloy will relist wolves based on the Wyoming issue but will address the connectivity problem as well. That should keep wolves protected under ESA for years to come. They absolutely need ESA, they can’t survive in this toxic environment without it.

      As for that picture, I think I used one similar to it on Wolf Myths. Maybe I’ll use the one you posted in a future post. Thanks for sharing, it’s particularly nasty but shows where these people’s hearts and minds are at.



  25. The link to the website is a website my wife done many year ago or at least it seams that way. I think what you are doing is absolutly great and eveyone needs to stop the destruction of one of the worlds most honoured creatures, if they just stopped to think of the love and honour inside a wolf pack. Everyone has there place inside the pack and they stick together just the way a family should. We as humans haven’t even grasped that idea and yet some of us think we are so much smarter then the wolf, Come on it doesn’t take much brains to shoot a gun heck just look at the streets of most of our cities and you’ll figure that one out. The wolf is a majestic being of this world why not just leave them alone too live there life the same as we all want.
    I’m ranting again
    Have a great day and Thanks for letting me rant just so darn upsetting .


    • Hi Dave,
      Thank you for the kind words. I am passionate, as you are, about wolves, so this blog is really a labor of love to them.

      The past year has been very hard and extremely sad to watch in horror as wolves are mowed down by the feds and states for agribusiness and hunting interests. The states are proving why they should not be entrusted with the care of wolves. They are killing them in ever increasing numbers for really no reason. I’m sorry but wolves killnig 214 cows in 2009 out of a population of six million is a paltry excuse for the wolf slaughter that is going on.

      I completely understand you wanting to rant about what’s going on, I feel this way every day.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  26. Nabeki,It is with a sad and mournful heart that I’m writing this,I found out today that the last of the Druid pack was killed by a rancher.Her number was 690.
    She had two killers,the rancher and the mange. She and her fellow members of the Druid pack will always be in my heart. (http// I hope I wrote it down right.

    For the Wild Ones.


    • Hi Rita,
      I’m sickened about the cavalier way her death was reported and upset the park didn’t treat her mange. She was the last collared Druid, her pack had suffered from mange and then there was one. The packs last litter of pups were infected with mange and all died, why did’t they treat them? It’s unbelievable to me. How many documentaries did Landis make on the Druids?

      I know the Druid genes live on in other wolves but it’s shameful this little wolf was allowed to suffer and ultimately have to leave the park because she was alone and hungry. The park always states they want to keep hands off but that is bs. They dart, collar and follow those wolves from the time they’re born until they die. People are falling all over themselves to track Yellowstone wolves, especially in the Lamarr. I’m very upset this is how the last collared Druid met her end, alone, sick, hungry and shot to death. Great job Yellowstone.

      I”m going to do a post on her tonight.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Yes,Nabeki,They didn’t treat her mange so they gave her a death sentence.She had two killers,the rancher and the neglect from the park biologist.Rest #690.No one can harm you now. Run with your pack.Run wild,Run free. For the wolves,Forthe wild ones.


      • Rita…I was going to do a post on little 690 but now the beautiful Imnaha pack is under siege so I want to leave that post up for a few days so enough people will see it and write to ODFW.

        This is so tragic. B-300 is such a beautiful and courageous wolf. She traveled from Idaho to Oregon for a chance for a new life and now what does she find? The same tired attitudes that reside in Idaho. The same story, ranchers refusing to be pro-active to protect their investment with lazy or non existent animal husbandry methods because nobody can mandate what they do on private property…so the state has to issue five kill permits for two dead calves in the Imnaha Packs territory even though almost half the pack is collared and no collared wolves were involved in the depredations.

        I want to know how many cows those ranchers lost to weather, disease, reproduction or even coyotes? They don’t want to tell you because they don’t get paid for that. They only get paid for wolf predation, which is so minimal. I don’t think any rancher should get paid for depredations unless they sign a contract saying they will actively protect their investment…otherwise what incentive do they have to change? Absolutely none.



      • Rita…they expect the state and feds to do all the leg work protecting their investment. Make no mistake these cows are just an investment, a business. Every single one of them will be killed for meat. So why aren’t the ranchers held accountable? I guess we all know the answer. The state game agnecies are made up of mostly ranchers and hunters. I think crystalwolf is right, we need a new agency to care for predators because the system now is stacked against them.



  27. I agree with you both..We do need a new agency.


  28. To all concerned people who love and want wolves in the wilderness better start writing and start to take action.From the Defenders of Wild Life site,Idaho’s wild life services wants to get rid of 80% percent of the wolves,either by foot,air,and gassing of pups in the den.


    • Yes Rita, I agree. We cannot relax and think that wolves are safe since they were relisted. The antis are plotting all kinds of awful stuff. We need to start building coalitions now, while we have this short reprieve. We cannot be complacent.



  29. i love wolves there so awsome


    • Hi johnax,
      Thanks for stopping by, hope you continue toread and join out growing pack. Wolves need us more then ever. They are under attack from every side..



  30. I absolutely love what your doing. These are beautiful creatures that need to be taken care of. Thank you and God bless.


    • Thanks so much Norah!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  31. Bless you for making the plight of the wolf known. It breaks my heart to see so much anti-wolf sentiment on the internet when this majestic animal is struggling so hard to get back on its feet. Hunters kill the healthy and strong prey and wolves take out the weak and sick! Why don’t people understand that? Please continue to help educate others and be a great resource for those of us interested in reading and staying current on the wolf’s fight to regain its presence here in North America.


    • Thank you so much Jolea.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  32. First, I’d like to thank you for what you are trying to accomplish here. Not only you, but those who have commented already.

    Second, for those farmers, hunters, and other’s who believe it is their right to be on that land. Imagine living somewhere with you family for every moment of your life, going to work every day the same old way. Then having some one show up and want all of you to die, becuase they think it is their right to the land.

    Another way to look at it, if food is laid infront of you, your family is starving. You aint just going to sit there, turn around and go find something else and risk not finding food again, you are going to go what you know you can get to care for your family.


  33. I just want to say that I really appreciate what you are doing. I have been supporting another wildlife group that has been fighting to save the wolves but I am going to do whatever I can to help the wolves. They need someone to speak up for them since they are not able to speak for themselves.

    I grew up in Idaho and have lived here all my life. My parents used to hunt deer and elk when I was a child but they hunted for food and not for the sport of it. I grew up appreciating animals and wildlife. I understand about wild animals being wild and dangerous but I know humans can be so much more destructive and dangerous. I live in a valley and wild animals have been known to wander down into the valley. A moose chased someone in my neighborhood a few years ago. We have had cougar sitings here in town as well. But that is just something we have come to accept as a part of life here.

    I live only 3 hours away from Yellowstone National Park and I recently visited the park in May. I have a renewed sense of appreciation for the wonderful gifts we have been given. We should be the guardians of our planet and not destroying the animals that live here. If they die off, then we will be next. I didn’t get to see wolves in the park but I saw them at the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center in West Yellowstone, MT that is right near the entrance to the park.

    I am very sad and angry that my state is allowing wolves to be killed. But I am not giving up. I am very passionate about this and I am not afraid of hunters. I will keep doing whatever I can do to help.


    • Welcome Paulette…we are all wolf lovers and supporters here. We are not giving up either. There is a lawsuit still to be decided. There is also a planned rally in Washington, DC in support of wolves. Bill Gibson’s article exposed the toxic climate in the Northern Rockies, most people have no idea what is happening here. I hope his article catches on around the country and I want to thank Earth Island Journal again for their support of wolves. Americans needs to speak out against the upcoming wolf hunts. We need to be as vocal as the anti-wolf crowd.

      Have you ever visited Wolf People in Cocolalla, ID. They have eighteen wolves and new PUPS. Here is the link to their website:

      Wolf People
      Cocolalla, ID

      It’s owned by Nancy Taylor. It’s a very unique experience and gives people a chance to get close to a wolf and maybe see one for the first time.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  34. …yes, it’s our elected officials that are responsible for this travesty and while the extermination continues, so does their attitude of self-rightness fueled by the greed of special interest groups that make certain to fill their political coffers at the expense of the cruelty inflicted to wildlife.


  35. Thank you for the time you make to do this, Nabeki, and for trying to educate people about wolves. My heart is broken for the massive loss of these lives. It’s nice to have a sanctuary for their spirits, even if it is online.


    • You’re welcome Jessica. It’s not an easy, dealing with wolf killings and horse slaughter can be very difficult to deal with on a daily basis, it hurts my soul but I have to keep going for them. They are voiceless and only have us to speak for them.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  36. Good move. Let them get a hoof in and they’ll bulldoze their way in, lol.


  37. Nabeki, in reply to your instructions for getting a picture of ‘Dakota’ (Dancing With Wolves’ reference)…… luck. I can e-mail it to a specific e-mail address….but right clicking does not seem to bring up the right info..
    Will wait for your suggestion.


  38. I don’t now exactly where to put this,but I would discourage anyone from seeing the movie that is coming out in January called,Grey,which is about wolves attacking stranded people in Alaska.It’s another movie that just spreads lies and promotes the,Little Red Riding Hood syndrome.


    • Rita…I’m going to do a post this week on “The Grey”. All the contact info is already posted on FB (Wolf Warriors, Howling ForJustice). This is an outrage when wolves are under death sentences in Montana and Idaho, to make this movie. Wolves are not going around stalking and attacking people. And we all know this statistic. No wolf/human fatalities in the lower 48 in one hundred years, period. BUT 100 people die every year in deer auto accidents, 100 people die in hunting accidents in Canada and the US every year, domestic dogs kill 30 people a year and bite several million. Those are just three statistics I can pull off the top of my head. Yet wolves, who are the shyest of creatures, persecuted for centuries, are being demonized in a movie for profit. Disgusting.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  39. Dear Nabeki,
    I am new to this site. I read Jay Mallonee’s feature article in Friends of Animals which led me to this site. I hadn’t been paying attention to the news and now I am horrified and sick at all the killing of these magestic dogs. I found your site and blog so helpful for my soul. I don’t know how you do it. You are extremely strong and help us all keep going through all this. Hang in there. We appreciate you more than we can say. So do the wolves and so does history. I wish I knew what else I can do. Working with the government feels so hopeless. But the killing must stop. This country is big enough to live with wolves. Their population will stablize. They are no threat to our mastery over all the other species. Again, tell me if you need anything done or how I can help!! Good luck, prosperous new year.
    for the wolves, nancy shinn


  40. Hi George,

    I give credit for photos at the bottom of the post.

    For the wolves, For the wild ones.


  41. Hi everyone. I am from Oregon. We have a pack called the Imhana. The following is an AP article about how the State Wildlife Services can’t agree with the Federal Wildlife Services about whether it is a wolf kill or not. This is good. I hope they discredit the Feds for what they really are!Print Text: A A
    Topics AP
    State report questions federal wolf investigations
    By AP | January 05, 2012
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    PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A new report from a wolf management review panel says state and federal biologists are unreasonably far apart in determining the cause of cattle deaths, stating that national scientists have reached “difficult to understand” conclusions that would financially benefit cattlemen and could harm wolves.

    The report scheduled to be presented Friday to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission states that some findings reached by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services appeared “to be inconsistent with evidence presented and in a number of instances appeared to be the result of misidentification of evidence.”

    At stake are set-aside state funds that would reimburse cattlemen if the state determines wolves were behind a livestock kill. Also, ranchers with such claims could be allowed to take potentially lethal deterrent measures.

    State wildlife biologists have been far more cautious in their assessments of canine guilt than their federal counterparts.

    Further, the report notes confusion about how state and federal agencies reached different conclusions based on the same data, calling into question federal determinations.

    “The panel found it difficult to understand how (Wildlife Services) investigators reached their conclusions from their written reports,” according to the report.

    The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife identified 33 livestock kill investigations, 10 of which were confirmed wolf kills. But in at least three instances where state biologists said the source of a livestock death couldn’t be determined, federal biologists said they found conclusive evidence of wolf culpability.

    “There’s several instances and cases where you have differences of professional opinion,” said Wildlife Services state director Dave Williams on Thursday. “We have a long history of working together on all types of wildlife management plans.”

    The $100,000 compensation fund, established by the Legislature in 2011, is controlled by the Oregon Department of Agriculture but will be administered on the local level by county committees.

    Ranchers who have lost livestock or who plan to install deterrents such as special fencing must file claims with county committees, which in turn must apply for money on Feb. 15 each year. Also, 33 ranchers have obtained state permits that would let them kill wolves seen biting or killing livestock, but ranchers have to visually witness the attack. Wolves typically hunt at night.

    Sean Stevens, spokesman for conservation group Oregon Wild, said the report calls the Wildlife Services investigations’ credibility into question.

    “What this panel report shows is Wildlife Services isn’t following evidence in reaching their conclusions,” Stevens said.

    The panel’s report comes days after Oregon’s most famous wolf, called OR-7, crossed into California.

    OR-7 left the Imnaha pack in northeastern Oregon last September, shortly before the state put a death warrant on his father — the pack’s alpha male— and a sibling for killing cattle. He is a descendant of wolves introduced into the Northern Rockies in the 1990s, and represents the westernmost expansion of a regional population that now tops 1,650.


    Reporter Nigel Duara can be contacted at


    • Nancy..this is a very hopeful development.

      “The panel found it difficult to understand how (Wildlife Services) investigators reached their conclusions from their written reports,” according to the report.

      The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife identified 33 livestock kill investigations, 10 of which were confirmed wolf kills. But in at least three instances where state biologists said the source of a livestock death couldn’t be determined, federal biologists said they found conclusive evidence of wolf culpability.”

      Amazing. Brick by brick we will win this battle.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  42. dansk. Gammelt russisk ordsprog som jeg elsker, der er skrevet for 150 år siden: HVOR ULVEN LEVER DER TRIVES SKOVEN. Jeg har aldrig været glad for jægere og dyre bestemmelser , kvoter af dyreliv der må ende deres smukke liv i bødlernes hænder, og vi lever ikke i en tid, hvor vi behøver at gå i dyrenes skin, så dette er kun et kæmpe penge-marked = ulve-blod-pelse, hvor de SMILENDE jæger, skulle fra-tages deres blod-geværer, de er ikke egnet til at op-holde sig i naturen, ULVENE er i mit hjerte, og er trist, når jægerene har været på blod-rus, mit hjerte græder :-((((((– vi må kæmpe for mine venner, ulvene som er i mit hjerte i 60 år.— de må aldrig, aldrig uddø.


  43. Hi Nabeki, thank you for such an interesting and informative blog. I cannot say that I enjoy reading it all the time, but that is because it reminds me of all the innocent wolves that are being so needlessly killed. But it is so important that we know about these atrocities.

    I wanted to find a particular article that was published in your blog and eventually found it by going through the notifications you send me. Would it not be worth while having a search facility on your pages?

    The other thing I wanted to ask was how I can use a photograph as opposed to an avatar. I am an individual with feelings and emotions,
    who stands up against animal cruelty and as such whatever I say in my comments, I stand up for. If I am wrong and someone points out my errors, I will apologize and thank them for putting me on the right track. But I don’t like hiding behind an avatar or ‘username’ I am willing to come face to face with anyone who hurts any of the magnificent creatures on our planet. I also don’t mind having my email address published, giving anyone the means to contact me directly. I must admit that the only comments I have received from my website, have been from people wanting to sell me something!
    I hope you don’t mind me writing to you, but I could not find a help or contact link. Keep up the great work, have a wonderful time and let us all try as hard as possible to get the wolves protected again.
    Kind regards, Allan.


    • Hi Allan, I don’t have a choice about avatars. WordPress doesn’t give many choices in that regard. I you have a blog on WordPress then you’re picture or whatever avatar you use will show up. Also there is a search box on the front of the blog if you’re trying to find something or you can ask me and I’ll try to help.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  44. I live in Idaho and this is one mean state for wolves. The 2011 report from the HSUS (Humane Society) concerns its rating of all 50 states in the USA on the basis on their animal protection laws involving animal fighting, farm animal treatment, companion animals, cruel treatment of wildlife, and many other related issues.
    Where does Idaho rank? Second to LAST. Only three states in our nation have no felony penalty for acts of animal cruelty by their constituents. North and South Dakota are the other two. If you are a resident of Idaho (or not) please contact Lisa Kauffman, HSUS representative for Idaho ( to sign on to their ‘Felony Animal Cruelty Petition’. If leg-hold traps and wire nooses are not cruel, what is?


  45. I love wolves I’m 10 and am in fifth grade. I hate to see so many wolf haters 😦 What can I do to help


  46. dansk. tak for alle gode skrivelser, om min ven ulven :-)))))))—- Hvis der bliver for lidt ulve, kan det medføre genitisk fejl, så de ikke bliver stærke for at overleve i den barske natur, ulven er det bedste økosystem, men er ked af, at folk ikke ville forstå den, og ser ulve som noget slemt der er skabt :-(((((((, – Jeg tror at alt om det bedste om ulven skal vises i fjernsynet i hele verden, og en god fortaler for den, også krigen med farmene skal med— så ulven igen bliver folks ven. , JEG ELSEKER ULVE :-))))))))


  47. Just when you thought it could not get worse, live baiting?


    • This has to be fought tooth and nail. It makes me sick thinking about it.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  48. Help! For some reason the site won’t let me make a comment when I use my regular email address! What should I do?!


  49. I really wish that people would be kinder and more loving on this planet. I despair when I read of so much cruelty especially to the animals. Why can’t they be left in peace? I hope those cruel people are severely punished.


    • Please pray for those who do not under stand how you feel about this and you may find some peace


  50. It disgust me that these people are standing around getting some kind of demented thrill out of this helpless animals suffering. I can’t imagine the pain and fear this helpless animal had to go through before it was murdered. Only a evil cold-hearted person could do this or stand around while its going on. I can’t believe these monsters think there behavior is even remotely exceptional. I wish they could feel what this beautiful animal had to then maybe they would have some kind of respect and appreciate gods creatures.


  51. This is horrifwe have to stop it!!!


  52. mn released the hunting details
    t’s open season on rules for Minnesota wolf hunt
    Article by: DOUG SMITH , Star Tribune Updated: May 22, 2012 – 6:50 AM
    Critics included deer hunters, but researchers said the plan won’t affect the overall population.

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    Details of Minnesota’s first wolf hunting and trapping season released on Monday didn’t please everyone.

    Mark Johnson, executive director of the Minnesota Deer Hunters Association, said limiting the season that opens Nov. 3 to 6,000 licenses and 400 wolves is too conservative.

    “I think deer hunters will be disappointed,” Johnson said.

    Howard Goldman, senior Minnesota director of the Humane Society of the United States, said hunters shouldn’t be pursuing wolves.

    “We don’t see any biological reason to hunt and trap wolves at all,” Goldman said.

    But Dave Mech, the renowned wolf researcher for the U.S. Geological Survey in St. Paul, said the plan is well-designed, won’t hurt the wolf population and should ultimately benefit both wolves and residents.

    The Department of Natural Resources intends to split the season into two parts, an early hunting-only season beginning Nov. 3 to coincide with the firearms deer season and a late one Nov. 24 to Jan. 6 that will permit trapping and hunting.

    The season will be closed if the 400-wolf quota is reached. Both DNR and wolf researchers say that even if it is reached, it won’t affect the state’s wolf population, now estimated at 3,000.

    “That isn’t going to hurt the population,” Mech said. And it may reduce human-wolf conflicts by making the animals more wary of humans, he said.

    State officials agree killing 400 wolves won’t hurt the wolf population. “If you wanted to lower it, you’d have to take a lot more than 400,” said Steve Merchant, DNR wildlife populations program manager.

    Officials also said the number of hunters applying for a license likely will far exceed supply. “I expect more than 100,000 deer hunters will apply for the 3,600 [early-season] wolf licenses,” Johnson said.

    Merchant said licenses, which will cost $30 for residents and $250 for nonresidents, will be issued by a lottery system. There will be a $4 application fee.

    The DNR will take public comments on its plan through June 20, but only on the agency’s website ( There won’t be any public meetings on the plan.

    “We were hoping there would be public hearings,” Goldman said. “We believe there is widespread opposition to the hunt.”

    Merchant said the Legislature directed the hunt to coincide with the deer season, which forces the agency to move quickly and solicit comments online. The comments will be considered and the season rules made final soon afterward, he said.

    Hunters will be able to use bait to try to attract wolves, but they won’t be allowed to hunt at night. Because the season will be closed if the quota is reached, hunters will have to check daily to ensure the season is still open. The bag limit will be one wolf.

    Doug Smith


  53. Dear Nabeki. I agree with you 100%. We’ll never surrender to injustice and hence we’ll keep the spirit high, raising our voice for the voiceless, no matter what will happen.

    Yes, there are more kind and compassionate people on our Planet, than evil people. The issue of grass root org. is definitely a good solution, and in order to establish them, I assume it requires quite a lot of money.

    We have a very good author – Lars Henrik Olsen who wrote 2 books about wolves. One published in 1976 “The wolves” which is an informative book about wolves,wereas the other one is a children’s book “The hunter and the wolf” 1985.

    Peace, love and light



  54. I am a rancher in montana and I love watching the wolves Rome free on my land


  55. All I can tell you folks is that I am a cattle rancher who allows the state of Montana to relocate wolves on my 5200 acres of land to Rome free for I do love the canislupus to Rome free because they belong there and I rarely loose cattle to the canislupus god bless all who love the wolf


    • I wish that more ranchers were like you. It is nice and comforting to see that some ranchers like you tolerate wolves and live in peace with them. You should educate your fellow ranchers on how you protect your cattle from wolves non-lethally.


  56. What am I suppose to do with the wolf trapper I cought on my land traped in his own snare it’s a bear trap I had seen him in three days ago I told him he was trusspassing on my land and I left him there to figure things out I’m thinking about going out to the back 40 to see if he is still around does any one have any advice


    • I’d advise to report the trapper to the police and/or the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks agency.


  57. I’m glad I found you I try to read up on wolves for over30 yrs. If I can help let me know, Ypu are. doing a great service. I thank-you so very much.


    • You are so very welcome elaine. Welcome to the pack!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  58. Just heard on npr that trapping may be allowed because wolves are difficult toshoot. Well, if wolves are eating or harasing livestock as ranchers claim, they should be visible enough to shoot?? Maybe ranchers are to busy going to count money?


  59. I found this on the Wildlife News and I thought it was a good read.I thought I share.{}


  60. I know that everyone is tired of writing and signing petitons but this would be a rather good one to go.


  61. Nabeki, I hope you don’t mind me using part of what you wrote in yesterday’s post about the Wyoming slaughter… I added the link to your blog below the quoted text because your words are so wise and so full of meaning.


  62. I will be doing a persuasive speech in my class on not hunting gray wolves. This site has been extremely helpful in my research. As angry as the death toll this year makes me, it also fuels my desire to speak out on my campus and through the internet. Any advice for links to use in my research? Thanks.


  63. Hello Nabeki, Thank you for this website,and for all you are doing to support the wolves. I just found out about the death of wolf 832F and am saddened beyond despair. As the death toll mounts I find myself more and more angry and ashamed to part of a society that would condone such backwards brutality. It is so morally wrong and against good environmental science. I do not understand the hatred and ignorance aimed at this magnificent animal. Until we can stop this hunt,we need to establish a buffer zone outside of Yellowstone. Is there any possibility of this? Hunters seem to be waiting just beyond the boundary.. wolves that wander out are doomed. .


  64. I’ll keep these rules in mind as I post my comments. I understand that many people on this site will not agree with some of my viewpoints, so I’ll try to keep those controversial opinions to myself and, if I mention them, will do so in the utmost respectful way.


  65. I would suggest we change the discussion from wildlife management to human management. The wild does not require humans to exist, rather it requires the absence of humans to be, by definition, wild. I’m a hunter and as vehement as you may think you are, so to are hunters. I don’t see anyone showing up to determine a human management policy for the earth so I guess we will need to do it ourselves. Polarizing arguments only delay decisions and permit further habitat loss due to human expansion. Some moderation, respect, and a sense of responsibility is required from everyone to prevent our heirs from learning about when the last wild place was destroyed. Would the wolves be better off with hunting and a 50% expansion to their habitat, or no hunting and another 50% reduction in habitat. BTW i’m not a wolf hunter and cannot think of a reason why I would hunt one. Nothing is impossible if we work together.

    Enjoyed your show.


  66. To Whom It Concerns:

    There was unanimity among the panelists that Chambers et al was NOT universally accepted and that the issue was NOT “settled.” The issues raised by Chambers et al could be definitively answered relatively soon.

    There was unanimity among the panel that the rule does NOT currently represent the “best available science,” via:


    Embarrassing Press Coverage Continues For USFWS National Wolf Delisting Push…..


    Even these American bloggers have more COMMON SENSE on “best available science” than does the entire staff at FWS.

    This woman, who is NOT a blogger, is NOT convinced about anything that “the issues raised by Chambers et al” as they are nothing more than PAID Sponsored BS that has ZERO “best available science” & is based on Corporate PROPAGANDA.



  67. This makes u want to sit out in the woods some where quite and listen to It gave me the chills Thank you so much sharing this with us



    The Department of Primary Industries (Read: Department of Livestock) New South Wales is throwing its weight around again, these cubs have already lost their parents to trappers, trigger-happy farmers and hunters and now this happens? The problem is that culling at this point will do NOTHING to kill off foxes, that ship has long since sailed and they have become an integrated part of our ecosystem and killing them only serves to increase the number of cats, rats and rabbits which are another problem that this shamelessly vile Department wages war on. The dingoes (even the mere scent of them), eagles, snakes and crocodiles all keep them in check… oh wait the DPI has dingoes on their hit list too.



    • john, does the evil ever end? How tragic. I’ll post this on Wolf Warriors ):

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • I also redact the label of ‘problem’ to the other species listed. They are living beings and deserve respect too.


  69. IMPORTANT: Read until the end. This is not an anti-wolf piece.

    Ok so you like wolves. Great!
    Yes they are beneficial for the environment and they keep the ungulate population in check. They are very beautiful and charismatic wild animals. But… is that all?
    The wolf… the grey wolf to be precise… is a large canine in fact the largest of wild canines, capable of inhabiting a wide range of environments including grasslands, forests, alpine areas and tundra. The grey wolf has the average weight anywhere around 25-60kg, is around 60-90cm long and stands the average height of 1.5m at the shoulder. The long legs and thick coat are what makes the grey wolf look larger than he…
    Whoa, wait wait wait… you know all this don’t you? I mean you know your salt, and pandering to you isn’t going to prove my point… so let’s kick things up a notch. By the way if you’re still with us… GREAT!
    Now I wonder if you knew just a bit more about wolves you’d be so keen to support them. I mean, looks are one thing, but let’s head in a bit deeper.
    Ok. Let’s start with a big one. Wolves kill other wolves. That’s right, there’s no kumbaya circles here, there are turf wars wolves wage against each other and they even kill each other for elbow room. This happens more often than we realise and is often very brutal. But… here’s the thing… this is all stemming from an instinctual behaviour to increase one pack’s chances of survival. A well patrolled territory ensures that the family has enough food to go around without any threat of starvation or predation of their offspring from rival packs. Packs will, however, post warnings (more on that later) and shout at interlopers as a first response. This is also why wolves sometimes attack dogs being walked by their owners.
    Wolves are said to mate for life, this is mostly true, but not always. Life can throw a spanner in the works, a sudden death or a mate becomes separated from the other. And there is incest should there be no available suitor to the leader; however, incest normally occurs in isolated populations such as Isle Royale or in sanctuaries where more diverse selections in the case of Mr. or Ms. Right are unavailable.
    Regarding offspring… wolves will eat their babies on occasion. Yes. The loving mother wolf will eat her own cubs should she be starving or if she finds a birth defect in a cub (she also eats stillborn pups). This is to not only ensure her survival, but the lives of the other pack members and the remaining offspring. Life is very harsh in the wild and birth takes a high toll on mother wolves, so she takes what she can. Life of wolf cubs is exceedingly dangerous, they can fall ill, have an accident or meet their end in the jaws or talons of another predatory species; many die within their first year.
    Mother wolf will also bully other females in the pack so badly that they cannot reproduce. She will then expect them to help out with her pups. Wow, what a bossy girl she is. Actually this is another survival tactic; too many pups will stretch out the pack’s resources and more helpers means a greater chance of survival for the litter. Also wolf cubs are unable to pee unless they have their bladders massaged by grooming.
    Wolves also tend to be… rather rough in their tutoring. Reprimands look fiercer than they actually are and certainly have to be quite forceful for the lessons to stick. An unlearned and unregulated cub can lead to disaster for the entire pack, so it’s tough love.
    Did you also know that wolves eat their own droppings and the droppings of other wolves? And no, not just for when it comes to washing where the sun doesn’t shine (which they do with their tongues… but you already know that right?). They have a love for certain smells that would make the average person gag in disgust. Smells are a lot different for wolves than they are for humans and while we are taught that faeces are gross, to a wolf, it is a nugget of important information. Rolling in a particular scent serves as a mask to hide them from their prey or potential threats, or to let other wolves know what they have found. Kind of like a wall post on Facebook. Only the wall is their back and the writing is made out of poop. Move over Clive Christian’s Imperial Majesty with your fancy whale vomit…. Intestine Cologne is what brings in the ladies.
    Wolves aren’t as fierce as generally believed. True, they will stand and fight should the necessity arise; but they will more frequently run away from unknown scents, sights and sounds before thinking of engaging the unknown – long before that scent, sight or sound notices them. A fight with an unknown entity is just asking for trouble, why fight and risk a life threatening injury when you’ve got the speed and stamina to get away? This is also why when kill carcasses are found, wolves are said to be sport killing. They haven’t killed for fun they’ve simply retreated from a threat.

    So… do you still love wolves?
    If you do, then you truly understand the harsh world wolves live in and that they are so much more than just a pretty face. Congratulations.


    • Correction: up to 1.5m long, 85cm tall.
      Would look a little strange if the former were the case.


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