1161 Fallen Wolves Idaho-Montana-Wyoming-Wisconsin-Minnesota Wolf/Witch Hunts 2012/2013 » candle gif photobucket 2

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  1. Dear Wolves,beautiful and majestic creatures,I love you !


    • Awwwww, Darko, so moving.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  2. Our Beautiful Wolves. One of GODS Animals.They deserve to live,just as us all.They are Loved by Many.
    For the Wolves: “I LOVE YOU”


  3. To the Beautiful Wolves.GODS gorgeous animals.”We Love You”


  4. Stop the killiing of Wolves.


  5. Syop the killing of Wolves. They deserve to live


  6. I will light a candle at home in memory of all the beautiful wolves that have been abused, tortured and murdered by humans. These creatures do no harm.

    For all the slain wolves I grieve for you.


    • iam stil in disbelieve !!!!! the wolves sti dying everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope somebody or something happen to stop this killing this atrocity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!in also light candles in my house for them!!!!!!!!!!! we pray to god everyday for them. this creatures do not deserve this !!!!!!!! this is brutality!!!!!! abuse in the hands of humanes!!!!!!!!!!!!! why is this happening?????????????? this have to stop!!!!!!!!!!!!! they deserve to live just like us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iam grieving every day for the wolves!!!!!!!!!! and i feel powerless!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! helpthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  7. May you be met on the other side by the gods and goddess who love all creatures except those who hate and kill due to that hatred


  8. I love wild life,wild animals!They’re a part of Nature.We need all of them in order to live better.And so,why kill wild animals?Where’s the joy or pleasure in torture and kill?By the way,who’s the strongest?Who has power to kill without any punishment?Man can kill and laught at the same time.Those animals ,what power they have besides defend they’re own life?I feel ashamed of mankind!


  9. Uncountable Respect for real fighter. They do not understand what they are doing.
    Raimundas Lumbis Lithuania


  10. all wildlife are very important to our ecosystem,all over the world,wolves are like other creatures,deserve respect,and full protection,obama has let the american wildlife down,as president of the u s,wolves are being cruely persecuted in the u s various states, and canada ,norway,sweden,this is unforgetable and unforgiveable,if we care about our beautiful wildlife,we must protect at all cost,in what ways possable.im calling on all to support widespread demos against the wolf killings,for every wolf killed a hunter pays the price to ,take a life ,they lose a life,animals deserve the right to live like us,the human race is so hypercritical on conservation,preservation of natural resources and wildlife,i e zoos,national parks,etc yet we murder millions of animals over the years through common greed and stupid excuses,we do enough cruelty to the human race for centuries ,which is why we treat animals the same way,unite against animal abuse every where,even god does not approve of this ,according to bible teachings,lets make 2013 cruelty free for the animals,write to your political leaders,demonstrate,leaflet areas sabotage wildlife hunts,i have a burning candle on my wicken altar for all the wolves who died ,in the u s a,shame and hatred on the ones who done this to you,my sincere prays for the wolves in minnesota,idaho,wisconsin,montana,wyoming,and washinghton states,


  11. I feel pity for the ones who own the karma of the enjoyment of the slander. Glad it’s not my baggage. I have the wolves in my heart.


  12. They can kill the flesh but not the spirit and there will come a time when the wolf will rise again. Until that time my friends rest in the arms of the lord and may your enemy never sleep again without hearing the howl of your fallen comrades


  13. Stop the killing of wolves, this must stop


    • We agree Betty and it will!! Thank you for your support.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  14. ” Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend..” I will always walk beside them.. Let there be 6 footprints rather than just the 2 i leave. Wolves are and will always be the only species to understand the true meaning of family! This needs to stop, 😦


    • Feisty…how beautiful!! Think if we could harness your sentiment, think if wolf advocates stood arm in arm, think if wolf advocates stood their ground, think if wolf advocates came together to fight this evil…think what we could do? We could do anything.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  15. Now we must start to take care of the wildlife and especially the wolves.The nature needs this magnificent animal to keep the balance.


  16. To take the lives of our wolf families is wrong on so many levels…I pray that killers wake up to what they are doing ….Killing them may bring you bad Karma to carry with you the rest of your life. THEY ARE GOD’S GIFTS


  17. just think what we could do, if all the wolf sites came together, to fight for our wolves! what kind of conspiracy is this, to kill, torture, maim and break apart wolf families? these beautiful, elegant, proud creatures, when will these evil people be silenced. all these states together at one time. i could see if one state or another wanted this, (not that it is right), but all at once, doesn’t anybody see this but me? i love my wolves, we must find a way to defeat them, with their money, and pull with the government.


  18. Wolves are like family and we love them very Much this is for the Government Please pass a law, do not kill wolves they are so precious and there gifts from God let them live. Pass the LAW, throughout the United States of America.SAVE THE WOLVES.


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