Be There! Howl Across America For Wolves! Helena, Montana, October 14

Click on the wolf for more information.

Published in: on September 29, 2011 at 3:15 am  Comments (19)  

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19 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Please when will this killing of wolves stop. If it does not, then the only wolves we will see will be photos.
    The wolves are a very important to our ecosystem. They help keep the trees and grass growing by hunting the weak,sick,lame and old of the wildherds healthy and moving.
    Without the wolves, other predators will come on the scene. Then what would the Ranchers and Farmers do?
    This is just tooo much.


  2. Thanks, Nabeki. We’re making a live link to Montana wolf biologist Jay Mallonee’s scientific paper, Hunting Wolves In Montana — Where Are The Data? It’s mentioned in FoA’s Howl-In rally release and Jay’s quoted in part. Jay’s paper was recently published in the distinguished Nature and Science 2011 journal, and it’s critical to understanding Montana’snefarious misinformation campaign about wolves.


    • I’m very happy for Jay that he’s finally getting the recognition he deserves. He wrote his paper I think a few years ago, I remember stumbling onto his website and reading it, thinking this is powerful. Thanks for
      linking to his paper.

      Wolf & Wildlife Studies

      Very sad about the Fishtrap Pack.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  3. Jay’s paper was recently published in the distinguished Nature and Science 2011 journal, and it’s critical to understanding

    I’m very impressed ^^^^^^^^^ that is GREAT!!


  4. Howl Across America, Save All Wolves Now and Howling For Justice are working to protect the Wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountain States. Along with Wolves all over America.
    They can not do it alone. They need all of our help to help to get the message across America and the whole world. Please do what you can to help stop this senseless killing of the WOLVES NOW, NOW .NOW.


  5. Is this online only?


    • Thanks for re-posting. Jay did a terrific job analyzing Montana FWP’s data and finding flaws.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


    • The rally?


  6. where is it possible to get the back ribbon shown on the website? Also, we need to flood the White House with protests. At the same time, if Republicans win the next election all our wild friends are at severe risk. These are sad and dangerous times…


  7. The environment has never been more aggressively attacked than during the reign of Obama. It is not the scope of this blog to talk about this, so I will not elaborate. President Bush would never have gotten away with what Obama did to this country’s wild life. The press would have been on him around the clock, while everything Obama does is strategically not mentioned in the national news. Hence the dire situation of the wolves today and our vain cries for coverage in the main stream media.
    It is probably worth remembering that we owe the Endangered Species Act to a Republican (President Nixon)..
    I am neither Republican nor Democrat, I am just trying to see things right.



    • Astrid, it is most certainly within the scope of this blog to discuss the destruction of wolves and wild horses by the Obama administration. I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said. Bush would have been pillared for doing what Obama is doing, not that he didn’t try but the scrutiny of the liberal media would have prevented him from moving further. It’s exactly because the media is so liberal, they don’t want to do or say anything to keep Obama from a second term, so the coverage of the wolf hunts have been silenced. Where is Anderson Cooper on this? Where is NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, National Geographic?

      I beiieve Obama is the worst president who has every held that office, He has manged to alienate the entire population, even his base is leaving him in droves. The cretins that are having their free reign with wolves, in the vilest of ways, would NEVER have achieved this without Obama and the Democrat Senators who voted for the wolf delisting via budget rider, just to save Tester’s Senate seat and therefore hold onto their slim majority. But of course this is not discussed. It has been swept under the rug and people still call their Democrat Senators begging for help on the wolf issue when it was these very Senators who sold wolves down the river.

      I propose a letter be composed to all the Democrat Senators who voted for the rider.. We should make sure they know what they’ve wrought for political gain. The suffering they’ve inflicted on innocent wolves. I think we should include the links to Anti Wolf Northwest, Lobo Watch, the BBB and Anti Wolf Idaho to remind them what they have unleashed on wolves. Not one of those Senators should ever be able to say anything about the environment again without being reminded what they did to wolves. And lastly we should work as hard as we can to boot as many of them out of office that are up for re-election in 2012. Too bad Boxer was already re-elected but there are quite a few that are running in 2012.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Nabeki, I truly and wholeheartedly appreciate your impartiality, integrity, and utter devotion to the wolves. It is so rare these days to hear the bare truth and I am so tired of all the fools who still blame Bush for all the evils of this country and of the world. I do not know what to do to help the wolves. I live in an environment totally oblivious to what is going on in Idaho and Montana, and soon enough in Wyoming. I am ashamed of my helplessness .


      • Thank you Astrid, I really appreciate your kind words. I call it as I see it. That’s the purpose of this blog, to tell the truth, where ever it leads us. I know how you feel, the helplessness can be overwhelming, especially when we have to witness the grinning, evil pictures of wolf corpses with their killers smiling over them like they just won the lottery.

        Take heart, we may be down but we are not out. There is plenty to do. People need to rally for wolves wherever they are. It could be as simple as setting up a booth and handing out information on the hunts and the value of wolves. Liinda Camac did it in Philadelphia a month ago. We need media exposure and the voices of the American people to be heard loud and clear.

        AND you can write to those Democrat Senators who made this all possible by delisting wolves via budget rider. I’ll be doing a post on that today.

        Take heart Astrid, it’s not over. We are just beginning.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  8. The wolves will be restored to protected status. This is a journey. For Americans as for humanity. I’ve been watching the blog as I write my intended letter which can just as well go to Senators. I must close my machine until tomorrow but before I shut down I want to express my deep appreciation for all the people who are wolf watchers, wolf defenders, wolf scientists and contributors to t his page. I personally have learned so much in the space of days.The lessons offered here, on other sites, by this community are not just of Wolves, they are of how to live. CMM


    • Thank you Charlot for that beautiful sentiment. We are all in this together. And yes it will change and is changing. These killers of beauty will not reign forever. We are onto them and will never stop until wolves and other wildlife are free from this tryranny.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Be it so, CMM


  9. Wolves are the best in keeping our ecosystem in check. They take care of the land, trees, and grass by keeping the wild herds moving.
    Otherwise the forests would die from being over eaten. Please stop this senseless killing of the Wolves.


  10. If I lived there I would be there is there one in utah I live in cache valley I would go to one in utah and I want to cont to keep doing anything I can to fight for there very lives!!!!!


  11. I would be there cant if we can hold one in utah close to cache valley I will help set it up anything to help ssave them I will do!!!!!!


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