Remembering Jewel…Phantom Hill Wolf Pack Female B445…Shot Dead


“Jewel” – Phantom Hill Wolf pack member B445

July 24, 2014

Here is another tragic story of a young Idaho wolf, cut down before she had a chance to live.  I’ll continue to  repost  these stories the rest of the week in remembrance of the wolves and wolf packs we’ve lost  at the hands of Wildlife Services, wolf hunts, ranching and poaching. We can’t forget them, they are why we are fighting this battle!

October 31, 2009

Jewel, a young beta female, of the Phantom Hill Wolf Pack in Idaho, was shot dead in the Eagle Creek drainage, north of Ketchum. She was only two years old but had already made her mark upon the pack. When the alpha female took an extended vacation this year, Jewel assumed “nanny duties”, caring for the pups during the alpha’s absence.

Jewel died for nothing yesterday. Here is her story from Western Watersheds Project website

Courtesy to Lynne Stone for photos and content.


Lynne Stone documents her encounter with Jewel:

Over a week ago I was hiking north of Ketchum, when a young Phantom Hill Pack wolf trotted into view. From her appearance I knew she was B445, the most recently collared Phantom wolf. When my dog, Bo, noticed the wolf, he bounded after her, but when I called Bo back, the wolf stopped and turned around and continued to watch us with curiosity.

I had observed from afar, a few weeks before, when B445 was caught by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and collared. I watched through a spotting scope, as she woke up from being drugged, and staggered toward the rest of her pack.

jewel 1

Jewel (B445) © Lynne Stone 2007

B445 is often the nanny wolf to her younger brothers and sisters that make up this year’s pups, stepping into the role after Judith, B326 went on her adventure this year. At least three pups have been seen. There are probably more. I heard them howling recently at night and it sounded like three to four pups howling in response to the rest of the pack.

B445 was still shedding out her thick winter coat of fur when I saw her close-up. Now that weeks of rain (unusual for central Idaho!) has stopped, the weather is finally warm, and B445’s fur will soon be sleek.

During my recent eye-to-eye encounter with B445, I was never for a moment afraid. What I observed, was that B445 was very curious of us (my dog and self), as we were intruders into her pack’s territory. I thought of B445’s older sister, B326 – Judith, and how that this younger wolf, was certainly a jewel. Her beautiful silky movements, her intelligent, inquiring amber eyes — well, the name Jewel seemed to fit her.

(All Idaho wolves when caught and radio-collared are given a number with the letter B preceding it.)

jewel 3

Photos and account © Lynne Stone 2009

Categories posted in: Wolf Wars,  Idaho wolf hunt

Tags: Idaho wolf hunt, wolves in the crossfire, Jewel, Phantom Hill Pack, Lynne Stone, Western Watersheds Project

Wolf Rally – Coeur d’Alene, Idaho (August 30, 2012)


Published on Sep 13, 2012 by

“One year after wolves lost federal protection, over 40% of the wolf population has been killed by trophy hunters and trappers in Idaho and Montana. A total of 545 wolves were killed for fun in these two Northern Rocky states. Watch this video to learn more about wolves and help stop the war on wildlife.

“Watch the story of Bella, a husky who lost her leg in a snare that was set in Idaho by a trapper from Wildlife Services at this link:”


Special thanks to Predator Defense, Northern Idaho Wolf Alliance, Friends of the Clearwater, Footloose Montana and all dedicated wolf advocates who made this rally a success. The rally was well covered by the media and made the Los Angeles Times, my good friend Ann Sydow (NIWA) was mentioned in the LA Times article.

It’s our hope this video, produced by Brooks Fahy of Predator Defense, will inspire you to hold your own rally in defense of wolves. They need our voices to save them from brutal state kill/management. While I type this wolves are being bow hunted in Montana and stalked in Idaho. In Montana an 83 pound male wolf was killed outside of Glacier National Park in the North Fork of the Flathead, arrowed to death. It made the front page of the Hungry Horse News ( a weekly Montana newspaper in the Flathead Valley.)


C-Falls bowhunter takes wolf

Posted: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 8:15 am By CHRIS PETERSON Hungry Horse News |


Our wolves have been hijacked for blood sport. The wolf reintroduction has turned from a success story into a nightmare, thanks to the Obama Administration, his rancher Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and the US Senate Democrats, led by Harry Reid D-Nevada. They sold wolves out in the Northern Rockies to boost Sen. Jon Tester D-MT chances of re-election and hold onto their slim Senate majority.

During the contentious budget battle of Spring 2011,  Senator Tester slipped a wolf delisting rider, that prohibits judicial review, into a must pass budget bill. Every Senate Democrat voted for it save three, Wyden, Leahy and Levin.  The very same Democrats who pretend to be  supporters of the ESA weakened it, by stripping wolves of their Endangered Species protections and turning them over to hostile state management, all for a few votes.

To add insult to injury the USFWS under the Obama administration delisted wolves in the Great Lakes (Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin). Minnesota and Wisconsin immediately planned wolf hunts for 2012/2013 but the Wisconsin hunt was challenged in court. Judge Anderson granted an injunction to stop the hunt because Wisconsin wanted to allow hunters to use up to six dogs to hunt to wolves to their deaths.  A Michigan state representative has introduced legislation to allowing wolf hunting. This is the dire situation wolves find themselves in. Wyoming is planning to allow wolves to be shot-on- sight in 80% of the state,  as of October 1, 2012 but faces legal challenges from two coalitions of environmental groups.

Please remember on November 6, 2012 what the US Senate Democrats did to betray wolves. If your Senator is not Wyden, Leahy or Levin  vote them out of office.  We cannot allow politicians to play fast and loose with our wildlife.


Wolves not endangered in Rockies? Activists arm for fight

By Kim Murphy

September 4, 2012, 5:38 p.m

On Aug. 30, activists held a rally in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, to memorialize the more than 540 wolves killed in Idaho and Montana wolf hunts since the species was removed from the endangered list in those states in 2011. Last year’s tally in Idaho alone was 379 wolves — not counting wolves killed by government wildlife agents seeking to prevent livestock predations.

“Of the 379 wolves killed in last year’s hunt, 40 were puppies, 56 suffered in leg-hold traps before being killed, and another 67 choked to death in snares,” Ann Sydow of the Northern Idaho Wolf Alliance, one of six organizations sponsoring the rally, said in a statement.,0,2035222.story 


Video: Courtesy Brooks Fahy

Photo: Courtesy Hungry Horse News

Tags: Wolf Rally Coeur d’Alene Idaho, Predator Defense, NIWA, Friends of the Clearwater, Footloose Montana, trapping, wolf slaughter, Hungry Horse News,  Montana wolf hunt, Idaho wolf hunt

Idaho Wolf Hunt Over In Most Of The State Leaving 374 Wolves DEAD….

The Scapegoat  (William Holman Hunt)

UPDATE: April 1, 2012

I have been so swamped lately, please forgive me for not answering every comment.  You are doing such a terrific job of brainstorming, with new ideas every day. I’m very proud to be part of this.  YOU inspire me, YOU are the power that fuels this growing movement.  Please keep it up!

If you want to send me something for “my eyes only” put a few links in your post and WordPress will think it’s spam and hold it in moderation. Or you can contact me and the other admins @ Wolf Warriors on FB. There’s a new feature that allows you to message the page. You can click the Wolf Warriors icon on the right and it will take you to the page.

Wolf Warriors

Again, keep up your powerful advocacy for wolves. You are their voice!!

For the wolves,



The Idaho wolf hunt is finally over in most of the state but the Lolo and Selway zone wolves will continue to be hunted until June 2012,  straight through wolf denning and pupping season. While wolf mothers will be tending to their newborn pups, they will be sitting ducks for “wolf hunters”.   For the rest of Idaho’s wolves the nightmare is over but in just five short months the brutality will start all over again. 374 Idaho wolves are dead. This won’t be the final count since the hunt is still going on in the Lolo and Selway.

This gives us a short time to mobilize against the madness. Let’s make use of it!!

Meanwhile the sad story of the trapped, tortured wolf  has gone national. Reuters covered it along with other details pertaining to the wolf hunt slaughter that’s been going on in the Northern Rockies since Sept 2011.  The New York Times, The Baltimore Sun, Yahoo News,  AlertNet, Oregon Herald, Chicago Tribune,,  Greensboro News,  World News, Richmond Va News and on and on.  The story needs to be told, repeated, tweeted, shared and not be allowed to die.


From Yahoo News:

Dead wolf photos stir tensions in West

ReutersBy Laura Zuckerman | Reuters – 6 hrs ago

SALMON, Idaho (Reuters) – Photos of dead and maimed wolves have pervaded the Internet in recent weeks, raising tensions in the Northern Rocky Mountains over renewed hunting and trapping of the once federally protected animals.

Escalating rancor between hunters and animal rights activists on social media and websites centers on pictures of wolves killed or about to be killed. Many have text celebrating the fact that Western states are allowing more killing of the predators.

Commenting on a Facebook-posted image of two wolves strangled to death by cable snares, an individual who identified himself as Shane Miller wrote last month, “Very nice!! Don’t stop now, you’re just getting started!”

A person going by the name Matthew Brown posted the message, “Nice, one down and a BUNCH to go!” in response to a Facebook image of a single wolf choked to death in a snare.


Photo: Courtesy Wikimedia Commons

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Idaho wolves

Tags: Idaho wolf hunt,  wolf wars, trapped tortured wolf, Reuters, activism, scapegoat

Published in: on April 1, 2012 at 4:54 am  Comments (33)  
Tags: , , , ,

Calling All Wolf Warriors….

This is the hardest post I’ve ever written, starting over more times than I can count, wanting to get it right.  I won’t be pulling any punches.

Wolves recently suffered two stinging defeats, the Ninth Circuit loss and the passage of the brutal Wisconsin wolf hunt bill that sailed through the Badger State legislature.

Every one is asking the same question, where do we go from here? What can we do to save wolves? Is the war lost? Are wolves doomed to a lifetime of trophy hunts, torture and slaughter? The answer is no but with a caveat. We have to get active and that means in the real world!!

When I started this blog in September 2009  wolves had recently been removed from the Endangered Species List by our new President, who promised “hope and change” but instead  delivered “more of the same”.  The war against wolves had begun and it’s been unrelenting. Yes, wolves were under siege from Wildlife Services before the delisting, hundreds killed every year for agribusiness and poachers certainly took their toll but a wolf hunt? After millions of dollars of tax payer money was used to reintroduce these animals, who were extirpated from the lower 48, 16 years later we’re on the road to destroying them once again?

I won’t go through the battle we all waged to stop the delisting, it’s in the blog archives if you’re new to Wolf Wars. It’s been a long, grueling battle and we fought hard but in the end the Democrats and Obama betrayed wolves for a Senate seat, so here we are. And one thing I want to make clear, I’m not a Republican. I’m just presenting the facts as they happened. Lets not make this about party affiliation.  I wish we had a third-party because as far as I’m concerned we can’t count on either of the two we have now.

The Ninth Circuit loss was our wake up call.  Even though I believed we had a slim chance of winning , I was still shocked by the decision. It took the wind out of our sails. We’ve always held out  hope wolves would be saved by the court. It was a stinging blow. The reality is we can no longer count on the courts  to come riding in on a white horse to save the wolves.  Even IF the ruling is appealed to the Supremes, it could take years for them to hear it or they could decide to pass it by.

It’s time for every wolf advocate to do some serious  soul-searching and ask yourself what are you willing to sacrifice to turn this around? What kind of time and energy are you willing to dedicate to building a powerful grass-roots movement and take on the ranching and hunting lobbies.?  Sitting on FB talking to ourselves is not the answer. Yes FB is a great tool and we can use it to our advantage but we have to do more, much more. Writing endless petitions that go nowhere is not going to cut it either. Yes petitions CAN make a difference but starting wolf petitions over and over rarely achieves anything.  How about one big petition that we can all work together on until we get a 100,000 or 500,00o or 1,000,000 signatures?  Wouldn’t that make more sense? But therein lies the problem. We’re not organized enough for that. There are so many wolf groups on FB they could form a ring around the earth twice. It’s easy to hit the LIKE button and join a wolf page, then come back every once in a while to express outrage and move on. I started Wolf Warriors with a friend because we wanted to post the lastest wolf news that I don’t have a chance to cover on the blog.  But the point of  Wolf Warriors and Howling for Justice is not just to be outraged but to actually do something with the information. To say to yourself,  I live in Montana or Idaho or Wyoming or Oregon or Wisconsin or Minnesota, or any state in the union:  THE WOLVES ARE UNDER ATTACK.   I can organize with like-minded people in my town and form a group to fight the persecution of wolves. And then little groups become big groups and those groups network with other groups and pretty soon we’re a force to be reckoned with. Outrage is good but outrage alone does nothing to help wolves. It only leads to more outrage and more frustration.  Doing something about that outrage, that’s the key to change.

I’m just as guilty as everyone else for doing things the way we’ve always done them but  after our recent losses it’s evident we need a new game plan. If anyone is a Walking Dead fan then you’ll understand this metaphor. “It was about time they got off the damn farm”  For others who don’t follow the show, it’s time for a change.

So how do we accomplish these lofty goals? By putting one foot in front of the other every day. To commit our time and effort to this cause so we don’t have to look at dead wolf pictures with their killers holding them in some kind of weird bear hug, smiling like Cheshire cats. The photo of the wolf trapper grinning from ear to ear with the poor wolf ALIVE, stuck in a leg hold trap, blood all over the snow, having suffered god only knows how long  in that trap, without food or water, in pain and scared to death,  is something I never want to see again.  If  we intend to  help wolves and battle this cruelty we have to  get active!!

•I suggest a wolf summit where activists can gather and meet each other to brainstorm and exchange ideas. And let’s include our International friends, wolf persecution is global.   But remember, it’s up  to you to make this happen.  But I will be involved. I’m going to talk to other wolf groups and advocates  to get their take on a Summit and where we can hold it. Not everyone has the resources to travel, so well see but the main thing is to get started.

•Boycott  the wolf states and mean it!  Create a website dedicated to it. Start a petition that will mean something,  ask people to take a pledge not to visit or buy anything from any state that is engaged in wolf hunts and let them know the “economic sanctions” will continue  until the wolf killing stops. The wolf states will sit up and take notice if we hit them in their wallets.  With one exception, we don’t want to punish businesses or organizations who support wolves, especially the wolf sanctuaries and educations centers  like Wolf  People and WERC.

•Defeat pandering politicians at the polls, those who support anti-wolf policies must be booted out of office. Click here for the list of the 81 US Senators who voted to delist wolves. See who’s up for re-election in your state and VOTE THEM OUT!!

DC Rally August 2011


•Twitter Campaign

*This great idea was given to me by a reader of this blog.

Twitter IDAHO campaign.
Post a ‘documentation’ tweet every other day (or 3 x a week) to get the message repeating and retweeting…(one can simply copy and paste your own tweet also)

The words
That should be the one line message.

Twitter MT
Twitter WY
Twitter WI rotate.

Those are just a few ideas, I know you can come up with more.

Wolf advocates we must organize, exchange ideas, brainstorm and lend strength to each other. Asking pretty please, stop hurting wolves, won’t do the trick. We have to get serious and mean it. Most of all we need numbers, huge numbers of advocates coming together for a common purpose.

It’s time to play hardball, we’re the majority but we’re fighting billions of dollars and powerful organizations that have been in place for years and decades.

The anti-wolf movement is united in their purpose but we are all over the place. Some orgs support the delisting,  many don’t. We should know where each conservation group stands.  If they don’t support wolves and think it’s OK to blow them away in wolf hunts, we want to know.  Don’t give your money to groups that are wishy-washy on wolves.  The large orgs  should have to work for the money we give them.  Either they support wolves and want to see them protected or they don’t.  No back room deals, no compromises.

This is a seminal moment. We can write wolves off  and leave them to their killers or get busy doing something about this tragedy.  It’s time to come together and show some backbone.

Yes we’ve lost a few battles but this is not over by a long shot.  This is a fight to save gray wolves and if we don’t get serious we are going to lose them.

To kick things off I challenge every one that reads this blog to write  a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, it’s especially important for advocates that reside in the wolf states.  Let them know how you feel about the war against wolves.

I don’t have all the answers but I’ve been doing this long enough to know that beating our heads against a brick wall, doing the same things over and over and not getting results, is the definition of insanity as the saying goes.

We can do this if we make wolves a priority and keep at it no matter what. Persistence is always the key to anything in life.

Now let’s go!!

Endangered Wolves Sacrificed in Budget Deal

Glenn Hurowitz

Senior Fellow, Center for International Policy

Posted: 04/11/11 04:09 PM ET

Although Majority Leader Harry Reid and President Barack Obama stood firm against Republican attempts to repeal clean air and clean water protections, wolves in the Northern Rockies weren’t so lucky.

Under pressure from ranching interests in Montana and Idaho, as well as anti-wolf zealots in those states, Reid and Obama agreed to accept an amendment from Montana Democrat Jon Tester mandating the removal of grey wolves in Idaho and Montana from the endangered species list. For Obama, at least, the move isn’t surprising: his administration backed the Bush administration’s delisting of wolves even though it would allow the two massive states to cut wolf populations to as few as 450 individuals between them.

Read more:


Photo: Top Howl Across America Rally

Middle Photo: DC Rally

Bottom Photo: Courtesy Mato W.

Posted in: Wolf Wars

Tags: Idaho wolf hunt, a new beginning, activism, stop the slaughter, 81 Senators, underhanded wolf delisting, save the wolves, Obama delists wolves

© 2009-2012 Howling For Justice

Dr. Catherine Feher-Elston’s Comments, IDFG Commissioner’s Meeting…

 Comment–Idaho Fish and Game Commissioners Meeting, March 21, 2012, Boise, Idaho

Hello, Commissioners,

I am Dr. Catherine Feher-Elston. I live in Cottonwood, Idaho. I am an Environmental Historian and wildlife rehabilitator. I am the author of four major books related to environment,  wildlife and human-wildlife relations, including my latest work from Penguin, Wolfsong: A Natural and Fabulous History of Wolves. I am also a journalist. I represent the educational  Ravensong Group and I represent the will of the American people.
     As an American and an Idaho tax payer, I call each and every one of you out.  I remind you that wolves are apex predators and wolves are a globally endangered species.  Anyone who manages to pass  Wildlife 101 in college understands that healthy elk herds need healthy predators. I could confuse you with more facts, but Commissioners, I know you are not really ignorant or stupid and you know the facts. Wolves do not decimate herds–wild or livestock. Less than one percent of livestock depredation comes from all predators–PERIOD.  And as for elk, deer and bison herds–the number of predators, including wolves, is dictated by the number of prey–not vice versa.
Wolves are a type of dog.
In fact, they are America’s dogs. What kind of man kills dogs? If a dog killer enters my neighborhood or your neighborhood–they would be stopped and arrested. Yet Idaho persists in killing America’s wolves. The American people demand that you reassess your roles in the brutal destruction of American wildlife resources. The American people demanded and implemented the Endangered Species Act in 1973. The American people spent $300 million in wolf recovery. This includes the wolves of the Northern Rockies–of which you and men of your ilk have slaughtered 524 since October 2011. You sell game tags and demand hunters obey Idaho game laws when it comes to elk and deer. Yet you sell wolf tags and do not punish wolf poachers, like the female outfitter and her husband in northern Idaho who deliberately lured a wolf and killed him–without a tag. And like OR-9, the Oregon wolf who was poached by a killer without a tag a few weeks ago. The American people demand justice for these wolves and the other 500 killed for no reason.
            Your clear plan is extirpation of all wolves in Idaho. The American people are not stupid and we are angry at your killing. The children of Idaho do not have decent education and many are hungry. Yet you, in your arrogance, complained that not enough hunters killed our wolves in the Lolo and you contracted with the brutal federal Wildlife Services and spent $35,000 of Idaho tax dollars to butcher 14 Lolo wolves. Wolves who were bothering no one and only wanted to live in peace in American wilderness. $35,000 could have paid an Idaho teacher’s salary for a year. And it could also have fed hungry children. Some would say America has been sleeping while you destroy our wolves and our tax investment. Commissioners, THE SLEEPER HAS AWAKENED.
We are mad as Hell and we will not take your abuse of our investment and our wolves and wildlife any more. At this rate of your irresponsible killing and mismanagement,  you are putting Idaho wolves on the fast track to federal protection.
You have demonstrated that you are incapable of responsible wolf and wildlife management. We will see you in court and your state will remain boycotted. You can’t love Nature from the barrel of a gun.
Dr. Catherine Feher-Elston



Photo: wolf wallpaper

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Idaho Wolves

Tags: Dr. Catherine Feher-Elston, Ravensong Group, IDFG Commissioner, wolf slaughter, Idaho wolf hunt, stop killing wolves

© 2009-2012  Howling For Justice

Montana Wolf Hunt Over, Maybe….

The Montana wolf hunt ended today after midnight but it may not be over yet.

Montana FWP is considering extending the hunt in the Bitterroot until April 1, 2012, when pregnant alphas have returned to their den sites  awaiting the birth of their pups. They are virtually tied to their dens and it would be like shooting fish in a barrel for any wolf hunter. To their credit Montana FWP commissioners Ron Moody and Bob Ream have spoken out against the extension.

From the Missoulian

“Fair chase hunting is not infinitely elastic,” Moody said. “It has limits and I think we are at those limits, and what I really think is we have gone past them.

“… It does matter and it is important: what you do when you call yourself an ethical hunter and when you do it. It can result in the diminishing stature of hunters in the public’s mind.”

Moody and Commissioner Bob Ream, who also voted against extending the wolf hunting season until April 1 or when the area’s quota of 18 gray wolves is met, voiced concerns about killing the animals during their reproductive season.

So far, only four wolves have been killed by hunters in the area along the Idaho border.

Ream and Moody, along with some members of the public who spoke at the meeting, also questioned whether removing 18 wolves from the Bitterroot would help the faltering elk population, since an ongoing study is showing that more elk calves there are being killed by mountain lions and bears than by wolves.

“If we are concerned about the elk populations in (the Bitterroot), we are shooting at the wrong target,” Ream said.


FWP Commission gives initial OK to extended Bitterroot wolf hunt

The final vote on extending the wolf hunt season in the Bitteroot is expected today.

I will continue the memorial for wolves killed in the brutal hunts. The death toll stands at 464 in the combined hunts. Montana 166 dead wolves, Idaho 227 wolves shot, 71 wolves trapped or snared to death.

Why do they have to die?



Photo:  Trapped wolf FB

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Montana wolves, Idaho wolves

Tags: Wolf Wars, Idaho wolf hunt, Montana wolf hunt, wolf persecution, snaring and trapping wolves, Montana FWP, IDFG

New Full Moon Vigil Pictures….

Lori Lumgair,  Full Wolf Moon Vigil, California

Update: February 5, 2012 

New beautiful Full Wolf Moon vigil pictures from Lori L. and Brea for our fallen 426 wolves.

Update: January 22, 2012

I’ve added new vigil  pictures from Blue Phoenix, who lives “down under”.  Wolf persecution is global and even though Australia does not have  wolves they do have the dingo, who is also scapegoated and killed like wolves. Pure dingo genetics is decreasing due to mating with domestic dogs.

Thank you Blue Phoenix for holding a vigil for the beleaguered Northern Rockies wolves.  Sadly the death toll has increased considerably from 337 to 388.


I want to again thank wolf advocates for honoring the fallen wolves slaughtered in the Idaho/Montana hunts. The purpose of the Full Wolf Moon Vigil was twofold:

1. To remember the wolves who’ve died

2. To bring attention to their plight.

There were many vigils held around the country and the world, including France, Australia and Denmark. Wolves are beloved and iconic animals, who have hundreds of thousands of supporters. We will have other vigils and protests as long as the wolf hunts in Montana and Idaho continue. Ann S. and Nancy Taylor did a great job organizing the vigil in Coeur d’ Alene.  It was covered extensively by the media, including 3 television stations and NPR radio.  Other vigils are represented below. We will update this page as we receive new pictures. Keep them coming everyone. You can post them on:

Howl Across America:

For the wolves, For the wild ones,


Full Wolf Moon Vigil, New Jersey

Brea, Full Wolf Moon Vigil, Lancaster, Pa

Blue Phoenix, New South Wales, Australia

Full Wolf Moon Vigil, Marta “For the wolves perished and for the wolves that remain”

Blue Phoenix Full Wolf Moon Vigil, New South Wales, Australia

Better Be Known – Spiritual Center, New South Wales, Australia

Ian C. Full Wolf Moon Vigil

Blue Phoenix, Full Wolf Moon Vigil, New South Wales, Australia

NIWA’S Full Wolf Moon Candlelight Vigil, Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho

Brianna’s Wolf Vigil

National Public Radio (NPR) Photo by Kristine Løkken Nilsen for the Northwest News Network

Jennifer Wolf Vigil, Kentucky

Jennifer’s Wolf Tribute, Kentucky

Wolf Moon Vigil and Wolf Walk, Santa Barbara, California

Keith n Anna Wolf Vigil, Los Angeles, California

Candle Lit for the Wolves, Salt Lake City, Utah

Wolf Vigil, Wyoming

Katie’s Wolf Vigil, Oregon

Wolf Vigil, Idaho

Billy Wolf Vigil, Montana

Daniels Growing Memorial For Fallen Wolves

Howling Mad, Coeur d’ alene, Idaho (Jerome Pollos/Press)


Photos (Credit given below photo)

Posted in: Wolf Wars, gray wolf

Tags:  Idaho wolf hunt, Montana wolf hunt,Full Wolf Moon, support for wolves, candlelight vigil, wolf advocates, Wolf Moon,  Wolf Wars

New Full Wolf Moon Vigil Pictures!!

Blue Phoenix, New South Wales, Australia

UPDATE: January 22, 2012

I’ve added new vigil  pictures from Blue Phoenix, who lives “down under”.  Wolf persecution is global and even though Australia does not have  wolves they do have the dingo, who is also scapegoated and killed like wolves. Pure dingo genetics is decreasing due to mating with domestic dogs.

Thank you Blue Phoenix for holding a vigil for the beleaguered Northern Rockies wolves.  Sadly the death toll has increased considerably from 337 to 388.


I want to again thank wolf advocates for honoring the fallen wolves slaughtered in the Idaho/Montana hunts. The purpose of the Full Wolf Moon Vigil was twofold:

1. To remember the wolves who’ve died

2. To bring attention to their plight.

There were many vigils held around the country and the world, including France, Australia and Denmark. Wolves are beloved and iconic animals, who have hundreds of thousands of supporters. We will have other vigils and protests as long as the wolf hunts in Montana and Idaho continue. Ann S. and Nancy Taylor did a great job organizing the vigil in Coeur d’ Alene.  It was covered extensively by the media, including 3 television stations and NPR radio.  Other vigils are represented below. We will update this page as we receive new pictures. Keep them coming everyone. You can post them on:

Howl Across America:

For the wolves, For the wild ones,


Full Wolf Moon Vigil, Marta “For the wolves perished and for the wolves that remain”

Blue Phoenix Full Wolf Moon Vigil, New South Wales, Australia

Better Be Known – Spiritual Center, New South Wales, Australia

Ian C. Full Wolf Moon Vigil

Blue Phoenix, Full Wolf Moon Vigil, New South Wales, Australia

NIWA’S Full Wolf Moon Candlelight Vigil, Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho

Brianna’s Wolf Vigil

National Public Radio (NPR) Photo by Kristine Løkken Nilsen for the Northwest News Network

Jennifer Wolf Vigil, Kentucky

Jennifer’s Wolf Tribute, Kentucky

Wolf Moon Vigil and Wolf Walk, Santa Barbara, California

Keith n Anna Wolf Vigil, Los Angeles, California

Candle Lit for the Wolves, Salt Lake City, Utah

Wolf Vigil, Wyoming

Katie’s Wolf Vigil, Oregon

Wolf Vigil, Idaho

Billy Wolf Vigil, Montana

Daniels Growing Memorial For Fallen Wolves

Howling Mad, Coeur d’ alene, Idaho (Jerome Pollos/Press)


Photos (Credit given below photo)

Posted in: Wolf Wars, gray wolf

Tags:  Idaho wolf hunt, Montana wolf hunt, support for wolves, candlelight vigil pictures, wolf advocates, Wolf Moon, wolf walk, Wolf Wars, Coeur d’ Alene_Idaho

ALERT: Full Wolf Moon Candlelight Vigil, Monday, January 9th, 2012. Where? Across America and the World!!

UPDATE: January 8, 2012 (6:00 pm)

I have an idea that will bring more exposure to this event. You can call local media to tell them you plan a vigil for wolves slaughtered in the Montana/Idaho hunts, now totaling  337 wolves and ask them to cover your event OR you can take your own pictures of your vigil and if you feel comfortable,  post them in the comment section of this blog or post the link to the  pictures and I’ll make a montage of everyone’s pics.  That would be another way to draw attention to the wolves’ plight.

Post your pics on your Facebook or Twitter accounts and Howl Across America as well!

UPDATE: January 8, 2012

I’m very gratified for the terrific response we’ve gotten for this vigil. Thank you and I know the wolves would  thank you if they could. There is only one thing that we ask. If you can please try to gather in groups in a public place, with a few friends or with many friends. I know people will light candles in their homes and that’s wonderful but there are two reasons we are holding this vigil.  One is to honor the wolves who have fallen and continue to die but also to bring attention to their plight. We were hoping that when you gather you would notify the local media and let them know you will be holding a candlelight vigil for wolves in the Northern Rockies, who are dying.  This is a way we can truly get the word out to the rest of the country, since the mainstream media refuses to do it. So please make a special effort to pass the word along to gather in groups, they don’t have to be large. Notify your local media and make sure they know where you’ll be and what you’re doing.

Please notice the picture in the middle of this post. It was taken of two wolf advocates in Nampa, Idaho, in November. They contacted the local newspaper and the Tribune came and covered their event. That picture made it to the LA Times. They were just two people, trying to make a difference and they did.

The old adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” is so true. Imagine hundreds or even thousands of pictures like that in newspapers around the country. Think what an effect that would have!

We don’t have much time warriors. Wolves are dying at an alarming rate and we could lose them forever. We need your help.  The grass roots wolf movement is what will turn this around. We have the power of numbers, if we would only use them!!

For the wolves, For the wild ones



Monday, January 9, 2012,  is the night of  the Full Wolf Moon.  The date changes every year, it’s the first full moon in January. Legend surrounding this moon is rooted in Native American culture.

Wolf Moon 2012

December 27th, 2011 by Nannette Richford

“The wolf moon, sometimes referred to as the “snow moon,” occurs on January 9, 2012. Although the full moon won’t look any different from other full moons during the year, it conjures up images of wolf packs howling at the moon. In fact, that is exactly how the wolf moon got its name. According to Native Americans, January is the time of year when wolves are often heard howling over the snow-covered landscape.

According to the Binghamton University  Newsroom, whether wolves actually howl at the moon is unknown. Its belief is likely connected to the fact that wolves howling travels great distances in the still of the night. It may be more noticeable during the full moon because man is more likely to be outside to gaze at its beauty or take advantage of the light.

Wolves howl for several reasons: to reassemble the pack, to warn nearby wolves of their territory, to celebrate a kill and to express joy when new cubs are born. The thought that wolves may also howl out of sheer loneliness – or at the beauty of the full moon – is not farfetched, but simply has not been verified.

Some tribes refer to the January full moon as the snow moon – but most reserve that name for the full moon in February when snow is often deeper in northern climates.

Whatever you call it, a full moon in the midst of winter often appears so bright that the night takes on an mystical glow from the light of the moon as it reflects off  the snow-covered landscape.

Although the moon isn’t technically “full” until 2:30 am, moonrise occurs at 5:04 – less than an hour after sunset – and will be visible in the night sky until just before sunrise the following morning. Moonset occurs at 7:10 am only 4 minutes before the sun returns – promising a spectacular display if the weather remains clear.”


Howling for Justice, NIWA, Wolf Warriors and Howl Across America are asking wolf advocates to  honor the fallen wolves, who continue to die in the Montana and Idaho hunts, by holding candlelight vigils across this country on Monday, January 9, 2012.

NIWA is holding a candlelight vigil in downtown Coeur d’ alene on Monday, twilight @ 4:30pm, timed to watch the Full Wolf Moon emerge. They will be playing Louise Du Toit’s beautiful music, Howl Across America and For Every Fallen Wolf .

Please visit Howl Across America for further details.

Wolf Warriors, if you can gather a group of advocates together, we suggest you find a public place in your home town for this peaceful vigil.  It’s imperative you notify the local media or if you live in a larger city, the national media. Let them know you will be holding a candlelight vigil to protest the wolf hunts in Idaho and Montana and  honor the  fallen wolves dying brutal deaths,  now numbering 335!! You can also stand outside your home or a place of your choosing, if you cannot find a group to gather with, to honor the fallen wolves on this special night.

You may  post your vigil on Howl Across America, to allow other advocates who live in your area to organize with you.

Wolf advocates around the world, please feel free to join us, when the Full Wolf Moon rises!

Candle Light Vigil Held To Honor Wolves in Nampa, Idaho on November 29, 2011

We hope this event will take place across America and the world.  Please make every effort to attend the vigil,  wherever you may be, to protest the ongoing, brutal, political witch/wolf hunts in the Northern Rockies.

For the wolves, For the wild ones,



Videos: YouTube-Courtesy Louise du Toit and immywolf

Top Photo: Wolf Moon Courtesy greenmanblogdotcom

Middle Photo: Candlelight Vigil Courtesy Idaho Press Tribune

Bottom photo: Wolf gif Courtesy layoutsparksdotcom

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Idaho wolves, Montana Wolves

Tags: Wolf hunts, 332 fallen wolves, traps, snares, firearms, candle light vigil, honoring dead wolves

Idaho “Candelight Vigil For Wolves” Photo Makes The LA Times!!!

“Candlelight Vigil for Wolves
Tuesday, Nov. 29, Action at 3101 S. Powerline Road Nampa, Idaho In front of the Fish and Game building. This will be a candle light vigil to mourn the loss of these wolves. Feel free to bring a sign if you so choose. Rain or shine. I’ll aim to be there from 4;45pm to 6pm.”


This  amazing picture, of a candlelight vigil held for wolves in Nampa, Idaho,  on November 29, 2011,  was posted in the LA Times yesterday,  highlighting  comments made about  J. William Gibson’s Thursday’s article, The New War On Wolves.

Thank you to the organizers for holding the candle light vigil in memory of the 260 fallen wolves killed in the hunts. The photo  is especially relevant today because  Montana FWP announced yesterday they were extending the wolf hunt through February 15, 2012. The hunt was  supposed to end December 31, 2011. Wolf advocates sent comments to  Montana FWP, asking them not to extend the hunts.  Apparently those pleas fell on deaf ears. This will make the holiday season a sad one for wolf advocates and a horror for wolves.

Idaho’s hunt already extends thru March 31, 2012 in most of the state but in the Lolo and Selway zones it runs all the way to June 2012, ten long months, right through wolf breeding, denning and pupping season. Is there no end to the cruelty?

Here’s the link to the Opinion page of the LA Times where the picture is posted.

Opinion L.A.


Video: Idaho Press Tribune

Photo: Idaho Press Tribune

Posted in: Wolf Wars

Tags: LA Times,  Candlelight vigil, Idaho wolf hunt, Montana wolf hunt, Nampa Idaho, wolf wars

Published in: on December 9, 2011 at 4:06 am  Comments (23)  
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