Immediate Release FOC: Group Calls for Investigation of Trapping Incident

Group Calls for Investigation of Trapping Incident

April 3, 2012

Moscow, ID – Yesterday, Friends of the Clearwater urged the Idaho Department of Fish & Game to conduct an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the trapping of a grey wolf in north-central Idaho by Josh Bransford. Last week the group Montana Footloose received a death threat for sharing pictures on their web site of a trapped and tortured grey wolf that was reportedly captured by Mr. Bransford. The picture showed a large pool of blood surrounding the grey wolf, which was apparently caused by people shooting at the wolf while it was still in the trap. The incident has sparked outrage across the country, and once again put the spotlight on a grey wolf hunting and trapping program in the northern Rockies that has killed over five hundred wolves since federal delisting in 2011.

Friends of the Clearwater is concerned that a number of laws could have been broken during the incident, and would like the matter to receive further attention.

“We have wildlife laws in this state that prohibit individuals from interfering with or harassing animals that have been caught in another person’s trap. Idaho Code 36-1510: Interference with hunting, fishing, trapping, or wildlife control clearly states this,” said Brett Haverstick, Education & Outreach Director. “Regardless of what was in the trap, if an investigation finds that laws were broken, we fully expect those individuals deemed responsible to be prosecuted.”

The group is greatly concerned about public safety too, and claims that more than one law could have been broken during the trapping incident.

“We would like the Idaho Fish & Game Department to look into whether or not the individuals were shooting across a public highway or from its shoulder. Idaho Code 36-1508: Shooting from a public highway specifically prohibits such action,” said Gary Macfarlane, Ecosystem Defense Director. “This is about public safety, as much as it is about ensuring that our wildlife laws are being followed.”

Furthermore, according to public records obtained from the web, Mr. Bransford has been found guilty of past wildlife law violations.

“This entire incident needs to be investigated as the circumstances surrounding it are incredibly disturbing,” said Brett Haverstick. “We expect the agency to do the right thing.”

Photo: Courtesy Jason Hahn 2007
Posted in: Wolf Wars, Idaho Wolves, Animal Cruelty

Tags: Friends of the Clearwater, Forest Service, tortured wolf, public outrage, call for IDFG investigation

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36 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Reblogged this on Wisconsin Wildlife Ethic-Vote Our Wildlife and commented:
    Press release from Friends of the Clearwater about the Josh Bransford trapping incident in Idaho.


  2. Friends of the Clearwater – really great group! Justice for that poor, long suffering wolf…..


  3. Good to see we’re not the only ones!


  4. HOORAY! it’s a start!! I sent an email w/ some of the photos, Bransford and the really horrible one of the wolf on the car roof to CBS evening news! The more the public sees this the more our voices swell with outrage! let the world see what these maniacs have been doing and the even crazier, greedy, legislators have been allowing!!Keep your fingers crossed for CBS!


    • GREAT!


    • Great Joann!!! My fingers are corossed for CBS!!


    • Good job Joann!!

      For the wolves,


  5. convicted and still gets a license- how dare they scapegoat it- they are all responsible for this- it was a thrill kill from day one- no management here- what a bunch of cowards and hypocrites – at least something is being done-
    when they say “against the law for someone else to touch an animal in someone else’ trap” – but not for that person to torture? what bull this is from every direction


  6. Very good to get the National Media involved!Our good old boy network of Politicians should be shamed by these incidents!Strength in numbers,I say!!!Keep up the great work,by exposing these heinous acts!


  7. No more $ to the Sierra Club, NRDC and National Wildlife Federation. I’m writing this group a check.


    • Yes, Bobette!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  8. May justice be served.


  9. YES, May they all realize the damage and Suffering they have created in the lives OF a helpless animals just trying to live out their lives like any other animal in the Kingdom of the Forest((((( HIS HOME)))))) (((((WOLf)))))> Unfair> Cruel abusive Behavior toward helpless animals> MAy Justice be served.


    Group for ONE WOLF PAW ,
    Greetings from the Netherlands.


  11. Thank you friends of the clearwater, thank you, thank you, thank you


  12. Thank you Friends of the Clearwater, for continuing to fight and fight hard, for the wolves ! This wolf will NOT die in vain !! Thanks Nabeki, for the never-ending updates, both good and bad 😉

    Ann Sydow
    Northern Idaho Wolf Alliance


  13. God bless the Friends of Cleawater and their families. I have no words that can tell you how I feel right now. It’s over 40 years of emotion pouring from my eyes. Thank you from my soul, and from all the souls who lost their lives in a bloodbath of barbaric cruelty. God bless every one of them. I hope all the slaughtered innocent now have fields of green to run in, woods with heavy covering to stay cool and warm dens to raise many pups. I don’t know if this happens in heaven, but I pray for only the best for them. Again, God bless all of you….and thank you.

    Most sincerely,
    Anne DiNucci


  14. Wolf trapping and/or hunting should be illegal period! These are magnificient animals-they DO NOT pose any kind of threat or danger to anyone. That creep Bransforad should have his leg caught ina trap & soembody should take his picturea ll bloody & in pain & MAYBE he would stop his trapping. Good good news for Wolves-


  15. continue the diligence..stay strong and focused….and continue the good fight…..this idiot and the many good old boys like him need to be castigated and put out to pasture….where are the ethics…the morals..the conscience in ” humans ” such as him…free the wolves, chain the humans….viva los lobos…..


  16. This great news from where I sit, here in England, you should know, I am sure you do, that you have many supporters here too!

    I am thinking though, and shout me down if I am wrong, that this may well be the one and only photograph (unless someone knows different) that we will have to work with with regards to the current wolf killing debacle. I imagine they got stung by this and may yet get burned, but unless they are arrogant asses, they will have connected with each other very quickly and decided that bragging and getting notoriety is off the menu, so driving what they do ‘underground’.

    I wonder how it would be possible to get film crews and reporters, undercover or not, into these areas to cover this horrendous stuff. They would not be made welcome I guess and it would perhaps be dangerous, but if reporters are prepared to cover our soldiers abroad, perhaps they would like to cover the war going on in the USA; against wolves, against nature!


    • Defenders of wildlife have some excellent films they obtained by a FOIA. Check with them also. Also there are several more images from specific trapper websites. Many have been pulled in recent week. Perhaps someone in the blog network can forward some.
      Also google anti trapping sites and anti fur sites.


  17. I don’t care what the law says! I will free animals from traps and destroy any trap I find.


    • Good luck with that, pretty sure the animal will bite you.


      • A risk worth taking if it means saving a life.


  18. I have had trouble sleeping since I saw the photo of the wolf surrounded by a pool of blood.
    When I close my eyes, all I see is that awful image.
    Idaho had better rethink its wildlife policies, because their brutality casts a dark shadow on all hunting and hunters.
    Toni Stark
    Truth About Wolves


  19. Why isn’t the computer allowing me to sign your petition?


  20. Hello. Thanks to all for wolf advocacy and animal anti-trap advocacy!
    As Gandhi once said. “Yes, western civilization. That would be a good idea!”

    Two quick points:
    Another incident that needs to be investigated for breach of duty by IDFG warden.

    Male wolf OR-9 from Imnaha pack killed by Idaho hunter with … › Pacific Northwest NewsCached
    You +1’d this publicly. Undo
    Feb 11, 2012 – Male wolf OR-9 from Imnaha pack killed by Idaho hunter with expired tag. Published: Friday, February 10, 2012, 1:22 PM Updated: Saturday, …
    Google: “idaho wolf tags 2011 -2012” – hotlink will not copy/paste

    What good are laws if violations are not enforced by public officials hired for enforcement?

    WHY 4200 wolf tags?
    “The IDFG issued 4,200 wolf tags issued for the 2012 hunting season…. with 3,780 individuals receiving tags for 2012, and hunters can receive up to two tags each year.” google search for ‘tags issued
    Do the math. 3780 x 2?
    Another link said near 5ooo. Which is true? Anyone following this ?

    in closing: Thanks to all doing social media (tweet and RT!), petitions, boycotting beef and sheep products, WI boycott, prayers, blogs, coalition organizing.


  21. saw on tw:
    Trapping banned in 88 countries? Why not US?


  22. Nabeki, I’m having a lively conversation with a guy on the Idaho Statesman’s blog. How did they trap the Canadian wolves for Yellowstone? Thanks!


  23. “We expect the agency to do the right thing”-thats where it all falls apart…


  24. […] Howling for Justice: Group Calls for Investigation of Trapping Incident […]


  25. About time something is done – I have sent Howling blog to San Francisco Chronicle – no response so I will try again. I keep trying to get CNN involved, but they too have ignored this nightmare, but I am not giving up – they need to blast these pictures and stories on all of the news stations (except Fox, of course!) and see how the public likes this crap


    • Believe it or not Fox actually did a story a week ago and called it “War on wolves in the Mountain West?” I was actually shocked that even they called this what it really was: a war on wolves.


  26. I really don’t get these people. Trapping then shooting the poor wolf while in the trap? SOMETHING needs to be done on more of a drastic level. I’m so saddened and frustrated.


  27. I dont know if everyone seen the article on this in Pyschology Today but the say its a social concern to have people like this living in your communities its scary


    • I agree Rick. Anyone who could enjoy torturing animals is beyond sick, but evil.


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