Appeals Court Rules That Hounders Are Able To “Train” Their Dogs Against Wolves…….The Fix Is In

Boycott Wisconsin!!

Our Wisconsin, Our Wildlife

This is "sport" and "heritage" in Wisconsin. This is “sport” and “heritage” in Wisconsin.

**UPDATED 7/10/2014 4:45 PM**

According to a wildlife advocate that spoke with Wisconsin DNR Carnivore Biologist Dave McFarland, today’s court ruling means that there are ZERO rules for “training” with dogs against wolves and that hounders can now use their dogs against them 365 days a year. You read that right. Hounders as of now can pit their dogs against wolves with ZERO restrictions year round. Don’t we live in a lovely state? 

Just when you thought that it couldn’t get any worse for wildlife in the Blood Sport Capital of the United States, Wisconsin, it does. A lawsuit filed in 2012 by a coalition of humane societies and wildlife advocates attempted to stop the barbaric use of dogs against wolves during the yearly kill season. The use of dogs was written into the disgusting 2012 Wisconsin Bear Hunter Association authored bill that…

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Published in: on July 11, 2014 at 11:19 pm  Comments (30)  

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  1. To the “hunters” of the NRA, the Safari International Hunting Groups, Governor Butch Otto and in Wisconsin, my prayer for all of you, may the NRA and the Safari Hunting Club and other “HUNTERS” (notice the sarcasm) learn to find inside themselves and grow up and appreciate nature and stop punishing things they don’t understand in themselves on nature. A hint, it isn’t that painful to do, “hunters”!! You can still keep your manliness, only appreciate the softness in your being. This I am in strong opinion about, is your only salvation. Do you notice I am practicing Aikido with you, protect the attacker, you, the “hunters” are the attackers? This goes for Pres. Obama, the Congress, Sally Jewells, Dan Ashe, the NRA, the Safari Hunting International Clubs, the other hunting clubs, et al. Give yourselves a chance at being human, NOT “hunters”!!!! Thank you.


  2. This above passage also goes for the “hunters” who have to use dogs to do their dirty work against the wolves. May you also feel the softness in your gut and experience life that way, maybe just for an instant. This also goes for the judge who in his ” wisdom” came up with this decision, try and use the softness inside you while you are on the bench. I am personally shocked that you came to this decision. May you be at peace with yourself. I would suggest that these “hunters” go hand to hand with the wolves, why a dog or a high powered rifle and scope. Oh Please. This is strictly, my opinion guys. And you may like it.


  3. This is not “sport” nor “heritage”! This is plain MURDER!


  4. I have boycotted Idaho for many years. Consider it a done deal. Sociopaths.


  5. I am stunned by the trajectory on which we humans now find ourselves.Are conscience,compassion and kindness being eclipsed by the opposite side of the coin? Do complete Lack of conscience ,compassion and kindness now comprise the bulk of man’s being?I am reminded of the old story of the warring wolves inside the wolf is the light side , one wolf is the dark side.when a child asks which one wins,the man replies “the one that is fed.”..It makes me wonder what happened in the lives of these hunters, politicians and people in places of power. .Perhaps that dark side was fed and groomed for this kind of killing ,greed and hate..My question is How do we regain the light and change this course of destruction?? The only answer I have begins with the one person at a time practicing loving kindness precept,Simplistic as that may sound..and So Difficult at times. But I believe this attitude is just as contagious as Hate.And honestly,it is new to me. .And it does not mean that I sit back and passively watch what is happening without feeling a Just means I mindfully speak up and take Positive Action…Otherwise ,the whole situation is too depressing for me to bear. I hope this does Not sound like my “preaching ” and or my being” self -righteousness”,for there is a part of me full of a dangerous rage. I am speaking to remind myself to Do something positive to make a small difference. .Otherwise ,that wolf of the darkside will surely win in me,too .I want to feed the wolf of the Light side.


    • You speak with a lot of wisdom and internal courage, Thank you for your words. We are truly amongst savages who have lost all concerns for life. I am not sure what else to do, just keep expressing our hopes, opinions, and yes, don’t let the dark side take over our intentions and actions.


      • It’s very difficult, I wouldn’t waste my prayers on these people, they deserve whatever they get. The world would be well rid of them. Just because we hate them, doesn’t mean we aren’t doing anything positive to try to defeat them. It actually looks like humans are doing themselves in.


  6. Stupid humans I would say why boycott Wisconsin but who goes their anyway? Besides I’ve learned when it comes to their own interests most people are self serving and would t change their plans . To train domestic dogs to run down their cousins is heinous I won’t buy anything made in Wisconsin! Hit those bastards in the wallet.


  7. Why would anyone pass a sick law like this? It just shows you how low humans have sunk. Bring on the biblical plagues!


  8. I think it is interesting that both commenters (to date) here have come from a place of spirit and understanding. No, it does not sound like preaching at all. It sounds very mindful and evolved. Unfortunately I no longer feel this compassion for my fellow man, at least the fellow man who enjoys dealing out pain and suffering. You want to try to awaken the spiritual and godliness inside these cretins. I believe it was never developed, hence the likelihood that it will surface in adulthood is slim. I believe we need to keep pressure on from a legal standpoint, not just hope for the best. Yes, there are many who have no visible conscience when it comes to making a practice of snuffing out life. These people need to be held in check with effective laws. That laws have changed to permit ever more destruction of wildlife and our environment is something we must face head on. It is shameful and surely our responsibility not to let these injustices stand. If not us, then who? Education is surely an important component of change, but we cannot rely on the timeline of education and personal evolution to create change. Our wildlife is being slaughtered to extinction by a gun-happy, blood-revering population. There is no logical reason why their love of blood and slaughter should trump our values of life-affirming compassion. Let’s support groups that force change by legal actions, it is the most powerful tool we have at this time.


  9. It’s really only a matter of time, so good people need to be patient. We can’t stop f**cking and breeding, and guzzling fossil fuels, and it will be our undoing. Go climate change, go!!!


    • And we can’t stop killing each other and blowing stuff up in wars either. Patience, and Mother Earth will shrug us off like the plague we are.


  10. The irony in all of this bloodlust and sick, perversity is, wolves are merely wild dogs, and dogs are merely tamed wolves! According to psychiatry, one of the first symptoms of psychopathy [psychos to the rednecks] is the enjoyment of the suffering, pain and torturing of animals.

    When we unnaturally kill Earth and mankind’s strands in the web of all life, like the wolf, we damage the ecosystems that flow all of mankind’s lifelines to a safe, ensured existence.

    As wolves are a top apex predator and control the entire ecosystem, are the ecosystem’s “engineers”, this specie, alone is a very wide, very long, huge strand in that web of all life.

    These rednecks don’t realize, they’re “suicidal” when they unnaturally slaughter the bricks and mortar of mankind’s only house, Earth. If wild native species are the bricks and mortar of Earth, then the wolf, alone is the entire foundation!


  11. Your comments are all so beautifully rendered I just had to let all involved that I feel the same way …
    I love the discourse, and the thinking …
    I feel we are all very tired of being on the defense, and want the offensive agenda back to bring sanity to our world once again…we find ourselves wound up in old paradigms of hunting as the means of “settling” the land. These are vestiges left over from that time and it is hard to imagine that they are in control …we “settled” this continent over 150 years ago and wiped out many of the native “wild” beings that inhabited the area, which if looked at more closely a self sustaining and highly organized group that obeys the rules of nature, like the carrying capacity of the land and never take more than they need …They are indeed the very definition of “conservative”..they conserve resources and only reproduce when their offspring can be sustained…we should be holding them up for sainthood at this point. But the world is one weird place and we humans seem to obey no laws of nature…So this horrible ruling is now allowing unsupervised killing of the innocents that are of the earth. Is it America’s version of stoning a village woman to death? Do we harbor the same in our hearts as the ever erupting middle east or warring african nations, but we use the wild for our killing agenda? Have we too no restraints on the taking of lives?
    The “wild” are without the sin that man carries, it is almost biblical what is happening here. Wisconsin has reverted back to the worst of human bloodlust and I am shocked by this ungodly place we are in and wonder if any of our leaders will speak out against this utterly appalling situation. It seems we have no one left to uphold the standards of a just and moral relationship with the earth. I weep for the Wild and its beauty and perfection but my tears won’t stop the madness. We are just visitors here on our journey and witness to the holocaust visited upon the wild. These are cowards and craven beings and I pray for our collective soul.
    Wolves are amazing beings and are crucified at our hands because they are the truth of how earth systems really work, we don’t want it their way we want it our way …
    We know this story.


  12. We’re getting like Britain with fox and hound chases. An atrocious
    ‘sport’ with inevitable non-consumption of the victim. The judge who
    ruled this okay has blood on his hands. He’ll get back in spades
    for what he’s done.

    Anything, even the pinhead ‘trophy’ hunters. Despicable. They’ll
    be judged in a higher court.


  13. I am so sick of these so-called “sportsmen!” They are destroying what little we have left of wildlife and wild places. Time for a revolution before these A-Holes kill everything that moves!


  14. I agree with all the above comments. Please help stop the cruelty!



    Nabeki, I saw your post about the biologist collaring wolf pups. I was glad to see that a couple of them got away!!!

    Here’s what these macho men are hunting – pups under a year old (born in April, hunted in August) who haven’t even had a chance at life. Utterly disgusting. Run little pup, run!


    • Additional thoughts: I don’t think this is anything but another decree by Butch Otter – do these biologists know whether or not the parents might abandon the pups because of the collars? It’s been happening with moose calves, and sometimes with deer – the scientists don’t know why, and of course the biologists are just dumbfounded because it just couldn’t possibly be the strange thing around their necks?

      I worry that not only are the hunters contributing to the loss of species, but biologists too with their obsessive need-to-know and meddle.


      • ida, It is disrupting pack behavior. Can you possibly imagine how stressed out the pack must be to have their precious little ones manhandled like that? I read and I can’t remember where, that a wolf pack moved their den site because of the disruption and pups ended up drowning because the pack picked a less than ideal den site in their haste. Not sure if it’s true or not because I can’t find the article. If anyone else read it, please post the link here. What Idaho is doing to those puppies is downright criminal. They have sunk to the lowest of the low.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


    • ida, I remember a few years ago they were posting the ages of the wolves killed and most of them were pups under a year. It made me sick then to think those pups will never have a chance at life, they are easy targets and naive. How cowardly does someone have to be to kill puppies?

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  16. I am so disheartened… there a way to find the names and addresses of the judge involved and the hounders? so that folks can protest outside of their homes and workplaces ….just hound them!


    • can we get the name of the judge in this case, he seems to need a reminder about what this country is built on, he needs some re-educationing!!!!


    • Nikki…the Wisconsin appeals court decision is driving me nuts. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about wolves being chased and torn apart by dogs. This can’t stand, it’s too horrific to contemplate.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  17. Q. does anyone know what power we as citizens have to change the mind of the Dept of Fish and Wildlife in Idaho? Controlled by Dan Ashe, and Sally Jewell has some say in the group. I heard they have the backup of the NRA and that Hunting Group/s. So big money and “limited thinkers”-my bias, They have the guns, bullets, snares, traps. some dogs, and so forth. Anyone know for sure?I think this is important to know, who really to contact, etc.?


    • Joseph,

      Idaho is a lost cause, there isn’t anyone in state government or fish and game that I can think of to contact. That state is about as anti-wolf as you could get. We’ve all tried for years, writing letters, contacting fish and game, etc. The only effective tool is to boycott the state and don’t buy any products they sell.

      What we should be concentrating on is not how to change the wolf haters in Idaho but how to get wolves’ protections back. None of what Idaho is doing would be possible if it wasn’t for the 2009 delisting of wolves in the Northern Rockies by Obama and the wolf delisting rider passed by the Democrat Senate in 2011.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  18. This is a ridiculous law. It not only hurts the wolves, but it also puts your domestic dog in danger. We should not be hunting wolves, they are not overpopulated to start with. Let nature take care of the predatory chain, not humans!


  19. Then from what you are saying, Nabeki, Obama and the Congress need to be hounded with letters,and Peter DeFazio of Oregon needs to be supported. Boycotting Idaho’s products and tourism is another way. FB will need to be used more for these reasons. Thank you.


  20. And even worse, despite the lies and abuses resulting from the wolf delisting, the Administration wants to make matters worse by delisting the wolves in the rest of the lower 48!

    It needs to be made ‘perfectly clear’ to anyone running for President in 2016 that our wildlife is important to us and we want it protected properly. I don’t hold out much hope for the remainder of this Administration, esp. with all the proposed decisions over the ESA, grizzlies, sage grouse, wolverines, etc. Hopefully Obama and Jewell’s terms will end without to much damage being done, and we can look forward to them being safely on the lecture circuit where they can’t do any harm.

    My dream is to have a wolf relisting rider attached to the Sportsmens Act!


    • “My dream is to have a wolf relisting rider attached to the Sportsmens Act!”

      Yes, how karmic that would be ida!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


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