“Where The Grizzly Walks” – Sam Elliott

Thank you Sam Elliott for speaking out for the Great Bears.

Please support Vital Ground, they work to protect grizzly bear habitat.


Mother grizzly_and cub Wiki


Photo: Courtesy Wiki

Posted in: Grizzly Bear, endangered species

Tags: Vital Ground, Sam Elliot, protect grizzly bear habitat, grizzly bears

Published in: on April 17, 2015 at 2:19 pm  Comments (7)  

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7 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Sam’s great! Thanks!


  2. Reblogged this on Exposing the Big Game.


  3. Reblogged this on Coalition for American Wildbirds.


  4. Sam’s Grizzly voice – The recognition that BIG wild places have to be reconnected was popularized by Dave Foreman and the Conservation Biologists by the early 90s.
    A number of groups have been quietly working on this necessity since then.
    Even California’s Caltrans and others have plotted the best wide connections,
    thrill-killers are lobbying to kill as many as they can of the few Griz in Yellowstone ecosystem, Idaho, and the almost nonexistent guys and gals in the North Cascades.

    Cattlemen’s beef associations and sheepherders (nearly ALL rich hobbyists and corporate tax dodges – you have to study the ownership to understand this sufficiently) are adamant that griz be held down to numbers so dangerously low that they WILL lead to extinction.
    Above the human-populated Alberta Plains and BC valleys, the griz holds out connecting to one another.The brown bears of AK are same DNA. Once the griz lived down into central CA, taking what it needed to live. The Spanish first went nuclear on it,then the miners with their toy guns, and the far west griz died.

    But YOU can help through this org and through Y2Y, Rewilding north America, and other groups of scientists, lay persons,, to reconnect.The griz can have enough to eat, if wehelp end sport hunting, and repopulate the animals the cattlepeople who just came in 1840s and often ar later in 1880s, so hate:

    Elk (of all 3 subspecies)
    Balck Bear
    The old warrior race, the Griz herself, and her babes.

    That’s yer mission.


  5. Victory for wolves! Five hunters are going to be jailed for poaching protected grey wolves in Norway!

    And those grizzly bears are beautiful!


  6. I ♥ Norway! Almost every nation on the planet outclasses the US lately as far as protecting their wildlife. Thank you, Norway!


    • ida, yes…I was getting ready to post that on Wolf Warriors. They actually gave those guys jail time. Norway only has 35 wolves ):

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


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