ACTION ALERT: Stop The Delisting Of The Yellowstone Grizzly – Last Day To Comment!

grizzly mom and cub - USFWS

May 10, 2016



The USFWS is pushing to delist the Yellowstone grizzly bears. It’s obvious why they’re doing this. Trophy hunters are itching for a grizzly bear hunt to satisfy their blood lust and ego’s and the USFWS is perfectly happy to make their dreams come true.  Please don’t allow this to happen.

They’re not just after grizzlies in the Yellowstone ecosystem but Montana is already pushing for the delisting of all grizzly bears, specifically the great bear population in Northwest Montana. Please take a moment and speak out for this iconic species. They are voiceless, we must speak for them!

Follow the link to the USFWS comment page and stand up for the grizzly bear. Points to make:

1. Grizzly bears have one of the lowest reproductive rates of any large mammal. That’s because grizzly mothers keep their cubs with them for up to three years. It takes a long time to learn how to be a successful grizzly bear. This means any grizzly bear hunts could quickly decimate their population.

2. Grizzly bears are not recovered across their historic range.

3. Yellowstone grizzlies would be sitting ducks since they are habituated to people. The most famous female grizzly alive, iconic mother grizzly bear number 399, would be threatened by the delisting.


The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Proposed Rule: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Removing the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Population of Grizzly Bears from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife!submitComment;D=FWS-R6-ES-2016-0042-0001


You Can Write a Comment that Helps Save the Grizzly

by Rick Lamplugh

 The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) wants to strip Endangered Species Act protection from the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly bear. We have only until May 10 to comment on the FWS proposal.
For our comments to be most effective, they should present reasons that show delisting is not a scientifically sound idea. A comment that simply says, “Don’t delist the grizzly!” may be heartfelt, but it will not carry much weight with the FWS. A comment that challenges specific FWS reasons for delisting will be more effective.
Below you will find nine claims that FWS has made to support delisting. After each claim, you will find a short explanation from a scientist or conservation agency on why the claim is not valid. 
I have collected this information and posted it here so that you can use it to make your comment effective. Pick one or two or all nine of these reasons and craft a comment using your own words. Your comment doesn’t have to be a work of art, it just needs to address the flawed science behind the delisting.
If you have other reasons that show grizzly delisting is not scientifically supported, please add them here by writing a comment to this blog. 

Montana outlines specifics of possible grizzly hunt


Yellowstone grizzly bears face end of endangered species protection

hfj-ribbon 1 png

US federal government says recovery of national park population to more than 700 is a ‘historic success’ but conservationists say move is premature

Wolf and Bear
Posted in: Action Alert, Grizzly Bear, Howling For Justice

Top Photo: USFWS

Middle Photo: Courtesy Rick Lamplugh
Middle Photo: NPS
 Tags: Please comment, delisting of Yellowstone grizzlies, USFWS, trophy hunters want to kill bears, Montana, Wyoming