Wise Wolf, Forgive Man’s Ignorance….

“Wolf is the Grand Teacher. Wolf is the sage, who after many winters upon the sacred path and seeking the ways of wisdom, returns to share new knowledge with the tribe. Wolf is both the radical and the traditional in the same breath. When the Wolf walks by you – you will remember.”

Robert Ghost Wolf

Photos: Courtesy All About Wolves

Posted in: gray wolves, biodiversity

Tags: gray wolves, beauty, wildlife, wolf is teacher

Published in: on February 14, 2011 at 1:46 am  Comments (17)  
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17 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Really beautiful. How can people view this animal as they do?


  2. Truly, truly heartbreaking that hunters and ranchers have done the perfect job of demonizing this magnificent creature we are lucky enough to share our world with.


    • Never will I understand the stupidity of most people, SCWG.


    • They don’t deserve to share the same space as wolves. They have no idea what wolves are about. All they care about are their own selfish needs.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • I’ve been teaching my science teacher (ironically) about wolves and how wrong the myths about them are. Her young daughter says that “wolves are scary” because of the movies, stories, and playground games that children are brought up to learn.

        Because of what I have told her mother, she is now teaching her daughter not to be afraid of wolves, but to admire them.



      • Zarago you are a treasure. I wish we had thousands more young people like you and Michaela and all the other wonderful young wolf advocates. See what teaching can do? And you’re making a difference!!

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,



  3. Very true. Most people are truly ignorant. Shame.

    Magnificent pictures and animal!


    • They are the most beautiful and maligned of animals Loua.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  4. Thanks Nabeki, I’ll do anything to change people’s views.


  5. How all this people any people could treat the Wolfs like this way? They think or are so sure that is scary bad and they live just to harm the humans all all the other wild life… I cant understand this i cant understand how mothers fathers teach they child’s to live in fear or how easily put fear on they hearts… Also movies stories all written about the big bad Wolf and this madness dont stop… The Frozen movie 2010 the Red Riding Hood movie 2011 and goes on and on many years back and on the years that come… Why they doing that why the cant see just a bit further why they try to understand or just to give a chance to this magnificent creature to live free… Well i think that some people they dont want to understand they dont want to see the truth even they actually KNOW IT… Are born to HUNT AND HATE nothing more or less…


    • Sadly Vasileios I think you’re right. The trophy hunting culture has created an atmosphere of hate surrounding the wolf. How can a person be empathetic when they kill animals for pleasure? Haven’t you noticed the big smiles on trophy hunters faces, holding up their lifeless victims? Why are these people smiling? Because they enjoy killing, therefore you will not find sympathy or empathy in their hearts for the wolf. They see the wolf as something to be conquered.

      As for the wolf propaganda shown in films, it’s to make a buck. They know it sells and as long as it sells they’ll continue to exploit wolves. I’ve seen three horrible commercials recently where it’s implied wolves are attacking people. when in fact wolves are the least dangerous large carnivore. They are shy and reclusive. It’s almost impossible to find them in the wild outside of Yellowstone unless you do a lot of hiking and have tremendous patience. In real life they don’t line up in the Lamar Valley and put on a show. They like to stay as far away from people as they can.

      I’ve been involved in wildlife issues for a long time and I’ve never experienced anything like this in my life.



      • You are spot on Nabeki.

        People just want to be on the top of the world, and if they find something that is impressive, they want to destroy it so that they can display it to others (why it’s called “trophy hunting”), instead of admire it in it’s full glory.

        It’s true that they make films to follow the “anti-wolf” tradition. I’ve seen the trailer for the new “Red Riding Hood” and well, it makes me sick just looking at it. And guess what? It’s from the same people who made “Twilight”. A film that also uses wolves to portray demonic beings. Thankfully, it’s a werewolf not a full-blooded wolf.

        There is not one movie that makes wolves look like the fabulous and majestic creatures that they really are. “Alpha & Omega” tries, but fails terribly. They make wolves look worse.

        You are absoloutly right for saying that the wolf is one of the least dangerous predators out there. They are extremely powerful creatures with an amazing sense of smell and a bite much more powerful than a German Shephard’s. They can run up to 40mph and can do so for far longer than any human can. And yet, they do not prey on humans or challenge them. Unlike the “cute and cuddly” bear, who are not afraid to kill someone for no apparent reason. There have been records of “man-eating wolves”, but, these wolves only kill people because of hunger and viewing humans as a prey item. Many, many fatalities are caused by rabid wolves and many, many records are false.

        If only people would no longer hate this creature.



      • Wolves in the Northern Rockies are facing the biggest threat they’ve ever faced. We have to get this language stripped out of the budget bill. How much more cowardly can someone get then to attack the ESA and wolves by sneaking a horrific provision into a spending bill?

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Humans will pay for their crimes against the animal kingdom, in due time. Meanwhile….it is very painful and sad to witness humanities ignorance and spite towards the wolves.


  6. Erm, is this related to the article?


  7. “In real life they don’t line up in the Lamar Valley and put on a show.”

    Damn it! And here I was expecting those wolves to be in all manner of strange costumes, performing a ripping rendition of ‘Let’s do the time warp again’.


  8. it is a tragedy what humans do to this world. but people like you give me hope that are race is not lost! also you gays need to check out wolf’s rain its an anime that honers the wolf! i just wish people cud sea the wolf fore what it truly is.

    for instance people think a wolf will kill like any wild beast but a wolf only kills when necessary! it kills to eat and when it has to! unlike say the coyote that everyone seems to love or leave alone! its crazy!


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