“It’s Survival of the Weak and Scrawny”….

“Elephants are highly prized among trophy hunters who can pay £10,000 (approx.$16,500) or more for a kill.”

It turns out hunting animals may be more harmful than we thought,  especially trophy hunting.  It could be causing a kind of backward evolution, because the largest and most impressive animals, “prized” by hunters, are diminishing in some species, leading to a reduction in  size and other disturbing changes in the remaining animals.  In other words, the more robust members of certain species are disappearing, not by the process of “natural selection” but by hunting pressure. It’s as if hunters are selectively breeding animals in the wild by killing off the “trophy” animals, leaving the smaller and weaker individuals to breed.

Big horned sheep rams in Alberta, Canada have experienced a 25% decrease in horn size over the last thirty years. Being larger, with huge horns makes them a target for trophy hunters. It then follows the smaller sheep with less impressive horns, have more mating chances.

“Hunters frequently compare their role in the ecosystem to that of natural predators, some of which are disappearing throughout the world. The problem with that analogy is that, unlike hunters, natural predators target the small, the weak, and the sick. Hunters, on the other hand, tend to target the largest, strongest individuals with the largest hides, horns, tusks or antlers.”

It’s not just Big Horned sheep, elephants are also changing.

“Tusks used to make elephants fitter, as a weapon or a tool in foraging—until ivory became a precious commodity and having tusks got you killed. Then tuskless elephants, products of a genetic fluke, became the more consistent breeders and grew from around 2 percent among African elephants to more than 38 percent in one Zambian population, and 98 percent in a South African one. In Asia, where female elephants don’t have tusks to begin with, the proportion of tuskless elephants has more than doubled, to more than 90 percent in Sri Lanka. But there’s a cost to not having tusks. Tusked elephants, like the old dominant males on Ram Mountain, were “genetically ‘better’ individuals,” says Festa-Bianchet. “When you take them systematically out of the population for several years, you end up leaving essentially a bunch of losers doing the breeding.”

The effects that are taking place are difficult to link solely to hunting pressure @ this early stage because evolutionary changes happen so slowly but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist or hundreds of years of evolution to observe what’s happening.  Trophy hunters target the “biggest and the best”, therefore there are fewer of these alpha animals to pass on their genetics.

 The solution is to err on the side of caution and ban trophy hunting entirely. It’s a cruel and heartless enterprise, there would be no down side to freeing animals from this torture.  It doesn’t belong in a civilized society and should  be eliminated for purely ethical reasons BUT if it’s actually upsetting the natural process and weakening animal species, then all the more reason to rid the world of it.

A 2009 Newsweek article explains it all. Hunters not only don’t play the same positive  role as apex predators, like the wolf and grizzly bear but may be the cause of a deadly reverse evolution.

It’s Survival of the Weak and Scrawny

Jan 2, 2009 7:00 PM EST

Researchers see ‘evolution in reverse’ as hunters kill off prized animals with the biggest antlers and pelts.

Some of the most iconic photographs of Teddy Roosevelt, one of the first conservationists in American politics, show the president posing companionably with the prizes of his trophy hunts. An elephant felled in Africa in 1909 points its tusks skyward; a Cape buffalo, crowned with horns in the shape of a handlebar mustache, slumps in a Kenyan swamp. In North America, he stalked deer, pronghorn antelope, bighorn sheep and elk, which he called “lordly game” for their majestic antlers. What’s remarkable about these photographs is not that they depict a hunter who was also naturalist John Muir’s staunchest political ally. It’s that just 100 years after his expeditions, many of the kind of magnificent trophies he routinely captured are becoming rare.

Elk still range across parts of North America, but every hunting season brings a greater challenge to find the sought-after bull with a towering spread of antlers. Africa and Asia still have elephants, but Roosevelt would have regarded most of them as freaks, because they don’t have tusks. Researchers describe what’s happening as none other than the selection process that Darwin made famous: the fittest of a species survive to reproduce and pass along their traits to succeeding generations, while the traits of the unfit gradually disappear. Selective hunting—picking out individuals with the best horns or antlers, or the largest piece of hide—works in reverse: the evolutionary loser is not the small and defenseless, but the biggest and best-equipped to win mates or fend off attackers.

When hunting is severe enough to outstrip other threats to survival, the unsought, middling individuals make out better than the alpha animals, and the species changes. “Survival of the fittest” is still the rule, but the “fit” begin to look unlike what you might expect. And looks aren’t the only things changing: behavior adapts too, from how hunted animals act to how they reproduce. There’s nothing wrong with a species getting molded over time by new kinds of risk. But some experts believe problems arise when these changes make no evolutionary sense.

Ram Mountain in Alberta, Canada, is home to a population of bighorn sheep, whose most vulnerable individuals are males with thick, curving horns that give them a regal, Princess Leia look. In the course of 30 years of study, biologist Marco Festa-Bianchet of the University of Sherbrooke in Quebec found a roughly 25 percent decline in the size of these horns, and both male and female sheep getting smaller. There’s no mystery on Ram Mountain: male sheep with big horns tend to be larger and produce larger offspring. During the fall rut, or breeding season, these alpha rams mate more than any other males, by winning fights or thwarting other males’ access to their ewes. Their success, however, is contingent upon their surviving the two-month hunting season just before the rut, and in a strange way, they’re competing against their horns. Around the age of 4, their horn size makes them legal game—several years before their reproductive peak. That means smaller-horned males get far more opportunity to mate.

Other species are shrinking, too. Australia’s red kangaroo has become noticeably smaller as poachers target the largest animals for leather. The phenomenon has been most apparent in harvested fish: since fishing nets began capturing only fish of sufficient size in the 1980s, the Atlantic cod and salmon, several flounders and the northern pike have all propagated in miniature.

So what if fish or kangaroos are smaller? If being smaller is safer, this might be a successful adaptation for a hunted species. After all, ” ‘fitness’ is relative and transitory,” says Columbia University biologist Don Melnick, meaning that Darwinian natural selection has nothing to do with what’s good or bad, or the way things should be.

Read more: http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2009/01/02/it-s-survival-of-the-weak-and-scrawny.html

“In the Shadows of the Congo Basin Forest, Elephants Fall to the Illegal Ivory Trade”

Top Photo: Christophe Morio/africahunting
Bottom Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Posted in: Trophy Hunting
Tags: Hunting pressure, species evolution in reverse, small is better, hunted animals, damage done by trophy hunting

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8 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. One more reason to despise hunters!




    • Greetings to you Norma. Very glad to have you as a reader and wolf friend.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  3. I love animals and i defend all of them,no justice for wolves in the world now even in France


  4. May God come down with His big hand and wipe out all the people who are slaughtering His innocent creatures, the ones He put here for our enjoyment, to remind us what kindness and gentleness is and wipe out these evil people or teach them a lesson that they will never forget.


  5. I hate people ~ (hunters) really, really hate hunters with all of my being.


  6. It’s got to go. Trophy/Sport hunting have got to be stopped. The EU will be an ally.

    “We in Europe have a different culture than in the United States and we do not consider the freedom to buys weapons a human right,” said Gisela Kallenbach, a German member of the European Parliament from the Green group, who helped draft the proposed law. “All European cows are registered Europe-wide, so why not guns, if it can save lives? Civil liberties can be sacrificed if we can prevent people from being killed.”

    The following are awful must read articles. Unless you already know how the National Rifle Association is propping up Canadian sport hunters in their effort to defeat long gun registry. It just means more killing everywhere. I’m having a hard time finding campaign/political donation disclosures for Canadian political party members. I’ll get some help. I may be wrong but my take is U.S. law and judiciary still represent the possibility of change.

    “The NRA is helping Canadian groups fight the registry by raising money and coaching them on how to lobby politicians.
    “They are highly motivated, with lots of money,” Cukier says.”


    I don’t like to hate. Correctly one deflects to the action. It’s important to focus on counter action. At heart hate must be terrible terrible grief.
    I don’t blame anyone for hating trophy hunters. If I weren’t so hung up on words I’d say so too.
    For the Animals all of them


  7. Man is also creating more dangerous rattlesnakes. The rattlesnake is the gentleman of the serpent world – historically he would much rather conserve his precious venom (the purpose of which is actually not defense but to secure prey) – they rattle to warn others of their presence so no confrontation will follow that would hurt either party. Their venom is expensive to produce and they don’t waste it – they can even give a ‘dry’ bite (no venom) if annoyed enough to strike – that’s how precious their prey-securing venom is.

    But Man in his infinite ignorance hears a warning rattle and searches out the frightened snake and kills it – Instead of just walking around it as was the intent.

    So what is the result of Man’s brilliant response to rattling pit-vipers, and especially his notorious and destructive ‘rattlesnake roundups’?

    It’s simple – Rattlers that DON’T rattle live to reproduce while the ones who warn us so we DON’T get bitten, are killed by misguided humans.

    Those that don’t rattle are more likely to just bite.

    We are driving their evolution the wrong way.

    Humans are selecting for a more deadly, more defensive, SILENT rattlesnake.

    Everybody loses.

    Way to go, Humanity!


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