Wolf Slaughter Season Is Upon Us….

The wolf slaughter is in full swing in Montana and Idaho. Four wolves have been killed in Idaho and 1 wolf was slaughtered with bow and arrow in Montana, a horrible way to die. The Montana wolf died in zone 110, which borders Glacier National Park.  This breaks my heart to think the killers are out in the woods stalking these innocent animals, who don’t understand why this is happening to them. We must work to see their ESA protections restored and quickly.


Published in: on September 6, 2012 at 10:47 pm  Comments (77)  

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77 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Ugh my heart, my tears!!! Why? What does this accomplish? Humans can be so despicable!


  2. I am so disgusted and upset that such beautiful animals wind up like this. I am going to ask a writer for the San Francisco Chronicle to check out your site , but don’t know what good it does – he never acknowledges my e-mails, but for some reason I think he is looking. Unfortunately if I forward they will probably not open. The stupid Sierra Club needs to put this picture along w/ the asshole trapper grinning in front of trapped Wolf in their mailing instead of benign articles. I will try again AND where is the HSUS in all of this?


    • Every Voice is PERFECT!!

      We MUST speak for those who do not Have a Voice.

      Welcome to Planet Earth 😦


  3. This slaughter will stop when:
    There is someone in the White House who genuinely cares about our environment, our public lands, and our wildlife.
    We elect people to represent us that support programs that protect our land, water, air, and animals as well as expanding our economy.
    Wolf killing is no longer a privilege given to local governments and special interest groups in exchange for political favors and the support of lobbyists.

    Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks officials recently told me that they base their Wolf Management Program on the writings of David Mech.
    David Mech is WRONG about wolf supporters “glorifying” wolves.
    Wolves are victims that can not speak for themselves so wolf supporters must act on their behalf. Wolves are being killed because they hunt for food to survive as all predators must do. The authorities that allow the killing base their decisions on myths, inaccuracies, and false information.

    We need to put all our energy and resources into finding candidates for office that will represent our viewpoint and reestablish protection for wolves and other species that are “fragile” and in danger of becoming extinct. We need to be actively involved with state and local agencies that determine wildlife policy and make it clear that wolf killing is cruel, totally unacceptable,and unnecessary.

    Unless we get representation and take an active roll in developing wildlife policy, nothing will change and wolves will continue to be killed throughout the U.S. until they are gone.a


    • You said it all; but how can we get the right people to represent us; the do not run for office. The Rancher’s Lobby is a strong one. Most don’t give a damn and it is hard, if not impossible, to have any hope left for the wolf, not to mention other animals who are being slaughtered also. It is truly disgusting how man has the arrogance to ;’mangage’ other species.


  4. Lets keep calling the president’s hot line let it be known we will not vote for a wolf killer


  5. Our voices must be heard by the white house in large numbers,Salazar must go now!




    • AGREED. I have posted this memory. If you see Someone’s Pet Killed by rifle, you will NEVER forget. Bella. My LOVE to HER. I saw the same situation in Iowa 😦


  7. I was a little girl. SHOCKING.






  10. OUR VOICES GROW.we will be heard.


    • I will NEVER give up. I helped Nat Geo with Big Cats. Now it is time to Focus on our Fellow Canids. The “yahoo cowboys” have canines. Do they realize all domesticated Canines were born from Canid Lupus? I think NOT.


  11. I read the ESA, and from what I understand what MT, ID, etc are doing is ILLEGAL….but the one who delisted the wolf is sitting in the chief’s chair…the one who broke the law. Not surprised. I have lived through many presidents, and the corruption in this present administration is appalling. As the writer above pointed out…we have to reach somebody in power who cares. As far as I can tell….they’re not there yet. And if somebody says, “Well, the Republicans won’t help.”, I’m ready to choke them. There might be somebody in that administration who will follow the law. Right now..this Obama nightmare is only out for blood money and he will use and break the laws to his benefit…no matter who he has to toss under the bus or what he has to kill. As long as there is money in it for him, and political favor, he will lie, break the law, and do whatever he has to in order to get re elected. If he does get re elected then he will be able to do whatever he wants because he won’t have to worry about fighting for another term.

    No…we have to get him and his cronies out of power, because as it stands now…the wolf has no chance of survival. I am hoping that even though Paul Ryan is an avid hunter of whitetail deer and turkeys, that maybe him or one of the party members will re list the wolf. I don’t think that Romney or Paul Ryan are law breakers, and hopefully they will uphold the stipulations of the ESA.


    • Anne, I understand your frustration with Obama but I truly believe that Romney/Ryan will be even worse for our wolves and other wildlife. Look what Romney did to his poor dog. Ryan is a thrill killer. Do you really think he’ll care about wolves? Wolves are competition to people like him. Obama had no choice but to sign that budget bill with the wolf delisting rider. We need to keep hounding him until he listens…but I do think eventually he will listen. Romney/Ryan I can pretty much guarantee they will never listen. It sucks that these are our choices but I think we need to continue to stand together as wolf advocates and keep fighting to good fight. Salazar has to go regardless!!


      • Obama could have called Congress’ bluff as Bill Clinton did when threatened with a budget shutdown, and would have come out smelling like a rose. He didn’t, and you see the result. But Romney/Ryan are a complete unknown.


      • Romney is NOT an Environmentalist / Conservationist. I feel in my heart only those who ARE Warriors for Our Planet must join together for the Best Interest of the WORLD and Our Children.


      • I wouldn’t count on Romney or Ryan to help. Romney had to assure the gun groups that he hunted “varmints,” and I’m sure for the hunters, wolves would fall under that category. Ryan bow hunts. Ryan is a Catholic, and the Church is notoriously lax on any animal cruelty issues (I say that not as a Catholic basher but as an ex-member of the Church who could not tolerate their pro-human, anti-animal positions even on bullfighting).


  12. It is barbaric for any animal, including wolves, to be hunted, particularly with bows, traps, and snares. The meanness and irrational beliefs behind the wolf hunt go beyond the arrogance of trophy hunting and old frontier ideas of killing for survival. The wolf hunt just plain shows the ugly and evil side of human nature. The hunters and their advocates are beyond shame. They should be beyond redemption in a just universe.


  13. Never ever give up! Let’s keep fighting


  14. My heart is on the truck with this innocent and beautiful wolf. After hundreds of years of such infinitely cruel, brutal and completely unjust persecution, wolves deserved a new day with permanent protection. It is outrageous and completely unacceptable that Obama, Salazar and the Democrats, went backwards and returned to persecuting this vital and remarkable being. We must fight and fight for all the wolves, without rest, until we stop the massacre and re-protect them, this time permanently. The US needs a permanent ban on the hunting of all native predators that belong in every ecosystem, much more so than hateful, ignorant and destructive humans.


    • Every time I see this Beautiful Canid, I get tears. When will we learn?


  15. The barbarians who trap, use bows & snares, should only have it happen to them! Maybe then they would understand!


  16. Inauguration speech. Environmental President? Whom do we turn to next?

    Keep the Faith and do NOT stop being a Nuisance.

    Sad to say, but this is the ONLY way to get attention.


  17. Reblogged this on Exposing the Big Game and commented:
    How are wolves ever supposed to recover if people are hunting them right outside the narrow confines of Glacier National Park?!?


  18. Here’s an update; at least one part of the state is closed to wolf hunting, now that they’ve killed their “quota”


  19. A wild rabbit – considered a pest by many farmers
    MouseVermin (or varmint[1] or varmit) is a term applied to various animal species regarded as pests or nuisances and especially to those associated with the carrying of disease. Since the term is defined in relation to human activities, which species are included will vary from area to area and person to person. The term derives from the Latin vermis (worm), and was originally used for the worm-like larvae of certain insects, many of which infest foodstuffs.[2] The term ‘varmint’ (and ‘vermint’) has been found in sources from ca. 1530-1540s.

    Wolves? NO.


  20. Wikipedia 🙂


  21. I miss Mike DeGruy 😦


  22. Stop the slaughter of these innocent wolves. It’s unacceptable and should never happen. Please protect these beautiful wolves.


  23. I have a large big black dog that came from a shelter many years ago that looks just like this magnificent wolf that was killed..This animal was killed for the torment and torture the person who killed him enjoying doing. How sick are we that our country allows such cruelty..I’m sick and disgusted..Question is who do we turn to? Who will be willing to end the nightmare? I don’t understand how this is continuing and no one cares in those states. I do not believe it is simply a matter of either party that will end the killing of the wolves. There has to be someone somewhere with a brain that is power that can get the wolves back on the endangered species list, but who?


    • Listen to the Biologists whose Voices have been Silenced. Do not Hope for Our “so called” Government to assist.

      WE are the Voice for Our Planet.

      Bert, My heart broke when I read your blog.

      As stated earlier, I saw a “farmer” kill a Husky in front of 4 children under the age of six years. Myself included.

      Double barrel shotgun. Thank you, Iowa 😦


  24. As of September 6th, 2012 (the last time the ID wolf harvest was updated on the IDFG site), the Idaho wolf harvest has been 6, not 4. I know that it states “4” under the “Total Harvest,” but the number of wolves harvested in each zone is as follows:
    Panhandle: 2
    Dworshak-Elk City: 1
    McCall-Weiser: 2
    Island Park: 1
    Uhh…last time I checked 2+1+2+1≠4; 2+1+2+1=6
    As to whether the IDFG just never got around to fixing this or is trying to hide the true wolf death toll from us wolf advocates I don’t know. But if it’s the latter then it seems like so far they are getting away with it. If that’s the case, then we have to make them report the numbers accurately; we can’t let them get away with this inaccurate number reporting. We must let them know that we are not stupid and that we know our math! But, regardless of the reason of it being done, if this little number “game” continues then we’re gonna have to add up all of the numbers from each harvest zone rather then rely on the “Total Harvest” to know how many wolves are truly being killed.


    • Harvest is something to consume for ALL!

      “Harvest Home” will no longer have the same meaning for myself and certain friends 😦


  25. Who are these humans that enjoy murdering these beautiful animals?????????


    • They are the kind of people whose mothers should have used birth control.


      • Marcia, I completely agree with your true comment. Bob


  26. Ugh, time for another 7 gruesome months of wolf killing (that’s just here in America, excluding Wyoming’s wolf “predator” zone)! And to think that it’s not only Idaho and Montana this year…wolves will now have to deal with hunting in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming! And, of course, we can’t forget about the wolves in Alaska, Canada, Russia, and all of the other countries that either hunt wolves as “big game” or treat them as vermin to be shot-on-sight! When taking these other places (and Wyoming’s wolf “predator” zone) into consideration, then wolf killing is all year long! It’s terrible! Those poor wolves do not deserve to be killed! Responsible wildlife management is one thing but to kill wolves (or any other animal) for sport, fur, and/or out of hatred, fear, and misunderstanding is just plain wrong!


  27. Protect the wolves save them any way you can!


  28. Time for the next round eh? When will the forest stop being a war zone? hell the geneva convention has banned chemical warfares, why are we allowing hunters to plant poison traps that have been killing our our own pups? bears are more of a threat to populated regions and wolves try to avoid them. why can’t people take two seconds to stop and think on even that point?

    i’m moving out to boulder, colorado soon to try and get closer to everything that’s going on here. This is getting old… again!

    I’m howling for you my wolf brethren. anybody know of a wolf conservation alliance in colorado?


    • I am in PA. I am doing ALL I can to HELP. The Ranchers have HUGE sway in the West, Just as Coal, Oil, Chemicals etc.

      It is US against the “Bad Guys.”

      It sounds Naive.

      It is a fact.

      I live it every Day in my field of study.


  29. Absolutelty disgusting, I hope the politicians of your country realise they are going to make these pockets of America economic wastelands as we of the world wont visit and spend money,what will we see a big herd of sick, old and frail elk that your hunters may be able to kill,with a bow,trap or run to death with dogs. Hope they get ill from the diseased elk they eat, a good healthy biodiversity includes a preditor that weeds out the sick wake up politicians at some stage you will be a has been and people will remember, a hero too a few and a spineless yes person to many.


    • This situation is DISGUSTING. We as “humans” MUST help to keep Our World Intact. PLEASE?????


  30. My heart tears apart at what is being done to thes beatuiful creatures of god, it shame me to be a part of a human race that cares nothing forte animals that live among us. I wish just for one second that the hunters could switchplaces with the wolves that they are killing that way they could feel the pain that the wolf is going through when they are being shot at with bow and arrow, shot guns, rifles, or even with poisoned traps. Let the trapper get stuck in one of his own poisoned traps and see how he likes it. It hurts me everytime i see some one killing one of gods creatures, why can’t we all live in peace with each other.


    • You stated how I feel, I do not understand why human beings are so inhumane; all over the all mighty buck!


  31. Inhumane is the Key word. Tears and Heartfelt feelings SHOULD be held tight. Let us not forget Our Wolves.

    Holy Cow.

    I have a Rescue Kitty. It took me over one year to teach Her to be a True Feline.

    She could not jump, balance, purr, chirp, meow nor show her inner Lioness.

    She is now the Queen of my home 🙂

    Do not count on those who love the “THRILL KILL.”


    • NEVER!!!! Adopt don’t shop and stay the course for the wolves; they are so abused (not a strong enough word).


  32. I wish there were aStrong Enough Word. Cruel, Horrific, Disgusting, Inhumane, Nasty, Ugly?

    These Adjectives seem weak compared to the Suffering Our fellow Travelers are dealing with 😦


  33. Sorry for mis spelling. My keyboard needs a break 🙂


  34. I cry every Day for these BEAUTIFUL Creatures. I thank Goodness My Dad taught me to RESPECT, not ABUSE.


  35. I will be maiking MANY calls 9/10 through 9/14. I will post ALL results as they feed in.

    I LOVE my field of Study 🙂 You meet many who Share a like Mind!


  36. I wish you could Meet and Greet Hunter and Scout. Born in Captivity from NY Zoo. The LOVE AND CARE the Upper SChuylkill Valley Park has for these AWESOME Canids is OUTSTANDING 🙂


    If you EVER in the Area. Route 113.

    These “critteres” are HAPPY!!

    See Kittykatnap, Trip Advisor


  37. un aullido de dolor y rabia por la masacre de seres inocentes


  38. Sick psychopaths. They need to be bow hunted. Suffer what those beautiful innocent family oriented wolves do. Simple fuck ups who need to rot in hell


  39. We NEED more people to contact Tourism for the State governments involved with htis senseless slaughter. Once the Economy is affected by lack of Tourism, MAYBE those of us who are crying out for Our Wolves will get some attention!

    Well put, Bella!


  40. You know that all this came about because humans are not as careful with their reproduction as the wolves are. We should do something serious about our numbers, as we are invading the wolve’s and other wildlife’s territory.
    Humans have upset nature’s balance.

    And yet, I wonder how many among you here who are so vociferous about saving the wolves would be the first to howl loudly at the mere thought that you should not have as many children as you please.

    I am an artist currently doing wildlife (wolves at present). I have done the Red Wolf and brought it to the attention of fellow artists who never heard of it before. The website needs to be updated but there are a few of them there now.


    • Well, well. It may surprise you find out that I, too am an Artist, NOT just an advocate. I am SURE many have NOT brought children into this World indiscriminately. I have friends who are Scientists, Artists, Public Servants, Students, All Walks of Life etc, ALL of whom work in their own way to make Humans aware of the dangers of losing this Planet’s Biodiversity. As an artist you should be less judgmental 🙂

      In my humble opinion.

      Have a pleasant eve.


      • I also major in Enviro Science, specializing in Biodiversity. Interesting subject.


      • Judgmental? Maybe that’s because I feel so passionatley about it. Some years ago I subscribed to World Wildlife; well, one day I got this request for donations to save either the Indian elephant or tiger, I forget which, and I’m thinking, “how silly can they get, their human population is multiplying like flies and driving everything else to extinction. Money isn’t going to save the animals.” And I dropped out of that sort of thing.


  41. As for the Red Wolf, contact Earth Justice, Nat Geo. There are other Species in as BLEAK a situation. There are certain Human Cultures on the brink of extinction. It works for ALL living Beings 🙂


    • You’re in Clearwater, Fl???
      Small world eh?
      I’m up in Hudson.


  42. “Vanishing Voices.” Nat Geo July 2012 Issue.


    • Yes, I know there are others. The Red Wolf happens to live in my area so I am at this time partial to him. Also he kind of looks like a Belgian Malinois. 😉 I’ve used my Belgian Shepherds as a base model for some of my wolves.
      I have been looking at various sites featuring endangered species.
      I have a special love for Canids. I’m interested in optaining reference material to use in whole or in part for rendering in pastel or colored pencil. This has been difficult as most on line photos are copyright owned, and some of the best ones sell for $$ and want royalties too. No profit there.


      • Ruth, I have a Special love for Canids, as well. Nat Geo sometimes allows Artists to use non copywrite photos. I have seen non copywrite photos online. If I find the website, I will let you know. I worked with Timber Wolves. The Alpha female accepted me and allowed to sing with Her pack. Magic 🙂


      • Use the LOVE You have for Your Canids / Canines 🙂 All from from the same Species per DNA..


      • Gosh, PLEASE keep a CLOSE WATCH ON YOUR CANID / CANINE companion.


  43. Hi Ruth, No. A different person with the same name. I am in SE Pennsylvania. You can visit Kittykatnap on Trip Advisor I just posted a new review which is pending.


  44. “A Wolf Story.”

    You should Google this amazing True story.


  45. Amo Lobos



  46. We all live symbiotic. It is so difficult to explain.


  47. I am so tired. Our Wolves are not alone. FAMILY


  48. Southern Cross



  49. We have a VICTORY!!!! Tele Conference with Earth Justice October 4 at noon. Wyoming is being sued 🙂 SNIFF. So much hard work, passion and research by all involved has helped prove the UNLAWFUL behavior of these “so called” politicians. I can not stop smiling 🙂


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