Wyoming Wolf Holocaust Has Begun!!

October 1st, 2012, a half hour before sunrise, will begin a day of infamy for Wyoming wolves. Not only will they be hunted outside of Yellowstone National Park in a trophy hunt zone (over 2200 wolf hunt tags have been sold),  they’ll be treated as vermin in most of the state. The shoot-on-site plan goes into effect tomorrow!! No license needed, wolves can be run over with ATV’s , hung from a tree,  trapped, snared, POISONED or anything a wolf killer can come up with. AND they don’t have to report killing a wolf to the state for ten days. Yeah that’ll happen.

US government sanctions slaughter of wolves in Wyoming

Wyoming wolves lose federal protection, will be shot on sight across most of state

September 2012. US Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has announced that gray wolves in Wyoming will be taken off the endangered species list – a death sentence for a majority of the animals, which will now be managed under a state plan that delineates more than 80 percent of Wyoming as a “predator zone” where wolves can be shot on sight. In the remainder of the state, excluding Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks, wolves will be designated a “trophy game animal” and hunted in large numbers, with the goal of reducing the population from about 270 wolves to 100.

In response to this decision, the Center for Biological Diversity joined a coalition of environmental groups in filing a notice of intent to sue the federal government for stripping away Endangered Species Act protections from Wyoming’s wolves.

“Taking federal protection away from Wyoming’s wolves will bring the same kind of senseless slaughter that first drove them to the brink of extinction in the lower 48,” said Noah Greenwald, endangered species director at the Center for Biological Diversity, which has worked to protect western wolves for nearly a quarter-century. “Blatantly ignoring science and sanctioning the extermination of these beautiful and intelligent animals is a travesty. We’re going to sue to protect these wolves.”




On September 10th 2012,  a coalition of environmental groups notified USFWS  of their intent to sue over Wyoming’s wolf delisting plan but the groups cannot take legal action until SIXTY DAYS after the filing!!  So the wolf hunt and the shoot-on-sight plan will move forward until the environmental groups can plead their case for an injunction in court to stop the killing. A lot of wolves can be killed in the meantime.

This is all on the Obama administration, Secretary of the Interior rancher Ken Salazar and director of USFWS Dan Ashe, who thinks this slaughter is, “scientifically sound”.  Tell me how a wolf hunt AND a shoot-0n-sight  predator zone, that will decimate 270 hapless Wyoming wolves, who live outside Yellowstone,  is scientifically sound? Science has NOTHING to do with it. The power and influence of the ranching and hunting cabals pushed this agenda pure and simple!


That’s the sad state of wolf “recovery/slaughter”. The only wild wolf in America potentially safe is OR-7 because he decided to disperse from his natal pack, the Imnaha’s and run like hell away from the killing zone. Let’s hope he stays out of harms way. Yet his brother and sister wolves face an unprecedented slaughter.

Get active, hold a protest, organize!! The killing has to stop and the ONLY way it’s going to stop is by pressuring the politicians who rubber stamped this pogrom. Appealing to the states is hopeless, they aren’t going to stop killing wolves unless they’re ordered to.

Be relentless, don’t stop until we get some action.  Start a write-in campaign  directed at every US Senator who voted to delist wolves in the Northern Rockies, specifically the Democrats. Tell them to restore wolves  Endangered Species Protections or they won’t be getting your vote on November 6.

I know time is short, the election is just six weeks away but we CAN make an impact! Wolves are dying. The Wedge pack was just aerial gunned in Washington state for NOTHING! Montana and Idaho wolves are being hunted as I type this, 26 dead since August 30, 2012.  The Great Lakes states of Wisconsin, Minnesota and now Michigan are poised to travel down the same road. Oregon ODFW has a death warrant out on OR-7’s father and sibling, the only reason they’re not dead is a court ordered temporary restraining order stopped it.

Contact The Infamous 81


Boycott Wyoming! Boycott Yellowstone National Park!! Show Wyoming the power of the almighty dollar and what it can do to their economy when you decide to vote with your feet and stay home. Wolf tourism brings 35 million dollars into the GYA every year. Don’t go!!! Make a statement!! Spread the word! Contact Wyoming’s Department of Tourism. Let them know you won’t step one foot in the state while they are destroying wolves and mean it!!

Wyoming Travel & Tourism
1520 Etchepare Circle
Cheyenne, WY 82007

TEL: 307-777-7777
FAX: 307-777-2877
E-MAIL: info@visitwyo.gov
TOLL FREE: 800-225-5996



Environmental groups to sue over Wyoming wolf delisting



Wyoming Ranchers Knock Gray Wolf Off Endangered Species List



Ranchers Cheer Removal Of Gray Wolf Protection


May 23, 2011

The animals had been protected by the Endangered Species Act, but when a federal budget bill was introduced in Congress, senators from Montana ran a sneaky maneuver and added language to the bill to “delist” the wolves in the five states. 

Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/ranchers-cheer-removal-of-gray-wolf-protection.html#ixzz286soH9QQ


Photo: Courtesy Pavan Mickey

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Wyoming Wolves

Tags: shoot-on-sight, environmental groups file suit, Wyoming wolf pogrom, boycott Wyoming. boycott Yellowstone, USFWS, Dan Ashe,  Obama administration, stop killing wolves, get active