If this can be proven it will blow things wide open in Wisconsin, it’s unconscionable. To think wolves would be subjected to such horror when they are bound to their den sites awaiting the birth of their pups!

A similar situation was uncovered concerning Mexican gray wolves. Telemetry devices were given out to Southwestern ranchers when Mexican gray wolves were first reintroduced, apparently so ranchers would use them to keep track of any wolves approaching their cows. The USFWS handed out the telemetry to people who were no friend to the wolf.

“Don’t Give Wolf Opponents Tracking Frequencies”


Wisconsin Wildlife Ethic-Vote Our Wildlife




**UPDATE** Remember these are only allegations at this time, but they are backed up by some very serious statements from people with impeccable integrity. We will keep digging for more information, and update as more information becomes available. All of us are still trying to wrap our minds around this. 


Yesterday we were made aware of some very disturbing information. According to multiple reliable sources, with direct links to the the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, a DNR employee or employees have given confidential research data regarding the precise GPS coordinates of wolf dens to wolf hunters/hounders/trappers. The sources are reluctant to go on the record with this information, but if true it would answer many questions about this past falls wolf killing season.

One of the most common questions asked during the wolf killing season last fall was, “how are they killing them so quickly?” I…

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Published in: on February 22, 2013 at 1:05 pm  Comments (55)