The War Against Wolves and Wildlife: Time to Stop the Killing

Thank you Camilla for speaking out for the voiceless wolves who are being decimated by these savages.


Exposing the Big Game

[Note: The identities of these wolf-hating villains behind the masks are said to be, from left to right: Former Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, Int. Sec. Sally Jewell, Pres. Barack Obama, Former Pres. G.W. Bush, along with his squad of goons, and Dick Cheney, who tagged along hoping to chalk up another hunting accident.]


Article by Camilla Fox, Project Coyote

By the time this blog goes live this photo will probably have been pulled from Facebook. The photo, titled “Wyoming is FED up,” is posted on the FB page, Sportsmen Against Wolves.

As of October 26th the photo had 563 likes and 307 shares, after being posted for less than three days. The posted public comments are disturbing:

“Love this!!!!! I fully understand the masks, yer not idiots like those daring you to show yer faces!!!! Keep on killing guys”

“Smoke a pack a day”

“Kill everyone you see boys!”

What is perhaps…

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Published in: on October 28, 2013 at 10:42 am  Comments (20)  

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20 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. These monstrous sub-human racist freaks are about as “sporting” as Lance Armstrong and as we all know, that’s saying something.


    • well said: anencephalic cretans, everyone!!


    • Oliver…total cowards and they have the nerve to display our if they’re some kind of patriots. They are disgusting and vile. I hope this picture gets national coverage but I won’t hold my breath..the MSM is too afraid to cover this story. It might make the Democrats look bad…oh my. Not that the Republicans are any better, they’re not but I expected more from the Dems and they let us down big time and to think Clinton is the one who had wolves reintroduced. He had an amazing Secretary of the Interior. Where is he now. Why is he not speaking out about this?

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Nabeki,

        It was Bruce Babbit that spearheaded the wolf reintroduction as Clinton’s Secretary of Interior. I may have a way to get to him. I’m going to try. He should be screaming to the media about the desecration of wildlife and wildlands given his track record. What’s happened to our wild places and the creatures that inhabit them under Obama is nothing short of an atrocity.

        These days I’ve disavowed any party. They’re either spineless money-grubbing cowards pandering to private interests, or racist, anti-nature extremists shouting “drill-baby! drill!” In either case, unless something changes, the best we can hope for is an unstoppable virus that only takes out humans…


      • Yes Babbit was excellent, if only Obama had selected Grijalva for Interior we wouldn’t be having this convo now. I hope you can get through to Babbit…these people have so many handlers But he could really be a heavy hitter for this cause and I know he’s aware of what’s going on, how could he not be?

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  2. PS: Did I mention that they are all abject cowards? They don’t even have the conviction to show their ugly faces…


    • Here, here… I agree with you totally. I wonder if it took all of them to kill the poor wolf. Even in death he looks better than the cowards surrounding him.


      • Allan….a million times better looking then any of those cowards. I just can’t imagine the tortures of the damned the poor animal must have suffered at the hands of those wolf killers.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  3. These idiots look like the KKK & we know what idiots they were!!!
    Oliver was exactly right – monstrous sub-human cowards!!


  4. Horrible. I just thought these people are mentally ill, perverse and sickos, but I was wrong.

    They’re evil! We need to get HJ’s photographs before the American people. I believe, if they see images like this, we can stop this plague of evil, sickness. Americans will feel like we do — horrified, stunned — that people like this really exist.

    Some of these images hurt too much to even look at! Every American needs to see these photographs. Better yet, a film of the slaughter on the nightly news!


    • This image should be plastered all over the MSM but you won’t see it there. Too hot for them to handle. Jane Velez Mitchell is the only one that has covered this story because she’s an animal right activist and really cares.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  5. I continue to ask WHY ???? I can people be so cruel ? I have yet to find the answer…Does killing an innocent animal give these rotten people such a huge thrill that they can’t separate right from wrong ? or are they just purly evil and heartless people ???
    STOP THE KILLING !!!! We should thank our wolves. Because we would not have “mans bestfriend” if we did not have the wolf first !!!


    • Nancy..we just have to figure out a way to stop this…trying to analyze their psyche is an exercise in futility…they’re filled with hate.For the wolves,

      For the wild ones,


  6. Direct link…but NOT the only method…calling sends a stronger message:


  7. Reblogged this on Forty Two Teeth and commented:
    Have you seen the latest wolf killing atrocity? Take a look at what the state by state delisting has wrought! This revolting and cowardly image comes from the good old boys of Wyoming. I’m ashamed that they have an American flag… These are not the values of any “America” I want to be part of…


  8. Anne, I’m putting a reminder on my daily “to-do” list. The folks that answer those numbers are going to know my name. All of them.


  9. I see no difference in this group and the KKK.
    They represent the WORST of mankind and they must be stopped. Like the people that attend the Sportmans’ Church in Stevensville, Montana on Wednesdays, they believe that they are ordained by GOD to kill wildlife.


    • Completely agree Toni!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  10. While the official stance of Yellowstone Park is that the three state wolf hunt that has been going on along the Park’s boundaries has not jeopardized the Park’s wolf population (now down to 81 wolves), it certainly killed the Park’s wolf project’s research on wolf habits such as how many and where wolves eat elk, bison, deer, and the like. Not only that, but the loss of the 3 GPS collars which tracked wolf movements 24/7 makes it so it cannot be known if the wolves have killed what they eat or whether they find a carcass (or steal it from lion, bear, coyotes, etc.).


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