Wisconsin Knee Deep In Wolf Blood….

gray wolf dnr wi.gov

When I was a kid I loved Wisconsin. We spent our summers there in a rustic cabin by a deep blue lake. I spent hours laying on the pier watching tadpoles develop on lazy summer afternoons.  I loved to see their little legs springing to life,  turning them into frogs. There were snapping turtles on the beach, bullfrogs, the lake was teeming with fish. The little sunnys and perch would shelter under the pier during the hottest parts of the day. I remember tracing my fingers through the water thinking about nothing but the warmth of the sun and blue sky overhead, wonderful days.  I tracked muskrats through the marshes near the cabin, built forts with my friends, spent time at a dairy farm down the road, drinking fresh milk, straight from the cow. We spent hours sitting in an ancient apple tree, chatting about the day, At night the cows would trek home from the field, the lead cow wore a bell and all the other cows would line in behind her as she led them home. That’s when dairy cows spent their days grazing on lush pasture not holed up in dark, dank factory farms. In the winter we’d ice skate on the lake, making sure not to get too close to the reeds and cattails where the ice was thin. Those were precious memories from my youth, now tainted by the wolf slaughter. Wisconsin has become a  killing field for gray wolves.  I no longer love it and the images of my youth have been ruined forever.  I only think of  Wisconsin now when I read the latest evil done to the wolves, who are being systematically destroyed in my childhood playground.

In the states second wolf hunting season 251 wolves have been targeted for death.  They are knee-deep in wolf blood in Wisconsin, 193 wolves have been wiped out since the hunt began. They’re aiming for a total of 251 dead wolves and it looks like they’re going to get there pretty darn quick. An average of 11 wolves are being killed every day since the hunt began on October 15, a mere 22 days ago.

The only upside to this horror is the dog/wolf hunt probably won’t happen this year, as they race toward their murderous ” 251 dead wolf quota”. By the time it’s legal to hunt wolves with dogs, on December 2,  the “wolf blood lust season” will be closed/ maybe? There’s an appeal waiting  to be decided, only the court can stop this “dog/on/wolf”

“When a pack of dogs pursues a wolf … a wolf will turn and fight and kill if necessary to protect its territory. And there you have a state-sanctioned bloody dog fight right here on our public land.”…..Opposing Views

And I thought the Northern Rockies were brutal but they’re downright vicious in Wisconsin.


Fast Kill Rate In Wisconsin Wolf Hunt Could Mean No Dogs Will Be Used

By Phyllis M Daugherty, Mon, November 04, 2013



Wisconsin wolf hunting on a brisk pace

By Dave Orrick


Photo: Wisconsin DNR

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Animal Cruelty

Tags: Wisconsin, Badger state,  boycott wolf killing states, wolf slaughter