Wolf Violation Notice Delivered To Montana Governor Steve Bullock….

wolf-howling fanpop

October 23, 2014

It’s time to start thinking outside the box concerning the decimation of America’s wolves and WWAG is certainly doing that. Trying to protect Montana and Idaho wolves, by fighting for them in federal court,  was hamstrung by the budget bill-wolf delisting rider, passed by the Democrat controlled US Senate, in 2011, which took judicial review off the table.

WWAG is demanding wolves be placed back under federal protection stating  “Montana’s wolf management policy violates the United Nations Charter for Nature, !”

“Why are these psychopaths allowed to torture animals in this country, yet 86 other countries have banned trapping?” asked WWAG member Michelle Domeier.

The group held posters showing wolves dead in both foothold traps and snares identified as legal means of killing wolves in Montana. More than 2,600 wolves had been killed since being strippedfrom federal protections, they said.

After speaking on the Capitol steps, WWAG member Karen Wells delivered the violation notice to the governor’s office, which was taken by staff in Bullock’s absence….Independant Record


UPDATED: Group demands return of federal wolf protections at Capitol protest


October 20, 2014 6:52 pm  • 

Saying that Montana’s wolf management policy violates the United Nations Charter for Nature, members of the Wolf and Wildlife Action Group delivered a “violation notice” to Gov. Steve Bullock’s office at the Capitol Monday.

Montana’s wolf policy allows for a landowner to kill up to 100 wolves, using what WWAG called cruel and barbaric methods such as aerial gunning and trapping, the violation notice said.

The policy is an attempt to exterminate the gray wolf, and WWAG demanded that wolves return to federal protection under the Endangered Species Act, said member Jeanne Rasmussen.

Bullock was not at his office at the time WWAG delivered the violation notice.

“They are being shot and trapped and gut shot, and they burn baby pups out of their dens,” Rasmussen said. “Hunters just want them eliminated.”

WWAG described itself as an “international grassroots organization” at the Capitol on behalf of 80 percent of Americans who want wolves protected.

Madison County resident Diane Nelson-Steiner spoke passionately about wolves killed near her home along the Big Hole River. She recalled an entire pack shot by government officials flying a USDA plane, and seeing the animals left to rot.

“To see those wolves killed and laying in a field is horrible,” Nelson-Steiner said. “They killed most of the Big Hole pack, and since then we’ve been overrun with elk and deer. It’s getting absolutely ridiculous with the herds getting to be overly large.”

Wolves also kept coyote numbers in check, which have increased dramatically since elimination of the wolf pack, she said.

Nelson-Steiner and her husband, Tim Steiner, brought several foothold traps they said were found illegally set on their property by trappers after wolves. They have found or heard of multiple animals caught in traps including domestic cats and dogs, an eagle, a badger and coyotes, but no wolves, Steiner said.

Yes that’s cruel and inhumane,” Steiner said while holding a trap. “Animal cruelty is against the law in all 50 states. It’s not just wolves they’re catching; it’s everything else.”

“Why are these psychopaths allowed to torture animals in this country, yet 86 other countries have banned trapping?” asked WWAG member Michelle Domeier.

The group held posters showing wolves dead in both foothold traps and snares identified as legal means of killing wolves in Montana. More than 2,600 wolves had been killed since being strippedfrom federal protections, they said.

After speaking on the Capitol steps, WWAG member Karen Wells delivered the violation notice to the governor’s office, which was taken by staff in Bullock’s absence.

“Montana has a highly-effective wolf management plan, developed through collaboration with stakeholders and based on scientific principles and thorough research,” said Kevin O’Brien, Bullock’s deputy chief of staff, in an email. “While some on the far left and far right may take issue with the management plan, it has resulted in healthy wolf populations in Montana.”

Within the violation notice, WWAG made the following statement:

“One Montana landowner deems a wolf a ‘problem’ wolf (and) they can legally kill it, and may ‘legally’ kill up to 100 Wolves in any cruel method, including cruel and barbaric leg hold traps and snares, poisoning, gassing and burning alive pups in their dens, stomping, clubbing, gut shooting, chasing down and shooting from the air, with no restrictions or quotas. In addition, wolf ‘hunting’ and trapping is allowed from Oct. to May.”

That statement contains several inaccuracies in reference to seasons and new regulations for landowners, said FWP spokesman Tom Palmer. Hunting and foothold traps are legal methods of take, while other methods are prohibited by hunters or trappers, he said.

Montana’s general wolf hunting season runs from Sept. 15 to March 15. The archery only season runs from Sept. 6 to Sept. 14. The trapping season runs from Dec. 15 to Feb. 28, according to regulations. Landowners can kill wolves threatening livestock or people out of season and without a permit under FWP rules.

“Most of this isn’t allowed,” he said. “Snares aren’t allowed. You can’t bait or poison them. You can’t burn them alive. Gut shooting isn’t allowed.”

Landowners also do not have special regulations allowing aerial shooting, he said.

The Fish and Wildlife Commission approved rules that allow up to 100 wolves per landowner, authorized at 25 at a time, he said. Landowners have harvested four wolves under the rules, he said, and baiting is not allowed either in hunting or trapping.

“They (wolves) have to be actively threatening you or your livestock,” Palmer said. “The chances of a landowner seeing a threat and setting out a trap immediately is almost nill.”

When told of FWP’s response, Nelson-Steiner insisted that the regulations allow landowners to use “any” means of killing wolves.

Violations of existing regulations have run rampant, and FWP and the sheriff’s office have failed to enforce state laws in her area, Nelson-Steiner said.

On the issue of international law, Bullock was in direct violation of several items within the UN’s charter, Wells said.

“We demand that these violations be corrected forthwith or these violations will be brought before the International Court of Justice,” the violation notice said.

Click HERE To Read the Violation Notice



Photo: Courtesy Fanpop

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Montana wolves, Activism, Animals Cruelty

Tags: WWAG, Gov. Steve Bullock, Montana wolves, Stop the wolf hunt, United Nations Charter for Nature, trophy hunting evil, wolves suffering, wolf persecution

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37 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Reblogged this on Sherlockian's Blog.


  2. this is great news!!! I am so glad that there are many people out there feel the same like us and care about American wolves! no human should treat wolves like this, I can’t believe this is happening in American!


    • WWAG described itself as an “international grassroots organization” at the Capitol on behalf of 80 percent of Americans who want wolves protected. If this information is correct, then doesn’t the fact that America is a Democracy, that there are Federal laws that would protect their wishes?

      Surely the governor and the FWC are breaking these Federal laws by not taking the majority of the states citizens wishes into account?


  3. Healthy population. The Montana F & G stated quite bluntly that they were going to have a wolf hunt just because they could and they called it a ‘success’ the day after it ended without any possible means of providing evidence. That is not sound science or logical. There is no rational reason for this hunt to exist.


    • Yes and I’m the one of the people who heard them say it John as I wrote in a post so long ago, I’m sure that’s what you’re referring to.

      It happened at a Montana FWP public meeting, the wolf biologists were asked why they were holding a wolf hunt when wolves were no threat to Montana and certainly not the elk population in the state, which had been stable at 150,000 for years. One of the biologists said “because we can”. That was a shocking statement. I wish I’d video taped it. It tells you these hunts are political, with no basis in science and even MFWP, in a moment of hubris, admitted it.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  4. Right On!


  5. I believe these agencies are acting outside the law. They quote the law when cornered – as in article above – but they consider that they dont actually have to follow the law themselves. Why? Because they mistakenly believe that they are the ‘Authority’.


  6. thank you for your great work, I called their comment line yesterday. bruce k


  7. Wolf Conservation Stamp: MT FWP has been thinking of offering a Wolf Conservation Stamp which hunters and non-hunters can buy to support “wolf management”; I will buy one if offered or more; but this is an agency (MT FWP) that is about the opposite of wolf conservation with a six month hunting a trapping season, 5 wolves per ticket in 2013, no quotas 2014 except outside YNP and Glacier, and open season on wolves year around for landowners or their agents to kill “threatening” wolves, up to 100. The 2014-2015 wolf season last from September to March and the trapping season from November to February. M FWP his is an agency that does not promote or encourage nonlethal management which would work much better than their wolf Jihad. This is an agency that demonstrates a profound ignorance about wolf ecology: Wolves will manage their own populations in terms of wolf family elbow room and prey. This is an agency that does not educate the public about wolf myths, lies and folklore; probably because they likely believe the same BS or do not want to upset the Nimrods, Jeremiah Johnson Wannabees, or ranchers with the facts or science that contradict the lies, folklore and myths. Now I would buy a wolf stamp weekly if MT FWP was really about wolf conservation not wolf Jihad. MT FWP is wasting money and feeding wolf hysteria and should take the wolf stamp money to buy some books and conduct some internal workshops on wolves. But part of the wolf stamp money is proposed for education, and some for rancher reimbursement, so overall it sounds like a good idea, a starting point for real conservation anyway. I do think that conservation stamps, really conservation, on all species is a good idea and maybe an avenue for mutual hunter and conservationists participation.


    • Thank you for, you know commenting this, I hope hunters just see this and say oh wait.. I did this? But thanks again longest comment I have seen In a while.. Thank you 🙂
      From: Carly, for the wolves for the supporters… #HowlingForJustice.


  8. How much proof does USFWS need to prove that wolves should not be delisted? Wyoming had them classified as varmints in 80% of the state. Montana’s new rules allow ranchers to shoot any wolf they see as “threatening”, which means any wolf they see year around, on top of extended trapping and hunting seasons. Idaho was having wolf and coyote killing contests for cash and hired a hunter to kill a couple of packs arguing that it is in defense of elk herds, and proposes wolf baiting to kill more wolves for sportsmen and elk farming in the wilderness. Wisconsin is using dogs. MT-WY-ID-WI are obviously marginalizing this apex predator which is not good ecology for trophic cascade effects; yet hunters (sports killers) and ranchers and these state wildlife agencies have unhealthy effects on ecology. We are rapidly getting back to the 1800’s with wolf massacring states. Wolf management–they do not need general management, should not be by states. The states mentioned are too hostile, biased. colloquial in attitudes and controlled by historic hostile elements. They are promoting wolf hate myths despite contrary evidence: For instance, wolves do not kill too many elk and their impact on cattle is less than 0.002%. These states are run by rancher and hunter folklore, myths and lies and their ilk in the state wildlife agencies and legislatures, with so far the only exceptions being OR and WA and CA. OR and WA are the the model wolf management states, and the state of CA which has already enacted wolf protections anticipating their arrival. Wolf conservation states allow the killing of only chronic offenders, not general wolf killing, and require that nonlethal management be in place and tried. The throwback (1800’s) wolf massacre states are mismanaging wolves and like in WY should wolves should be relisted until there is a conservation plan in place that allows for more than a marginal population.


  9. Asinine Wolf Killing Called Management
    Wolves never should have never been de-listed from protection by political maneuverings and now politically managed by states and ignorantly managed in western states that are hostile toward them and by agencies that have traditionally been hostile to them in particular as well as other predators. Western and midwestern states are going very far away from hunting ethics or anything that resembles fair chase to cull wolf populations down to marginal numbers. Now, in Montana and other states we are even having extended trapping/hunting seasons, and even more drastic measures, such as allowing MT landowners or their agents to kill up to 100 “threatening” wolves which is a carte blanche for wolf killing. Basically, this majestic, apex animal is being treated as a varmint by sportsmen, ranchers, state and federal wildlife agencies. Hostile western states cannot responsibly manage the wolves or even other predators. Wolves are a very healthy factor in wilderness ecological systems. Man is not. We need man-management more with regard to man’s long traditions of blood sports and war on wildlife.
    Managing wolves by hunting and trapping is asinine, cruel, barbaric and unnecessary, and poor management strategy, and terrible public relations. It does not work well. It is bad public relations for Montana and other western states. It is vendetta, anti-wolf hysteria, pushed by self-serving hunters, trappers, ranchers, and wolf hating yokels, with a mindset of anti-wolf folklore over the centuries, supported by rancher politicians and rancher government officials and agencies. If Montana and other states have to hunt, why not stick with a short (normal) fair chase season and then call it good no matter what the outcome. Spare us the perverse arguments of need for management by trapping, extended hunt seasons, bounties, more than one kill ticket, use of calling devices, need to drive down the population, or use of other barbaric measures of unneeded control. Hunting and trapping are barbaric “blood sports” and a war on wildlife, not legitimate management tools. We do not do near enough or do enough about non-lethal means of control or management, which would work much better and be true wolf management and conservation.
    Actually, hunting wolves is asinine. A hunt and trap season is indiscriminate in killing. Wolves causing no problems are killed. Alpha males and females are killed. Wolves are a very social family with special roles assigned. Families are disrupted. Juveniles are left to learn on their own. Wolves are family units. Younger wolves spend up to 25% of their younger years being schooled by the adults. Wolves and packs that are leaving humans alone are killed. Animals are wounded and not killed. Many hunters and trappers take a sadistic pleasure in how they kill. Hunting and trapping disrupts families and leads to more breeding. Some younger wolves are not given the opportunity to learn from adults to stay away from human domains and how to hunt their natural prey. Wolf packs are fragmented and de-stabilized. Wolves do not need to be managed by hunting or trapping at all. They will fill up wilderness niches and limit their own populations relative to prey and territory as they have in Yellowstone Park. Montana, Idaho and Wyoming are giving themselves a black eye with the rest of the nation with an anti-tourism, anti-science, anti-wolf hysteria.
    Trapping is cruel even if done legally, even if it is a tradition, even if seen as a management tool. Traps are cruel. It should be banned for the public, allowed as necessary for wildlife officials who use it vastly too much with a pervasive kill attitude of their own. Why should animals suffer for private economic gain on fur sales or to artificially farm (boost), a mistaken notion, elk herds (elk farming)? In the USA over 4 million animals are trapped each year for “sport” and millions more for “management” and millions more as collateral damage. Hunters worldwide kill over 100 million animals annually. USDA Wildlife Services sees killing animals, for control or management, as their mission. USDA Wildlife Services kills 3-4 million animals a year.

    The western states are locked into a mindset of quotas or no quotas and attempting to marginalize wolf populations by hunting and trapping and other lethal methods. Quotas for delisting were based on outdated figures for sustainable wolf populations. Wolves have not harmed game populations or significantly harmed stock populations (statistically zero, .0029%), contrary to repeated and repeated anecdotal opinion. Elk populations are up, from around 89,000 in 1989 to over 140,000 plus in 2014. Hunters have great seasons on killing ungulates in Montana and Wyoming with a 20-25% success rate. Elk numbers are generally up, 100 to 127% per MT FWP (March-April Montana Outdoors 2014). Wolves regulate their own populations as they have in Denali National Park and Yellowstone. Problem wolves and problem packs may have to be “managed” but usually not always by lethal means and not by hunters and trappers and free wheeling ranchers. Wildlife agencies seem only to have a kill mentality wanting to control predators by hunting and trapping and other lethal means. Wolves belong in the wilderness and are good for the ecological systems. Wolves are natural parts of the wilderness ecology for millennium, good for it and belong in the wild. Man creates an unhealthy distortion of ecology by his (additive) sports and management killing. Hunters, trappers and ranchers and their state wildlife agencies are leading a war on wildlife.


  10. A federal judge just ruled, September 23, 2014, that Wyoming wolves have to be re-listed and Wyoming must come up with a conservation plan which is not a wolf killing plan and that hunting is ceased immediately. He stated that Wyoming is too hostile toward wolves to manage them. The same can be said of Montana and Idaho and Wisconsin and elsewhere. These wolf jihad states should be relieved of wolf management indefinitely because they are run by traditional wolf hating elements. Wyoming had wolves classified as varmints and eligible for shoot on sight and allowed only a narrow corridor outside Yellowstone where they could exist and even there hunted in season. In Montana last year (2013) “sportsmen” got 5 wolves for one $19.00 ticket. Since then landowners have been given permission to kill up to 100 “threatening” wolves, which really amounts to an open season year around for landowners and their designated “agents”. This year there are no quotas for any areas except outside Yellowstone and Glacier. Idaho intends to get their wolf numbers down to as little as 150. Who was it, Ed Bangs (?), that pulled that out of their arse for number of wolves as target numbers for delisting, 150, 30 breeding pairs. ID, MT, WY can easily support 700 wolves. Actually, the wolf numbers seem stabilized in in the 600’s in MT and ID, but both states want much more killing. But these states, sportsmen and yokels have latched onto those numbers as a rationale for liberal kill policies. Wolves will manage their own populations relative to wolf pack elbow room and prey. General killing called “management” is asinine. The hunting, trapping season starts in Montana in September and goes to February 2015. Matters for wolves seem to be getting worse each year with the traditional enemies of ranchers, sportsmen, and yokels with their folklore, lies and myths and parochial ignorance, mostly about elk predation and stock predation, wolves as threatening, wanton killing of wolves, wolf size (giant, alien, Canadian wolf), and degree of wolf predation, numbers of wolves. State management of wolves is wolf jihad, not science, a hunter-rancher-wildlife agency led war on wildlife.


  11. -Political Management of the Wolf
    Congress did not debate delisting the wolf. A rider was attached to a defense appropriation bill (April 2011) put there by Mike Simpson of ID and Jon Tester of MT and sneaked by congress, the American people, the press, and conservationists. It was terrible precedent of over riding the ESA by politics and of wildlife management by politics. Newspapers, the media often reports that congress delisted wolves, in the northwest and midwest, leaving the false impression that there was an at large congressional review and discussion. A rider is a sleazy way for a minority group to get a questionable piece of legislation past congressional debate and discussion and from American public and news awareness that something is passing. The rider should not be allowed for any piece of legislation. This tactic may have opened the door to parochial and often republican political management of wildlife.


  12. The states most hostile o wolves are red states (MT-WY-ID-WI). The states most friendly are blue states (WA, OR, and soon CA). The traditional enemies of wolves are ranchers and hunters, mostly redneck republicans. Substitute colloquial for redneck, most of them have to look that up. Senator Tester (D) Montana is a blue dog democrat and a farmer. Mike Simpson (R) ID Representative, he and Tester sneaked through the rider 2011. As bad as it has been under a democratic administration and a complicit USFWS with Dan Ashe, imagine McCain-Palin or Romney-Ryan administration.


  13. Let’s take this to each wolf killer state !
    Give it to Gov Walker in Wisconsin and cause a political ruckus for his wolf killing policies and his do nothing over the mismanagement by the DNR in his state.


    • Yes, Rebecca!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  14. Reblogged this on Exposing the Big Game.


  15. This is a very interesting turn of events and I’m really curious to see where this goes. Who knows, perhaps wolves will have their day at the World Court! Maybe that will finally make Montana and all other states of the world treat their wolves and other predators as valid members of Nature and not as unwanted vermin!


    • WildlifeWarrioress…Something different has to be tried, we can’t keep banging our heads against the wall and hope all the the wolf haters will suddenly see the light. I think this is very promising, if only to bring much needed media attention. I still think wolf advocates should sue under The Public Trust Doctrine. Jeremy Bruskotter, along with his colleagues, wrote a piece on it for Science back in 2011. But it requires test cases to set case law. I don’t understand why some of the bigger groups, who have money for attorneys, don’t do it? The wolves are being horribly mistreated and tortured. It would certainly be worth a try.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • It might be worth a try Nabeki, but you know that hunters won’t stop right? I mean we gotta face the facts, they don’t see the beauty in life. I know the stories, lies, and rumors from the past with wolves and hunters or wolves and wildlife wolves and wildlife go together, wolves and hunters do not mix at all.. Somehow they just point there target at the wolf, its not able to move… The wolf is just silent, tries to leave but is surrounded by, fear.. Scared, the wolf feels like it left everything in its past down, it failed.. But it didn’t the hunter failed, just imagine, a pack of amazing wolves just a another day normal pack alright? The wolf goes to get food for the pack… Hunters are gazing at where the wolf is tracked, then they surround it with no beings.. Then the wolf is in danger and can’t escape, then the arrow goes as fast as lightning… And then what do you think happens… Exactly… It thinks it has failed its pack.. When really, the hunter is failing.. ;( I go to tears for hours when I hear something worse and worse, arrow by arrow, and bullet by bullet.. It will never end! Will it Nabeki… Will it. From: Carly.

        For the wolves, for the supporters


  16. Said the FWP spokesman: “Most of this isn’t allowed…Snares aren’t allowed. You can’t bait or poison them. You can’t burn them alive. Gut shooting isn’t allowed.”

    Does this idiot really think that the anti-wolf yahoos aren’t using these methods to kill wolves? And who’s holding them accountable? Certainly not FWP. They have proven to be entirely in bed with all of the anti-wolf forces in the state. Utterly worthless.


    • See this is what I mean about avoiding the realties of wolf hatred. People just don’t want to see it, and have an idealized view of human nature. Just like ‘self-monitoring’ for Ebola – awww, people will always do the right thing, won’t they? Ummm, no…..


      • Humans generally follow the path of least resistance or stubbornly hammer down what they want, moral and amoral are debatable at best when it comes to what people want.

        The point the FWP is missing is that this can and does happen, heck they let Toby Bridges off because he got scared and changed his story as soon as the hand of justice came tapping on his shoulder, even after a particularly malicious candid confession.
        Let’s not kid ourselves, the MT FWP wanted to make themselves look more progressive by not refering to wildlife as ‘game’ even though all wild animals to these people are seen as replenishable resources property of the state and that they really are just catering to hunting and livestock interests, throwing those opposed to the recreational slaughter of wolves some fetid tables scaps to the tune of ‘wolves are here to stay’ (translated: we’re not killing all of them, so be happy and stop complaining). Their whole idea of ‘management’ of wolves is geared towards keeping humans happy with goals to enable people to get trophies (because for some reason the hunters will apparenlty die or their lives will go pear shaped if they don’t kill wolves), reduce the number of ungulates killed by wolves for human recreational purposes and to keep ranchers content with enacting petty violent acts of revenge without it actually doing anything in the long term other than destabilise the ecosystem and costing a [small] fortune to maintain every year that could be used for more productive pursuits.


      • You summed it up perfectly John!

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • The term for it is ‘denial’, I think. And these people who are in ‘denial’ are as deadly as the actual hands on killers because they allow it, by refusing to acknowledge it, and insisting on looking at things in too sunny, Pollyanna-ish terms.


      • Exactly Ida!

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  17. WWAG should deliver a violation notice to every wolf -killing state in our Country! This blatant pandering to hunters and ranchers has got to stop!


    • yes,take them all to international court! I wish I was a lawyer!


      • 🙂


  18. Shared on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/TheAnimalSpirits


  19. Why does not a group like earth justice or defenders bring this to a federal court and state that Montana and other states are not enforcing their own laws. I think this is great and I hope it will push the federal government to put wolves back on the ESA . All states should stop this nonsense, let alone other animals are being killed in these traps, why can’t the owners of these dogs bring law suits against the state itself. I can’t see why a law suit can’t be brought against the one who sets these traps plain and simple. No one should be allowed to set traps so that any animal can be caught. The one who kills by any means on private property should be prosecuted by the law. They should be sued by the owner of the property.


    • “Why does not a group like earth justice or defenders bring this to a federal court and state that Montana and other states are not enforcing their own laws.”

      I’ve asked myself this question a million times Richie! Why not do a test case under The Public Trust Doctrine?

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Nabeki and Richie, you are right , some one should take this to court, but maybe it’s too much effort for just one group? Nabeki, I like the ideal you said before, all the groups should work together , every one try their best and contribute some thing, we need a leader!


  20. Can’t believe this.. I just ask why!!!! Why must this happen. I’ve asked my self this question a lot… Why why and must you harm the life..

    For the wolves, for the supporters.
    #HowlingForJustice. ❤


  21. It is imperative for ALL like-minded wildlife groups
    to join forces as ONE, as a voice for the voiceless,
    whether it’s WWAG, Howl Across America, Speak For Wolves,
    Truth About Wolves, or even a group I founded in 2011,
    the Wolf Nations, and other like-minded groups…All of us need to set aside differences and rivalries and become the voice for the voiceless
    through unity and solidarity in direct action such as rallies, prayer walks, as well as taking on politicians and bureaucrats head-on, demanding the end of the senseless massacre of our brother and protector, the Mah-Gooh-Yeeh (Wolf).
    Even our mentor, Chief Jimmy St. Goddard says that we
    need to connect our minds with our hearts.
    I share his wisdom and his words are truth.
    Not only we need to re-connect our hearts with our minds,
    but also with our spirits….For we are ONE with the Creator.
    All of us must work together and join forces with other
    like-minded groups who work for the Eeh-Neeh-Wah (buffalo),
    and the wild horses….All of Great Spirit’s majestic wonders.
    We all must work together to save all of our wildlife….Aho~.


    • Jimmy St. Goddard is Chief and spiritual leader
      of the Blackfeet Nation. 🙂


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