Budweiser Takes Low Road – Demonizes Wolves To Sell Suds

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February 1, 2015

We all know about the Budweiser ad, a little lost puppy being threatened by a wolf. I won’t show the ad because it’s BS and I don’t want to give it any publicity but Budweiser should be ashamed. Are they that desperate to sell beer?

 Get a grip Budweiser, very poorly played. Beer drinkers around the country should boycott Bud if the ad is not pulled. It’s a low blow to wolves, one of the most persecuted animals on the planet.

Please click the link below and sign the petition to tell Budweiser what you think of their blatant demonizing of wolves.


Tell Budweiser: Don’t Demonize Wolves to Sell Beer

Tell Budweiser: Don't Demonize Wolves to Sell Beer

author: Center for Biological Diversity

target: Anheuser-Busch CEO, Thomas W. Sante

Purposefully demonizing an animal that is part of America’s natural heritage is no way to sell beer.

But that hasn’t stopped Budweiser from crafting a commercial for this year’s Superbowl that intentionally drums up anti-wolf sentiment to try and capitalize on our culture’s outsized fear of wolf attacks.

The ad pits a cute puppy against a snarling, evil-looking wolf. In the ad the puppy is saved from the vicious wolf by the arrival of a team of Clydesdale horses.

Here’s a reality check: 1.2 million dogs are euthanized in shelters in the United States each year while another 1.2 million dogs are hit and killed by cars on America’s roads. By comparison, wolves are a virtually non-existent threat to our furry canine friends, only in very rare instances attacking dogs if they feel threatened or perceive them as competitors. The real threat to both dogs and wolves, as these numbers show and as Budweiser’s cynical attempt to boost sales indicates, is people.

Take action — tell Budweiser to pull its wolf-hating ad, demonizing an endangered species is no way to sell beer.



Video: YouTube Budweiser

Photo: Center For Biological Diversity

Posted in: Wolf Wars

Tags: demonizing wolves, Budweiser, sign petition, stupid SB ad

Published in: on February 1, 2015 at 2:22 am  Comments (41)  

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41 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I furrowed a little, more paranoia fuel about wolves at the worst possible time. Stab at a consipracy theory here but there is nothing substantial to back it up… might as well prop up one of those billboards at the superbowl, y’know “Who’s next on the menu?”. If a wolf wanted to kill a puppy (which, in fairness, can happen), he/she would normally just do it without the theatrics and the pup wouldn’t even see or hear him/her coming. The threat display is merely to say ‘shove off and don’t come back’… oh wait I’m trying to use logic for people who chug beer excessively…
    Petty factual error as well: Labs have no purpose on a farm (unless you count them as a hunting dog) and that farmer probably wouldn’t give a damn about a lost puppy within a month. They just get another dog… it’s the way a great many people are…


    • Please note and just to be clear: I am not in support of this ad, it outright disgusts me and concur this is a despicable representation of wolves as villainous vicious killing machines. Also I am well aware that there are many people who love their pets and other animals as though they were blood relations and that there are those who do drink responsibly.


  2. Just signed!! Also went to their Facebook page and complained on there too!! No way should wolves be demonized,they’re loving,family oriented souls that should be allowed to live free and die naturally. Maybe Howling For Justice could get together with other wolf advocates and buy some air time and show the video of the woman from Germany alone on a remote Canadian island with a wolf pack around her and her wonderful actions and the pack’s reaction to her!! Might just change some minds and thinkings on wolves!! That’d be one way to slap Budweiser in the face!!!


  3. […] **Special thanks to “Howling for Justice” for providing this information!  (https://howlingforjustice.wordpress.com/2015/02/01/budweiser-takes-low-road-demonizes-wolves-to-sell&#8230😉 […]


  4. Just signed and going to reblog this over on Learning from Dogs tomorrow. Well done!


  5. It’s sad to me because this ad will reach lots and lots of people, reinforcing the same old message. I wish the little pup and wolf would have greeted each other with a ‘hey, little bro’ and a high five paw greeting instead, maybe with the wolf showing the little guy the way home.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Why always a wolf? It could easily have been a raccoon, a bear, or most likely, teenage mutant ninja humans.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Advertisement these days is sophisticated marketing, and it is obvious to whom the ad was addressed.

      You may or may not have noticed that nature programs and entire networks that once introduced humans to the natural world around them, have turned into fictions of violent confrontation.

      It was only last night, passing the lit television of some people I stopped to visit, that I noticed again, the association of “outdoor” with promoting gun shooting at animals, and the attempt to engage children in the practice.

      Even the quiet commercial by “Ducks Unlimited” pretending that they wanted wild wetlands for any other reason than manufacturing waterfowl for the killing, attempt to associate children with their logo.

      This pornographic approach to seducing and traffic in peer role modeling is shared by the shooting magazines, who in the last couple years especially, have featured 9-year-old girls holding the bleeding bodies of animals they have executed, with smiles on the girls’ faces.

      The beer culture is one primarily of removing inhibition, which in this particular chimp species results in sudden violence.

      I happen to be sitting next to a thick text on Neuroscience and Cognition, part of my study, although I have understood the major issues for decades: It shows brains, brains damaged and diminished by alcohol. Brain areas having to do with morality, memory, and other, less relevant to this issue of cultural deception, are slowly destroyed by alcohol.

      While, due to its effects on memory and behavioral inhibition, those who ingest it believe that its effects are transitory and minor are duped by the toxin itself, those who study it are not.

      Its use results in reduced stress, precisely because of the neural inhibition and longer term destruction, may assist in the slight lengthening of life in a hostile society (that’s the real reason it does so, one suffers less from incessant social stress brought on by a hugely overpopulated world filled with the most dangerous animal – the human).

      Other cultures found methods far superior in stress reduction – look at Walkabout, Yoga, the transparent honesty of small, normal tribal cultures, to mention just three. Indigenous North American cultures, less exploitive than the deadly efficient one which invaded, still have remnants of morality toward other kinds of life, from trees to wolves, to bison, to every creature, although they have been, like all Earth’s life, been fragmented, eradicated, demeaned and are disappearing due to the culture embraced through social ingestion of this toxin and the easy violence it engenders, especially when paired with firearms.

      I once knew a wolf; although I live on, and although I witnessed up close his natural taking of what were his evolved prey, he never engaged in unpredictable violence – his interactions with his distant relations, dogs, were always expressions of his kind of society, the culture of wolf. No matter that violence occurred – it was always due to the failure of the dog to understand the clear communication of their adult relative, the wolf. Since even that one life is volumes of information, let’s leave it all at the above exposition of chimps and alcohol eating at neurons thousands at a time, never completely replaced, nor its functions completely restored by surviving alternate paths.

      So, drink up! YOU, then, are part of the problem.


  6. Reblogged this on "OUR WORLD".


  7. Signed.


  8. Despicable ad. I just signed and do the same in their page.


  9. Unbelievable that they would do this – wolf haters abound and choose to believe this kind of nonsense…wolves are beautiful and essential! Budweiser, you should be ashamed!


  10. I saw the ad on-line couple of days ago and was really pissed . I sent comment to HSUA . It is everywhere – from “lone wolf” to “crying wolf” and on and on – they don’t have a chance


  11. I contacted Bud’s CS and their response was it was done humanely. This image you reinforce on millions of viewers is not humane.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Hate the ad. What happened to the funny ads with simply the horses in some fantastic situations? My buddies and I have always done a certain amount of hunting. On extremely rare occasion we have seen a wolf. That always was is the deep wilderness areas. They always retreated rapidly.

    They are indeed a beautiful creature and certainly don’t deserve the bad rap that ads like the Budweiser advertisement promote. Wild dogs and other wild animals are far more likely to attack a pup.

    You people should sound off in as many places as you can. Write to Budweiser. Tell them how unhappy you are with the way the wolf is portrayed. Ask them to pull the ad.

    Too bad. I like their beer but may have to rethink my choices in beer.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Done humanely? Not. It was done carelessly. There’s been a resurgence of wolf hate around the country in recent times, and it is totally irresponsible for the company show an advertisement like this – unless it is to show solidarity with their demographic. The Clydesdales don’t even have a major appearance in the ad, for crying out loud. The ad itself isn’t that different from last’s year’s. Stick with what works, I guess.

    I almost wish GoDaddy had kept their ad with Cruella DeVille, Dog Breeders, LLC, because it’s probably closer to the truth.


  14. Reblogged this on Exposing the Big Game.


  15. I am utterly disappointed that Budweiser produced the commercial using a wolf as the demon. Makes me very disgusted.I think we should all write a letter to them sharing our thoughts on the matter.


  16. Now that Center for Biological Diversity is supporting wolf downlisting I guess the only way they can express support for wolves is to complain about Superbowl ads!


  17. Reblogged this on Sherlockian's Blog.


  18. Why would someone do this… I mean, look new year, new changes, new people… is it ”people never change” or ”people always will change” I mean, like…. Are you just trying to make yourself look good, and make others look worse, wolves are better than this company, or a person who is doing this, at least wolves know how to clean up there act. Unlike this person. Im disgusted. truly disgusted. Paws up forever, praying to the lord, god, Christ..just leave our wolves ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!! is that not a simple direction, I would like to see how this person did with listening in school… obviously there report card would be Kindness F- reading F- Participation F- paying attention F- and listening F – (bad report card) you might think, ” wow this girl is clearly a freak” But im not or you might think ” Umm why does she care so much” I care because, wolves are my everything. They complete my life, if it was me, a wolf in the hunger games arena, some bad berries, you know who would eat them first? me, district 12 son.. Because that Wolf is gonna live, you know it. I know it. so whats up… THE JIG stop acting like a bunch of haters cause, haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate, baby -Taylor Swift Shake it Off- Is the president gonna oh, idk… maybe care about this :T because, we read this, we worry for 2 minutes, then go to sleep, wake up and say ”everything will be fine” then a year later, your gonna be like WHAT THE HECK PRESIDENT????!!!!! (if you want something to change do it yourself, don’t wait for someone to come do it for you, like someone looking for its way to grandma’s house. FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF!! cause, im trying, doing everything I can trying to let my voice be heard! can somebody actually read this, and think ohh she needs to be heard, I mean come on this is tragic! YEA WELL THIS ISNT TITANIC SWEATHEART. I’m just saying, I rest my case, this is gonna change… more wolves need to be protected. not harmed, or touched, by a single harmful soul. ever. I deeply, care about my wolves and what goes on in the wolf community, and things aren’t looking like a sunny shinning, day. advertise, your beer somewhere else, because don’t take a innocent animal’s imagine, which that harmful, omg gonna kill me, wolf imagine that isn’t true, a wolves imagine, is well, a good, fearless, helpful, friend and true truly amazing animal. they are smart, they can find anything they would like to, with there nose. and everything else they want to use. Don’t, take a innocent animal, and turn it into the werewolf of the year, cause they aren’t winning that award over my dead body. the wolves are winning the, best animal of the infinity times, award. that’s what’s sticking with me. I hope this person will realize, something realize truth. realize yourself. – Carly. HowlingForJustice


    • Where there is money to be made, more often than not, morality is thrown out the window.


      • I know this.. Ok. He does just want the money, John, But he is losing it. will he get hate? yes.. he will and is. But just know that he doesn’t want to be nice… he wants his money, and nothing else but a huge house, gold, and a yot. that’s his mind I guess.. and we cant let that happen… its not taken to be a dream of his.. its his plan im guessing….. to make us a old, used pair of socks… that are being thrown out, because they have no use… but we are more, we are not those socks.. we have more to say than I would like to. if your on this website.. your the person, who is caring, loving, wanting to be heard about this… this is the goal.. the gold mine for the site.. this… he wants this to be brought to his attention.. but we wont fall for it! we need to be the people, who take the standards, for it. we need to do it! be heard is what we need to do.. im getting support. im getting heard.. im getting friends.. I was just a girl, with a heart for animals.. a heart for helping, loving, giving. and wolves. and when I found out about this one wolf, 07.. this one little pup, who became a father.. grown up, my mom told me before I went to school that day. and it changed me.. a lot. it changed my mind, feelings, worries, myself. so yes I am getting of topic.. but hey its hopefully, gonna let you, and others learn more about me, and what im trying to do.. thanks to Nabeki, hope I spelled it right DX, shes my new role model.. shes amazing! she knows what this is going to do. she wants to save more hearts, more hearts that are going to be given. to wolves.. and more, love and care for wolves. a bigger heart. means more love, and support for anything, and anyone. so if Budweiser, had this. had a heart that was the cherry red, and the love, that grew. and the love that cared, and supported.. then maybe we could, accept him.. but his heart, is nothing more than a black and blue heart, with coal in the middle… and a devil, calling his name to the other side. remember this.. please thank you, for your question John, or can I call you a new friend 🙂 ❤

        For the wolves, For the supporters.
        #HowlingForJustice. ❤


    • Well said, I couldn’t agree more with you🐺


      • Thank you, 🙂 ❤ Tim!
        For the wolves, For the supporters.
        Happy Wolventines day! ❤


    • Go CARLY!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Thank you, Nabeki, I truly think that… wolves just need to be heard… people always think they can turn a wolves way into a rude, imagine when it is normally a dream. 🙂 thank you though for the support! I truly love this website, this is the site were I can actually be heard… not shut away. so thank you for allowing that to happen! 😉 Bye Nabeki! From: Carly ❤

        For the wolves, for the supporters.
        #HowlingForJustice. Happy Wolventines Day! ❤


  19. I agree!

    Sent from my iPhone with LOVE



    • Aww thank you!!!!! the support is what counts, thank you so much deerlyn! 🙂 love the name btw! lol its adorable! Anyway, feel free to read my other comments, 😀 ❤ Well, bye for now, deerlyn! From:Carly With love! ❤

      For the wolves, for the supporters.

      #HowlingForJustice, Happy Wolventines day! ❤ 🙂


  20. I didnt even watch the Super Bowl b/c you played a commercial that portrayed wolves as the enemy and showed lack of respect for them. Wolves are already under attack and this will only add fuel to the fire. I am no longer a fan of your products and will never purchase any of them ever again!


    • Excellent gigi..was that your message on the petition?

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  21. Shame on you Budweiser! You are full of BS! Take this commercial down now!


    • Agreed. ❤ :') From: Carly

      For the wolves, for the supporters.

      Happy Wolventines day! ❤


  22. Reblogged this on earthwhispererconservation.


  23. Hey Budweiser, can’t you do better than to pick on the wolves? Shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Agreed, smart mind Karen! ❤ 🙂

      For the wolves, For the supporters.
      #HowlingForJustice ❤
      Happy Wolventines Day!


  24. Canines of the world, unite!


  25. The deep irony is that dogs have much more to fear from other dogs than they do from wolves. The dog park is a far more dangerous place than wolf country.

    How many other animals did pit bulls kill in 2014?


    • Exactly 19peace80. And as much as I’m a dog lover the stats on dog bite fatalities and dog bites from the CDC are as follows: 4.5 – 4.7 million Americans are bitten by dogs EVERY year with at least 20 to 30 fatalities. Does that mean we don’t love our dogs, absolutely not but those are the facts. Granted there are many more dogs than wolves in America but wolves haven’t killed anyone in the lower 48 in a 100 years.The hysteria surrounding wolves is drummed up by ranchers, farmers, hunters and the organizations that represent them. That’s it. Most Americans love wolves but will never have a chance to see a wolf in the wild.

      It’s an uphill battle to fight wolf prejudice and demonization that’s been going on for hundreds if not thousands of years.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  26. Budweiser, you are so dumb. Our wolves are an endangered species, and they are not enemies. This was totally unnecessary. These animals need help, not harm. Pull this ad now. I’m serious.


    • I agree, wolves are well not so many left so why make a commercial with more of them, so now more hunters feel the need to go shoot some more??? its not helping, I agree fully with this comment.


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