Being Gone and Howling Wolves!

Wolves Howling Tumblr Gif

Sorry everyone, I’m still here, I haven’t run off to live with the wolves, YET 🙂 Actually I ‘m having puter problems, which will be resolved soon. I should be back up by next week. You can dig through the HFJ archives while I’m gone.

I do have a wonderful experience to share with you though. For the past month my Mal/husky mix has been howling outside late at night. I just assumed he was getting in touch with his inner wolf…lol. Last night he was howling at around 1:30 am and I ran to let him in, when to my amazement he had lots of company howling. The wolves high up in the mountains were howling with him. It was a wolf symphony that stretched on for several minutes. I stood on the porch with my dog, as he howled to the wolves and they answered back.  I literally broke down in tears hearing their voices, knowing they were there.

I now call my dog the wolf whisperer. I don’t know if his howling called them in or if their howling caused his, in the end it doesn’t really matter, it was a gift. To hear a wild wolf pack howling, on a late January night, when all is still and clear, is so beautiful, it’s hard to put into words!

Many howls to you dear Wolf Warriors!

For the wolves, For the wild ones,


Published in: on January 14, 2015 at 1:28 pm  Comments (17)  
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Animal Lovers: Don’t Hesitate to Feel Your Hate

Exposing the Big Game

Text and Wildlife Photography ©Jim Robertson, 2014. All Rights Reserved Text and Wildlife Photography ©Jim Robertson, 2014. All Rights Reserved

Living in Earth’s out-of-the-way places, surrounded by prime wildlife habitat (as I’ve always chosen to do), an advocate must eventually make a choice—either stand with your wildlife friends, or join in the “fun” (made increasingly more popular by repulsive “reality” shows like Duck Dynasty and so many evil others) and go around shooting everything you see.

I made my choice long ago and decided the only way to live in such a wildlife-war-torn area is to have as little to do with the people as possible. To quote Sea Shepherd’s Captain Paul Watson, referring to his native land, coastal New Brunswick, Canada (where clubbing baby seals is the local pastime), “Love the country, hate the people.”

Author Farley Mowat, another selfless Canadian animal advocate in league with Captain Watson, ultimately came around to that same sentiment in A Whale for…

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Published in: on January 7, 2015 at 4:26 pm  Comments (15)  

ID Gun Nuts Start New Year With Three-Day Mass Slaughter Of Wolves And Coyotes

Anyone who participates in  “killing contests” needs their head examined. It’s a sick, sick thing to do. Killing animals for fun and prizes?  Did someone drop them on their heads when they were babies?


What Are the Common Results of Prefrontal Cortex Damage?


Are Trophy Hunters Psychopaths?


California Bans Wildlife-Killing Contests

Regulators call shooting coyotes and other animals for money ‘unethical’ and an ‘anachronism.’

“Wildlife contests perpetuate a culture of violence and send the message to children that life has little value and that an entire species of animals is disposable,” wrote Louis Gauci in a Sept. 21 letter to the commission.

“Wolves, coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions and etc. are not commodities for people to make money,” wrote Kimberly Blaquera in a Sept. 15 letter. “They are our heritage.”

Published in: on January 5, 2015 at 7:54 am  Comments (21)