Jeff Corwin Speaks Out on Harambe’s Death – “Zoo’s Aren’t Your Babysitters”

Here’s beautiful Harambe when he first entered his enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo, which turned out to be fatal for him 😦   R.I.P

May 30, 2016

It’s the responsibility of parents to be vigilant when caring for their small children. Harambe, the critically endangered lowland gorilla, didn’t have to die!!

After Gorilla Death, Animal Expert Jeff Corwin Says Zoos ‘Aren’t Your Babysitter’

By , Epoch Times

‘Take a break from the cell phone, the selfie stick and the texting’

Jeff Corwin, an animal and nature conservationist, who is the host and executive producer of TV programs “The Jeff Corwin Experience” and “Corwin’s Quest,” has spoken out after a gorilla was shot and killed at the Cincinnati Zoo.

A 4-year-old boy fell into the gorilla’s enclosure. Zoo officials said the gorilla, a 17-year-old named Harambe, was dragging the boy around. They opted to shoot and kill the great ape.

Corwin spoke with FOX25 in Boston, mainly focusing his questions on how the boy got into the enclosure in the first place.

“That’s the million dollar question,” he said. “How did this little boy slip in this enclosure?”

He said the main lesson following the incident is that parents need to treat zoos and animals with respect.

“Zoos aren’t your babysitter,” he told FOX25.

“Take a break from the cell phone, the selfie stick and the texting. Connect with your children. Be responsible for your children. I don’t think this happened in seconds or minutes. I think this took time for this kid, this little boy to find himself in that situation. Ultimately it’s the gorilla that’s paid this price.”


‘Shooting an endangered animal is worse than murder’: Grief over gorilla’s death turns to outrage


The Washington Post
Peter Holley 
May 30


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40 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Animals in zoos are the victims: because they are in zoos, which are a cruel carryover from Roman times. Wild animals belong in the wild, and if the zoo industry truly cares about wild animals, they turn their efforts to preserving these animals in the wild, not being involved in the capture of such animals so silly humans can view them on display.
    If zoos must exist, lets keep the zoo keepers locked up.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. As I listened to Jeff Corwin’s statements regarding this beautiful animal, it was apparent that Jeff has no clue about the shamefulness of taking this gorilla out of his wild habitat, for human entertainment, which clearly disrupts the whole wild gorilla group for years. This is why zoos should be abolished, just as circuses should.
    Many people have swallowed the nonsense that zoos “protect wild animals, and preserve their species.” Keep them wild, and preserve their habitat you zoo fools!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rosemary I agree with you about zoos but the simple fact is the lowland gorilla is critically endangered in Africa because of humans. War, loss of habitat and the bushmeat trade are just some of the reasons they are on the brink of extinction. So there has to be somewhere a few of these animals can reproduce outside their native habitat but not in zoo prisons where they are gaped at, in danger of dying from human disease and of course subjected to tragedies as the one that befell Harambe.

      I think sanctuary’s that are large and have ample space for them to enjoy at least some semblance of freedom is an alternative to zoo prisons. There, their population can be increased so that someday they may be returned to their home. But we can’t just let them go extinct. We don’t want them going the way of the Mexican gray wolves, who were brought in from the wild because fewer than ten wolves remained. Now the battle has raged for decades to try and recover them in the Southwest that has been taken over by ranchers and their cattle right smack in the middle of the wolves Blue Range Recovery area. The sad fact is that human overpopulation is destroying this planet and pushing many animal species into extinction or close to it.

      For the wolves, For Harambe,

      Liked by 2 people

      • I agree with Corwin on the need to treat animals with respect, which is why I disagree with his assertion that we need to treat zoos with respect. The killing of Harambe exposes the lie that zoos are part of endangered species recovery. As primatologist Ian Redmond states in his op-ed in today’s issue of the Guardian, zoos primarily exist for family entertainment. They should not be holding apes, elephants and dolphins as captives.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Marc, I agree with you on zoos. They are animal prisons and I don’t care how much they say they’re helping endangered wildlife survive we need to find a better way to help them. For instance, stop habitat destruction, the use of armed rangers to protect the animals from poachers which is something they are doing in Africa. The bushmeat trade is another huge problem. One thing I found so smarmy is the Cincinnati zoo said they took sperm from Harambe so his genetics wouldn’t die but now they’re saying it’s highly unlikely the sperm would ever be used. What is the point of breeding endangered gorillas if there is no habitat for them to live in? Where they’re confined to concrete prisons. I could see a sanctuary where they’re raised with minimal human contact so their offspring would have a chance to be returned to the wild but just to keep breeding them with no hope of ever returning them to their homes is cruel. Zoo’s are there to profit off these animals and Harambe paid for that dearly. Zoo’s have to go.

        For the wolves, For Harambe,


  3. I know, I’d rather that money was spent on preservation of and security around their natural habitats – but since we value human life more than any animal (we have more mercy for mass murderers than any animal) animals are going to go extinct, it’s a fact. Apparently, extinction is preferable to us. 7 or 8 elephants were kidnapped from Africa under the false assumption that they can be cared for better in the US. Of course, the zoos only want them as a tourist draw.


    • I think the truth is starting to come out that the zoo is old and in need of modernizing, USDA inspections lacking (if any gov’t agency is more corrupt than the BLM, it’s the USDA), and safety violations left and right. That poor, poor animal – it really is hell on earth for them.


  4. I was horrified at what happened to Harambe. I’ve read about every account of what happened from TV and newspapers. Most people commenting were outraged at what appeared to the the irresponsbility, whether of zoo maintenance or Mom’s inattention, that led to the child’s landing in his enclosure. However, in a Washington Post

    article there were more comments criticizing those who “cared more about animals than people.” What was discouraging was the cavalier and flippant tone about Harambe’s death. They noted that kids will be kids, they are impulsive, and when Mom isn’t looking for a minute they take off and do what they want. Parents can’t be watching every minute, after all.

    Sorry, folks. That won’t cut it. The kid didn’t get away in a grocery store, run down an aisle, and break a jar of spaghetti sauce. He got a magnificent member of an endangered species killed. When the mother made a statement that her son was home from the hospital, that she was grateful God protected him, and that he would be fine, there was no apology or expression of sympathy forthcoming for their part in Harambe’s death.

    Jeff Corwin is right about one thing for certain: Zoos are not babysitters. They are not entertainment centers either. They are prisons for animals who have to put up with mindless, provocative, and harmful behavior from human beings who often don’t have sense enough to appreciate the rare and wondrous creatures they’re viewing and behave accordingly. Unfortunately, it’s those same human beings, the superior species, who control their fate.

    Thus Harambe is gone forever, years too soon, and the people involved go on with their lives.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I agree with all you’ve said Ahimsaforever. Animal life is disposable in this world. The travesty of the Chinese dog and cat meat trade is so disgusting that I can hardly stand to think about it. African wildlife is disappearing so frighteningly fast it boogles the mind. All around the world species are going extinct.

      I’m so upset about Harambe’s killing. This is the second time something like this has happened recently. A man tried to commit suicide by jumping into a lion enclosure and the lions were shot and killed. This is not a safe world for any animal and that is the sad truth.

      The parents of this child should be ashamed of themselves. By not properly supervising their young child a critically endangered lowland gorilla is dead!! As Jeff Corwin said, there is nothing that can fix this or replace this irreplaceable animal.

      For the wolves, For Harambe,


    • The same exact thing happened at Brookfield Zoo just outside of Chicago in 1996, and the outcome was much different. My contempt for my own species is at an all-time high right now. Watch the video:


  5. The “mother” should be arrested for child endangerment and the zoo, along w/ all zoo’s, should be shut down – they can fill the cages w/ stupid humans (no danger of extinction there) and the rest of us can throw food @them. Ohio is one of the most dangerous (for animals) states in the country – isn’t this the state where all the “home kept” animals escaped from & were killed to “protect” the “humans”? Were any laws enacted to protect animals in the future? It is disgusting and makes me sick but I have NEVER enjoyed a zoo.


    • I agree. Remember Zanesville and all the wild animals a menagerie keeper freed before he committed suicide. Only a few out of 50 were saved. The rest were killed.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I agree. The mother should lose custody of her child; because she was NEGLIGENT, and screaming, an ENDANGERED Child of God was MURDERED. She should be arrested for child and animal endangerment (and lose custody) . Then the zoo personnel involved need to be FIRED. It figures that the mother has a lawyer already. She’s the one that needs to be imprisoned and sued. She caused the MURDER.


  6. Reblogged this on Art, animals, and the earth.


  7. “If zoos really cared about animals, then why do they serve DEAD animals at the refreshment areas?” -Gary Yourofsky


  8. Why is it that animals are always the ones to suffer because of human stupidity?!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I agree. Remember Zanesville and all the wild animals a menagerie keeper freed before he committed suicide. Only a few out of 50 were saved. The rest were killed.


  9. I’m afraid that I must agree with those who care little for zoos, A deranged and miserable existence is not preferable to death. Our species has created this red hot mess and continues for the most part to perpetuate it.

    Very disturbing and just another disgusting event orchestrated by humanity.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. This is a terrible thing to happen , first Harambe did not have to be killed in my opinion. They could have darted him, he did not want to leave his enclosure because he thought he was protecting the child. How could these so called experts get this so wrong. Just dart him give him some food etc. I will tell you what they were afraid of a lawsuit, they were more worried about their own interest , boy their are times when I just hate the human race.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. And ashamed to be part of it

    Liked by 2 people

  12. The mother has a PR spokeperson, and it won’t be long before her lawyer sues. The zoo deserves it. It would be one thing if this was a rare occurrence, but it is the human modus operandi when it comes to our relationship to animals. I’m sick of it, and the 7 billion and counting of us are just squeezing everything else from existence. You’d think our attitudes would be more enlightened than they were in medieval times, but just barely. Some of the comments I have read are appallingly bad – people always come first. Charles Manson is still living, so we must value a mass murderer over an innocent primate!

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  13. Reblogged this on The Jackson Diner.


  14. Yes it is terrible, last week we had a small bear killed by police in Cortand NY it was up a tree about 35-40 feet and instead of waiting for the bear to come down lower they tranquilized it and of with a 35 foot fall it died guess they missed the class on gravity in 6 th grade same here the gorilla from the pictures I have seen was only trying to protect the child but with the hysterical parents screaming when they should have been watching their children in the first place the zoo got crazy and killed a majestic animal.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. ♪Changing their tune♫ Ah, what a little lawsuit can do.

    Zoo Director: “a review is underway to determine any improvements that can make the zoo safer.”

    You bet, buddy! That’s a far cry from what he said in a defiant press conference yesterday, putting up a ‘couple more’ warning signs.

    An animal rights group based in Cincy, Stop Animal Exploitation Now, is demanding the gubmint hold the zoo responsible for the killing of Harambe and having exhibits that are too easy for people to bypass. ♪They’ve had violations in the past♫ with polar bears wandering out of their den door into a service hallway.

    Sigh. I don’t know if it is sad or beautiful the way these things predictably play out.


    • It won’t help Harambe unfortunately, but it will help future animals in captivity, and protect people from themselves. It isn’t good for visitors in general to have to be exposed to these things either.


  16. First we over-run their habitats leaving them little space to live, less food which eventually causes the species to become ‘endangered’. Then to make matters worse, we capture one of the ‘endangered’ species and stick them in a zoo. (The most unnatural habitat aside from a circus.) Humans do this to show what these animals look(ed) like (just in case they wipe out the species totally.) If that isn’t enough, they tell people that this is what the animal acts and does in the wild. WRONG!! We now have created a potentially hazardous situation. Again, people being irresponsible and stupid….a child ends up in the man made enclosure with the animal. Who suffers? Naturally…the animal. Endangered…or not…shot and killed.
    What we have on our hands is our animal brothers and sisters ongoing genocide.
    Very simple; take away what sustains a specie; he becomes endangered; therefore we must preserve him so we confine him; then comes the accident which inevitably happens…which man has created all by his greedy little self…and the animal dies. It’s repetitious.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Also, 38 years ago, in 1978, we didn’t have the technological distractions of cell phones, social media, and selfies. If you can imagine people who text while they drive, then I think that says it all about how much they care about others. This zoo’s entire operating procedures need to be reviewed and updated.


    • Noone is disputing that the killing was a last resort to save the child; it looks like Harambe might have been gentle; but zoo officials let it get to the point where no one could be sure. There’s no excuse for such lackadaisical management. It should never have gotten to that point, it’s disgusting. Safety was neglected for both people and valuable, nearly extinct animals. This isn’t the first time safety has been compromised either. (As an aside, that zoo in Chile is a disgraceful, filthy, substandard mess and no poor animal should ever be kept in a place like that.)

      A complaint has been filed by the Cincinnati animal welfare group, thank goodness. I hope there’s ‘early retirement’ for the Director.


  18. Now is to late! Don’t you think so? Wild animals should be in the wilderness! Now the damage is done! Who was the animal who decided to keep that animal away from his environment? Doesn’t matter what anyone can say or do,what is done is done. Take the wildlife away from city’s and towns they don’t belong there!

    Sent from my Windows Phone ________________________________

    Liked by 1 person

  19. This is so sad! This child didn’t fall, he crawled under a fence and bushes…his injuries probably came from when he finally fell into the water, and then the articles say he was in the pen for 10 minutes!! What was his “mother” doing all this time?! And if Harambe wanted to hurt him, he could have done plenty in 10 minutes, instead he was trying to protect the boy!! So sad that he was killed for doing more than the “mother” did!!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. My heart is just broken over this – and the heartless comments. Zoos need to go – because animals are expendable to them. If this animal was so valuable to them he should have been protected more. There’s more to habitat design than just to allow people the best view for photos. I hope the zoo is held accountable.

    There’s a beautiful picture of Harambe over at the Humane Society site, and I can’t bear to look at how beautiful he was. I wouldn’t watch the video, but I’ve had no choice with it all over the media. I am absolutely disgusted with human nature, as ever, and also ashamed to be part of it, Richie. The meek won’t inherit the earth, but the narrow-minded and heartless. Just ewwww.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for the great comments. I agree that the real problem is humans, and what they do to animals. We kidnap wild animals, put them through trauma and torture and display them for our entertainment.
      All Zoos and Circuses should be dismantled. Most of these animals could be returned to the wild–they are still intrinsically wild. The challenge now with increasing Climate Change and disruption, is that wild habitat everywhere is endangered as well. I am proud of what Paul Watson has said about Sea World, and I’m sure he will be writing about this latest tragedy as well. Just think of what is happening to captive wild animals who are in the many war torn countries, and what they must be enduring. I shudder to think. It breaks my heart as well.
      There is still much some of us must do, and it will call for us to be more brave and strong than ever before –for these suffering animals.

      I am so grateful for this blog.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I’m grateful too. 🙂


  21. […] Also see: Jeff Corwin Speaks Out on Harambe’s Death – Zoo’s Aren’t Your Babysitters […]

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Great post, I am linking to you. My heart cries for this precious soul as well as the two lions lost when a man jumped into their enclosure. I’m at a loss for words, just unreal!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • veg4life, Thank you for the link!

      You’ll find this is a community of very caring people and although the focus is on gray wolves and the horrific treatment they’re subjected to on a daily basis by fish and game agencies and USFWS, we also care for all the wild ones.

      For the wolves, For Harambe,

      Liked by 2 people

  23. I too am saddened and outraged at the killing of Harambe. I am from Brownsville, TX and grew up with the Gladys Porter Zoo, where he was from. The transport of these animals from zoo to zoo like exhibits is disgusting. They should never be out of their habitat and if so, should never be on display for entertainment and money. Irresponsible, unappreciative, stupid cretins go to zoos and circuses, rodeos and aquariums. The parents should be shot is right. Why does the poor animal have to pay the price for something he didn’t cause.. Its’ insane. They just don’t want the publicity of not having done anything should the child have been injured or killed. I say, let it happen. Maybe then zoos and their like would be outlawed and parents held more responsible. The demand for exotics and endangered species would end, capture and transport of animals would end, land development for zoos and fake habitat would end. The impact would be enormous if we didn’t take the easy, inhumane way out and kill the captive animals. GRRRR!!!

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