Killing of entire Alaska wolf pack upsets National Park Service…And Me!

Alaska did the same thing in 2010:

Alaska Fish and Game wiped out all four members of the collared Webber Creek wolf pack that ranged in Alaska’s Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve. They were part of a sixteen year ongoing research project by the National Park Service.

Exposing the Big Game

Before admiring the “subsistence” lifestyle, think of wolves that the state of Alaska shoots from planes to provide “game” for their hunters…


by Nick Provenza

FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) — Alaska Fish and Game officials killed an Eastern Interior wolf pack last week, and the National Park Service — which had been studying the animals — is none too pleased.

The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reports that all 11 wolves in the Lost Creek pack near Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve were shot. That included the pack’s alpha pair, which had been fitted with tracking collars as part of an ongoing research project.

Doug Vincent-Lang, acting director for the Alaska Division of Wildlife Conservation, says the wolves were in an area adjacent to the preserve that has been targeted by the state for aerial predator control, which is part of an effort to boost moose and caribou numbers.

But Yukon-Charley Superintendent Greg Dudgeon…

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Published in: on March 4, 2014 at 2:05 am  Comments (12)  

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12 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Wolves are wonderful animals, read “Never Cry Wolf” and learn to understand them more fully. They certainly are not any where near as cruel and the human being. Leave them to live their lives as they should, they have just as much right to this earth as all other living things.


  2. Who can I object to about this horrible killing?  




  4. How sad that these people feel like very manly men by using aircraft to unfairly hunt animals that are doing nothing to harm their environment! Nature has a way of keeping any animal population down, too bad she couldn’t do the same for these cowardly hunters. Wolves are not a food source for humans and with the fabric available today we also no longer need their hides to keep warm…although there are those in the warmer states like California that would have you believe that Los Angeles is cold enough to warrant fur!


  5. We have a long way to go as a species confirmed by reading this latest story.


  6. when will our governments – state AND local start considering the values the rest of the citizens have?? The majority are NOT hunters and would like to see ALL of the wildlife ALIVE!!!!


  7. Well they seem to have become very good at killing off packs of wolves. I was at a talk last night about a book called “Among Wolves” and hearing excerpts about killing another pack a few years ago. What a tragedy…


  8. The more of us who stand against this the better.


  9. […] Killing of entire Alaska wolf pack upsets National Park Service…And Me!. […]


  10. Once again the savage human has commited a terrible act – Is it because you fear the intelligence of the wolf? You must have a very low opinion of yourselves to resort to these acts of terrorism. Government leaders are permitting this, making them just as base as the killers.


  11. This all started because of that greedy Sarah Palin and her murdering cronies friends of hers,I don’t understand why people like this live in such a Beautiful State with all that Wilderness and Wildlife to kill it all,what is a Wilderness without the Wild,to end up becoming another State full of Pollution!


  12. It’s very sad for all of us who love the wolves. I also feel so angry that this is legal. We need our laws changed in this country. Right now they suck if you have four legs.


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