Speak For Wolves : Yellowstone 2014 – Update

Speak For Wolves June 2 2014

June 2, 2014

The establishment of Yellowstone National Park in 1872 is one of the greatest achievements in American history, affording protection to one of our country’s true wild places. Appreciation for this action, and the land it preserved, is being cherished more and more by each passing generation. And Yellowstone is much more than an American treasure; it is an international jewel, attracting millions of people from all over the world every year.

Fast-forward 123 years to 1995 and 1996, when the federal government, at the behest of the American people, released 66 gray wolves into Yellowstone. After one of America’s most iconic species was brought to near extinction through hunting, trapping, poisoning, and other government-funded methods in the 19th and 20th centuries, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service finally began to recover this internationally beloved species. And, because of its wildness and large size, as well as its complement of abundant prey species, Yellowstone was one of two places chosen to welcome the wolves home. Idaho was the second place.

On June 28-29, 2014, people of all walks of life are invited to attend Speak for Wolves: Yellowstone 2014, a 2-day family friendly celebration of wolves, predators and other native species that contribute to our rich national heritage. The event will be held at Arch Park in Gardiner, MT, just north of the Roosevelt Arch, near the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park. Speak for Wolves: Yellowstone 2014 will feature prominent speakers and authors from the conservation community, and will include live music, education booths, children’s activities and food vendors. The event is free and open to the public. Please visit the event website at http://www.speakforwolves.org/.

In addition to daytime activities at Arch Park, the screening of two wildlife documentaries will occur on Saturday evening, June 28 at 7 pm. The films will be shown at the Gardiner Community Center, which is located at 210 W. Main Street in downtown Gardiner. Organizers will be showing Predator Defense’s film, Exposed: USDA’s Secret War on Wildlife and Project Coyote’s film, Coexisting with Wildlife: The Marin Livestock and Wildlife Protection Program. The films will be followed by a panel discussion composed of conservationists and scientists. The films are free.

Speak for Wolves: Yellowstone 2014 is an opportunity for the American people to unite and demand wildlife management reform, and to take an important step toward restoring our national heritage. Unbeknownst to many Americans, over 3,000 gray wolves have been slaughtered across America, including around Yellowstone National Park, since certain segments of the wolf population were prematurely stripped of federal protections under the Endangered Species Act just a few years ago. The controversial delisting of the northern Rockies gray wolf was the first time Congress intervened and delisted a species in the 40-year history of the Endangered Species Act.

Lengthy hunting seasons now occur in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. Hunters are permitted to hunt wolves with dogs in Wisconsin. Barbaric trapping/snaring seasons exist in Idaho. The USDA Wildlife Services just gunned-down 23 wolves from a helicopter in a rugged national forest in Idaho. In just twenty years, the federal government has completely reversed its course on the biological recovery of the gray wolf, and is now in the business of wiping them out again.

While many people are calling for relisting of gray wolves under the Endangered Species Act, others are saying that it is time to completely reform wildlife management in the United States.

Event organizers for Speak for Wolves: Yellowstone 2014 have developed the following five keys to reforming wildlife management in America:

1. Ban trapping/snaring on all federal public lands.
2. End grazing on all federal public lands.
3. Abolish the predator-control department of the USDA Wildlife Services.
4. Reform how state fish and game agencies operate.
5. Introduce legislation to protect all predators, including wolves, from sport hunting, trapping, and snaring.

Please consider attending Speak for Wolves: Yellowstone 2014. The only thing that can save the gray wolf from a second extermination is a strong grassroots movement consisting of every-day people. Let’s come together and embark on this journey together. Let’s make the world a better place, for not only current generations, but for those generations still to come.

Your support is greatly appreciated!

Learn more at http://www.speakforwolves.org/ or follow the event for updates at http://www.facebook.com/speakforwolvesyellowstone2014.


Brett Haverstick

Published in: on June 2, 2014 at 11:32 pm  Comments (9)  

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9 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Would love to be able to be there, but thank God it sounds like conservationists, scientists, and all the specialists will be there in full force. Besides Obama, his cronies in the Fish and Wildlife departments must be held accountable for their illegal, barbaric actions. The law must be reinstated to protect the wolf.


  2. I’m leaning towards attending. Any recommendations for places to stay nearby? I don’t want to spend any dollars supporting wolf-hating businesses.


    • If you go to the Speak for Wolves website they show recommended places to stay.


  3. Sounds fantastic and I would love to be there, but I cannot afford to fly overseas. Hope all that attend have a fabulous day.


  4. Many of us truly hope that the people attending this gathering will “Speak for the Wolves” –and not in any way support the environmentally-destructive Public Lands Ranchers. The idea of even considering the rancher-marketed, so-called “wolf/predator friendly beef” is unacceptable to those who are struggling to survive on public lands with exotic livestock everywhere: the wolves, coyotes, prairie dogs, bobcat, lynx and millions of other species will be listening to what we humans say at this conference. Sorry, you cannot be riding the barbed wire fence on this one. If we are serious about the survival of remaining native animals, the Public Lands Moochers must go, and soon. They so not need people at this gathering to make excuses for them. They have enough help, and free subsidies already.


  5. Error correction: “They do not need people at this gathering to make excuses for them…..”


  6. Alaska residents kill thousands of wolves every year and their F&G is corrupt as the rest of them. They need a good kick up the backside as well.


    • Totally agree john, Alaskan wolves suffer terribly. I remember fighting the battle against Alaskan aerial gunning of wolves in the nineties. We stopped it for awhile but it started right back up again.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  7. This is not related to Yellowstone 2014, but it is too fantastic not to share: OR7 has pups! Please take a look at http://news.yahoo.com/wandering-oregon-wolf-pups-cascade-range-170824006.html
    and rejoice! Good luck to OR7 and his new family! I hope they are protected and nobody kills them!


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