Care2 Petition: “Tell Idaho’s Governor That Wolf Hunters Shouldn’t be Allowed to Hide”

A Care2 Petition asks Idaho’s Governor why wolf hunters should be allowed to hide their names? Last year Idaho passed a law protecting the identity of wolf hunters. Why?

Tell Idaho’s Governor That Wolf Hunters Shouldn’t be Allowed to Hide


There are already plenty of laws on the books that address harassment. What about wolf advocates? We are harassed and have received death threats. Does anyone care? A wolf advocate friend had a picture of a dead wolf sent to her. Another friend had threatening phone calls made to his house.

Read Bill Gibson’s excellent article, in the current Summer issue of Earth Island Journal, called Cry, Wolf. to get a feel for the toxic atmosphere wolves live under in the Northern Rockies.

There are wolf hating websites, horrific pictures of dead wolves on the net and sickening descriptions of how to kill wolves.  On one website called Lobowatch,  which Bill Gibson quotes  in Cry Wolf,  the author discusses Xylitol, an artificial sweetner that is toxic to ALL canines.  He states:

“Wolf control now has a new, until now secret, weapon.  I have a feeling that if Molloy goes against the wishes of today’s hunters, there’s going to be a whole lot of very sweet gut piles and wolf-killed carcasses dotting the landscape this fall.  Along with some supplemental feeding of wolf pups come next spring.  –  Toby Bridges”

Supplemental feeding of wolf pups? The meaning is pretty clear don’t you think?

Who is being threatened here? The wolf hunters or wolves?

My website has been spammed by wolf haters many times.  Just to refresh your memory, I’m posting a few of the newer comments and older ones I’ve received. This is just a tiny sample, nothing close to the real number. And I’m not alone, many pro-wolf sites receive the same kind of hate mail. Are there any laws protecting us or other wolf advocates? Or better yet, who is going to protect wolves from this kind of hatred?

These comments are the best example of why wolves need the protection of the ESA!! Worrying about the people who are going to kill wolves  is wasted energy.
What about the wolves? What about wolf advocates?
Submitted on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 5:21 PM
wolve killer
that was me in that picture u get that off of this sight that was a good shot by the way we got 5more and this one i shot whined and cride for like 5 min befor i shot it in the face agin hahahahahaha

Submitted on 2011/03/25 at 3:37 pm

Ha..ha..and I will be playing mine when you are crying over the picture of dead wolves from the upcoming 2011 Idaho/Montana wolf hunts!! Just remeber that all your money and time was wasted.



Dead Moose

Submitted on 2011/02/17 at 6:08 pm

Pay back time!!!!


I see you need to up your med’s. The tide has changed, and your wolf promoting day’s are going to be filled with anguish.It’s wolf season!


Anti-hunters can’t post true comments! You anti-hunters are destroying the planet!


Submitted on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 5:28 AM

About time the FAKE endgnagered wolves is taking away from the corrupt Marxist Judge Mollory. Common sense sure is short on the anti Americans, anti ranchers, anti hunters, anti humans wolf lovers side. Time for you spoiled brats to grow up and face reality the wolves are recovered and need to be controlled. Stop stomping your feet and crying like a spoiled brat. I already know you don’t have the guts to allow my comments up. But that is what liberals do!!!!!! it is called book burning and censorship.


Submitted on 2010/04/16 at 11:26 am

Fuck all of you hippies


Submitted on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:58 PM

I saw shoot every wolf out there


Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:50 PM

I would like to see nebeki name and state where she is from so we can send her death threats

Submitted onWednesday, February 17, 2010 8:58 AM
I tried to post a comment but it looks like it got deleted. I put absolutely nothing negative in my originial post but since I am a hunter and have a different view the moderator here decided to delete it. That is completely fine, I only tried to educate some but like any anti-hunting group, it always falls on deaf ears. I am now agitated and I am making a promise to you all, I am going to go out this next winter and kill as many wolves as I can in this websites honor and everyone who posts here. In Alaska where I live, you can kill 10 wolves a day in most areas, and they are very abundant. I am going to go back and count every post negative to hunters and kill or trap a wolf for every one. I am going to kill double for you Nabeki. Sweet dreams!!
Submitted onWednesday, February 17, 2010 7:11 AM
“I have an idea. Lets declare open season on wolf lovers. Wear your “I (Heart) Wolves” into a bar in rural Montana on Saturday night. You narrow-minded bleeding hearts make me sick. You don’t have a friggin clue about anything except what is popular. I suppose you are all Obama supporters and believe in the Global warming myth. Screw all of you. May something bad happen to your family, and it gets announced on world news.”


Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 7:04 AM

wolves kill.  I kill. seems pretty simple to me. If they were smarter and had opposable thumbs, maybe they’d have guns. No? too bad. They die!


Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 4:58 AM
I hope you guys get your way and the wolves kill every living thing there. Then when they get hungry enough maybe they will take care of all you people too. After that they can starve to death and nobody will have to worry about either of you!
Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 4:22 AM
Shoot all these worthless wolves. You raise and feed  in your backyard.If you want them so bad.
I’ll gut shoot one and let it painfully die for days.

Gallatin Canyon has plenty for target practice this spring.
Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:59 PM
Can’t wait to kill me some Woofy and publish the bloody kill and butcher photos on the World Wide Al Gore Internet :Big ‘ole Grin Here to all the Woofy Lovers :) .
Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 4:13 AM
Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 4:21 AM
How do I get my name listed on this list of GREAT people. I would like to thank them for a job well done and my calfs thank them.
 Take a child hunting today
Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 4:10 AM
Congrats to all the lucky hunters!  Well done.  Hopefully I’ll get the chance to knock a few over here soon.  The only good wolf is a dead one, and if I see one, he’ll be a good one.
Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:50 AM
I love wolves and I cant wait til I have a full body mount in my living room! They are so Beautiful, And they will look GREAT on my wall or in front of my fireplace.     IF you want facts,  Fact #1   THe only good Wolf is a Dead WOlf!   Now, put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:49 AM
Good for them… I hope they kill them all… They are NOT native wolves, they are Canadian wolves that should of NEVER been introduced here!!! They are MUCH bigger than the native wolves were, and they are throwing everything out of wack… I hope they kill them all ! ! !
Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:49 AM
Congratulations to all who harvested a wolf. I’m looking forward to killing a few more next year. RMEF open your eye these bastards are coming after you.
Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:28 AM
 you a moron…you need to get out a see the cycle of life…wolves eat each other….maybe you all can eat each other too.. :-)
 Submitted on Thursday, December 17, 2009 2:49 AM
I’m not sure what is going through your heads with all of this talk.  These animals will starve or die a slow painfull death due to mange.  This is where the animal rubs the fur off of their body and they slowly freeeze to death.  Maybe some of the animals that are shot are not killed right away but I’m sure it would be better than slowly freezing to death.  They will also become over populated then they will start to devour all of your beloved deer.  So before I sign off I hope you will think of the over populated coyotes that will be forced to eat dead, frozen, mangey relatives.
Submitted on Wednesday, December 16, 2009 1:09 PM
 shoot the blasted things then maybe we will have some deer and elk again.


Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 4:03 PM

 Indeed. Karma. The wolves reap what they sew.

Submitted on Monday, February 8, 2010 4:48 AM
Submitted on Wednesday, February 3, 2010 8:48 PM
It doesn’t matter what law is passed, in the remote areas of the west many people still go by shoot, shovel, and shut up.  Why punch your wolf tag if you don’t have to, that way you can get two for the price of one.
Submitted on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 10:44 PM
You people are a bunch of crazies!
Submitted on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 5:18 PM
I almost feel sorry for killing a wolf.  When I pulled the trigger I think I saw the wolf cry.  Then it’s guts where blown onto the hillside and it moaned.
Submitted on Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:22 PM
Hey jerry b cry a little more ill make sure the next one shot is dedcated to you :) .   KILL EM ALL ONE PACK AT A TIME
Submitted on Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:11 PM
God damn u people are pathetic what’s cowardly about hunting the cowards are u pussys sittin at home bitchin wgile I’m 7 miles in the woods packin elk out on my back give me a break
Submitted on Thursday, January 28, 2010 3:44 PM
To those folks listed above, congratulations on a successful hunt.  To you other whining, godd for nothing pieces of communistic crap, move to China, North Korea or some other communist regime…you DO NOT belong in my country.  You are not Americans and do not deserve to live here in the land of the free!
Submitted on Thursday, January 28, 2010 3:47 PM


Submitted on Saturday, December 19, 2009 4:54 AM

Nabeki, Wolfs are predators and predators shall be managed, if they are not managed they will run rampid and start killing all living animals.  It is all you liberal son of a bitches plan to have wolfs desimate the elk and deer population so there will no longer be hunting, well fuck that, kill everyone of those damn wolfs and I hope the fucking wolfs eat your ass and your pets as well……….HUNT ON!!!!


Submitted on Sunday, December 20, 2009 4:28 PM

you guys are just plain fools
save the poor animals introduce wolves
some wolves should eat you while you are screaming in pain and still alive.
wolves should be completely removed your experiment is a failure it should have never happened in the first place.
you guys need “fools” tattooed on your foreheads
the liberals of this nation need to be required to where pink so when we have had our fill of you idiots we can know who you are and deport you and that’s my second choice of things to do with you

Submitted on Wednesday, December 16, 2009 1:42 PM
you people need to shut the hell up.
Submitted on Wednesday, December 16, 2009 2:53 AM
The only good wolf is a dead wolf! You people are so ignorant! Live your sheltered uneducated lives, and leave us normal hardworking people to manage the wildlife we live and deal with everyday!
Submitted on 2009/12/15 at 10:19pm
You are a joke. You all just need to remember one thing you do nothing to benefit wildlife. All you do is fund groups that sue, cause wildlife agencies to spend money on lawyers, and legal defenses instead of wildlife. If you want to help wildlife buy a hunting liesence as this is how all truley helping wildlife is funded. Please get a life and go do something productive.
One more reason to buy Leupold…..
what is wrong with a predator derby?
wait till coyotes come and attack your pets or worse your children you bunny huggers will have a new outlook on coyotes when you bury a loved one because of them.
You people are so fricken ignorant!
The only good wolf is a dead wolf! You people are so ignorant! Live your sheltered uneducated lives, and leave us normal hardworking people to manage the wildlife we live and deal with everyday!
yeah save all the wolves and coyotes cuz i hate to look at deer and elk! you people are nuts!!!
Shoot all the grey wolves. They are not native to the MT, ID or WY area. You do gooders really have no business in those states, why don’t they re introduce the wolves in central park in NY, see how see how that goes over. Go mind your own b usiness and live your lives and don’t tell us how to live ours!
you guys seriously need a new hobby check out the number of predators in the united states. there is an estimated 50,000 coyotes within the city limits of L.A. predator hunters like myself are an important part of a healthy wildlife management system, maybe we should stop hunting coyotes, allowing them to over-run your neighborhood stealing a couple of your lap dogs out of your back yard and then maybe, you would understand, or maybe you would like a mountain lion to come down and drag one of your kids down the street while swinging on your swingset……the choice is yours but i think you guys should review on who is “degenerate mental patients”\
Wolves are cold-blooded killers. Their numbers should be tightly controlled, if not eliminated, by any means necessary!  The wolf lovers are a small minority of most rational thinking citizens of this nation.  (apparently wolf lovers are the most rational people in the nation!!)


Submitted on 2009/12/11 at 6:22pm 

Nabeki, it’s the weekend and that means wolf hunting, when folks find out you know how to call them in, your dance card is always full. I can’t tell you how much your comments have motivated me to fine tune my craft, thanks. weather has been cold, pelts ought to be awesome. Hopefully with my help we can fill the 220 quote and get that darn season closed. Just trying to do my part to help relieve some of the stress. Wish me luck.

Submitted on 2009/12/10 at 12:46am
Nabeki, As I mentioned hacking into your site though easy enough kind of gives me the creeps, we’re thinking about starting our own site. Calling it/ Justice for All. Also have you thought any more about our wager. After the latest 2009 reports out on elk, I have a person who would like to double our bet giving you 2 for 1 odds. All we ask is that we can right them off as donations.. Come on Nabeki go out to the porch get some sun light and at least consider it.. I could actually send a fresh killed wolf hide and skull to your town, so you could actually say you’ve seen and touched one. Call me old fashioned but I have wolf meat you can try., color and texture similar to bear, but not as good. If your not interested it will end up as coyote bait, how ironic
Kill one. Maybe You’ll understand…= ^)
Its fun!

I Hope the phantoms are smoked. Way to much lynne drama in ketchum.


Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 1:52 PM

I’m not sure what is in the Kool Aid that you all are drinking but you should really take a break!  Hundreds more elk and moose will make it through this year without being slaughtered by these indiscriminate killers.  Sure I have shot a few elk and eaten them all.  Please set that double cheeseburger down before you lay into me for that one.  If you love these wolves so much why don’t you invite them to to live in YOUR back yard with your house pets and see how misunderstood these poor animals really are?

Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 2:41 PM
what a bunch of out of touch whackjobs.


Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 2:58 PM

I say shoot every wolf out there.


Submitted Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:41 PM

Congrats to the wolf hunters! Keep up the good work and get some more

Submitted on Thursday, November 26, 2009 8:06 PM
Have any more phantoms been killed?
Hoping to make wildlife services job easier to wipe out the rest of the “problem” black wolves!!!
going out to smoke one next weekend….
and maybe enter the sfw contest!!!!
Wish me luck

Who needs protection??

Top Photo: Copyright Lynne Stone
Middle and Bottom Photos: Courtesy All About Wolves
Posted in: Wolf Wars
Tags: wolf hunters, Care2 Petition, Idaho, harassment of wolf advocates, wolf hatred, wolf persecution, gray wolf

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52 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Thank you for exposing the kind of hatred thats out there among the anti wolfers. These grown, armed, hateful men are not the ones who need protection.


    • Thank you Ann, I can’t believe how misguided the whole protection issue is. It’s the wolves that need the protection from the hatred and persecution they face on a daily basis.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  2. I hope you don’t mind but I posted this article on my facebook account as THIS NEEDS TO BE SEEN!!!! People need to know what kind of sadistic murderers the Wolves are being faced with!!! These people that post this kind of stuff threatening you and others like us that simply love an animal such as the Wolf are one step away from becoming serial killers!!! These people are psycho and every last one of them should be looked up in a mental institute!!! I have never heard such blatant hatred towards an innocent animal and it is all because these people are uneducated and refuse to pull their heads out of the dark ages!!!!


  3. These cowards should not be hidden. They love to brag about shooting wolves, but yet they want to remain anonymous. What cowardly scum these hunters are.


    • Well said jon. They have no problem bragging about it. How many pictures have you seen on the Internet of wolf hunters smiling over their victims? I saw a pic of a guy holding a horribly bloody wolf. Just sickening.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  4. Read the posts… These people are culturally deprived, and illiterate to boot. Probably 25% of them graduated from High School….Their redneck parents were like this, and you know the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree….This is the modern day hunter….. ignorant fools They can kiss my A^&


    • i feel u they all can suck on this big juicy d!*%. I’m tiered of these folish people hunting one of gods best creatures


  5. These people wear this ignorance and stupidity like a badge of courage….. but don’t show my name…. cowards


    • Ain’t that the truth!!!


  6. Killing wolves ‘biologically wrong’

    Biologist Bob Hayes condemns predator control program


    • That’s a great article jon, I might use it as a post on the blog. Here is a man that killed so many wolves and then finally realized it’s the wrong thing to do.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  7. I HOPE and PRAY that all of you KILLERS answer to GOD for your hatred of HIS creations and their MURDERS!!


  8. W0W – while I’m reading those post’s – I’m laughing @ the same time. lol Either they are written by the same idiot or we have a lot of stupid, ignorant folks in this country of “ours.” It takes all kinds I guess …… it’s unfortunate that people have such love for killing creatures. But one thing is right ~ KARMA – what goes around does come around – so all you stupid ass hunters better watch your own asses.

    As for the elk & deer – I’ve read that there are plenty of each, it’s called a scam people – the wolves should eat before you or I – they were here before both of us.
    Put down your gun & see how tough you are without a weapon. Folks like you HIDE behind your metal & bullets – because thats all you have in life. To bad for you. The tie will come for you all who have killed innocent creatures to pay ~ one way or the other & I just hope I’m there to see it. 😉


    • I’m laughing along with you. These people that are sending these emails are extremely uneducated. But therein lies the problem; doesn’t it? Because if they knew what they were talking about, they would have a completely different outlook. It would be so funny if it weren’t so serious. We need to remember though, that some hunting has its place as it rids elk herds and deer herds of disease and overpopulation leading to starving wildlife. However, what these people are doing is not hunting for the good of wildlife, but committing cold-blooded murder of these animals. And I would even go so far as to say it is pure evil; some of these wolf-killers are truly evil incarnate.


    • ramses..there are almost four hundred thousand elk in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. Plenty of elk The fish and game agencies like to keep the numbers high so there are more elk to kill for the hunters. Wolves pay the ultimate price for being predators. They don’t want wolves competing with their “clients”.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  9. Post their names – I would LOVE it. It would be about time ….. geez


    • I agree…post their names. I also get emails from some of these wolf-killers and they all talk the same. I find it hard to believe there are people walking around out there that actually have that much hate in them. I have found though, that when confronted, they tend to “cower” and become very uncomfortable; just like a typical bully. It makes them very uncomfortable to be confronted; could it be that they have no good defense for what they are doing and, deep down, they know it?


      • I agree too, post their names. No rational person kills an animal for fun. Why be proud of that? It makes you a loser.
        When confronted the bullies lose ground fast and their argument becomes fanatical.


      • Apparently Gretchen they have to be really bad spellers as well.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


    • dansk, tak. ulvemorder skal straffes, ulve er ikke skyld i dette, det er de mennesker der flytter ud til dem, der er problemet, farme med hund =krig mod ulv, alle har et revir de ville forsvare, ligesom mennesket, der ikke ønsker fremmed på deres bopæl, hunde som har været i mennesket varetækt, og bliver smidt ud , kender ikke naturen som ulven, hunden skambidder vildet, da hunden ikke mere får sin mad severet, Hvis naturen må passe sig selv, er der op og nedture i dyrelivet, der kan somme tider opstå sydomme, så nedgang i mange af dyr mister livet, og det rejser sig igen, men ulvejægerne bryder jeg mig ikke om, de har ingen føgelser, når de kan smile når de har nedlagt ulv. – ulven er et godt økosystem her, og bliver forviret over at dens står lige for næen af den, farmemad.–ulven må forstås-uden riffel, basta.


  10. I am ashamed of being a human when i see this disgusting display of such hate and ignorance. These people think they are superior because of their brawn and bravado but that very display goes to show they leave a lot to be desired upstairs. They will talk themselves into whatever it take to feel better about what they are doing and justify their behavior.


    • They really are disgusting Cheryl. I worry so much for the wolves and what they are facing.with the hatred aimed at them. I hope the people that are writing these comments are just phonies who don’t even live near wolves and think they are being funny or cute by saying those things. You have to be pretty twisted to find pleasure in the killing of an animal.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  11. Where there is substantial money to be made, morality and common-sense is thrown out the window. Animal Cruelty apparently only applies to those without a hunting license.
    I never cease to wonder why these types of people are allowed to possess firearms and will always link leisure killers to serial killers. Keeping ghoulish trinkets, boasting over the kills, sitting among the dead with a huge grin, gabbing on about what instrument they used and how important it was for them to kill. Without reprimand for their deplorable behaviour against their fellow man and malicious actions towards the wider animal kingdom, they allow themselves to sink into a false authority simply due to to their ability to take life without personal moral or physical consiquences…including the price of a hoof in the gut every now and then. There is a constant danger wolves face whenever they want to have a substantial feed, they do not hide behind a gun, they work for what they eat.


    • Please note: There is no threat of physical or psychological harm.


    • Everything you said John is right on the money. Wolves have to hunt to live. That’s what they were put on this earth to do. cull ungulate herds to keep them healthy.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  12. this is a good example of what inbreeding does to humans like the two creeps in the movie deliverance clear cut case of a father inpregnating his daughter or grandaughter and getting the above result. the creepy types emailing above this message. so the worst kind of upbringing no education and parenting ha out the window .you get offspring full of hate with no clear reason to exist no morals no goals hope or future just stupid ass hate of anything good or free in life


  13. Nabeki, on the other post with the hunter’s comments, one of them said they would like to get the state you live in to send you DEATH THREATS!!I posted on the white house on FB that they need to address this since the “control” of the wolves population was not their intent to control..JUST KILL and make them suffer!!I think they should not remain anonymous since they are making threats now!!!


  14. OMG I cannot believe how many people hunt wolves. Every last one of them should be in jail. Wolves don’t do anything wrong. They are just misunderstood creatures trying to survive. People have stolen most of their hunting ground and they have very little left to them. I am left feeling horrified. I’m glad my husband hasn’t read any of the comments I have. He tends to get extremely violent when reading things. He’s Apache and his Apache name is Anichiwa which means, just in case nobody knows, Blackwolf. He is also a War Chief, so this kinda tells you our opinion of all those who hunt the mighty wolf.


  15. Everyone read this link!

    Group urges calls now to defund Wildlife Services

    Nabeki, you should make a new post about this. Everyone should start calling and emailing. Now is the time. Wildlife services needs to vanish and vanish forever.


  16. Can someone tell me WHY they don’t have their names posted in the 1st place?


  17. everyone sign this and nabeki, please put this on ww and tell everyone to sign it.


    • I will Jon, this agency needs to be defunded. They cause so much suffering and death to our wildlife every year.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  18. they claimed they were being harassed as I remember. Anytime there is some pr about it, the antis claim harassment- ie they project onto the prowolfers. Its just a bunch of BS that I think the public unfortunately buys.

    new sad news N:


    • It never stops g…. It’s been a drumbeat since wolves were delisted and before that WS was killing them.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Is there something genetically wrong with the antis? There is just no rational thinking on their part.


      • I’ve given up trying to figure them out g… except for what I just said to william a few comments up.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


    • I don’t know whats more tragic- the fact that someof these uneducated hillbillies use LOBOWATCH as a source for factual information, or the fact that these wolves just killed probably had absolutely nothing to do with the death of the livestock. The culture of wolf killing in the west makes no sense. About as much sense as this horse owner crying about the loss of his pet, just not important enough to deserve nighttime coverand protection from predators! Talk about a hypocrite- these ranchers sure know how to play the whining victim card


      • It’s just anti-government feelings pushing this train. Wolves are a convenient scapegoat william. They’re voiceless and have been victims of horrific persecution for hundreds of years. This has so little to do with wolves and more to do with hateful people who have to blame someone or something for their unhappy lives. Who spends their time hating an animal? I’d like to know the answer to that? Have you ever spent time hating an animal as if it was a terrorist? It makes no sense, other then what I said.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  19. I think everyone should take the disgusting things these anti-wolf people say and forward it in messages to elected officials so they can see just what kind of people they sold out to and so they can see exactly what we go through as well. We should also forward it in messages to media outlets as well. Also take screenshots of their comments and send them too so that way we have proof and they can’t deny it.

    I also think maybe we should also read out loud all the disgusting hate messages and death threats towards us and the wolves that we have received from the antis at the wolf rally!


    • Justin….What were those Senators thinking when they sold wolves down the river for votes? They knew full well the wolf delisting rider was in the budget bill. Reid allowed up or down votes on the other two riders that were in the bill:
      1. Planned Parenthood
      2. Obama care
      Both of those riders were defeated but they didn’t allow a vote to strip the wolf delisting rider out of the bill. Shameless, shameless people.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  20. I agree, These Wolf Killers Are Nasty People, I will Try To Re-frame From Being As Filthy mouth as Those Low Lifers Are.. Animals Have A Full Right To Live To Hunt And To Be Wild. I especially Love The Wolf And Always Will. It Disgust me How They Can Be So Cruel. The Moose Is Fine, There Numbers Are High That Was a Huge Lie To Kill our Beautiful Wolf. These People Are Full Of Hate. There Money Buys Them What Ever They Want Because Of There Beef Cattle, There Lies, And There Ignorance. The Right People Need To See These Letters Just To Show How Nasty & cruel They are. Plus There Nasty Low Lives Will Not Stop Till They Kill Them All, Even Sending Poachers In to finish them. There Not Going To Stop At 15 Breeding Pairs Or 10 Breeding pairs there out to slaughter them, Then Next With Be The Grizzly. And Our Congress, Senate & our Ignorant president should of NEVER signed that Bill. They Can Be Bought and They Did… If You Cant EAT It Then You Should NOT Be Allowed to Kill It., Mount it Or Use It Hide. No One Should ever Hate Like This, Do they Hate The Natives That Bad To Destroy Everything They Loved about There World, Answer: Yes They Do.,, They Want The Native Americans Dead To., It Makes Me Sick That I am Part White. I’m ashamed to Be In the White World With People Like That. This All Needs To Stop. Look what they did to the Buffalo Many, Many Moons Ago Killed Them To starve Our Native Americans, The Wolves Are No Different In There Plan To Kill Them Off.. Nothing has Changed Its The Buffalo, The Wolf, The Grizzly, The Hawk, , Even Sterilizing the Indian Women When Bush Was In Office. This Is What Hate Does, Destroy



    Congress will vote today or tomorrow on an amendment to the 2012 Department of Agriculture spending bill that would cut $11 million of federal spending dedicated to poisoning, trapping, killing pups and kittens in their dens, and aerial gunning of wolves, coyotes, cougars, bears, bobcats and other wildlife that occasionally preys on livestock.

    Please send a message to your representative in Congress today to request a YES vote on the DeFazio-Campbell amendment to the Department of Agriculture Appropriations Act.

    The leadership in Congress says it intends to cut spending, and representatives often complain about worthless federal expenditures. Well, this is their chance to save taxpayers money by reducing spending on a federal program that not only fails to protect stock effectively but is also destructive and cruel.


    • Thanks for the alert, ramses. I sent an e-mail and gave Rehberg a call. I know he’s got no love for predators, but I tried to emphasize that this is a spending/illegitimate government handouts issue, so maybe he will take notice.


    • Thank you Ramses. We have the link posted on Wolf Warriors. If any agency should be defunded it’s WS. They kill millions of our wildlife every year and are just a subsidy for agriculture. Last year alone 230 wolves were killed by WS in the Northern Rockies.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  22. Thank You to all of the wonderful folks on the various “Wolf Blogs” that Nabeki has set up & to you Nabeki – please take a huge hug from me …… you are a wealth of great information (as well as everyone else here) I feel very fortunate to have found you all.

    Thanks !!


    • Thanks ramses! Great to have you here!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  23. Those people sure are evil.
    I have seen my share of wolf haters, I know there are two distinct types:

    1. Internet trolls: They don’t like how much support wolves are getting on the internet and verbally bash the animal for the sake of bashing them online

    2. the psychopaths: these are the ones we need to watch out for. All of the comments you have displayed are of that variety. They show no restrain from their violence. If they see a wolf, they’d shoot it, a domestic dog, shoot it. human child? shoot it. As long as it was in their way they’d want it dead.
    When the government tries to hide these monsters it’s like covering up for mass-murderers or terrorists. They could turn on dozens of civilians in a second. May even bomb a peaceful pro-wolf rally. Once I got punched in the gut. BY A CHILD. for saying I loved wolves. The child then threw rocks at my dog. And if the Anti-wolf children are like that… We need to get rid of these inbred monsters.


    • When it comes to being on the “other side” you’ve said it all Hyou. My parnter & I had posted Kerry/Edwards signs on our garage & tree for the upcoming election back in 04′, they were torn down. I might add with anger. Next our van was targeted – one of the windows was smashed (broke) glass all over because of a comic I had of “W” in the window. I was livid over the occupations of Iraq & Afghanistan. Anywho, they resort to violence & intimidation.
      Trust me though …. I have have had to fight off thoughts of doing harm to the anti-wolf HUNTERS. It has been very hard for me. But I’m doing it. 😉
      Excellent points Hyou!!


  24. I only read about ten posts, but gosh, these people seem to me to be rather insane. “I’ll kill one wolf for every anti-hunter post I see!” That’s the mind of a maniacal killer.
    To be a little on the joking mood, and say what people often say about “dangerous” animals, I’ll say “What if they start going after CHILDREN?!!!11one” (Only I’m talking about the hunters.) I don’t mind hunting for sustenance or when it’s really necessary, but cold-minded killers like these are far more dangerous than wolves.


  25. I read these again & it disgust’s me. To think that we have folks like this in “our” country. But, like I posted over a year ago, what goes around comes around.


  26. These guys are completely insane and I won’t spend one dollar out west until this stops. We have the same red neck uneducated trash here in Minnesota too. God Speed


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