Fertile Ground For Wolf Demonizing?

Anti wolf signs, Outside Federal Courthouse, Missoula, Montana June 15, 2010

This disturbing Associated Press article,  describes how Kalispell, Montana, known for its rugged beauty, filled with pristine lakes and streams, gateway to Glacier National Park, may become a hotbed of anti-government extremism.

Note the sign in the picture above. These were anti-wolf protesters outside The Russell Smith Federal Courthouse in Missoula, Montana last year.  Is it any wonder wolves are being scapegoated and demonized in Montana?

Extremists finding fertile ground in Northwest US

         By NICHOLAS K. GERANIOS, Associated Press Wed Jun 22, 3:31 am ET

KALISPELL, Mont. – With its jagged peaks, glistening lakes and lush valleys, the Inland Northwest — stretching from eastern Washington to Montana’s Glacier National Park — is a stunningly beautiful and remote part of the country.

It also is a cradle for sometimes-violent anti-government activity — a reputation most recently rekindled by the search for David Burgert. The former Kalispell militia leader is accused of opening fire on sheriff’s deputies on a remote logging road in Lolo National Forest.

After a lull following the demise of the Idaho-based neo-Nazi Aryan Nations in 2000, anti-government and white supremacist groups and individuals may be reviving in the Inland Northwest. It’s a mostly white, mostly rural area with few job opportunities and a history of extreme activists.

Experts say the number of radical right groups is growing across the country because of the poor state of the economy, rising immigration and fears that President Barack Obama’s administration has an agenda to curtail individual liberties.

Read More: 



Bill Gibson wrote about this in his article, Cry,Wolf, appearing in the current  Earth Island Journal. The pieces are coming together concerning anti-government feelings in the Flathead Valley.

The “Flathead” is home to wolves . They’ve lived in the North Fork of the Flathead since the late seventies, early eighties, when they dispersed on their own from Canada. They wouldn’t have made the trip without the protection of the ESA.  Now that has been stripped from them and they are at the mercy of extremists who are using gray wolves as the poster child for their hate.

This is a grim time and every wolf advocate who cares about wolves needs to stand up and be heard.  HFJ and WW has plans for a new pro-active way to show support for gray wolves that we will unveil next week.

Don’t let these extreme elements dictate how our wildlife and wild places are handled. It’s up to us, the grass-roots wolf movement, to speak out for wolves in their dark hour.

For the wolves, For the wild ones,



Photo: Courtesy Missoulian

Posted in Wolf Wars

Tags: extremism, Flathead Valley, Glacier National Park, Hate groups, Montana, Montana Human Rights Network, Northwest Montana

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28 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. no se porque a los extremistas de derecha , nunca les han gustado los animales


    • Ay, sí, siempre andan en esas. No les gusta nada que ponga a los ricachones a pagar impuestos.


  2. I find something extremely wrong with placing military responsibility in the hands of those without tolerance and discipline.


    • “those without tolerance and discipline”
      Please note: I am specifically talking about the extremists.

      The main point of militias is to provide assistance to the army and police in dire emergencies.


      • I understood perfectly what you said John. I hate using “fox guarding hen house” but it applies here.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  3. No surprise there – when I traveled through there I wore a Wolf Shirt and if looks could have killed – I would not have come back – they hated me because I loved animals – they would barely sell me something and looked at me with disgust – and I know they would kill a human as fast as a Wolf – they should not be allowed to exist in secrecy – hidden away – with their gun collections and their Neo Nazi Ideas.

    May the Gods help the Wolves –


  4. These people are glowing in their ignorance! They are truly the pawns of the cattle lindustry and the murder machine of the NRA.
    It is easy to monger fear and hysteria and get permission to kill the fictitious “big, bad wolf” with red eyes that they parade.
    This is how human beings became and stil become the victims of genocide. Easy formula, you have the puppeteers who preach their rhetoric in town hall meetings and CHURCHES to accomplish there agendas. They lure in people on the fence and people already brainwashed to bring their families and friends and it grows into a violent, incredibly stupid mob!
    Toby Bridges is still sounding the warning that wolves kill humans, horses, dogs, nothing is safe with wolves around, according to Bridges. What is amazing is the lack of knowledge about wolves among his followers. Albeti, I’m not sure that the FACTS would even deter their bloodlust. Most of them want to kill animals who must engage in predation.
    We all know the cattlemen just want to fall trees and let their cash cows graze whter ever they will, and the hunters don’t want to compete with or live along side of nature’s chosen apex predator; wanting all of the elk, moose, caribou for themselves.
    I wish these people would all go to a isolated island, not habitated by any animals.
    What can we do to counter their attacks?
    Perhaps have this video playing on all billboards around the state:

    Couldn’t bring it up here, but best video to show wolves has a part of nature, hunters, not monsters…..recommend to post and share everywhere!!!!


    • Here you go LInda…such a beautiful and sad video.


  5. dansk. Jeg er så bekymret over at min ven har så mange, mange fjender, og jeg står magteløst, over for dens skæbne, bare jeg havde så lange arme, så jeg kunne hente dem alle sammen, og sætte dem hos mig, så de kom under høne vinger, men alt hvad der drejer sig om ulv, får min underskrift + min kommentar for stop at jagte det smukke dyr. ANTIULVHADER, skulle ikke bo i ulvens LAND, DE KAN JO IKKE FORSTÅ DENS ULVEHOLDNING, MEN DISSE FORDOMME MOD DEN, MÅ JO VÆRE FORÆLDET, SÅ GAMLE FORDOMME LEVER PRIMITIVT HOS DISSE MENNESKER UDE PÅ LANDET, HVOR DET MODERNE MENNESKE, BEDRE KAN FORSTÅ MIN ULVEVEN- vi KAN JO BYTTE PLADS ???, SÅ DENNE ULV FÅR LOV AT LEVE MED SIN SMUKKE FLOK.

    Google translator


    • Thank you vibeke for sharing your heartfelt concerns for wolves. We are all so upset and and angry about this terrible turn of events concerning wolves in the Northern Rockies but as you know wolves are persecuted around the world. We will continue to fight for them and will not give up.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  6. These types of people with this mentality are the ones to be scared about especially around parks and bus stops.They have the fear that everyone is out to get them and all of it being fueled by paranoia and hysteria. What is worse the public officials believe them.They need help so they won’t cause harm to themselves and won’t cause harm to others. These are not the type of people that should be out running around with guns.It is not the gun but the person behind the gun we should worry about.


    • Well said Rita!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  7. And people wonder why I’m not afraid of wolves, only afraid of people.


  8. A thousand curses on those extremists!!!!!
    ~May A Swarm Of Desert Scorpions Do The Hula In Their Shorts~


    • LOL Wizard…I had to laugh at that!! Just the image was hilarious.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Humph! Yer giving me ideas! *snicker*


      • Lol Loua…



    • Poor scorpions…


  9. Some white supremacists were raising a ruckus in Bozeman a couple of years ago. I remember coming to the University campus to find their propaganda posters glued to the parking lot signs (they couldn’t just use the public bulletin boards like decent people). However, there was a major backlash against them by other segments of the community, and it wasn’t too long before they shut up.


  10. Voice your support for maintaining current protections and for developing a national wolf recovery plan.
    Federal Register notice on wolves: Docket No. FWS-R3-ES-2011-0029.

    Speak Up for a Future With Wolves — Take Action

    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to take wolves off the endangered species list in the Great Lakes states, removing their protection and raising the risk of dramatically reduced populations in Wisconsin and Minnesota. The Center has opposed the delisting; the move is simply premature until state management plans for the species are strengthened.

    Meanwhile, the Service has also announced that wolves in the Northeast, long thought to be gray wolves, are in fact a separate species, the eastern timber wolf. The agency says it will consider whether this wolf deserves endangered species protection, but in the meantime proposes to delist all the wolves that may be found throughout 29 states, since they would not be the protected gray wolf species. The Center disagrees: Protections should not be removed while the agency studies the question.

    Speak up now for keeping current wolf protections in place and developing a national plan, as proposed by the Center last summer, to recover wolves. Then read more about the Center’s campaigns to protect gray wolves.



    • captain s…..I have a little trouble with the Center after they signed onto the “settlement” with the other nine settling groups. I was so shocked by that because I believed as long as they were involved no settlement like that would have ever been reached. I have no doubt they care about wolves but they’ve lost some credibility with me for doing what they did. I feel that way about every group that signed onto the “settlement”. Having said that this goes beyond gripes and grievances. I encourage everyone to visit their link and become involved. It’s not just the Northern Rockies wolves that are under attack now, the Great Lakes wolves are in serious danger as well.


      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Hey, I feel where you’re coming from. We can’t afford to be divided in this effort, and I will continue to consider groups like DoW and the CfBD to be our allies, BUT — if there is any question about where to place scarce resources, I would direct them toward those groups that remained strong and consistent in their advocacy for wolves. When it comes to promotion, monetary donations, etc., I think it’s a good idea to stay focused on the organizations that will give us the best return for our efforts.


  11. Ugh, look at their little faces, enjoying being cruel about the wolf, they make me sick.

    The poster that is the worst for me is “Come on! let us kill the wolf”. They want to destroy a beautiful creature that has done no harm to anyone, and is there to keep the balance in life?


  12. Weesus…these people are nuts!!! I wouldn’t be at all surprised if one day the actually killed somebody…tell you, seeing those ignorant people make my stomach kick and turn like a sick cow. What I believe we should do is to gather a huge pile of every single scientific article we have and organize it all in a website, and whenever an anti-wolfer comes over with their “A GUD WOLV IS A DED WOLV” “AETING ALL ELKS!!!!” “ATAKING MAH CHIRRUN!!!” “DESTORYING OUR CULTURE AND LIVESLIHOOD WITH THEYRE DAMN ‘GOOD HUSDANDRY’ PRACTICES THAT WOULD MAK MAH LIFE EASIER!!!! ” we can just link to that website, where they’ll find all the answers they need. Would make life easier.

    I am tired of this. All this wolf fight, mostly because it is absolutely ridiculous. Outrageous. We got to keep fighting, though. We’re fighting for the wolves, the wildlife. We’re fighting for that and much more. We are fighting for the very foundation of science, logic, sustainable living, empathy and Nature itself.

    This fight should have never begun, though. This is supposed to be the 21st century, and for such a supposedly advanced society we should have begun to make this kind of decisions off real science, not myths, or legends, or rumors. All this delisting thing was outright dumb and sneaky.

    I hope future generations can look back to this and be ashamed of it. The trick is if they would look back and be ashamed.


    • I agree Loua…but actually if you search this blog you will find many, many posts disputing the myths and lies told about wolves. The problem isn’t that they don’t have the information, it’s that they ignore it. The anti-wolfers hate wolves and want them gone. They’re not interested in the truth.

      Here are a few myth busting posts on this site:

      Busting Wolf Myths One More Time

      Busting Wolf Myths One More Time

      Tapeworms and Wolves OH MY!!

      Tapeworms and Wolves OH MY!!

      Elk Numbers Skyrocketing

      Elk Numbers Skyrocketing

      Dispelling The Canadian Wolf Myth

      Dispelling The Canadian Wolf Myth

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Hmm, very well! I’m bookmarking those links ASAP.


  13. The hunters in the picture above should be very careful because they too are being hunted and its not Human who is hunting them!!


  14. These kind of a-holes make me sick, acting like its completely normal to try and wipe out an entire species… and people wonder why i hate about 98% of humans…


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