I Was There…

No words tonight. Just anger and sadnessĀ  over the death of the Wedge Pack.

Published in: on September 29, 2012 at 4:43 am  Comments (64)  

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64 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. It is heart wrenching, fills me with anger …. and I cry !


  2. i love Wolves with all my heart and beyond, and seeing this makes me want to go out and stop the hunters from doing this.and i will one day


  3. Im just horrified .. God why did you let this happen ?


  4. So much hate and stubbornness! I am sad and enraged…


  5. We need to keep fighting for our four legged brothers and sisters.


  6. Same here… no words, just heartache…


  7. This entire past year since delisting has been so devastating and painful! So many wolves have been killed, so many tortured, so name packs destroyed. It aches me to the core of my soul! I hear Defenders of Wildlife is planning to challenge the Feds. I hope they prevail SOON!
    Namaste my brother wolf…guide them home Mother Spirit-Goddess Wolf!


    • DOW did nothing to prevent the delisting. Only the American people can force return of the wolf to federal prpotection. California Fish and Game wants to put wolves on the California Endangered Species list and give them protection. Support this–send a note–hearings in Sacramento on October 3. Help stop the wolf pogrom.


    • Even trying to help the wolves in some ways may have backfired. Defenders of Wildlife suggested a $50 donation to prevent problems. That donation would go toward paying for a tracking collar, which theoretically would warn ranchers of a wolf in the area so that precautions could be taken. The idea was to move the wolves away from cattle or sheep. Unfortunately, those collars may have lead to the death of wolves by people who could find them without any attention of avoiding predation–just killing. Joy Williams’ excellent article removes any attempts by hunters to portray themselves in a heroic or romantic way. Most are sadistic people who just plain delight in causing suffering and death. As for considering killing in the woods as “fun” or a “sport”–give me a break!


      • “Sport” and “Trophy” killing are performed by the lowest humans. The gleeful smiles….you gotta know there is something wrong with them….and I don’t care how much money they have (Safari Int’l, for example). They can come from any level of society. I’m hoping that some widely-recognized psychologist does an in-depth study, so these disturbed people can be seen for what they are.
        My mantra? “The animals are taking a bullet for US”.


  8. I don’t know how many more pieces my heart can break into to. I’m so sick of these killers. There isn’t any intelligent reason with this vicious humans. Why can’t they wake up and see the monstrous evil they are doing. My heart hurts so unbelievable much. I’ve been involved with the love of wolves all my life.The pain is so bad. Trophy hunter + serial killer= the same in my soul. R.I.P. my brothers and sisters


  9. It is heartbreaking.


  10. My heart bleeds for the lost wolves and the tears run down my face. When will this end. I pray soon.!


  11. Same here, never forget… Still upset. Godspeed with the whole family, some lone wolf over somewhere and sad…


  12. Have you ever wondered what you would have done in Nazi Germany or Nazi-occupied Europe when the Nazis and their supporters were murdering millions of people? I have wondered–now I know. I fight back. The federal government’s USDA Wildlife Services was brought in by Washington State to slaughter our precious globally endangered wolves. They exterminated the Wedge Pack. Your tax dollars paid for this. Crying is not enough. Each and every person who loves wolves, wildlife and wild lands and our public lands must take direct action. Organize demonstrations, write letters to editors, take your anger to the streets. At this rate, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Oregon will exterminate those wolves managing to survive. Evil is as evil does–and this is evil. There may not be a loving God, but evil certainly exists and we see this every day. Every day a wolf is killed, every day another precious creature is killed. So, stand against this new Holocaust. Take direct action–and there are many ways to do this…Be brave. Be more than a Facebook warrior–fight back.


    • Yes, I think about that sometimes. I hope I would have the courage to fight. It is evil, about as evil as mankind can ever be.

      And incidentally, the Tea Party is a scourge on our nation and needs to be voted out in November. Poll after poll shows that Americans don’t want wolves killed and want to protect our wildlands and wildlife wherever humanly possible, but they don’t listen to anything we say. Cronyism in Washington is all that our politicians listen to. Remember these are the people that have made themselves rich by insider trading up until recently, something that we’d be thrown in jail for. We need to vote them out, and Dems are almost as bad.


      • Agreed. We can’t give up the fight but money is power and the big organizations that want the wolves killed are the ones ruling at the moment. Sad to say, but the outrage over a bad call in a football game got much more attention than the terrible things undermining this country. About 70,000 people called the NFL because Green Bay shoud have won. Where is the outrage by the masses over wolf/horse/bison killing and the degradation of the wilderness.


      • The Republicans and the Democrats should go the way of the old Whigs–get rid of them….vote Green party…


  13. We need to have a regular revolution – sit on the steps of these buildings that hold all those blood thirsty killers – I am surprised nobody has retliated with force instead of talk – of course you risk your own fate doing that – but every day people get mad and kill 6 or more people- it just happened again – nothing for the Wolves – we got to do more than just beg and plead and even prove they are wrong – they don’t see they don;t listen – all they know is their own hate – that is so sad and so unbelievable – they got that bill through by hook and crook and the Courts decided that was fine – makes you wonder what this Country is coming to –
    I don’t see no end to this until they are all wiped out – and we are the ones that brought them back when they were wiped out before – so we brought them back to be sacrificed – how horrible that thought is –


    • ‘We’ did not. THEY did. Please do not be a sin eater. Sent with compassion.


  14. Take heart everyone, for this is simply the work of man’s sinful nature destroying God’s creation. Soon, though, this world and our sinfulness will pass away, and a new Earth will be created that is without sin. There all of God’s creatures will live in peace. In the meantime, all we can do is pray and take action for these wonderful creatures!


  15. “Sad to say, but the outrage over a bad call in a football game got much more attention than the terrible things undermining this country.”

    Yep, that about sums it up, either that or what the Kardashians are doing. I turned away from those headlines in disgust. We are disconnected from the natural world, whether by design or not, I don’t know. It sure keeps the populace busy while the corrupt do their dirty work.


  16. Thank you so much for the song and video. It is wonderful and the lyrics are so beautiful and true, and of course the wolves are free to be themselves.
    Let the wolves live on and thrive!!


  17. I have no words…just infuriating and sad–outrageous that a lazy, greedy rancher got to erase a wonderful pack of wolves from the Earth..:(
    Many howls for your gallant efforts always to save these precious animals XO


  18. Cruel and pointless waste! My only hope is that if President Obama wins the elections, he will make the wolves as untouchable as he will be in a second term. No more secret deals, no more bargains.


    • O BOMB A cares not a whit for wolves or you. Check out NDAA, DAA, FSA surveillance on US citizens, the drone attacks on Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, of course, Afghanistan, the subcutaneous chips required for O BOMB a care, so much. Wake up please.


      • OK, I am grieving too, and am aware of much of the poison that exists in the world. But lets not give in to hysterial. Maybe you need some sleep if just for a respite. Stay strong.


      • For Janet(BELOW) with all kindness: Google “NDAA”, “DAA”, “Subcutaneous chips for o- care”, and ” HB 387″ and “drone killings by USA”, and read for yourself. Facts alone and no hysteria.


  19. Hang in there everyone. You have helped me so much with my anger and grief. Just reading your words gives me hope that there are many of us in this world who cherish our wild places and its wild life. It is so important that you feel your power and use your rage to write letters. They do read them. I know I had an impossible time calling the tourism bureau (who hung up without answering) and the gov and the wildlife services. But they have to read the letters. Stress that you are a taxpayer and that they work for you, too. Use the word “we” because you are talking for all of us. It is important that we let them know there are other people besides the greedy lazy cattleranchers who pay their salaries. Keep them off our public lands. Keep hammering that. Let them buy their own pastures or rent them or whatever. Cattle should not be grazing through our wild places leaving their urine and feces all over.


    • Yes, state by state, forest by forest, Reclaim the national forests for the wild creatures and those who treasure it. Not those who ruin and scour it with their cattle…who are in turn treated cruelly at slaughterhouses…the entire business is hideous. Turn your sorrow into action. Do not forget.


  20. Nebeki, we feel your pain. Thank you for the wonderful videos!


  21. I am not good on the computer but this caught my eye.If anyone can share this and help I would appreciate it.The story is on U S news. It,the killing of the Wedge Pack, got someones attenton and we need to be strong and keep pushing.For as sad as it was for the Wedge Pack other wolves are in danger and I still can’t forget the Cottonwood Pack.


  22. There is al least one voice of reason: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/29/14151323-killing-of-wolf-pack-criticized-by-key-washington-state-lawmaker?lite
    I am not a U.S. citizen, but I am citizen of the world/earth and have fought for the wolf for many years, just as you. I will accompany all your efforts, all your fights so that the next President, hoping it is Obama, gets rid of Ken Salazar and re-enacts the Endangered Species Act to give full protection to the wolf and other wildlife so ranchers would have to be responsible of their cattle in federal land. Last year’s assassinations and the way this year started is pure and simple MADNESS!!!


  23. this is too sad ,i have not words anymore!!!!! the wolves are gone!!!! the wedge pack,!!!!! we could not nathing!!!! i know we tryed!!! the govertment do not care!!!!! i”am suffering over this animals, my prayers are for them everynight, my candles in the virtual side!!! i”am in sorrow!!!!! i stil hope one day this stop for ever.


  24. The arrogance of Conservation Northwest’s leadership is appalling.


  25. I agree that we must find a way to be more effective. I plan to speak to all of my relatives about this at Thanksgiving. I used to think that it was in poor taste to speak about it in social situations, but as someone pointed out, this is a holocaust. The time for speaking loudly to everyone has come. I recently spoke to someone about it, and was very surprised when they said they knew nothing about the wolf slaughter in the United States. They were outraged also when they heard it. Then I noticed how our papers do not carry articles about the wolf slaughter in Idaho and other states. I notice how hunters and “wildlife managers” use words like cull and harvest. We need to keep bringing this wolf slaughter into the light. Hunters like to keep it in darkness and shadow, like others who perpetrate evil. As far as introducing the wolf to California, at first I was all for it and thrilled. Now I feel that those of us who treasure the wild and wildlife are being played by all the Fish and Game and Wildlife Services. They increase the wolf populations deliberately and then when the populations infringe on humans in even the smallest way, they have an excuse to torture by traps and murder by helicopter, for their mentally-disturbed “fun. ” Maybe the wolves should not be reintroduced to California because Fish and Game will just try to “set the stage” for another wolf holocaust here. Maybe we should demand they keep all the wolf populations in the U.S. small by sterilizing the alpha females after two litters, so they can’t say there are too many wolves and they NEED to kill- hunt and trap them. Then at least those few packs have a better chance to live out their natural lives in peace.
    Or will they just slaughter them down to nothing no matter how few there are?


    • Doesn’t the apha male look for a alpha female, or does the beta female move up? I thought it could be either way. I think I need a refresher please. A guardian of the wolves


    • I’d fully appreciate a sterilization program as you mention. Not just for wolves, but the coyotes, wild horses, burros etc. That will never be an easy battle and we know why: The NRA and every hunting group in America will jump all over that suggestion. Clearly, it would be because we’re taking away one of their “trophy” species and it wouldn’t be by THEIR hands! Ugh. They make me sick. But not defeated!


      • I completely agree with you! After college I hope to promote the usage of immunocontraception (a type of fertility control) as the major method of controlloing the populations of wolves, horses, and other species of wildlife (then hopefully only hunting for food would be legal).

        I know that hunting groups are going to be opposed to sterilization as the means of wildlife control but I thought up of a possible solution to that! I was thinking that maybe the hunters could participate in the process of sterilization by darting the immunocontraceptive into the animal. It’d be just like hunting, but without the killing – or the trophy. If the claim that “hunting is not about the killing it’s about the stalk and the enjoyment of nature” is true, then they should have no problem with this method as it’ll offer them the same experience as hunting – except that an innocent animal won’t be killed in the end! And they’ll contribute to wildlife management, which they say is a big deal to them!

        I know that this idea sounds really stupid, but some people who came up with seemingly stupid ideas just happen to be our greatest inventors!


      • Responding to CarlaVelosoWolf’s comment (sorry could not reply under her post)
        I think you have a great idea…getting into the hunters’ heads with your plan! I know not everyone will care to “understand” them…but who cares as long as we accomplish our goal, i.e. non-lethal “management” of the predator and “sport species” especially. It could even be the catalyst for changing the way they think in regard to hunting in general. Once you get to know an animal up close and personal, you tend to be more understanding of an entire species. Your idea is anything BUT stupid. Since the logistics could be complicated inasmuch as you can’t turn everyone out with a dart gun – they’d have to accompany veterinarians, biologists, etc., – maybe there should be a lottery for the privilege, thereby contributing more funding into the continuing efforts to HELP wildlife, not kill it off.
        Kudos to you, Carla, for thinking outside the box. Looking forward to your graduation šŸ™‚


  26. NBCNews.com has another good article “Killing of wolf pack criticized by key Washington state lawmaker”. State Senator Kevin Ranker, chair of the Senate Natural Resources and Marine Waters Committee is calling for an investigation of the wolf kill. His committee has oversite over the Dept. of Fish and Wildlife.

    Finally someone with authority is speaking out and taking action. Thank you Senator Ranker! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!



    • Do you think these guys were paid off by Bill McIrvin? Yes! Do you think they are now trying to cover their butts because they had no idea how many people this would upset? Yes.


      • FOIA. Expose the money trail. Please do this from in-state.


  27. Yes, indeed. No words, no petitions, no anything….Words, are.. useless, especially those intended to be heard by those who choose to be deaf towards them…besides, I’m afraid they are too stupid and stubborn to understand them even if they chose to listen to them..
    More often than “now and then” we, wolf lovers, guardians and advocates feel as helpless as the wolves victims of the primitive and ignorant politician and rancher… I feel, we feel, useless… too sad, can’t type anymore…sorry, good night…


    • We would feel a lot less “useless”, Daniel, if we could somehow consolidate our “activism” information, i.e., contact names, addresses, phone numbers, petitions, appropriate legislators, bill numbers, etc etc. Right now things are a hodge podge and all over the place. We need to be much more organized and unified. There are numerous wolf organizations in various states, anti-hunting groups and so forth. I’m not certain how to remedy this situation. We come here (and to the other places) for understanding and kinship….but we are all preaching to the choir. Perhaps we need a big, wealthy, trustworthy organization to speak for our collective voices. Who could it be?


      • Roger, how about this for starters: What is a “pastebin”??


  28. WA Senator speaks out against Wedge Wolf Slaughter!

    “The chairman of the state Senate committee that oversees Washington’s Department of Fish & Wildlife – Senator Kevin Ranker…”
    Remember his name. As far as I know he’s the only legislator to speak out.

    So glad to see this but a little skeptical – if he’s head the this committee…why is he speaking out AFTER the slaughter!?? Wouldnt you think he’d have known about the plan? After all, WE DID!

    Here is the link and perhaps it would be a good place to start…by writing to Senator Ranker to express our outrage but also to let him know his efforts and concern are appreciated.



    • Spoke out after the slaughter? A dollar short and too many wolves late. BS to Senator Wanker.


      • The governor of the state is the one who could have stopped the kill order.The senator has the right to prusue,but not to stop.Yes it is an electon year and all politicians give pie crusts promises,easily made and easily broken.


    • After the pack is dead ? It IS an election year.


      • It does not matter if it is an election year in my opinion. At least he spoke out. NOT calling him a hero….believe me, I can see through this. BUT he is now on record and can be compelled to follow up via our demands for answers. We can continuously ask for current status. We just have to resolve to NOT take any BS and to be relentless.





    1 Support a national beef boycott. Be vocal. (the sadists laugh at our tears)

    2 Push for elimination of all cattle from federal lands state by state forest by forest. Take back the land they are ruining.

    3 Stop Welfare Ranching in your state at all levels.

    4 GO to alec exposed.org and know the corporate lobbyists posing as your representatives in congress and in your state legislature. Be vocal about the lapdog representatives and officials.

    5 BE ceaseless in Complaining to the NCBA with calls and emails.
    Check out their website- dont take my word for t. Destroying the environment via almost free allotments, for personal profits of members, and destroying wolves has been a success in their legal agenda. Read it for yourself. Create multiple FOIA’s against the NCBA.

    6 Fight in your state against funding the Depts of Natural Resources. They are all the same killers gaining profit from overtime personal wolf hunts : WI to WA. FOIA these agencies to see which corporations are funding them, including IDAHO’s receiving of 51,ooo dollars from RMEF.

    7 Organize and support the banning of trapping, snaring, and poisoning as they are legally promoted cruelty against all fur bearers in the national forests.

    AGAIN: Boycott beef.

    The population is over the carrying capacity and with this anti-wolf,
    anti-earth success additional ranchers will feign wolf kills to cover their grain expenses in the ongoing drought. They will do this so they can collect subsidies and their corporate cronies will promote it. And dont forget they vote to cut any government aid to other citizens while shouting, “less government’. They promoted a huge sale of ‘pink slime’ to the USDA for school children’s lunch programs. If you didn’t follow this sale to the USDA, the specific beef company immediately went Chapter 7. There will be no liability for health consequences to children. They have no conscience. Our Sorrow must morph into action. Be unrelenting.


  31. Send them a ” Boycott Beef ” postcard.
    Put them and other welfare ranchers out of business.


  32. N please post the actions i suggested. They are within sound grounded efforts and provide some choices for different types of people. I am sickened and the palm trees..and wolves… just keep falling.


  33. I am sadden by the killing of any animal by humans for non-survival purposes, whether that animal be a wolf, mouse (deermice are being killed in Yosemite over the hantavirus scare; yes, we need to protect people from getting the virus but killing mice is not the solution), or some other species.

    Did you guys hear that a critically endangered Red Wolf was illegally killed in North Carolina not too long ago? A reward is being offered to anyone who can help identify the poacher and have him prosecuted for breaking the ESA. I can’t help but wonder if the wolf was intentionally killed or if it was mistaken for a coyote due to NC’s new night-time hunting allowance for coyotes…
    Thankfully, conservation groups are suing the state for the night-time hunting of coyotes over the fear of the negative impact that it’ll have on the wolves. I hope they succeed and stop the night-hunting (or, better yet, the hunting of coyotes in general)!


    • Did not know about the murder of the NC Red Wolf. Thank you for the update. Nighttime hunting is an insane and dangerous idea to begin with. One could understand how a coyote might be mistaken for a Red Wolf. Coyotes seem to be as maligned as the wolves, if not moreso. Those horrendous free-for-all “contests”….hunting them with dogs (videos abound). Sick people out there, as we know. They must be stopped. Keep your voices LOUD and never give up.


      • Yes. With few wolves in the state, the coyotes are the target for this “kill them all” mentality. But there are saner voices here that are working to make a difference at the grassroots level. A wonderful biologist is working throughout the state to bring about change in attitudes and policy.



      • Thanks for the link, Janet. I hope others will take a look as well. A beautiful website and amazing photos. Good to know the coyote has help from the science world as well; lends much credence to their plight and encourages ways to peacefully coexist. Thank goodness for people like Geri, Jon Way, Frank Vincenti, Camilla Fox, Leslie Sampson, Stan Gehrt … among others. Things cannot continue the way they have been going…so unjust.
        (Ummm….I think maybe our paths have crossed before…??)


  34. Hi Gail,

    That could very well be. I am up here on the Canadian border if that sounds familiar. Lots of work to be done for the wild here. No easy task.


  35. If you are angry and sickened about the Wedge Wolf pack murders then demand the firing of who ordered the slaughter. There is no accountability there, no remorse, no appreciation of the gravity of the atrocity they committed. No empathy for wolves. Wolves viewed as numbers, not precious individuals. DFW acts like wolves are theirs to destroy and they expect no consequences. You can change this. Start a petition, make phone calls, demand change in policy. There is power in unity. Stay outraged. Don’t stop. Keep it up. Be a wolf advocate. Ensure wolves are respected and allowed to live. You are their voice!


  36. Timely message, Linda.
    I just reviewed all the messages above. On Sept.29 I posted a contact link for Senator Kevin Ranker, the Washington legislator who publicly criticized the killing of the Wedge Pack. Now that elections are over, it is TIME FOR US TO REMIND HIM that WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN THE WEDGE PACK and that we want to know what he has initiated regarding who is responsible and what will be done about it. The entire pack of 7 GONE! Personally I will tell him I am sick and tired of the catering to ranchers, esp those who take no responsibility for providing predator-safe practices for their livestock. (Last I read was that the ranchers were going to be compensated for “skinny livestock” who were supposedly being “worried” by wolves HAHAHA! But they are serious!)
    Now is the time to express that we won’t have livestock, unattended, being “dumped” on public lands (and lately being allowed in National Forests) if it means the demise of OUR WOLVES.
    I’m sure you can be imaginative in your correspondence. Please: Just do it! And attempt to get 2 or 3 like-minded friends to do the same. Let’s be the perpetual thorn in their side – for the wolves.
    Senator Ranker’s contact: http://www.leg.wa.gov/senate/senators/Pages/ranker.aspx


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