Minnesota Hunters Kill 119 Wolves In 10 Days

“Gloria Skinaway of the Sandy Lake Reservation holds a sign at a protest against the Minnesota wolf hunt at Lake Superior Plaza in downtown Duluth, Minn., Friday afternoon, Sept. 7, 2012.  (AP Photo/The Duluth News-Tribune, Clint Austin)”

November 12, 2012

379 wolves have died in the combined hunts since August 30, 2012. Minnesota has been particularly brutal, killing 119 wolves in just 10 days.

This doesn’t surprise me, the state has been moving away from their reasonable position on wolves for some time now. Minnesota’s US Democrat Senators, Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken, are not wolf fans.

When Minnesota Wildlife Services funding, to trap and kill wolves, was cut in 2011,  Senator Al Franken didn’t waste any time writing to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack imploring him to restore monies to the wolf kill program.

Minnesota Wildlife Services kills approx. 200 wolves each and every year for agribusiness  It’s been going on for decades, while wolves were still protected under the ESA. This happens in all the wolf states, their dirty little secret. That’s why public wolf hunts are not needed. Wildlife Services kills hundreds of wolves annually. Americans are not aware wolves are now facing two hunts in Minnesota, one conducted by WS and the “legal wolf hunts” I like to call “Killing Wolves For Fun and Profit”.

When writing to Secretary Vilsack, Senator Franken  pulled out all the stops, stating ” this larger gray wolf population means additional threats to Minnesota citizens and livestock are possible” even though wolves are not attacking people in Minnesota or anywhere else for that matter in the lower 48. Click here to read Franken’s letter.

In all of North America, in the last ninety years, wild wolves have been accused of just two controversial, un-witnessed fatal attacks. Yet hunting accidents claim the lives of nearly ONE HUNDRED INNOCENT PEOPLE EVERY YEAR in the US and Canada and wound a 1000 more. 216 adults and children have been mauled to death by domestic dogs since 2005 and millions have been bitten but that’s not even close to the damage caused by Bambi:

“The most dangerous mammal in North America is…Bambi. The U.S. Department of Transportation estimates that white-tailed deer kill around 130 Americans each year simply by causing car accidents. In 1994, these predator deer had a banner year, causing 211 human deaths in car wrecks.

There are about 1.5 million deer/vehicle collisions annually, resulting in 29,000 human injuries and more than $1 billion in insurance claims in addition to the death toll. Deer also carry the ticks that transmit Lyme disease to about 13,000 people each year. Economic damage to agriculture, timber, and landscaping by deer totals more than $1.2 billion a year.”…reason.com

Where is the outrage over these deaths?  Should we have a domestic dog hunting season? (Of course not!) What about the hundreds of deaths caused by hunting accidents?  Yet many hunters are the very people accusing wolves of attacking children at bus stops, when these shy animals are doing no such thing. In Oregon an eleven year old boy was put in terrible danger, not by a wolf but a hunter who accidently shot him while the child was waiting AT A SCHOOL BUS STOP!

In the 2010 International Wolf Center’s Winter Magazine, an article appears titled Considerations for Developing Wolf Harvesting Regulations in the Contiguous United States by L. David Mech which supports wolf hunts and goes into shocking detail on how to carry them out. There is talk of harvesting wolves, killing  pregnant females, hunting wolves for their pelts, hunting pups later in the year so they don’t look like pups, leg-hold traps, baiting, calling and hiring bounty hunters. Seriously, if I didn’t know better I would have believed this article was written by a fish and game agency. Also included in the edition was  “Another Viewpoint: Why Hunting-Trapping is Best Plan to Manage Gray Wolf Populations by Jim Hammill and Wolves Meet their Match in Airborne Predators. An ancient tradition gives new meaning to aerial wolf hunt by Tracy O’Connell.  The International Wolf Center is located in Ely, Minnesota and was founded by Dr. Mech, who serves on their Board of Directors as Vice Chair.

 In 2011 the  Minnesota legislature removed the 5 year moratorium on wolf hunts that had been part of the state wolf plan for years.  That cleared the way for an almost immediate hunt, once wolves were delisted by the Obama administration’s USFWS.

Minnesota had been the state  people looked to and admired concerning wolves but that image has been badly tarnished by the actions of their state legislature, US Senators, Minnesota DNR and trophy hunters.  The state has turned a blind eye to Minnesotans who support wolves, including Native Americans, most of whom vehemently oppose the hunt.


Amy Klobuchar declares war on wolves

By Mike Mullen 
Wed., Oct. 5 2011 at 3:51 PM
​Amy Klobuchar is substantive, smart, hard-working, avoids controversy, rarely makes a public verbal misstep — save for the vaguely northern accent, she’s sort of the anti-Sarah Palin. But now Minnesota’s respectable senator has revealed what she has in common with Alaska’s inescapable former governor: An insatiable thirst for wolf blood.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sen. Franken Presses USDA to Fund Gray Wolf Management Until Animal is Taken Off Endangered Species List

Tells Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Federal Funding Needed to Protect Citizens and Livestock Until State of Minnesota Takes Over Wolf Management


Bills affecting wolves

State Management of Minnesota’s Wolves

In anticipation of the federal delisting of gray wolves, the Minnesota state legislature passed a wolf management bill in 2000 and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) completed a Wolf Management Plan in 2001. Minnesota statutes were amended in 2011 to change the state status of wolves to a small game species and provide the ability to authorize a season without a five year waiting period. Please see below for details on the state’s management plan.




Humane Society of the United States Intent To Sue USFWS and Ken Salazar Over Great Lakes Wolf Delisting

October 15, 2012
Sixty-Day Notice of Intent to Sue Over Violations of the 
Endangered Species Act in Designating and Delisting the 
Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment of the 
Gray Wolf
“Wolves roam in the wilderness in February 2010 near the Minnesota-Wisconsin border.” (MPR File Photo/Derek Montgomery)
Photo: MPR File Photo/Derek Montgomery)
Posted in: Wolf Wars, Minnesota Wolves
Tags: Minnesota hunters, 119 wolves dead, wolf persecution, HSUS, Al Franken, Amy Klobucher, Minnesota Legislature,
Minnesota DNR, Five year wolf hunt moratorium axed

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34 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Between the obama administration and the Minnesota DNR, the most pathetic excuses for human waste on this earthly plain. No amount of knowledge was collected to make a educated decision about this massacre. They have no respect for life or respect for themselves.


    • I love this web-site. It is nice to know that I am not the only one that loves and respects the wolf. What a shame they are being exacuted. Does anyone know how many wolves have been murdered so far this hunting season? Bartt


    • The Obama administration and Minnesota’s U.S. and State legislators were responding to an overwhelming amount of pressure from agricultural and hunting groups when they delisted the gray wolf and rushed the development of the 2012/2013 hunting and trapping seasons. No political representative can withstand that kind of pressure. The most constructive thing for wolf advocates to do is to apply pressure in the other direction, publicly answer myths with science, accept the reasonable need to manage wolf populations but insist that the management be scientific.


      • Of course they can withstand that kind of pressure. Our current leadership would rather have a ‘put it all on the table to bargain’ mentality. Poll after poll shows that they don’t listen to public opinion, science-based or not. If a comparatively small but vocal group has that kind of sway, nothing is safe.


  2. This makes me fkn sick.


  3. the most artrociuos murderer on eart is man, and then he atributes to other animals his most discusting chacteristics. the livestock industry is one of the greatest atrocities man has invented. we just had an event in israel (which spread to other countries) in which we kaccued the number of a calf on our skin.
    i saw a movie in which they take the calf from his mother (so we can take the milk that she produced for him) and he was trying desparetly again and again to get back to her, and both were crying. his efforts were heartbracking in their stupidity. he culd not match men’s cleverness. and most of this industry is for pleasure, even if you
    beleive that people have to eat animals products..

    i wrot an article in the israeli newspaper “haaretz” and included in it this very mooving quote by an american artist, karel christopher:

    ” I had seen photos on-line of far larger facilities, but you just don’t really comprehend it until
    you see it for yourself. All those living beings imprisoned by metal bars in a circle – in a bizarre involuntary meeting. Standing on the hard concrete, they kept shifting back and forth on their legs unable to move about – waiting, waiting, waiting. As the huge disc turned, I watched these females with numbers on their rumps passing by. Living beings surrounded by machines, tubes and devices that will be attached to their nipples…sucking away their milk in a cold parasitic manner. The feed in the center of this monstrosity was the only consolation for these mothers who had their children stolen. As the human population continues to grow, I am horrified by the inventions made to enslave, use and murder another species. How do people participate in this without being sickened by the wrong they are doing?”

    i know you cannot fight for the wolves and the cows together probably for political reasons, but from time to time it is important to remind people in the name of what a hellish industry they kill wolves.

    and on a practical note: can’t anyone connect the superstar classical pianist helene grimaud, that has established the wolf reservation in new york – she seems a wanderfull person, loves wolves, and one of the most famous classicl pianist today – and ask her to make a concert for the wolves? it will get a lot of publicity


  4. wow, those poor animals 😦


  5. This just sucks (I am putting it nicely, even though I should not) the wolves are not doing anything wrong out in the wilderness, they are trying to feed their family and themselves. When it comes to the children that is fucking wrong (Sorry about language, this i cannot be nice about). the child was waiting at the bus stop to go to school and a hunter put the child in danger, THAT IS NOT CALLED FOR AT ALL. Put the wolves back on the endagered species list, they are doing nothing wrong.


  6. “MURDERERS” Your day will come. KARMA will get you & yours. “MURDERERS”


  7. It’s just sad, very sad.


    • The wolves deaths are so sad and frustrating. Adding to the saddness and frustration is the fact that most people just do not care. Small protests are good in that people who want to stop the hunts are doing something, but the size of the gatherings reveals that the hunters and gun clubs, not the wolf advocates, have the numbers and the money to win.


  8. Just terrible. Why is this happening, I really can’t understand, in the 21st century. Al Franken needs to go back to SNL, and change his daily affirmations in the mirror. Democrats today are a disgrace – not only do we have Tester, Warren, and others, there’s a stench following Nancy Pelosi from getting rich through insider trading. What a bunch.


    • It takes politicians with courage and conscience to stand up for principles, and not many are willing to risk all for animals or the environment. Money and power are the name of the game.


      • Yes. We might as well be honest with ouselves – if the voting of these poor excuses for Democrats into office is a stragegy to maintain a democratic majority is the goal, then these placeholders fill the bill. But honorable leaders? Don’t think so. I’m not convinced about being held hostage by fear of what is worse.


  9. the 1st snows make it easier to track them. this is so sad.


  10. Stuart Smalley needs to go back to SNL!! I am so sad that he represents our state.


  11. we need to keep fighting to protect the innocence which are the children and wolves,(all animals),it makes you wonder what are the secrets these men are hiding from everyone so they can take out their sadistic pleasure out on the innocence and call it legal, I bet it would make our skin crawl ,only low lives would take part in this kind of horror,take back your states, kick them out of office,put the right ones in, protect your children and wildlife.(Bless the Beasts and Children)


  12. What is the purpose of all of this wolf killing? I’m racking my brains trying to figure out why, in our modern world, this has been brought back and is still going on. And then one of the first orders of business being pushed by Jon Tester seems to be that thing that wouldn’t die, The Sportsmen’s Heritage Act. Is that all they have to worry about out West, hunting?


  13. not realmete sad to say is what happens to the poor wolves as obama has such people in their government? a howling wolves sad Fallen


  14. i have send franken e’mails and only got a generic letter for a response – this little has been comedian needs to get out of the minnesota senate… now


  15. i also e’mailed amy and she sent me a response defending the hunt, she needs to go also – but she has a lot of supporters..


    • We can’t change the whole political atmosphere with our little letters. Our U.S. Senators get a number of letters every day that we can’t imagine. All they can do is run some kind of computer software to count them and send generic responses to us. And when they count them, what do they see? A large number of wolf advocates and an overwhelming number of wolf hunters and trappers? When they deal with industrial interests and sports lobbyists, what financial figures and what political pressures do they see? Overwhelming opposition if they refuse to acknowledge them?


      • these issues should have been voted on by the people – not left in the hands of the senate and Governor goofy – just because of the special interest groups pressure, its been proven the majority of the people are opposed to the wolf hunt and the grazing bill. what other avenue do we have but to email them. we all have busy lives and to show up at protests in mass numbers is not going to happen. its been on the news but people watch it – say oh poor wolves – drink their coffee and go to work.


  16. A conference is needed to form a unified front. The tangle of bigCow corporations is so organized. Please write the animal rights groups you know?

    A VIRAL CAMPAIGN with the horrible truthful pics will bring it home as to what ‘harvest’ looks like. If you fbook or tw, please consider with links to sites that show the bragging and sociopathic trophy collecting. Do warn people of ‘graphic image’. Please don’t waste time on the president, he doesn’t care, as evidenced by the last 4 years. (The evening of his celebratory dinner he ordered the 345th drone strike- why would he care about doglike animals in the woods?) The heat should be directed to state officials and the state game ‘management’ departments. A link to this blog and other well organized wolf sites would be useful in the posts.

    Continue to boycott beef.
    Never give up.
    Thanks for the tracking N.


  17. These are the people we trust to represent us in government,don’t they know that their are many many people out their who love wild animals. Wolves were brought here to enjoy the wilderness,not for the hunt, but to see wolves in the wild.The joy of knowing they are out their,not to kill them in a hunt. These are our representatives who we trust for our best interest at heart. We need a Clinton back in office with a Bruce Babbit as secretary of interior, I miss those days.


  18. Federal Action;
    Overall I feel a white house petition to remove Ken Salazar is needed.
    Activists would need to get ppl to the site to sign, of course.
    With 20 + states petitioning to succeed from the federal union, make NDAA and mandatory Obamacare illegal in their state, the time to post
    a petition in NOW. So many citizens are going to the whitehouse.gov site. With a list of Salazar’s odious favors to with bigMoo and bigBang,
    at the expense of natural species and the environment, it might fly.

    ref:Citizens in 18 US states petition to secede after Obama’s victory: http://bit.ly/ZDnDgy 

    ref#2: The TX petition: so far Texas has 76,000 signatures to secede from the Union. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/peacefully-grant-state-texas-withdraw-united-states-america-and-create-its-own-new-government/BmdWCP8B …

    A plus: A Colorado town just passed a law to ban fracking in their community: thttp://www.prwatch.org/news/2012/11/11852/over-half-million-dollars-couldnt-stop-colorado-community-banning-fracking

    A minu: RE: WISCONSIN http://www.prwatch.org/news/2012/11/11853/democrats-lose-control-wisconsin-state-senate-leaving-republicans-full-control-ag . Activists in that state need to organize to get these politicians revealed and out of office.


  19. The good news should be… MN., will pass a bill so that at the end of this dreadful atrocity they will shoot themselves.
    But the reality is our govenment which for some stupid reason we place in these positions of trust flat out dont give a dam.
    Its all in the money, heres a sales pitch take your children out like its halloween only dress them up like deer, bet you’d bitch at that…




  21. WHY are these animals hounded! I do not understand and it is very frustrating to read what is happening, why did they reintroduce the Wolves (a question I asked at the time – figuring those F—s in those states would call them.


  22. Great idea about the petition to replace Ken Salazar on the whitehouse.gov site….replacing him with a Native American would be JUSTICE on a myriad of levels in a myriad of ways…..has someone already done the petition or is someone doing it? Please advise. If it has been done…..please post the link here for us all to sign…if not, please let me know and I’ll do it and come back and post the link…..it is important not to have multiple petitions gathering small amounts of signatures….we need to have one getting all the signatures….thanks


  23. Go to Pacificwild.org & see what Canada wants to do to wolves. Karen



  24. This action by Canada is horrible & we all need to contact Canada officials & let them know our thoughts on this. Please please do what you can, by either calling or e mailing. Prime minister of Canada is pm@pm.gc.ca By going on Pacificwild.org you can see others who need to be contacted as well like Peter Kent, who is the minister of environment. peter.kent@parl.gc.ca Please all you wolf lovers, we need to take action right now. Thank you for your efforts.


  25. If you go to PACIFICWILD.ORG you will see e mail addresses & phone numbers & I hope you can all act quickly as they want to do this NOW. Can we all band together & show them we are very against what they are doing? Email, or call these people, their info is on the website. Thanks again


  26. I can’t believe how quickly those poor Minnesota wolves are falling to hunters! And not just in Minnesota, but in the other states as well: the death toll now is already higher than it was at the end of the 2011-2012 wolf season. Granted, the fact that more states have hunts this year is probably a major reason for this, but still, it’s tragic!

    And in addition to that, 4 red wolves have been murdered since August!

    I thought that last year was bad enough for those poor wolves, but it seems like this year is even worse for them.


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