Speak for Wolves!

speak_for_wolves june 2014

Here we go Wolf Warriors. Time to head on down to Gardiner, Montana and Speak For Wolves!

Schedule_Poster_Speak for Wolves

Published in: on June 26, 2014 at 10:39 pm  Comments (13)  

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13 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I start my journey to Gardiner in the morning. Looking forward to getting there!


    • Howls to you Pamela on a safe journey!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  2. In Missoula and leaving for Gardiner in the morning !!!! Can’t wait to see you all!!!


  3. oh how i wish i could be there…!! my thoughts are with you and the wolves..safe travels all…


  4. Howls to you all – I wish I could be there very much! I’ll be with you all in spirit sending my best wishes – keep us posted!


  5. I applaud your efforts. I wish the wolves could prey on those animals with whom they compete for resources. As predators balance populations within natural ecosystems, some feel the only system is the human one. This is o.k. ! As long as we want to live on a planet whose balance provides the needs we persue and hold sacred to survival, and perceive ourselves as a part of a natural system.


  6. Here’s hoping that yours & our howls are heard and cause a miracle for all wolves everywhere!


  7. I also wish I could be with all of you finding ways to save our beloved wolves . Best howls to all.


  8. Reblogged this on Mind Chatter and commented:
    If you are able to attend any of these events, please do.


  9. Reblogged this on 5150witchywoman's Blog.


  10. Nabeki,
    The Truth About Wolves group will be in Gardiner this weekend to attend this special event. George Wuerthner, a well-known Biologist, will be one of the featured speakers.
    Hope to see you there!


  11. wow hope it goes well wish I could be there


  12. i hope this had a huge turnout!!!!!!!!


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