On The Trail With Yellowstone’s Wild Bison….

It was a snowy March day in Yellowstone National Park, very cold. We hiked out of West Yellowstone and were lucky to briefly share the trail with several of  Yellowstone’s wild, free-roaming, bison. It was an honor to be in their presence, I hope you enjoy this short video.

Please support the Buffalo Field Campaign and the vital work they’re doing to protect and save America’s last genetically pure wild bison herd. They are in serious danger. Winter 2013/2014, 653 bison were slaughtered. Just this week a bull buffalo was killed by a Montana hunter. They need America’s help!


Buffalo Field Campaign

Bison Threatened, Bighorn Dying in Gardiner Basin‏
* Update from the Field
* TAKE ACTION! Support ESA Listing for Wild Bison

Another bull buffalo was killed by a Montana hunter this week, bringing the total to five. One by one the buffalo migrate across Yellowstone’s boundary, and one by one they are killed. Once again, there is not a single wild buffalo in Montana. The current hunt is no more than an extermination program set up to satisfy livestock industry’s intolerance for this national icon.

Government agencies plan to kill 900 to 1,000 buffalo this season through hunting and slaughter. BFC and Friends of Animals Wildlife Law Program filed an emergency rule-making petition to stop the slaughter but the government has yet to respond. Mild weather has so far stemmed large migrations, keeping the larger population of buffalo alive for now.

Click HERE to visit their site and learn how you can help Yellowstone’s wild bison!

Yellowstone Bison_2013


Video: YouTube Nabeki

Photo: Nabeki

Posted in: Yellowstone’s Wild Free Roaming Bison, Biodiversity

Tags: Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone Bison, Buffalo Field Campaign, Support ESA listing for Wild Bison

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5 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Buffalo Field Campaign rocks! The needless slaughter of Yellowstone bison is despicable. And NPS officials who continue to pander to the MT Dept. of Livestock are an absolute disgrace.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. […] On The Trail With Yellowstone’s Wild Bison….. […]


  3. I second that Joanne. It is disgusting that these animals are being killed. They need protection NOW!


  4. Buffalo Field Campaign is a great group, fighting some of the same fights that the wolf supporters are fighting–such as the ranchers who just know that the buffalo will give their cattle brucellosis, just like they know the wolves will kill and devour them. Funny, how the ones really eating virtually all of them are people (yes, some of the buffalo are trucked off to slaughter houses). I guess the harm we do doesn’t count.


  5. When I was a young girl I lived on a wildlife refuge in Oklahoma and we had bison, sometimes at our front door. They are so majestic and beautiful. I could not image killing one. Who gave the ranchers all the power they seem to have? Power to kill bison, horses, and of course wolves? And sometimes on Public land. Isn’t that our land? I guess I’m just an old lady that just doesn’t understand any more.


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