Hell Yeah We’re Howling Mad….

Wolf Howling Tumblr

Of course wolf lovers are howling mad. We’re sick of seeing wolves demonized, especially in a Super Bowl ad, viewed by millions of people all over the world, including impressionable children,  just to sell brewskies.

Bud needs to apologize. Wolves are dying right now in Montana and Idaho wolf hunts. Nearly 800 wolves have been slaughtered in hunts since September 2014, poaching has also taken its toll.

Just recently Echo, the young female wolf who traveled to the Grand Canyon from the Northern Rockies kill zone, was probably killed by a “coyote hunter”. She was the first wolf  to set a paw in the Canyon since the 1940’s and now she’s gone, a huge blow to wolf recovery.

Wolves don’t need bad Budweiser press, they need protection!

Keep signing the petition people, let Budweiser know how you feel! This Bud is not for you!


Budweiser lost puppy ad has wolf lovers howling mad

wolf U T San Diego jpg

By Debbi Baker11:30 A.M.FEB. 2, 2015

A Super Bowl ad has some people howling mad.

No, not Nationwide’s commercial about a boy who died , though way to bring down the mood, Nationwide.

It’s Budweiser’s “Lost Dog” spot, which featured an adorable puppy, majestic Clydesdale horses and a big, bad wolf.

To summarize, dogs and horses good, wolves bad. (Sharks? Thanks to Katy Perry, that’s another story.)

No, the wolf lobby didn’t like it.

Viewers see horses come to the pup’s rescue as he’s being threatened by a menacing wolf who bares its teeth and snarls at the poor, frightened little guy. But then the pup returns home, joy ensues and all is right with the world, allowing us all to sit back and enjoy a cold one. (As if we weren’t doing that already.)

For puppy lovers and horse lovers and beer lovers, the ad was a touchdown.

But to wolf aficionados everywhere the ad unfairly demonized the endangered red gray wolf population and was an affront to the species.

Witness this headline from on Earth, the magazine of the Natural Resources Defense Council.

“The King of Fears? Budweiser’s ‘lost puppy’ Super Bowl commercial has us howling on behalf of wolves.”

The people at the Center for Biological Diversity said the ad “drums up anti-wolf sentiment to try and capitalize on our culture’s outsized fear of wolf attacks.”

The organization launched a petition it called a “reality check” asking the beer maker to pull the spot. It has nearly 20,000 signatures.




The Budweiser Puppy Killed It in the Super Bowl Ad—but Did He Kill Wolves Too?

Conservationists say the commercial demonizes endangered wolves that already face threats from hunters and pet owners.



Top Photo: Tumblr

Bottom Photo: Courtesy U-T San Diego

Posted in Wolf Wars, Activism, gray wolf

Tags: Wolf activists howling mad, stop demonizing wolves, Budweiser, Super Bowl, badly done Budweiser

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27 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I’ve been reading, a little, of the impression this commercial has made. Some people fully accept the idea that a wolf is ‘vicious’ (the viewer’s word) without question!

    This little pup met one of his relatives – a descendant of his great great-granddaddy or a cousin several times removed, just then. It’s so bizarre to me that people separate that in their minds.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m not much of a beer drinker myself, but my husband drinks Coors. 🙂


    • I’ll stick with Guinness.


    • Good one ida 🙂

      I’m not a big beer drinker either but sometimes I’d drink Bud Lite, not anymore. Now I’ll have to find another lite beer that doesn’t use wolves as scapegoats to sell their product.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Our Wolves need all the help they can get, our world is changing ,all it took was a lazy Congress and a president that pulled us into a War we should never had in the first place. If that wasn’t enough Bush implemented torture to another race. I believe it was called War crimes. Chaney was part of that. My point is we don’t need anymore Death. We need our children to learn about nature. Not create generation of murdering Sociopaths!!!


  3. If the ranchers and farmers were not so greedy to use the public lands for grazing, then they would never see them. You leave them alone, and they will leave you alone.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sigh, I know Allan. It’s because they’re not in the fight, they don’t understand the absolute savagery directed at wolves. They don’t see what we see on a daily basis. That’s why this ad is so dangerous. It’s a subliminal message, wolves are bad. And sadly it’s done to make a buck.

      What they also don’t know is many of the wolves killed in the wolf hunts are a year and under, in other words puppies. Hunters kill wolf puppies all the time. Where is the outcry about that?

      If that was a little wolf puppy out there during hunting season, a hunter could kill it and get away with it and there wouldn’t be any Clydesdales to rescue them. And we can’t overlook the poachers, they’ll kill a wolf pup or any wolf at any time. Look at what the White family did to Washington’s Lookout Pack, the first wolf pack to inhabit the state since the 1930’s.

      History (WDFW)

      The Lookout pack was Washington’s first fully documented breeding wolf pack since the 1930s. The breeding male and female were captured and radio-collared in 2008 southwest of Twisp near Lookout Mountain, for which the pack is named. Other pack members, including six pups, were photographed with remote cameras that summer.

      However, the pack appeared to suffer significant human-caused mortality from illegal killing by 2009. (The killing of up to five wolves was included in a federal grand jury indictment in June 2011.) By April 2009, only the breeding pair and one yearling were thought to remain, but at least four pups had survived by the end of the year, for a total of seven wolves.

      In May 2010, the radio-collared female disappeared less than three weeks after the suspected birth of a litter. She was pregnant in April and was last seen at a den site on May 12. Extensive searches for her were conducted and she is presumed dead. This appeared to cause a breakdown in pack structure, with the radio-collared male ranging more widely and spending most of the summer alone; his radio collar stopped functioning in November 2010. This pack was not a breeding pair for 2010.

      The radio-collared male was last seen in June 2011. In September 2011 a hunter documented at least two and possibly three wolves in the far western portion of the traditional Lookout territory. WDFW staff follow-up yielded several remote camera photos of at least one and possibly two wolves in the same area, one of which may have been a female. Credible public reports of at least two animals on traditional Lookout Pack winter range continued through the end of 2011.”

      Wolf poachers get more than slap on wrist

      Posted on July 11, 2012 | By Joel Connelly

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


    • Glad you mentioned the ranchers. We simply cannot make any more excuses for hunting and ranching, which often is blended–many of the same folk, and certainly organized in many areas that way. The long entrenched hatred of predators and other natives animals, by these industries is sickening, and if we really want to change what is going on, those of us on blogs like this will have to declare War against the public lands ranchers and the hunters. But, there does not seem to be much motivation at present to do this. Unfortunate, because the native animals are losing out there.
      Here we are well into the 21st century, still slaughtering wolves, coyotes, bobcat, mountain lion, prairie dogs, and millions of other species. The poor coyote has no protection at all, still considered “vermin” to the livestock industry.
      If so-called “wildlife” groups” spent as much energy (& $$$) capitulating and genuflecting to the livestock/hunting entities, & took a clear position on stopping Public Lands Ranching, and taking an anti-hunting position, we might just save these beautiful animals & their critically important habitat.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Nabeki and all wolf-supporters!

    I have just left this comment at the Budweiser-site:


    Dear all at Budweiser

    Hereby I politely but strongly ask you to remove the “Lost Dog” commercial.
    The demonization of wolfes is most unfortunate and unnessecary. I fear that the commercial will set back the effect of longtime work by dedicated and insightful people around the World, who constantly struggle to help wolfpopulations and thereby to make healthier eco-systems for the benefit of all.
    I trust your good judgement! Thank you!

    Best regards

    Charlotte Røjgaard / Denmark


    Have a nice day in the beautiful winter!



    • Excellent Charlotte!! Many howls!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  5. A friend of mine ( who is an animal lover said) ” After all wolves are predators”, she didn’t see anything wrong with the ad.. The truth is most people will never get it…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. While I work to help understand the wolf, I’m also aware that news media is also a problematic purveyor of anti-wild canid culture.

    Individual reporters infect the culture with their private opinions, whether informed or initiated by their family cultural upbringing.

    Right now, I have been highly disturbed by the winter’s news concerning coyotes – nearly all of it obsesses over this native’s proliferation into urban, suburban, and exurban areas.

    To fill you in: Once the wolf was extirpated in the USA, there became room for coyotes , as they can outreproduce hawks, snakes, and other animals also targeted by Eurohumans. In great part they use their mental capacity- what is recognized as “variable behavior” even by jesuspeople who deny their equal right to exist.
    When euroman came to North America, he killed off all the wolves (he actually engaged in firearm efforts to kill Everything for $ or to enhance his accumulation of $).
    Since coyote was not an obligate carnivore, many avoided the poisons euroman used so effectively on raptors, wolves, and mustelids. So, coyote survived and slowly came to inhabit all the places humans made for their domestic rodent affiliates. Back East, after the forest-cutting farmers had to move on , the woods grew back,, and coyote could fit well because the wolf, who held its populations in check was gone. The smaller wolves few in number, did what so many species do (including Neandertals and sapiens, btw): breed with similar species. Thus the tales of “big” coyotes in the East.

    Anyway, the continuing overpopulating humans are expanding, and coyote found that by becoming a night person, he could coexist.

    Right now, if you googlenews coyotes, you will understand my concern. A very few interactions between coyote and human, or domestic comfort animals are inflaming the usual human vengefulness response.

    This is BAD for Wolf. The Euro/Asian/crowd culture is beginning once again to demand that not humans or dangerous (disease-spreading, neighbor-disturbing, bird-killing) domestic comfort animals , but wild, free minds that evolved to balance groups, communities, systems of life.

    The problem is twofold human overpopulation and human self-centered bias. Utilitarian culture brings “efficiency” and when combined with lethal response, you may be sure that the once-dominant Eurodeath response to the Wolf will again become the way this culture responds to Wolf – the Balancer, my Brother walker. I hope you all will reconsider your dependence on alcohol and comfort domestics. the living world is magnificent and if you look around, you will not feel so lonely that you draft animal slaves to assuage this artificial, blind loneliness, and that you will actually spend a significant part of your life appreciating the Others with whom we share earth, so that neither will you feel a need to blunt your memory, care, and mind from this beauty surrounding you..


  7. The sentence completing the “This is BAD for Wolf” paragraph was incomplete: To complete the intended sentence, add the words “must die.” to the end.


  8. […] it seems that the pro-wolf zealots at Howling for Justice are complaining about how the Budweiser commercial’s portrayal of the grey wolf that […]


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  11. Demonising an animal is no way to sell beer.

    This is how you sell beer:


    • Loved this ad ..all about the men drinking beer! HA!
      The crazies at Bud don’t seem to know the Little Red Riding Hood story is a fricking LIE! And what would a wolf being doing in Missouri where Bud is made? Only 4,000 or so wolves in the lower 48,did he do a cameo appearance in from Montana?
      Their science is all off….and the fairy tales


    • LMAO John…that is hilarious and a really great and funny ad!!

      N. 🙂


  12. Stop demonizing the wolf.


  13. It makes me very sad to hear the plight of the Wolf. Budweiser is trying to appeal to their consumers with anti-Wolf commercials. Either way it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


  14. Screw Budweiser and their watered down, sorry excuse for beer. Sent them an e-mail and they never responded. No surprise there.


  15. I’m asking everyone to boycott BUD. until they retract this ad & apologize for the insult on America’s wolves


  16. Show business… more like cruel business… Wolves, are meant for the wild, being free, no harm, we see were that went huh :T but, on TV wolves are no place to be shown. leaves, trees, grass, dirt, deer, that’s what a wolves home is not, TV how about you sell your beer another way, a better way, NOT THE WOLF WAY. this person has be going mad, can I make a ad to show how I feel… cause it would be FAIR. and RIGHT. AND NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just let it go… Thanks Elsa 🙂


  17. The demonizing explains the irrational killing of wolves


  18. Budweiser only cares about selling beer. If they have to resort to demonizing wolves to get attention, I’m sure they don’t mind. Hunters and ranchers just want to kill wolves. Most people don’t care. So no wonder it’s so hard to put an end to the killing.


    • Good point, ahimsa. The livestock industry is very entrenched in politics and in economics, especially here in the west. If we can shut them out of the public lands (which will be a battle, but worth it), the western ranchers will most likely give it up. Many of these people have other enterprises anyway. The native wild animals will never have a chance unless these guys are booted off public lands, federal and state.


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