Feds Poised To Allow Open Season On Wyoming Wolves – Let The Lawsuits Commence…

The feds are surrendering the hapless Wyoming wolf population to brutal state management at the end of August 2012.

From NBC Montanadotcom

“The federal government plans to announce an end to protections for wolves in Wyoming later this month.

Spokesmen from some environmental groups say they plan to review the final wolf delisting rule carefully when it’s issued Aug. 31. They say legal challenges are likely over the state’s plan to classify wolves as predators that can be shot on sight in most areas.”

Wolves will be classified as predators so they can be shot on sight at any time of the day or night, in 90% of the state. Sickos  can run them over with snowmobiles, hang them from fence posts, chop them to pieces, tortured in unimaginable ways….whatever a perverted mind can come up with. This is how low “wolf state management” has sunk. The USFWS put their stamp of approval on this proposed wolf massacre. Wrong is right and up is down.

Wolves must be reilisted. There is no other solution to this madness. It’s the 1900’s all over again and the agency that is supposed to be watching out for a newly delisted species seems fine with the horrific wolf policies of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Wisconsin and Minnesota.  Shame on the USFWS, Secretary of the Interior and the Obama administration.

The successful wolf reintroduction has turned into a nightmare. Wolves will now be hunted in FIVE states: Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Wisconsin and Minnesota.  The Montana and Idaho hunts begin in two weeks. Wyoming leads the pack as the wolf persecutors in chief. If they have their way wolves will be treated like vermin, killed for no reason other than hatred, blood lust and stupidity.

 I hope this is tied up in the courts for years. Thankfully  Cynthia Lummis R-WY didn’t get her budget rider passed so environmental groups are free to challenge the frightening Wyoming wolf “management/killing plan”.

Let the lawsuits commence!!


Feds prepare to end wolf protections in Wyoming

Associated Press
POSTED: Aug 14 2012 02:02:16 PM MDT
From Center For Biological Diversity

Don’t Let Wyoming’s Wolves Be Sacrificed

(click above to sign)


Photo: Public Photobucket
Posted in: Wolf Wars, Wyoming Wolves
Tags: Wyoming wolves, predator status, USFWS, speak out, commence lawsuits, shoot on sight