Thanks To The White Mountain Apache Tribe For Giving Sanctuary to Endangered Wolves….

I often think of the White Mountain Apache Tribe, who welcome the highly endangered Mexican gray wolves onto their land. They deserve a huge thank you for being pro-active for endangered wildlife and giving Mexican gray wolves sanctuary since the first wolves were reintroduced in 1998.

The Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area hasn’t exactly been a perfect place for the wolves to call home. It’s packed with cattle. Trapping  is allowed and poachers seem bent on destroying the Mexican gray wolves’ fragile hold on survival. That’s why the tribe’s land is such an important refuge for the wolves.

“White Mountain Apache Tribe is located in the east central region of Arizona, 194 miles northeast of Phoenix. Located on the Apache, Gila and Navajo Counties, the White Mountain Apaches reside on 1.6 million acres at its ancestral homeland on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation.”

A-key-yeh to the White Mountain Apache Tribe for standing up for the beleaguered Mexican gray wolves.

White Mountain Apache Tribe

Restoring Wolves, Owls, Trout and Ecosystems

Photo: Courtesy Wikimedia Commons

Posted in: Native Americans, Mexican gray wolf

Tags: White Mountain Apache, Arizona, mexican gray wolf

Published in: on January 2, 2011 at 2:09 am  Comments (30)  

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30 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I am so Grateful that the White Mountain Apache Tribe Protects The Mexican Grey Wolf. Thank You,And Thank Youfir Sharing.


  2. Kind Regards and Thank you to this tribe for caring!!!!


    • catherine….I think it’s wonderful that they welcome the wolves onto their land. It gives them a refuge from the ranchers and poachers.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  3. N just a note there is a typo in the sentence re: memorial to wolf 253…

    happy new year by the way.


    • Thanks g for telling me about the typo. I’ve looked at that hundreds of times and never noticed.

      Happy New Year to you too. Great hearing from you.



  4. Wonderful. Thank you so much for helping wolves. 🙂


  5. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ruth Rollow. Ruth Rollow said: RT @Howling4Justice: Thanks To The White Mountain Apache Tribe For Giving Sanctuary to Endangered Wolves….: […]


  6. We are all so grateful. Thank you so much White Mountain Apache…


  7. Thank God for the White Mountain Apache Tribe. God Bless them all for being such great hearted people, giving sanctuary to these endangered wolves. May God reward them for their kindness. Thanks for sharing this great news with us.


    • The poor wolves need all the help they can get Pauline, the Mexican gray wolves are so beleaguered.

      The White Mountain Apaches have been welcoming the wolves onto their land since their reintroduction in 1998.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  8. To The White Mountain Apaches I send a big thankyou for the help they give to the endangered species, the wild wolves.These animals are so beautiful to see and deserve to be looked after.


  9. i am very thankful for my apache brother to stay strong and firm like the trees and grass as kiowa apache i want to say okiowa hipikayalo lobish nekoa.


  10. blessings & thank you white mountain people for protecting my brothers the wolves from the greed & stupidy of this world today , aho


  11. Thank you so very much. I cannot find good enough words to say how much this means to me. My family are so grateful for this. We have seen how this happened in Idaho at first when the Nez Perce Tribe took in wolves there also when the bigshot ranchers began their utmost to sabotage the wolf reintroduction program that had started about a decade ago. However the wolves that did not get to go onto tribal land have been tortured, maimed and murdered by the big money ranchers and their sick big-time hunter ‘friends’. It is so painful and heinous now, the most evil cruelty, superstition and stupidity. But in the midst of all that, the White Mountain Apache people are showing such love and courage for the sacred wolves whose entire existence is on the line. Go raibh mile maith agaibh – one hundred thousand thank-you’s – as my Irish ancestors would put it.


    • It is truly amazing Alice and the Mexican gray wolves need all the help they can get!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  12. Wonderful news for the Wolves!.


  13. This Is Outstanding news
    Thank You So Much


    • You’re welcome Lucas.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  14. That’s so cool I wish I could do more


  15. Beannachtaighe ó Éirinn, agus go raibh míle maith agaibh ! Greetings from Ireland, and thank you !
    No matter where, it’s always the same story, destruction of the environment and all that’s in it, and always by the same kinds of people, and for the same selfish and ignorant reasons !
    It’s a pity there aren’t more people like the Apache, and it’s even more of a pity that they haven’t a greater amount of land to do these things.
    In the meanwhile, keep your traditions alive, and especially your language, and USE it, because if you lose your own language, the game is up, you will have played right into the hands of the very people who wish to destroy you as a seperate entity.

    Go n-éirigh an t-ádh libh
    (good luck)



    • What a beautiful name Seosamh!! Many people in their own way are trying to help the wolves but the forces against them are mighty. We will continue to fight for them, no matter what.

      Éirinn go Brách

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Thank you White Mountain tribe members for helping the Wolves.


  16. This good news is so welcome in a sea of bad news and gives us all hope that the wolves will survive the current onslaught and eventually thrive again in the wild due to the fact that communities such as this have the insight, wisdom and foresight to do what is right. Thanks Nabeki for posting this. I took the liberty of posting it on TWA too.


  17. Blessings to the White Mountain Apache Tribe and to all those who protect and give sanctuary to the wolves.


  18. Thank you to the White Mountain Apache for providing a home for these beautiful noble spirits. My maternal grandfather would be proud of his people.


  19. The White Mountain Apache do a great honor to their traditions and ancestors in offering sanctuary to wildlife.


  20. Thanks tothe White Mountain Apache Tribe for saving the Wolves.


  21. may these people not go unrewarded for their acts of kindness not only for the wolf… I had a friend who was a wolf… many years ago after I freed her from a trap


  22. Thank You for helping the Wolves, May god bless you all for your Kindness.


  23. I’m just curious and concerned–will they be free from trappers here?


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