Wolves Love…

“Perhaps it was the eyes of the wolf, measured, calm, knowing.
Perhaps it was the intense sense of family.
After all, wolves mate for life, are loyal partners, create hunting communities
and demonstrate affectionate patience in pup rearing.
Perhaps it was the rigid hierarchy of the packs.
Each wolf had a place in the whole and yet retained his individual personality.
Perhaps it was their great, romping, ridiculous sense of fun.
Perhaps it was some celestial link with the winter night skies
that prompted the wolf to lay his song on the icy air.
For the native people who lived with the wolves,
and the wolves once ranged from the Arctic to the sub-tropics,
there was much to learn from them.
Is it any wonder that the myths of many tribes characterise the wolves
not as killers but as teachers?”
~ Unknown

Wolf Video: Wolves Love – Truly Madly Deeply

Pup Photo: Courtesy All About Wolves

Posted in: gray wolves, biodiversity, gray wolf pups

Tags: wolves love deeply, pack is loyal to one another, don’t kill their mother,fathers, their babies, wolves the best parents

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19 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I wonder if Chief Seattle wrote this?


    • Not sure vanne…

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  2. Teach,protect,and the most important LIVE FREE.


    • Thumbs up James…

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  3. This beautiful quote reminds me of the way things once were, and the way they can be once again. But we must first learn to get back to basics, remember our true priories, and practice a reverence for living. There is so much beauty and wonder in nature, so many things to learn, so many teachers, so much learn.


    • We are in the middle of a culture war White Wolf between people who believe animals are senscient beings that have the right to live in peace and people who believe in dominion over these animals, to be used and abused as they see fit.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  4. Oh no, another open Senatorial seat for the 2012 race…wonder what they will sacrifice this time…lady bugs?

    “The candidacies of Kaine, Heinrich and Berkley allow Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chair Patty Murray(Wash.) to go to other spots around the country and cite them as shining examples of how the political environment is turning around for her side.”

    Speaking of turning around….I know I am going to be sick.



    • White Wolf,
      The Dems are sell outs and I will never vote for another one again. I’d rather write in the name of my dog.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Nabeki,

        I have never been very impressed with politics, it is nothing more than a corrupt game of volleyball. This underhanded delisting has only turned my stomach even more. Unfortunately, you are most correct about the Democrats selling out, yet the Republicans are just as bad. A write in vote is on the right track, we need to find a good candidate and back him.


      • We really do need a third party White Wolf. There are just no options for wildlife advocates. There was a time we could trust the Dems to do the right thing for the environment but now they’ve proven they will sell out for votes just like the Republicans. Wolves were betrayed because the Dems wanted to hold onto their majority in the Senate. I’m still outraged when I think of the Senate vote. I watched it on Cspan and they were all milling around, laughing and at ease, just another day at the office.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  5. Personally, the most important lesson the wolf teaches is to seek, express and provide happiness for happiness’ sake alone, rather than to squander the blessings of joy by deliberating its appropriateness. Mankind has become so engrossed in complicating our own emotions, in our vain efforts to perceive ourselves a higher species, that happiness has become like a fine wine, infrequently sampled and never truly enjoyed.


    • John…so beautifully put. Wolves revel in each others company, living in the moment, enjoying life as they know it. What a beautiful gift.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  6. Can’t say there is a place for all humans!! So many people are displaced in our society, that I think that is a good part of the reason there is so much mental illness.

    Wolves are extremely compassionate , intelligent animals!!!


    • vanne, wolves put some human families to shame.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  7. Such a wonderful wolf video. I truly love wolves and will always keep fighting for them.


    • I love that video too Ruth, the music fits it so well.



  8. I love the tenderness the entire pack shows toward the young ones!


    • vanne, wolves are better parents then many humans. That is a fact.



  9. I also love the video!


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